MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 509 save

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  Chapter 509 Salvation

   Find a way to rescue the leader of the enemy country who has been hostile for hundreds of years. It sounds like a bit of black humor.

   There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. For the benefit of Yu State, it is no big deal to heal the Turkic Khan.

  Li Ang thought for a moment and asked, "Why not use a regular mission?"

   "We are worried that if we send a formal mission, after the news gets out, Prime Minister Ashderkoro will directly and secretly kill the unconscious old Khan."

  The servant Zhong Dongfang Lu said in a deep voice: "Ashi De Keluo has been in power for more than 30 years, and he is under one Turkic person and above ten thousand people.

  According to the Turkic tradition, the Khanate is controlled by the two surnames of Astad and Ashina in turn, and the two clans marry each other to ensure peace between the two sides.

  Ashina has been in power for too long, and the old Khan wants to pass the throne to his descendants, which is against tradition.

   Therefore, Ashderkoro can not only obtain the support of the overwhelming majority of the clan, but also the support of many traditional tribes in the Khanate. "

   "Turkic is different from Zhou State, Yu State and other countries. It is loosely organized. A tribe is an independent small country."

   Zhongshu Ling Xue Ji said: "Their monks will give priority to loyalty to their own tribe, and then to the Khanate as a whole.

   That is to say, Astekro gained the support of various tribes, which was equivalent to gaining the command of most monks.

   In addition, faith is also an important factor.

  Turkic people generally believe in Changshengtian, but they also believe in Haotian.

  According to reports from secret agents, there have been many more guards from Taihao Mountain around Ashderkoro recently—we believe that the visitors from Taihao Mountain helped the prime minister and persuaded the tribes and the most important wolf garden in Turks.


  Supporting the tribes and monks of Ashderkoro, and the tribe monks supporting the old Khan,

  The power ratio between the two sides is close to six to four.

  The problem is that Ashderkoro took advantage of the opportunity of the Winter Solstice Conference to take the lead in controlling the camp of the old Khan, and took control of the highest-ranked heirs of Ashina's line.

  It made Ashina's family refrain from throwing rats, and they did not dare to die. "

"I see."

   Li Ang rubbed his eyebrows, no wonder the emperor used the word "infiltrate" just now.

  Yu State has already acquiesced, and formal diplomatic channels cannot be used, such as sending a delegation of Yu State, including Li Ang, to the Turkic royal court at night and night to heal Khan in front of all Turkic tribes.

  “If we send people there with great fanfare, Ashderkoro will probably kill the old Khan directly, or make some tricks during the treatment process, making the Khan look like he died of medical treatment, and pour dirty water on us.

   Take this opportunity to start a war. "

  The commander of the Zhenfu Division, Lin Hongbo, said: "Therefore, we can only sneak in secretly."

   "How feasible is it?"

   Li Ang asked: "For his own reputation and the smoothness of his future rule, Ashderkoro will definitely try his best to make the Khan die as if he died of a long-term illness, rather than man-made.

  His eyeliner is all over the Khan's camp, how do we get close to Khan? "

  According to the worst scenario, there are masters stationed on the third and outer third floors of Khan's camp. Li Ang felt that even if he tried to sneak in with ink silk, it would be difficult to succeed.

   "This can be fixed."

  Emperor Yu said: "You and Ashinagaro are very familiar, right?"

  Li Ang was stunned for a moment, but saw Emperor Yu pointing to the worm placed on the table, "The secret agent of Zhenfu Division has already contacted Ashinagaro.

  She is Khan's grand-niece and has a certain status in the Ashina family. She will help you get close to Khan's camp. "

  Before the words fell, the close-range insects fluttered their wings and buzzed.

   Li Ang glanced at Emperor Yu's expression, and after confirming that it was okay, he connected the phone, "Hello?"


   From the other side of the worm, Jia Luo's familiar voice came, "Is it really you?"

   "It's really me."

   Li Ang replied with a wry smile, and the tone of sigh in the words was perfectly restored by the close worm.

  He stood in the Xianju Hall of the Daming Palace in Chang'an City, under the eyes of Emperor Yu, the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister, Xuegong Jijiu and others,

   On the phone with a girl thousands of miles away.

  The fate of the two countries, the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, all depend on this communication.

   "I haven't heard Ni's voice for a long time."

   Jia Luo also smiled wryly, she also knew how important this phone call was, suppressed her emotions, and said quickly: "Did the Emperor Yu tell you about the situation in the royal court?

  Ashi Dekeluo framed and framed him, saying that he was Ashina's nephew,

   are my cousins ​​and uncles,

  In order to inherit the throne of Khan, he frantically murdered Khan and made him seriously ill. Exclude us Ashina from the khan camp.

  Put his own people and visitors from Mount Taihao around the camp.

  If you want to come to the royal court, you must not come directly, and you cannot even let Zhu Xiaojianxiu and the like fly you to the royal court—

  The monks in Mount Taihao activated an alienated object similar to your Yu Kingdom [Chang'an Weijing], which can detect the aura fluctuations in the Zhuxiao realm.

  If you fly over from the border of the two countries and are too close to the royal court, you will be discovered, intercepted, and even besieged and killed in advance.

   You don’t need to find any reason, you can just say that your intentions are not good for Khan.

  I suggest that you disguise yourself as a caravan and find a way to enter Turkic first,

  I will send someone to meet you. "

   More than a year has passed, and the girl who used to drink too much and talk nonsense at Li Ang's house has become calm and reliable now.


   Li Ang sighed deeply in his heart, before he had time to express his feelings, he said in a deep voice, "I need to know the cause and condition of Khan."

   "I didn't see this with my own eyes, but I heard it from others."

  Gallo said: "At the banquet on the Winter Solstice, after drinking the wine toasted by his fourth son, my cousin,

  Bleeding from both eyes, trembling all over, fell off the chair, and became unconscious—this is also an important reason why Ashderkoro framed Ashina.

  As for the current situation of Khan, we people from the Ashina family are still working hard to find out. "

   Bleeding eyes, trembling all over?

  High blood pressure? Intracranial disease? Poisoned?

  The information was too vague, and Li Ang couldn't draw a conclusion, so he could only say, "We must arrive as soon as possible."

   "Better hurry up."

  Gara said: "Time is running out.

  My tent is surrounded by spies from Astekro, so I can't use it for too long. I will stop here this time, and I will contact you next time. "

  Whether Khan died of illness, or Ashderkoro murdered Khan, or Ashderkoro ascended to the top Khan with the help of Mount Taihao,

  Any occurrence of any situation means that Turks will join the hostile camp of Yu State and participate in the war against Yu State.

  After the communication was hung up, Li Ang looked around at the people with different expressions in the room, and said seriously: "We need a plan."

   Save the Khan Project.

  (end of this chapter)