MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 528 vigil

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  Chapter 528 Vigil


   Li Ang nodded. He had no corresponding memory in his mind, so he was very curious about Lu Yunan's experience.

   "I got sick and died. Liver cancer."

  Lu Yunan said lightly: "When I was young, my family's conditions were not good, and there were younger brothers and sisters in the family, so I couldn't afford everyone's tuition.

  So I have to study very hard and get a scholarship every year in order to continue my studies.

  I studied and studied, key junior high schools, key high schools, and first-class universities. After graduation, I went to a good Internet company and got a good salary.

   It can be regarded as a small town that has been rolled out to be the questioner.

  The cost is working overtime every day. As a result, within two years, the oil field suddenly felt a little pain in the stomach. I went to check and found that liver cancer was in the middle stage. "

She calmly said: "My parents came to the city and rented a room next to the hospital to take care of me. They shed tears every day and worried about the dwindling numbers on the bank card. They called every day behind my back and borrowed money from relatives and friends. money.

   As for me, I said that if it can’t be cured, don’t treat it, but I still want to live in my heart. I gritted my teeth and endured surgery, targeted drugs, and jaundice. When my stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, I used painkilling injections to relieve it. I swiped my phone every day and saw funny things.

  Finally, when I close my eyes one day, I don’t know anything. "


   Li Ang was silent for a while when he heard the words. He knew very well that the suffering of terminal cancer patients was far heavier than this statement.

  Lu Yunan noticed Li Ang's silence, and smiled, "After all, it happened more than ten years ago, no matter how strong I felt at that time, it is a bit blurred in my memory now.

   By the way, what about you? "


  Li Ang thought for a while, and replied truthfully: "I remember, I am a doctor."

  Lu Yunan waited for a while, seeing that Li Ang hadn't continued, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a doctor and then? Life experience, how did you die?"


Li Ang scratched his head and said, "I really can't remember. It's not the same as you. My memory of the other world, er, my previous life is broken. Except for remembering that I was a doctor, the rest of my memory is vague. Including how I traveled through of this matter."


  Lu Yunan wondered: "How could this happen?"

  Li Ang thought for a while and said, "Maybe I hurt my head before time travel? Or I was already an old man before time travel, suffering from Alzheimer's disease?"

   "It doesn't look like it. You don't pick up the stems very smoothly. You should be about the same age as me."

  Lu Yunan rubbed her chin, and suddenly asked, "What age is it?"

  Li Ang subconsciously added half a sentence, "Still smoking traditional cigarettes?"

  Lu Yunan nodded in satisfaction, and asked again, "What is Menglei doing?"

  Li Ang replied subconsciously again: "Teacher Meng is stealing the tower as the ultimate hunter."

  Lu Yunan snapped his fingers, "You are right, but"

   Li Ang said helplessly: ""○God" is a brand new open world adventure game produced and released by Yin Mihayou Network Technology Co., Ltd. The game takes place in a fantasy world called [Tivat]"

   "Isn't this enough?"

  Lu Yunan patted his unbroken thigh, and said with a smile: "Even if you are an old man, you are still a fashionable old man who loves surfing the Internet and can get a kid's qualification certificate. Maybe you are still a car."

   "Viet Cong probe, right?"

  Li Ang rubbed his temples with a headache, and complained, "I don't want it at all, I don't want it at all, it's something like a kid's qualification certificate."

  Lu Yunan hammered his palm, "Then ○ kid will be fine."

   "Hey, hey, this is a theme for all ages,"

   Li Ang squinted his eyes and said: "Pay attention to the review."

  The two sat against the cliff wall, sitting at the bottom of the valley, chatting while recovering their strength.

  Too many memories and no one to confide in, as soon as he started talking, the two got closer and closer—the surrounding temperature dropped.


  The cold wind howled at the bottom of the valley, Lu Yunan rubbed his palms, shrank into a ball.

  She looked up at the thick fog above her eyes, and whispered: "It should be night now, right?"


  Li Ang stretched out his hand and felt the wind speed and temperature, "It will lose temperature if this continues. We need to build a tent. Where's the parachute bag?"


  Lu Yunan picked up the parachute cloth that was held down by stones, opened it, and let out a surprised cry, "Huh?"

   Li Ang, who was visually impaired, quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

   "The corpse of Ghost Shovel inside disappeared."

  Lu Yunan hesitated, "There are only blood stains, bone stubble, and a bronze fragment engraved with taotie patterns.

  Looks like a ghost shovel corpse, eating itself up. "

  Bronze shards?

   Li Ang's heart moved, and he asked Lu Yunan to pass the bronze fragment to himself, and touched it in his hand. The touch and texture are a bit like the one I got in Qishui Village.

   Is there any connection between them?

   "This should be the alienated object that Ghost Spade said, which gave him the ability to devour the world."

   Li Ang pondered: "This thing has not completely lost its vitality at the bottom of Liyuan, it is definitely not simple. Why don't you wrap it with umbrella cloth first?"

"Listen to you."

  Lu Yunan nodded in agreement, and the two of them cut off a part of the umbrella cloth with a three-edged gun, and wrapped the taotie bronze fragment.

   I found a place with a little less wind, relying on rocks, and dug holes in the rocks and rock walls with a triangular gun, and stuffed a few corners of a large umbrella cloth into it to support a simple temporary tent.

  They hid in the tent, and the temperature inside the tent rose a lot due to the thermal insulation ability of the moss.

  Lu Yunan suggested that the two take turns keeping watch, so Li Ang asked her to sleep first, and then take turns when she woke up.


  The wind outside the tent was faintly rumbling, and Li Ang's blurred vision was staring at the sleeping Lu Yunan.

   The previous small talk was fun, really. There are too many secrets in his heart that he cannot confide to others, so that after chatting with Lu Yunan, he feels relieved and moved to reunite with his friends after a long absence.


  A fellow traveler?

   Li Ang shook his head from the bottom of his heart. He could feel the kindness and enthusiasm that the girl was trying to express, and it could even be said to be too enthusiastic—this seemed so strange on the contrary.

  Is the fact really what she said? Previously in Suzhou and Chang'an, she had never revealed her identity to herself. Was it to protect her clansmen?

  Then why did she help herself against Zhao Ming? Whether it is sending a letter about the plague ghost talisman, or asking Jia Luo to pick him up in the valley, it will increase the risk of exposure, right?

  Having similar doubts, Li Ang held the bronze fragment wrapped in the umbrella cloth, silently waiting for the girl to wake up.

  (end of this chapter)