MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 569 Second grade

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Chapter 569 Second Grade

 The way of enlightenment is based on spiritual consciousness and based on formations.

Learning the second-level formation techniques and becoming a second-level formation master will give you the capital to establish yourself in the vast world of cultivation and the vast nine states.

However, ink painting currently lacks the basic inheritance of the second-grade formation.

 He thought for a while and then went to visit Yan Jiaoxi.

Yan Jiaoxi was born in Xiaolingyin Sect.

Although the Xiaolingyin Sect has declined, it has also produced second-grade formation masters. There should be some formation diagrams and formation books of second-grade formations that have been handed down.

 But the ink painting was empty...

Yan Jiaoxi was not at home, so Mo was the only one in charge, drinking tea leisurely by himself.

 “Where’s the teaching?” Mo Hua asked.

 Mo Guanshi shook his head, "I don't know, senior brother seems to have something on his mind these past few days, and he seems to be nagging. He goes out early and comes back late. I don't know what he is busy with..."

 “When will the teaching come back?”

"Later..." Mo Guanshi said, then looked at the ink painting and asked doubtfully: "Do you have anything to do with senior brother?"

Mo Hua nodded, "I want to ask something about the second-grade formation..."

 “Second-grade formation…”

Mo Guanshi was a little surprised and a little envious.

When he first got to know Mo Hua, Mo Hua could only draw an open fire formation with three formations. He went to his formation pavilion to draw some formations and earn some hard money.

 Even because of his young age, he even lied about his identity and made up a non-existent brother.

Unexpectedly, within a few years, he would already be learning the second-level formation...

 In the past few years, I have not improved even a single line of my formation skills.

 Ink painting has advanced by leaps and bounds, skipping a major level...

It’s really annoying to compare people to each other...

 Mo Guanshi muttered in his mind.

 “Don’t worry about it, do you know how to draw the second-level formation?”

Mo Hua asked curiously.

 Mo Guanshi is Yan Jiaoxi’s junior fellow apprentice and a disciple of the Xiaolingyin Sect. Logically speaking, he can be regarded as a serious formation master from the sect.

  Mo Guanshi shook his head quickly, "Don't praise me. I have a hard time painting the formation of seven or eight lines..."

 He is a normal monk and a normal formation master.

 Can't be compared with "little monsters" like ink paintings...


Manager Mo touched his chin and said, "You mentioned the second-grade formation. I remembered that there was a formation master before who was not very good at learning. He failed to draw nine out of ten formations. He couldn't afford to pay for the spiritual stone, so he lost it. An ancestral second-grade formation chart was given to me as compensation..."

 “Second-grade array pattern chart?”

"Hmm." Manager Mo nodded, "It just contains some basic second-grade formation patterns, as well as related variations of these formation patterns."

Mo Hua was startled, "Isn't that quite precious?"

   Mo Guanshi shook his head, "Not really, this kind of thing, as long as any family with a formation inheritance will have it, it can be regarded as a kind of... relatively unpopular formation experience."

 “Can I have a look?” Mo Hua said.


Mo Guanshi put down the tea cup and stood up with a fat belly, "I went back to look for it. It took a long time. I don't know where I left it..."

Mo Guanshi ran back in a hurry and came back about an hour later, holding an old book in his hand.


  Mo Guanshi handed the book to Mo Hua.

 “Thank you, steward!” Mo Hua said happily.

On the book, the words "Second Grade Formation Pattern Illustration" are written in neat handwriting.

Mo Hua opened the book and glanced at it.

 It does contain some second-grade formation patterns, which are mainly five-element formation patterns, mixed with other parts, and system formation patterns that have never been touched in ink paintings.

 In addition, it also explained in detail the difference between the first-grade formation pattern and the second-grade formation pattern, as well as the changes from the first-grade formation pattern to the second-grade formation pattern.

 It is well illustrated and written, although it is not profound, but it is very detailed.

 The owner of the catalog must be a very serious and meticulous second-grade formation master.

 But the ancestral background is probably very thin.

 So every bit of formation knowledge should be carefully written down and collected in a precious and important place.

 From shallow to deep, rich and detailed.

This also helped Mo Hua a lot.

Mo Hua thanked Mo Guanshi again.

 Mo Guanshi waved his hand quickly, "It's a small matter, it's a small matter!"

But Mo Guan was happy to be able to help Mo Hua.

 After that, don’t worry about things, drink tea, do some ink painting and read a book.

After looking at the ink paintings for a while, Yan Jiaoxi came back. He looked busy and was a little surprised when he saw the ink paintings.

 The ink painting indicates the intention.

Yan Jiaoxi thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, please wait..."

 He went back to his room, rummaged around for a stick of incense, and found two formation books.

 One is "Preliminary Explanation of Second-Rank Formation" and the other is "Illustrated Explanation of Second-Rank Formation".

"The formation book "Primary Interpretation" talks about the basic knowledge of the second-grade formation, which is about the formation theory; "Illustration" uses actual formation diagrams to explain in detail how to draw the formation patterns to form the second-grade formation... "

“This is the inheritance of Xiaolingyin Sect, and it is the orthodox formation technique. Compared with the inheritance of those big families and sects, it may be a little thinner, but there is nothing wrong with it..."

 “It’s just a pity…”

Yan Jiaoxi sighed, "For so many years, no one in Xiaolingyin Sect has been able to use it..."

 Including himself.

Yan Jiaoxi handed over the two formation books to Mo Hua as a treasure and warned:

 “Read well, study hard…”

 Inheriting these to Mo Hua can be regarded as repaying the debt of Mo Hua to the Xiaolingyin Sect, eliminating traitors and recovering the remains of their ancestors.

Yan Jiaoxi said silently in his heart.


Mo Hua nodded seriously.

With the formation pattern catalogue, as well as the "Preliminary Interpretation" and "Illustration" of the second-grade formation, you should be able to have a preliminary understanding of how to draw the second-grade formation.

 It’s just that before that, there is one more thing that Mo Hua is confused about…

“Teacher, where did you go just now?” Mo Hua asked quietly.

Yan Jiaoxi, who had always been serious and rigid, actually looked guilty for a moment.

Looking at the curious eyes of Mo Hua Shui Ling, Yan Jiaoxi coughed, looked away, and said vaguely:

 “No…nothing, just take a breather.”


Mo Hua looked puzzled, but didn’t ask any further questions.


 After returning home, Mo Hua began to look through three formation books and study the drawing method of the second-level formation.

 The second-level formation is composed of more than ten second-level formations.

 The second-grade formation pattern is somewhat similar to the first-grade formation pattern, but different.

By looking through the "Illustrated Catalog of Second-Rank Formation Patterns", Mo Hua discovered that the Second-Rank Formation Pattern is more like a blend of two first-grade Formation Patterns in a peculiar form similar to Taoism.

 The second-grade formation pattern is more complex and profound, with more lines and strokes. The changes involved and the orientation are also twice as difficult as the first-grade formation pattern.

 Drawing a second-grade formation pattern consumes twice as much spiritual consciousness as an ordinary first-grade formation pattern.

"I see…"

Mo Hua murmured in his heart.

 After establishing the foundation, the spiritual consciousness will be doubled.

 In the formation, from the ninth level of the first grade to the tenth grade of the second grade, the amount of spiritual consciousness consumed will also be doubled, and the power and effect of the formation will also be doubled.

 In terms of general formation level standards, a formation with ten lines is a second-level formation by default.

 The first-level formation pattern has a thin structure and cannot constitute an formation of more than ten lines.

Formations with more than ten lines must be constructed with second-grade formations with deeper spiritual consciousness, stronger structure, and more complex lines as the cornerstone.

 Except for the ultimate battle…

Jue Zhen contains the laws of the great road, beyond the category limits, and is different from ordinary formations...

Mo Hua frowned.

If you calculate it this way, the first-level and second-level formations have the same number of formation patterns, but the levels of the formation patterns are completely different.

For example, the Niling Jue Formation with the first-grade ten patterns, and the second-grade formation with the second-grade ten patterns. Both are ten-grade formations, but one is composed of the first-grade formations, and the other is constructed of the second-grade formations.

It is obvious that the second-grade formation pattern requires twice as much spiritual consciousness as the first-grade formation pattern.

  But the two are both ten-line formations, and there seems to be no difference in what they need for their spiritual consciousness.

Mo Hua thought about it for a while, but still had no idea, so he could only let it go temporarily.

 I thought that after I truly learned the second-grade formation, I would then compare the similarities and differences between the first-grade absolute formation and the second-grade formation at the level of spiritual consciousness.

 The next step is to learn the second-level formation in detail.

 To learn the formation method, first learn the formation patterns.

 Mo Hua first read through the "Illustration of the Second Grade Formation Patterns" several times, memorized a few basic second-grade five-element formation patterns in his mind, and simply copied them several times on paper.

 Then, he began to try to draw the first second-level formation according to the "Second-level Formation Illustration":

 "Second Grade Minghuo Formation".

 Open fire formation, a fire-based formation, is used for heating and lighting. It is basically one of the most basic formations among all levels.

  The first formal formation drawn at the beginning of ink painting was also the open fire formation.

 It's just that open fire array with three array patterns, which is not yet high quality.

The current open fire formation is a second-grade formation with a total of ten formation patterns.

Of course, ten formation patterns are actually not difficult for today’s ink paintings where the quality of fourteen patterns changes to spiritual consciousness.

 The difficulty is only that ink painting is still very unfamiliar with the understanding and mastery of the second-level formation system.

 Hand ink drawing carefully recorded the formation diagram of the second-grade open fire formation.

 At ten o'clock in the evening, he practiced the second-grade open fire formation on the Taoist stele of Shihai.

  One person, one monument, and a period of time.

 Just like back then, when he first learned the formation.

 There was a moment of trance in the ink painting.

 It seems that I have learned many formations, but it seems that I have not learned much.

 The more I learn, the more I feel that I have learned very little.

Now that the formation is approaching the second level, everything starts again.

 To learn new formation patterns, to understand deeper formation principles, to comprehend a longer avenue...

Mo Hua breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down his mood, remained humble and peaceful, and did not forget his original intention. He began to draw his first second-level formation on the Taoist monument:

 Open fire array.

 The second-grade formation patterns are more complex, the brushwork is more exquisite, and the spiritual consciousness is consumed more.

 The structure of the formation has also undergone many changes. I was still very unfamiliar with ink painting at the beginning. I painted several times but made many mistakes.

Either there is a clerical error in the formation pattern, or there is a conflict in the formation hub, or the layout is not well controlled...

Ink painting has no choice but to erase the formation lines, recall the spiritual consciousness, and continue painting.

again and again.

 Boring and mechanical.

 Ink painting has long been a common practice.

His brushwork is a little proficient, the formation pivot structure is a little proficient, and he also has a little insight into the composition of the second-grade formation...

   If you don’t know how to learn, you’ll just practice if you’re not familiar with it.

 Draw "formation" a hundred times, and its meaning becomes apparent.

The ink painting has been painted, and it has been painted until I painted the Erpin Minghuo array dozens of times.

 The formation lines and formation pivots are integrated and integrated.

 The details of the brushwork are clear to the mind...

 The writing is also more calm and thoughtful, with a measured advance and retreat.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, the last stroke of the ink painting was drawn, and the formation was completed.

On the top of the stele, there is a second-grade open fire formation. The formations are glowing, shining, and shining brightly.

This silken light is more condensed and more dazzling.

 Just like before, it also illuminates the ink painting, the first step of the second-grade formation master...

Mo Hua breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile.

 Second-grade formation!

 I finally drew it myself!

 Ink Hua couldn't help but feel a little complacent. After admiring the second-grade open fire array he drew on the Taoist stele for a while, he reluctantly erased it and continued to draw again after his spiritual consciousness recalled it.

 One time it is raw, the second time it is ripe.

 This is my first time doing ink painting, so I am still very unfamiliar with it and there are many mistakes and omissions.

 Because the second-level formation is of a different level from the first-level formation, and the formation patterns are very different, a lot of effort was spent.

 But after drawing it for the first time, with the strength of his spiritual consciousness and understanding of the formation, the next drawing was much faster.

The next open fire formation, the ink painting became very familiar and easy to do.

 The second-grade formation has cognitive barriers.

Mo Hua himself also lacks understanding of the second-grade formation.

 Otherwise, the second-grade and ten-line open fire formation is actually simpler to draw than the first-grade and ten-line counter-spirit formation.

The ink painting keeps on painting, and keeps on painting, until the open fire array is thoroughly familiar, and then withdraws from the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, the sky has turned white, and the rays of rays are all over the sky, dyeing the cheeks painted in ink red.

Mo Hua was in a good mood, with a smile on his face.

 Having drawn the second-grade open fire formation, it can be regarded as crossing a small threshold.

 The next step is to actually draw the open fire array.

 Drawing on a Taoist stele, using the hand as the pen, spiritual consciousness as the ink, and the Taoist stele as the medium, cannot be fully regarded as "drawing".

 Naturally, it cannot be regarded as a true “knowledge”.

Mo Hua got up, laid paper on the table, took out his pen, dipped it in ink, and planned to try to draw the second-grade open fire array.

 But as soon as he started writing, Mo Hua was stunned.

 He suddenly realized a serious problem:

 The open fire formation is a second-grade formation...

 But I don’t have a second-grade spiritual ink!

Not only the spiritual ink, but also the second-grade formation pen, formation paper, or other formation media, he doesn’t have any of them!

Make bricks without straw.

With no pen, no ink and no paper, how can you draw formations...

Mo Hua sighed.


He hadn’t worried about pen, ink, paper and inkstone for a long time, so he didn’t think about it for a while.

“But… where is the second-grade spiritual ink?”


Mo Hua made a special trip to various business pavilions in Tongxian City and also visited the market, but found nothing.

There is no second-grade formation master in Tongxian City, so naturally no one can draw the second-grade formation, and there is no second-grade spiritual ink!

 Even if some families and merchants have some stocks, if they have been stored for too long, the spiritual ink has completely lost its effectiveness and cannot be used to draw formations.

Mo Hua had no choice but to think about it and went to see Master Luo.

Master Luo has been a first-grade formation master for a long time. He is very experienced and has many connections. He has studied formations for so many years. If he wants to become a second-grade formation master, he will definitely prepare some second-grade spiritual ink.

Mo Hua arrived at Luo Mansion, but learned that Master Luo was not there.

 He went to see Master Qian for tea...

 Ink paintings can only be transferred to Qian Mansion.

 The former Qian family has long since been torn apart, the family fortune has declined, and each member of the clan has made a living independently.

 The huge money palace was divided into independent courtyards.

 The courtyard where Master Qian lives today is in the southwest corner of Qian's Mansion. It occupies the largest area and is also the most spacious. However, the plaque in front of the door has been replaced with "Qian's School".

This is not only Master Qian's cave, but also a school specially opened by him to teach formations.

Master Qian also remembered the agreement with Mo Hua, calmed down, studied the formation, and taught the formation to the children of casual cultivators in Tongxian City.

Master Luo, when he has nothing to do, he will come here to visit.

 Drinking tea with Master Qian, exchanging formations, and occasionally giving pointers to other disciples.

When Mo Hua came in, Master Luo and Master Qian were in the courtyard with quiet flowers and pleasant scenery, making tea and drinking together.

 In the school, the children are concentrating on practicing the basic formation patterns.

When Mo Hua entered the door, Master Luo and Master Qian were both surprised and surprised. They stood up to greet them and said:

 “Little sir, few visitors, few visitors…”

Mo Hua's original formation attainments were higher than theirs, but now that he has established a foundation, his status is even higher, and the two of them dare not neglect him.

Mo Hua also smiled and greeted them.

 “Master Luo, Master Qian, long time no see.”

Master Luo looked at the ink painting and saw that although the ink painting had already established its foundation, its eyes were deep, its spiritual consciousness was stronger, and its formation knowledge was deeper, but it was kind, innocent and sincere, and seemed to be no different from before. He couldn't help but admire it.

Master Luo felt ashamed and said: "In front of this young gentleman, I cannot bear the word 'master'."

 I don’t really mind the ink painting.

After sitting down, Master Qian poured tea for Mo Hua and asked, "What important business do you have here, young gentleman?"

Mo Hua nodded and said, "Two masters, do you have second-grade spiritual ink?"

 “Second-grade spiritual ink!”

Master Luo and Master Luo looked at each other, a little surprised, "Sir, do you know the second-level formation?"

Although Mo Hua felt that he was already familiar with the second-grade open fire formation, he had never actually painted it before, so it was difficult to speak loudly, so he said modestly:

 “I know a little bit, I want to try painting.”

Master Luo will naturally not think that if he is good at ink painting, it is just "a" point.

Master Luo had a wry smile on his face, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He is now over a hundred years old and is only a first-level formation master. Mo Hua is still young, but he is already learning second-level formations...

Although it was a good thing for him that Mo Hua became a second-grade formation, he still couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.


Master Luo thought for a while, nodded and said: "I have some second-grade spiritual ink, but not much, only two bottles..."

Master Qian also said: "I also have some here, which were stored in the Qian family's inventory back then, but there are only five bottles. If you don't mind, Mr. Qian, you can use them."

Mo Hua was overjoyed, "Thank you Master Luo, thank you Master Qian!"

 “You’re welcome, young gentleman…”

 Master Luo and Master Qian took out the spiritual ink and handed it to the ink painting.

These spiritual inks are also Five Elements Spiritual Ink. They are contained in jade bottles. Their aura is surging and contains the astonishing Five Elements spiritual power.

Mo Hua couldn't help but said: "Isn't this spiritual ink quite expensive..."

Master Qian nodded, "Generally, one grade of spiritual ink contains about ten spiritual stones in a bottle. Depending on the quality or scarcity, there will be some discrepancies. The cheaper ones cost two or three spiritual stones in a bottle, and the more expensive ones cost dozens of spiritual stones. There are also ones from Shi Ping Ping…”

“Second-grade spiritual ink, generally speaking, is cheaper and costs one hundred spiritual stones per bottle.”

 “Some are more expensive, including hundreds or even thousands...”

Mo Hua was shocked, "So expensive?!"

 One hundred spiritual stones in one bottle…

 The five small bottles in his hand cost at least 500 spiritual stones...

Master Qian sighed: "Yes, so it is not easy to learn the formation. The higher you go, the more difficult it becomes..."

“This small bottle of spiritual ink and a hundred spiritual stones can be used to draw a formation. Even if it is foolproof and 100% safe, it can only be used to draw two sets of second-grade primary formations..."

“As for a formation, I really want to learn it, at least dozens of times, sometimes hundreds of times..."

“Learning a second-grade formation will consume a lot of pen and ink spirit stones…”

"It doesn't matter if it's a big family or a big sect. This little spiritual stone is just a drop in the bucket. They have three meals a day and that's not all they eat..."

 “It’s nothing for a middle-level aristocratic family.”

“But if a small family or sect provides a second-grade formation master, it will be very difficult..."

 “A casual cultivator…”

 Master Qian smiled bitterly.

Rogue cultivators can’t afford to support themselves, so how can they provide formation masters of level two or above.

Mo Hua opened his mouth wide, looked at the bottles of spiritual ink in his hand, frowned, and asked:

“Aren’t these spiritual inks made from demon blood? Why are they so expensive?”

Master Luo was silent for a moment and said slowly:

“Second-grade monsters are difficult to hunt and draw blood from.”

 “Of course, this is not the root cause...”

 Master Luo's voice was a little lower.

“No matter how difficult it is to kill a second-grade monster, if you are equipped with spiritual ink, you only need blood, and you don’t need rare things like inner elixir, heart demon marrow…”

 “Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be so expensive.”

“However, the formulas and techniques for preparing spiritual ink, as well as some rare spiritual herbs, are all in the hands of the great sects of the great aristocratic families.”

Master Luo pointed upward, "Since they have a monopoly, they have the final say."

“Whether it’s ten spiritual stones, a hundred spiritual stones, a thousand spiritual stones, or ten thousand…it’s not something we can decide.”

“Those who really hunt monsters, draw blood, and mix ink can actually not earn spiritual stones. Most of the benefits have been exploited by the wealthy families..."

"They did this, firstly, to make profits, and secondly..."

Master Luo paused for a moment, but looking at the ink paintings of a casual cultivator, he still made it clearer.

“…Don’t let the bottom layer have too many formation masters, so as not to shake the… foundation.”

 (End of this chapter)