MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 2 road monument

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Chapter 2 Taoist Monument

As soon as I could remember things in ink paintings, this Taoist stele appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and there were also some vague memories.

 The ink paintings in my memory spent a short life in another world without spirituality.

 At that time, Mo Hua's family was ordinary, but he studied hard and got good grades. He was admitted to university, majored in fine arts, and liked to study traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy.

 After graduation, I worked as an art artist in a large company. I worked overtime and died of overwork in my twenties.

 I studied when I was a student and worked after graduation. I spent my whole life in tension and anxiety.

 When he came back to his senses, he found that he was living in a daze and died unexpectedly.

 In the moments before death, a life's experiences pass before our eyes like a revolving lantern.

 I have never done anything truly valuable in my life: I have not been filial to my parents, I have not pursued my ideals, I have no dreams, I have no love, I have not seen the scenery of the world...

These memories are vague, and sometimes it is difficult to tell the true from the false in the ink paintings.

Zhuang Sheng dreamed of butterflies. I don’t know whether it was Zhuang Sheng dreaming of butterflies or butterflies dreaming of Zhuang Sheng.

 As time goes by, ink painting becomes less entangled.

 The past is past. Now he is only ten years old and the world he lives in is the world of monasticism.

 He is a monk.

 A monk who can fully understand the way of heaven, reach the nine states, pick up the sun and moon with his hands, and bury the stars with his hands!

Of course, it can also be a monk who has spent his whole life refining qi, can neither fly nor martial arts, can’t use a few spells, and makes a humble living...

 Without the Taoist stele, Mo Hua estimated that he would be the humble latter.

 The stele is suspended in the sea of ​​consciousness of the ink painting.

It is broad and clumsy, with strange and incomplete shapes. The body of the stele seems to be nothingness, and there seems to be a vast and obscure aura floating around. In a trance, it feels as if it is empty and empty, with nothing...

 The empty surface of the tablet can be used to draw formations, and each time a formation is drawn, the spiritual consciousness of the ink painting will be enhanced.

Monki hundreds of industry, array is the respect!

  Formation is the most difficult category to learn among all the monastic professions, and the most important thing in learning formation is spiritual consciousness!

 The formation is composed of formation patterns. It is the pattern of the way of heaven that the ancient monks copied after painstakingly understanding the way of heaven.

 The lines of the formation are like ancient characters and simple paintings, which contain endless mysteries.

 When drawing formations, the sea of ​​consciousness communicates with the mysteries of heaven, which consumes a huge amount of spiritual consciousness.

Monks do not have enough spiritual consciousness to draw formations. Otherwise, their spiritual consciousness will easily dry up, or even the sea of ​​consciousness will be shattered and the body will die. To become a formation master, you need to constantly learn various formation diagrams and practice various formations.

Therefore, formations are difficult to learn and practice, and formation masters are prone to collapse and die due to lack of spiritual awareness and forced formation formations.

When Mo Hua draws formations on Taoist monuments, his spiritual consciousness will be consumed, but when he erases the drawn formations, the spiritual consciousness will be returned instantly, making Mo Hua's spiritual consciousness full.

 From something to nothing, and then from nothing to something, like a great road, mysterious and unusual.

At the same time, every time the ink painting draws the formation, the spiritual consciousness will increase slightly. Although it is small, it is indeed increasing.

As far as Mo Hua knows, there is no method for cultivating spiritual consciousness in the world of cultivation. Most of the enhancement of spiritual consciousness depends on the breakthrough of realm.

 Hence, even if the increase in spiritual consciousness is very small, it is extremely rare.

As long as you keep drawing formations on the Taoist monument, Mo Hua will be able to improve your level of formations. At the same time, as long as you keep drawing formations, your spiritual consciousness will continue to increase.

With a strong spiritual consciousness, Mo Hua can learn more, higher-level, and more powerful formations.

One day, Mo Hua can use this to become a powerful formation master.

The status of the formation master is respected. Even if it is just an ordinary formation master who is not yet at the first level, he will make a considerable income from spiritual stones by drawing formations for others.

Once you become a formation master, you can draw various mysterious formations, and you have the foundation to establish yourself, you can continue to practice, and you will not just be a Qi-refining monk for the rest of your life.

Mo Hua said silently in his heart.

 But becoming a formation master is also very difficult. It is difficult to learn the formation method, and it is difficult to be the formation master.

Among the categories of monasticism set by the Taoist court, the identification of formation masters is the strictest, or even the most stringent.

The formation is composed of formation patterns. The basic formation only contains one formation pattern. With each additional formation pattern, the formation will be upgraded to a higher level, the effectiveness of the formation will be enhanced, and the required spiritual consciousness will also be greatly increased.

 Draw one to five formation patterns, and you can become a formation apprentice.

 Those who draw six to eight formation patterns can be called a formation master, but this kind of formation master is just an ordinary formation master and is not among the grades recognized by the Taoist court.

Only by drawing the nine formation patterns and passing the Tao Ting's qualification assessment can one become a true first-grade formation master.

 Becoming a first-level formation master is almost equivalent to reaching the sky in one step for a monk in the Qi Refining Stage.

First-grade formation masters are basically guests of major families and sects. Even foundation-building monks do not dare to offend easily. Even if they do nothing, they will receive a monthly spiritual stone allowance from Daoting Tianshu Pavilion. , there will also be countless young and beautiful female cultivators who will cross the threshold and compete to become Taoist monks.

In addition to the extremely difficult assessment for first-level formation masters, there are also quotas for each state. If you want to become a first-level formation master, it depends on both hard work and destiny.

 Unlucky, the quota is limited in the state where you are located. Even if you have the formation skills of a first-grade formation master, you will not get a quota for the fixed-grade formation, and you can only wait for the next assessment.

  Some formation masters have wasted their whole lives just trying to take the exam.

Countless low-level monks have worked hard and studied their scriptures until their hair turned gray, but they have never achieved their long-cherished wish to be promoted to a first-class formation master.

The so-called quota quotas of Daoting are generally just excuses for large families and large sects. They need the title of First-Rank Formation Master to give their direct lineage or direct disciples the icing on the cake and make them the geniuses that attract everyone's attention.

Those low-level monks who have worked hard to become first-class formation masters are just dust under their feet that has never touched their eyes.

It was already dark at this time, Mo Hua was lying in the dormitory where his disciples lived, but his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he kept drawing formations on the Taoist stele.

 The formation drawn in the ink painting is called the dual formation, which contains two formation patterns and is considered one of the basic formations.

But this formation has never been successfully painted in ink painting before.

 Disciples in the early stages of Qi refining generally can only learn formations that contain a formation pattern due to insufficient spiritual awareness. Among the disciples in the early stages of Qi refining in the outer sect of Tongxian Sect, there are very few who can learn all the formation patterns.

However, I have long been familiar with the ink painting of a single formation pattern, and I can paint it with ease.

Mo Hua wanted to learn more difficult formations, so every night, he practiced the binary formation containing two formations on the Taoist monument.

 After dozens of nights of repeated practice and hard work, the ink painting finally succeeded.

When a formation master learns formation techniques, each formation pattern is a threshold. Drawing one more formation pattern means climbing a ladder.

Being able to draw two formation patterns in ink painting means that his spiritual consciousness and formation level are already much higher than those of monks of the same age.

Among the disciples of the outer sect of Tongxian Sect who are in the early stage of Qi refining, his formation level should be considered unique.

Mo Hua breathed a sigh of relief. When dawn broke at Mao Shi, his consciousness left the sea of ​​consciousness, and Mo Hua also opened his eyes.

Even though he painted formations all night long, Mo Hua was still conscious and clear, and he did not feel tired, as if he had just slept peacefully.

 Opening the window, the morning sunlight shines on her delicate and fair face.

The morning sun rises outside the window, and the clouds spread over thousands of miles.

Ten-year-old Mo Hua took a breath and looked at the scenery on the horizon with firm eyes.

As long as you keep practicing formations and honing your spiritual consciousness, you will definitely be able to become a first-grade formation master one day.

At that time, if the sun rises, we will definitely take a big step towards seeking immortality and asking questions.

 Your life is no longer just about refining your Qi!

 (End of this chapter)