MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 10 draw array

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Chapter 10 Drawing Formation

 The next morning, after having breakfast, Mo Hua put down his chopsticks and went back to the house. He took out the paper and pen for copying, and while his memory of the open fire array was still clear, he started copying one stroke at a time.

 The copying uses the cheapest and ordinary ink and paper, which itself has no aura. The formations drawn are only patterns and have no effect, so the consumption of spiritual consciousness is minimal, and there is no need to worry about wasting spiritual stones if it fails.

Mo Hua relied on his memory to copy the formation in one go. Because he did not consume much spiritual consciousness, there was almost no pause.

Mo Hua took out the diagram of the open fire formation and carefully checked the formation he had copied, and found three mistakes.

Mo Hua put the formation paper together, took out another one, and continued to draw. I drew three pictures in a row like this, and finally I copied a complete picture of the open fire array with good details.

Mo Hua breathed a long sigh of relief, stretched out, looked at the small sundial in front of the table, and found that it was already noon, and then he felt hungry.

Liu Ruhua has already prepared the meal, including rice made from spiritual rice and a few stir-fried vegetarian dishes. The only meat dish is the eggs of the demon chicken. The quality of spiritual rice is inferior, but it is enough to satisfy hunger.

The meal was simple and delicious, and the ink painting was very delicious. After eating, I ran back to the house and continued to practice copying the open fire array.

Liu Ruhua looked at the figure in the ink painting and said worriedly:

“Hua’er, this kid, works too hard and looks like he’s lost a lot of weight.”

Mo Shan nodded and said: "It's a good thing to work hard, but I'm just afraid of exhausting myself. Hua'er is naturally weak and has a weak foundation. It's really not good to work too hard."

Liu Ruhua sighed, "It's a pity that he didn't inherit your talent in body training, but he is as frail and sick as me..."

Mo Shan gently hugged Liu Ruhua's thin shoulders, "How can I blame you? Hua'er's blood was weak when he was born, so we went to see Mr. Feng from Xinglin Hall. He also said that when a person is born, The spiritual consciousness and the physical body are balanced. When Hua'er was born, the spiritual consciousness was strong, so the physical body was weak. You see, although Mo Hua is frail now, who child in the neighborhood is as smart as him? Hua'er can be so smart, and She looks pretty, isn’t this all due to you?”

Liu Ruhua couldn't help but smile and said, "You are the only one who can speak."

Seeing that his wife's eyebrows relaxed a little, Mo Shan said: "I talked to Lao Zhou from the demon hunting team about some things this morning. I heard that a few days ago, the demon hunting team happened to kill a fire chicken. This kind of chicken is not a monster. , Meat has a bit of spiritual energy, I will buy some for Mo Hua to try, and you can also replenish your health."

Liu Ruhua said: "Do you still have enough spiritual stones at home?"

"No need," Mo Shan said, "We are all brothers who have hunted monsters together. We are friends with each other. It's the same thing to give them on credit first and then give them later in the year."

Liu Ruhua put the storage bag on Mo Shan's hand, "You can give as much as you can. If you don't have enough, you will pay it back after the new year. The new year is approaching, and everyone still has to earn some spiritual stones to celebrate the new year."

Mo Shan thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's fine."

Mo Shan and his wife were chatting, while Mo Hua was not distracted and continued to draw the open fire array. Until night, the ink painting was quite proficient.

Mo Hua also hurriedly finished dinner, and then returned to the house impatiently, held his breath and rested for a while, then fell asleep on time and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

An ancient stone tablet stands in a white sea of ​​consciousness.

 The ink painting uses the finger as a pen to formally draw the formation on the stone tablet. The formation patterns on the stone tablet gradually become complete, and the spiritual consciousness of the ink painting also pours out.

When his spiritual consciousness gradually became scarce and the ink painting was about to be unable to hold up, he finally painted the entire open fire array.

The ink painting stopped, and the formation on the stone tablet also emitted a warm white light.

The open fire formation can only be drawn by monks at the third level of Qi Refining. The ink painting only has the second level of Qi Refining. Although it is difficult now, I can already draw a complete open fire formation.

 This also means that even compared to monks at the third level of Qi Refining, Mo Hua's spiritual consciousness is not inferior. Mo Hua felt a little proud in his heart, and then he erased the drawn flame array, and his consciousness immediately became full again.

Mo Hua continued to draw the open fire formation. He must use tonight's time to thoroughly master the open fire formation, and then start to formally draw the formation tomorrow.

 In the white and silent sea of ​​​​consciousness, the ink paintings draw the open fire array over and over again, summarizing and reflecting on the various problems encountered.

Unknowingly, the sky was already bright, and Mo Hua involuntarily withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Mo Hua, who felt no fatigue at all, got up immediately and meditated on the bed for a while. After breakfast, he washed his hands and solemnly took out the formation materials given by the fat steward.

 The materials include ten sheets of paper and ten small bottles of light red ink. The formation paper is made of the skin of monster beasts and some spiritual grass clippings, and the ink is mixed with the blood and spiritual liquid of fire monster beasts. It is different from the paper and ink used for copying ink paintings, because they are all filled with spiritual energy. Of course, it is also much more expensive.

The fat steward also gave a pen as a gift, although it was new, but the workmanship was very rough. It was not much better than the one he used for ink painting. The ink painting was not opened, so it was more convenient to use his usual pen.

 Mo Hua spread the formation paper on the table and carefully poured the ink into the inkstone. The inkstone can preserve the spiritual power of the ink longer and prevent it from dissipating quickly.

Mo Hua reviewed the patterns of the open fire formation in his mind before he started to formally draw the formation.

 The process of drawing the formation was smoother than expected in Mo Hua. Except for using real pen and ink and formation paper, the feeling was exactly the same as drawing the formation on the stone tablet of the Consciousness Sea. Even the speed of consumption of spiritual consciousness was the same.

 Just because I was a little nervous, some of the strokes were slightly crooked. Although it did not affect the effectiveness of the formation itself, the drawn formation was somewhat ugly.

I spent a lot of time in ink painting and finally drew the open fire array, but unfortunately I still made a mistake.

 The attack was not successful at the beginning, so I lost a spiritual stone first...

Mo Hua was heartbroken.

Moreover, when his spiritual consciousness is exhausted, he can no longer draw formations in ink paintings. He can only close his eyes and rest.

“I don’t know if there is any way to quickly restore consciousness…”

Mo Huaxin said, now he misses the time when he practiced formations on the Taoist monument. Unfortunately, in reality, the Taoist monument is not used.

Mo Hua was resting. Before his consciousness could be recovered, the morning had passed and Liu Ruhua had already called Mo Hua to have lunch.

During lunch, Mo Hua simply took a few bites of rice, then ran back to the house and spread out a piece of paper again.

Looking at the blank formation paper in front of him, Mo Hua calmed down his emotions, summarized his experience, silently recited "Failure is the mother of success", and began to draw the second open flame formation.

This time the ink painting is more focused and careful. Every time I start to write after careful consideration, I also pre-imagine the formation pattern below. When his consciousness was exhausted and he closed his eyes to rest, he kept recalling the diagram of the Minghuo Formation in his mind.

The ink painting was very slow, but time passed quickly. At dusk, although it was still intermittent, I finally succeeded in drawing the open flame array.

 Mo Hua couldn't hide his excitement. Apart from the excitement, he felt exhausted and exhausted. Mo Hua fell on the bed contentedly and fell asleep after a while.

When Mo Hua woke up, it was already dark, and he was feeling hungry. Suddenly he smelled a fragrance. Following the fragrance, he walked into the main hall and saw a large bowl of meat on the table!

 (End of this chapter)