MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 56 change

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Chapter 56 Changes

After the Lotus Festival, Mo Hua still went to Mr. Zhuang to learn formations, and Bai Zisheng and Bai Zixi also came together.

Although the three of them are all apprentices, they learn different things. Mo Hua mainly learns formations, and can only learn formations.

Bai Zisheng and Bai Zixi learned everything. In addition to practicing, they also involved formations, alchemy, talismans, and weapon refining.

The questions I ask Mr. Zhuang every day also cover a wide range of topics. In addition to questions about formations, I also ask questions about all aspects of practice.

Among these questions, only those related to formations can be understood in ink painting, but most of the other ink paintings are completely unknown.

The background of casual cultivators is already weak. He can learn formations because he has lived in two lifetimes, has extraordinary spiritual awareness and has a Tao tablet in his mind, so he can practice formations without spending spiritual stones. As for other types of cultivation , he wanted to learn but had no way to start.

However, although Mo Hua doesn’t understand these issues, he still keeps them in mind. Even if he doesn’t understand them at the moment, he still has an impression, so that he won’t be confused in the future.

 The world of monasticism is turbulent, and who knows what situations we may encounter in the future. It never hurts to know more.

Mo Hua learned a lot from the Bai family brothers and sisters, and he had to admit that the two of them were much higher than him in talent and understanding. Whether it was the foundation of cultivation, the level of formations, or even in many aspects, Mo Hua was the best. Far inferior.

 The so-called "proud son of heaven" in the family is probably like this.

 I admire Bai Zixi very much in Mo Hua.

 While I admire Bai Zisheng, I also feel a little bit disgusted with him.

 The three of them were not very familiar with each other before, and they were somewhat cautious in getting along.

But ever since they went shopping together during the Lotus Festival, the relationship between Bai Zisheng and Mo Hua has become more casual. They would talk to Mo Hua when they had nothing to do, and occasionally quarreled.

 In front of strangers, Bai Zisheng is a proud man of an aristocratic family with extraordinary talents, handsome appearance and calm demeanor.

 After getting familiar with him, Bai Zisheng is more like a competitive child, and he is somewhat talkative. Although he is diligent in practicing and studying on weekdays, when he has free time, he likes to chat with Mo Hua.

“Mo Hua, when can we see that monster-fighting scene again?”

 “At the time of the festival.”

“Mo Hua, when you monster hunters hunt monsters, what kind of method do you usually use?”

  “Whatever is useful.”

"Mo Hua, when you hunt monsters, can you take me with you..."

 “I’m not a demon hunter yet, I don’t know how to hunt demons.”

 “Ink painting…”


Sometimes Mo Hua would answer one or two sentences, and sometimes Bai Zisheng would ask too many questions, and Mo Hua would not bother to pay attention to him.

When Bai Zisheng saw that Mo Hua ignored him, he peeked at the formation book that Mo Hua was reading. When the two were not familiar with each other before, Bai Zisheng was still very reserved, but now it is different.

""Liuhe Zhenshu Lun"? It's not bad, I can learn it pretty quickly. Don't you understand the meaning of the Zhenshu?"

Mo Hua really didn’t understand, so he nodded honestly.

 Bai Zisheng said proudly: "Do you want to know?"

Mo Hua looked at him silently, really wanting to know, but a little bit disdainful of Bai Zisheng's proud expression.

"On the seventh day of the next month, there will be a fight against monsters." Mo Hua said slowly.

Bai Zisheng looked happy.

 “But I won’t take you there.” Mo Hua said again.

Bai Zisheng choked, "Then I won't tell you what the formation pivot means."

"I can ask sir." Bai Zisheng was speechless. After some inner struggle, he compromised: "Then I'll tell you what the formation hub means. You take me to see the monster fighting show!"

“No need, I can just ask my husband.” Mo Hua refused.

Bai Zisheng scratched his head anxiously, "Sir, you are very busy. There is no need to bother you with such a small problem. Moreover, your lectures are very profound and you may not be able to understand them if you are new to enlightenment."

Although the word "enlightenment" makes Mo Hua unhappy, what Bai Zisheng said is indeed the truth.

Mr. Zhuang is highly accomplished in formations. In his eyes, things that are too simple to be worth mentioning may take a long time to understand for someone who has never been exposed to ink painting.

Mo Hua reluctantly said: "Okay, I promise you, but if you don't understand, I won't take you there."

Bai Zisheng was overjoyed and said quickly: "Don't worry, apart from Zi Xi, no other disciple in the family can learn the formation better than me."

Then Bai Zisheng explained eagerly:

“The formation hub is the center of the formation, used to connect the formation patterns and transmit spiritual power..."

"Using the analogy of a monk, the formation eye is like the sea of ​​qi, the formation hub is like the meridians, the formation pattern is like the collaterals, and the formation medium is the physical body that carries the meridians. The spiritual power of the monk is transported from the sea of ​​qi, passes through the core meridians, and fills the collaterals The pulses are condensed into Taoism, and the spiritual power of the formation comes out from the formation eye, and through the formation hub, it stimulates the formation pattern, so that the formation can be effective..."

After Bai Zisheng finished speaking, Mo Hua understood and couldn't help but glance at Bai Zisheng.

If you don’t have enough understanding, it’s impossible to explain it in an easy-to-understand manner. This shows that the foundation of Bai Zi Sheng Formation is indeed very solid, but sometimes it’s just too much to talk about...

Mo Hua couldn't help but ask: "Do you usually talk to others like this?"

 “Who are you talking to?”

Mo Hua thought for a moment, "Hmm...a disciple in your family?"

Bai Zisheng said with disdain, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to them."

Mo Hua asked curiously: "Why?"

 “I don’t like the look in their eyes.”

Bai Zisheng's face turned cold, "They are either flattering, jealous, contemptuous, or indifferent. I look unhappy and don't like to talk to them."

Mo Hua was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the careless Bai Zisheng would be so thoughtful.

After Bai Zisheng said this, he returned to his original expression, "I've made it clear to you what Zhenshu means. You have to take me to the demon fighting show on the seventh day of the lunar month!"

 “Okay.” Mo Hua said helplessly, and then said:

"I'm going to practice the formation. Don't talk to me for an hour."

Bai Zisheng waved his hand and said, "Practice, practice, no one will stop you."

 Ink painting took out the "Three Talents Formation" and started drawing it.

This is the formation that Mr. Zhuang asked Mo Hui to draw before. After a few days of practice, he can barely draw it, but it is easy to make mistakes and the brushwork is not very proficient.

Bai Zixi was reading elegantly, concentrating on drawing formations in ink paintings, and the bamboo pavilion suddenly became quiet.

Bai Zisheng meditated for a while, looked at Bai Zixi, and then looked at the ink paintings. He endured his patience and meditated for a while. Finally, he couldn't help it anymore and secretly peeked his head in to look at the formations of the ink paintings.

As he watched, Bai Zisheng's expression became serious. He wanted to say something several times, but finally held back.

It’s just that he didn’t have the intention to practice anymore. He just stared at the formation under the ink brush without blinking.

Bai Zixi was reading a book when she saw Bai Zisheng's strange behavior and gently pulled his sleeves, hoping to make him concentrate on his practice. Unexpectedly, Bai Zisheng didn't notice at all.

Bai Zixi was slightly stunned. Following Bai Zisheng's gaze, he also saw the formation that Mo Hua was painting. He couldn't move his eyes away for a moment.

Mo Hua, who was so focused on it, didn't notice it and was still busy drawing the formation.

When he finished drawing the Three Talents Formation, he looked up and saw Bai Zisheng's wide eyes, and when he turned his head he saw Bai Zixi's eyes that were as lively as autumn water.

 (End of this chapter)