MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 543 Dragon Meteor

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  Chapter 543 Dragon Meteor

   Lord God! List me the redemption list for the A-level horror branch!

  Standing in the empty hall of Dongjun Building, Li Ang inexplicably wanted to say this. But considering the puppet machine servant standing beside him, he decided to let it go.

"plz follow me."

  The puppet named Ati turned around slowly, took out an oil lamp from the storage room, and walked deep into the floor.

   Li Ang followed quickly, and asked: "Now we are going to the training ground, shall we try one by one?"

  The head of the mountain promised to let him pick an alienated object from Dongjun Building as a new weapon, but Dongjun Building has too many aliens in its possession, and it may take a long time to pick one by one.


  Ati shook his head and said, "There is a faster way to find a weapon that suits you."

  He went underground along the slope, and came to a stone staircase that spiraled downward.

  The overall staircase is like an inverted lighthouse, extending down to an unknown depth.

  There are doors sealed on the right wall.

  These doors are made of different materials, such as wood, iron, stone, or cloth.

  Some are dusty and some are brand new.

  The only thing that is the same is that all the doors are marked on the top, and the door locks are installed.

   One can't help but guess what is hidden behind these stone doors.

  Ati took out the fire pocket, lit the oil lamp, held the lamp, and led Li Ang into the cold and dark spiral staircase.

   Tap, tap, tap.

  In the empty stairs, the sound of footsteps echoed,

   Li Ang snapped his fingers, trying to release the shimmering talisman. It was a success, but the light from his fingertips was instantly swallowed by the surrounding darkness.

   It seems that the stairs themselves do not allow light other than oil lamps to appear.

  Li Ang had no choice but to give up trying, and followed Ati, silently counting the number of steps he had passed,

   Level 40, Level 100, Level 150

  Based on the height of the steps, Li Ang calculated the distance from the ground, and Li Ang was shocked to find that this place was already one thousand meters underground.

  The light of the oil lamp in Ati's hand became increasingly dim, and his stiff face with obvious puppet features looked like a ghost under the dim yellow light.

   Seemingly noticing the hesitation in Li Ang's footsteps, Ati said without turning his head: "This is the restriction on the ground floor of Dongjun Tower. The space is not determined by the space, but by the brightness of the oil lamp."

   "The darker the oil lamp, the deeper the descent?"

   This is also the first time Li Ang has heard that there is such a restriction, and it is quite novel, "What will happen if you blow out the oil lamp?"

  "A school disciple once did this before, and then he was lost here forever, never to be found again. No one knows where he went or what happened to him.

   Xuegong had to take a wall brick and send it to his family as a tomb. "

  Ati calmly said: "So please don't do this."

   While speaking, the light of the oil lamp was less than one-third of the ground,

  Ati stopped, took out the key from the cart, and inserted it into the wooden door lock marked with the number 1024 on the side.


  The wooden door opened, and a gust of cool breeze blows in.

  Behind the door is a large room with library-like bookcases inside.

  There is a swinging clock hanging on the wall, and in the grid of each bookcase, there are not books, but beetles that look like white silkworms with golden threads on their backs.

  A large number of puppet servants with slightly stiff movements, pushing the cart, passing through the bookcases, stopping from time to time, using the cleaning tools on the cart to clean the body surface of the moth fairy,

  Or tear off the book pages and feed them to the silverfish.

   'A lot of...'

   Li Ang looked at the endless bookcase, listening to the sound of pages being chewed one after another,

  Shocked by the vastness of the academy—

  Even the richest Jialan sect among the former Sui sects did not gather such a large number of demons.

   "This is the Cangjie Room of the Academy."

  Atti turned the button to turn off the lantern, placed it on the table at the door, and walked into the room.

  Li Ang glanced at the wooden door that closed automatically behind him, followed quickly, and heard Ati continue to introduce: "Cangjie created characters, rained millet in the sky, and ghosts cried at night, creating the foundation of civilization for the human race.

  In the name of the sages, the Academy built the Cangjie Room to collect the books of the world. Practice all kinds of laws, astronomy and geography, military science and agriculture, all-encompassing. Keep the classics from being lost, and protect the civilization of the human race from falling. "

  Looking around, Li Ang carefully observed the behavior of the machine servants and puppets, and found that the books they were feeding were indeed very rich.

   Not just traditional books, but also newspapers, magazines, maps, pictures, government documents, and even some personal letters!

   I don't know where I got it from.

   "Why do you still have my book?"

  Li Ang saw Chai Chai's romance novel published in Lanling News on a cart, and his expression became weird.

   (This novel is about the protagonist and heroine who were childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, but unfortunately separated,

  In a chance encounter on the street, the heroine finds out the hero. However, in order to avenge his parents being framed to death by the political enemies of the court, the latter had to hide his identity and deliberately alienated the heroine.

  From the perspective of the plot, it is quite normal and domineering,

   The only weird thing is the main character's name.

  The male protagonist is named Chai Yaoyu, and the female protagonist is named Li Rimao...

   Li Ang shook his head and came back to his senses.

  Each silverfish will spit out a silk fabric the size of a book page after eating a whole book. The content of the entire book is recorded in miniature above. As long as these tough and imperishable silk materials are preserved, a large number of books can be preserved.

   Moreover, Xixian has a photographic memory and a long lifespan. Feel free to refer to any note down when needed.

   With such a large number of celestial beings, it may really be able to preserve and record the entire human civilization!


  Ah Ti stopped, and Li Ang also stopped.

   What appeared in front of his eyes was a giant silverfish that was comparable in size to a blue whale.

  The dense golden threads on its body extend in both directions up and down, like towering trees, connecting the two ends of the floor and ceiling.

  In addition, the beetle in each bookcase will also protrude one or two strands of gold, which are gathered into bundles like optical fibers and connected to its roots.

  Combined with Ati's description just now, a shocking conjecture emerged from Li Ang's mind-could it be that this giant beetle fairy integrated all the information that Yu State could collect?

   "Take the jade pendant from the school tour, just touch it."

  Ati's voice pulled Li Ang back from his fantasy. He stepped forward, climbed up the ladder, took out the jade pendant and put it in the palm of his hand, and gently stroked the fairy's head.


  A large number of gold threads stretched out spontaneously, covering Li Ang's palm,

  In an instant, his eyes went blank, as if he was in an infinitely expanding and expanding library, and he could find specific information with just a thought.

   Classics, histories, sons, collections of many documents, private letters, notes, documents, contracts, local chronicles, literary works, academic works

  A massive amount of information unfolded before his eyes, turning into twinkling stars, each star representing an entry.

   This feeling of near omniscience is intoxicating.

  It is a pity that there is still a lot of information that is dim. Those are the confidential information of the Academy and the State of Yu, and there is no authority to read them only with the Jade Pendant.

   Li Ang condensed his spiritual thoughts and strengthened the thoughts in his mind.

  Look for the alienated objects in Dongjun Building

   Most of the stars in the sky were extinguished in an instant, but the number was still astonishing.

  Look for the weapon type variation in Dongjun Building

   Li Ang further increased the requirements,

  He needs melee-type alienated items, which are more stable, easy to store and not easily out of control;

   At least be able to withstand battles at the martial arts master level without damage;

   It is best not to conflict with other types of alienation items;

  He already knew the general information of all the core members of Zhaoming from Lu Yunan, so when choosing weapons, he also rushed to resist and even kill Junqianzi, Yuansou and other members of Zhaoming.

  The stars were extinguished one by one, and finally there were only a dozen lights left.

  Li Ang opened the stars one by one and read the detailed information.

  [Chu People's Barrage Shield], an ancient shield left over from the Warring States period, is round in shape, and its effect is to form an invisible force field, which deflects the damage suffered from the front of the shield.

  If you can swing the shield at the right time and at the right angle, you can reflect the damage.

  [Huajing], a long spear made by someone unknown, every attack will absorb the surrounding aura, increase the damage, and become stronger with each battle.

  However, once the user is injured, all the aura contained in the gun body will overflow. After one minute, start accumulating again.

  【Fissure Slayer】, a weird creation unearthed from the ruins of Yin Ruins, which was made into a weapon in the hands of the sages of the academy. It looks like a black lightning bolt floating on the hilt of a sword.

  The effect is 'separation'. It can tear apart the space, create a teleportation channel, and cut through the opponent with a single sword, separating its body and head.

  [Yan Luo Jing], it is speculated that it may have been built by a former Sui sect, it looks like a cross spear with a blood-stained flag hanging.

   Its effect is to awaken the lingering ghosts in the ancient battlefield, gather the power of thousands of souls in itself, and temporarily possess the power of ghosts and gods.

   Xuegong’s family background is still strong. In contrast, the auction house in Chang'an Ghost Market is simply a small business.

   Li Ang glanced at the information in the list, and couldn't help sighing sincerely. If possible, I really want to remove all these things.

  However, this is not realistic, not to mention whether the alienated objects will interfere with each other and cause mutations,

  Li Ang's own Qi Sea level at the beginning of the Cloud Patrol Realm is not enough to control so many weapons.

  You can only choose one of them.

  He rubbed his chin, thinking seriously.

  My primary enemy is undoubtedly Zhao Ming, especially Jun Qianzi who is a magician.

  The secondary enemy is the monks of Mount Taihao.

  From this perspective, the [Chu People's Refutation Shield] that can rebound attacks is undoubtedly a good choice.

"However, the effect of Chu people's refuting shield can only reflect the attack from the frontal direction. And the talismans of the divine talisman masters are almost all in a wide range. And once the enemy knows the special effect of the shield and has defenses, the effect will be greatly reduced .”

  He muttered to himself: "The spear [Huajing], which gets stronger with each battle, has the disadvantage that once injured, its power will drop significantly.

  The core members of Zhaoming are all in the Zhuxiao Realm without exception, and if they conflict with them, it is impossible not to be harmed.

  [Fissure Slashing Demon] does not have this defect, and the effect of cutting space is strong enough, however.”

  There are many reasons why Dongjun Building sealed these weapons instead of using them for the members of the Supervision Department.

  For example, certain alienated objects have a corrosive effect, and holding them for a long time will make people fall into the magic way;

   Certain alienated items are too precious or powerful, once lost or damaged, it will cause huge losses to Yu country;

  Some weapons are too difficult to use. Except for the maker and the first-generation users, it is difficult for future generations to exert the same effect, and even cause damage to themselves during use;

   And [Break the Devil] undoubtedly meets all the above factors.

  It will send out small whispers all the time, confuse the user, pollute the mind,

  And only the hilt of the sword itself has weight, so it is not easy to grasp the measure when wielding it, and it is easy to suddenly open a space rift, splitting the user in two.

  In the history of the Academy, only a handful of people have ever controlled this weapon.

  Such as Su Zi, such as the previous mountain chief Qiu Zhibai, such as the current mountain chief Lian Xuanxiao.

  Li Ang thought over and over again, but chose to give up [Crack Demon Slayer], the current self is not enough to use this weapon.

  Finally, he set his sights on a strangely shaped spear.

  The barrel of the long spear is more than two meters long, the whole body is red, and the material is crystal clear, like water essence and ice crystal.

   At the gun blade, it is divided into three, and the three pointed cones are like a spiral, winding around and rising, and condensed at one point at the end.

  Its name is Longyun.

   It used to be the weapon used by the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

  According to rumors, before the emperor rebelled, he led his people to an unknown land, found the last real dragon in the world, and killed it cruelly.

  Peel off the scales, pull out the dragon's tendons, squeeze out the dragon's marrow, and gather the power of the clan to create such a weapon.

  Of course, there is another way of saying that the Sui Taizu's meritorious service is Gao Zhenzhu, and the emperor he is loyal to has already thought of exterminating his family to eliminate threats to him.

  At that time, Sui Taizu, who was still a teenager, fell in love with Longnu and made a private decision for life.

  In order to protect the other party, the latter voluntarily sacrificed and turned into a dragon, allowing the young man to successfully overthrow the old master, and in the ensuing warlord melee, he laid down the huge Sui Dynasty.

   Regardless of whether these claims are true or not, and whether dragons really exist, there is no doubt about the preciousness of Long Yun.

  【Alternative Name: Dragon Meteor】

  【Different number: different-one-two-thirteen】

  【Containment measures: Longyu should be placed in a long strip box made of water essence, and isolated in the dark room under the Dongjun Building of the Academy Palace. During the protection period, no living things are allowed to approach, and only the servitor puppet can perform regular monthly maintenance.

  The duration of each maintenance should not exceed a quarter of an hour. Once the Servant and Long Yu get along for more than the time limit, they must be destroyed immediately.

   Within one year, the same Servant shall not enter the dark room where Long Yun is located twice.

  If you want to call Longyun, you must get permission from the head of the mountain]

  【Description: After testing, Longyun has three abilities.

  One, transforming the dragon. Give the beast the "Dragon Transformation Blessing", causing it to deform its flesh and blood and become powerful and manic. In a sense, it can also be called the curse of the dragon.

   Second, Command Spells. With strong coercion, deter and even control some relatively weak beasts and demons.

  Three, Lingyun. The faster you swing or charge, the higher the damage. 】

  (end of this chapter)