MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 499 bombing

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  Chapter 499 Bombing

   "By the way, didn't Pei Jing go to the front line to help dispatch and transfer food and grass? Why did you go back to the school so soon?"

   Li Ang asked casually.

   "Actually, it's not very fast, it's been nearly two months."

  Yang Yu explained: "What's more, the current train track has been laid to the front line, and it can transport a large amount of food, personnel, equipment, armor, and horses every day.

   There is no need to worry about loss on the road.

  The logistics of transshipment are much easier than in the past. So Pei Jing came back first.

  As for Li Wei, he still has to stay on the front line with Xue Che and Xue Siye. "

  Li Wei is a body-training student, and he followed Xue Che to protect the generals and bureaucrats of the front-line state capital to prevent possible assassination by enemy assassins. I won't be back for a while.

  Speaking of this, both of them were a little bit less interested. The war is about to come, and even the most peaceful and peaceful academy in the past, there are much more personnel changes than in the past.

   This depression lasted until the next science class.

  Dr. Su Feng happily led everyone to the forging workshop, opened the large newly built warehouse in the workshop, and pulled out a huge single-person aircraft from it.

   This is a single seat biplane, almost all metal construction with cloth skin only on the rear of the wings and on the control surfaces.

  According to Su Feng's introduction, a miniaturized aura machine is installed inside, and the aura machine drives the propeller to provide flight lift.

  Even ordinary people without any cultivation level can control it by pressing the button.

  Su Feng stood on the stage proudly showing his latest invention, and was about to go up for a test drive, when he was pulled down by his disciples who were worried about his safety.

  Finally, Su Feng's disciple Ou Zhiyuan went up to drive.

  The plane slid out of the runway, and after accelerating for a certain distance, it successfully raised its head and went straight into the sky, drawing a circular trajectory in the sky.

  The loud noise produced by the engine of the Reiki machine attracted the attention of many doctors and students.

  Even the students in the classroom couldn't help sticking their heads out of the window and looking up at the plane.

  The plane hovered in mid-air for 2 quarters of an hour, showing actions such as diving, pulling up, circling, etc., and finally slid back to the runway and landed safely.

  A group of students were gearing up and looking forward to the test drive session, but Su Feng didn't give the students a chance to test drive at all.

  After assigning homework, amidst the disappointed sighs of the students,

   Ask the disciples to park the aircraft tentatively named "Wu De" in the hangar.

  After the class ended, Li Ang was stopped by Su Feng, who rubbed his palms and asked with a smile: "Ri Sheng, what do you think of this Wude?"


   Li Ang replied truthfully.

   This plane was obviously developed by Su Feng and his disciples when Li Ang went to Taiyuan to solve the plague.

  Did not adopt the blueprint of the Bo-2 aircraft that Li Ang had produced at the beginning, but designed a new model plan by himself.

   Li Ang asked: "The demonstration by Brother Ou just now is far from reaching the maximum speed of the plane, right?"

  Su Feng nodded, "Well, after experiments, the speed in half an hour is about 800 miles."

   "eight hundred miles"

  Li Ang raised his eyebrows lightly, "It's already comparable to a monk in the cloud patrolling realm."

   "It can't compare to the fastest sword repairer."

  Su Feng shook his head, "If the two sides encounter each other, they will still be caught up."

  Most sword cultivators in the Cloud Patrol Realm have the ability to transform into sword light, and their flexibility is far better than that of an aircraft that is difficult to turn. In the field of close combat, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

   "But the aircraft can be mass-produced, and the Sword Cultivator of Xunyunjing will kill one and lose one."

  Li Ang shook his head, "Besides, the Wude also has certain countermeasures, doesn't it?"

  He pointed to the ballista-like devices installed on both sides of the aircraft's wings.

   "Hehe, I really can't hide anything from you."

  Su Feng smiled and unscrewed the cover plate of the device with a screwdriver, revealing the complicated mechanical structure inside, "This thing is both a ballista and a talisman."

   "Character plate?"

  Li Ang noticed a stack of talisman papers hidden in the wing talisman. There were no real talismans on them, just models.


  Su Feng nodded and explained: "The driver pulls the trigger, and the ballista in the wing will launch the talisman loaded on the heavy crossbow.

  The speed of the ballista is very slow, and it cannot catch up with the sword repair of the same level, but the victory lies in the large number.

   What kind of vortex, sharp, and blasting talisman,

  Ten if one is not enough, twenty if ten is not enough,

   There is always the possibility of a hit. "

  Leon asked, "Similar to a fighter-bomber?"

   "Battle bombing? Good name."

  Su Feng's eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "That's right, this kind of aircraft can have a huge advantage in attack distance against the rain-listening monks who can't fly.

  Even facing the monks listening to the rain, they still have a certain ability to survive and counterattack.

  Of course, its best application occasion is the chaotic battlefield.

  The plane dives down from the sky, firing arrows and bombing the enemy's formation at a distance of 1,000 meters from the ground where crossbow arrows and talismans are difficult to reach (it can also avoid the high winds at higher altitudes). Tear apart the formation.

  In previous wars where monks cooperated with ordinary soldiers,

   Often monks target monks, obstructing each other from using talismans and spells to change the battlefield situation.

  The army will often wait until the spiritual power of the opponent's cultivator is exhausted, or at least half of it is consumed, unable to change the situation, and then go out in full force to secure the victory in one fell swoop.

   Now, with this kind of aircraft, it is possible to bypass the enemy monks and directly cause damage to the enemy's ordinary soldiers.

   Without soldiers as a cover, the enemy monks would be extremely conspicuous and could only retreat with the army.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that this invention directly changed the future battlefield pattern. "

  Su Feng looked proud, Ou Zhiyuan and other disciples also clenched their fists, extremely proud, and said in unison: "This is the victory of Neo Confucianism."

   "It is also a victory for science publications. It is estimated that in the next few months, the publications will be full of articles analyzing this aircraft."

  Li Ang shook his head and smiled: "But this invention was announced in class today, do you agree to the sacrifice?"

  There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the school knows it, which means Chang'an knows it. Knowing about Chang'an means that other countries and Mount Taihao know about it.


  Su Feng shrugged his shoulders, "The war is about to come, and showing the latest inventions now is also a show of force. It is best to eliminate wars.

  No one wants to go to war, let alone a war with Taihao Mountain and so many countries at the same time.

   As for whether this kind of aircraft will make Tai Haoshan panic and anxious, and even start a war in advance

   Heh, although there are so many advantages, it still has more disadvantages. I believe that people in Taihao Mountain can analyze it.

  For example, the cost is high, the manufacturing efficiency is low, and the flying speed is relatively slow. It will be defeated by the sword repairer of the patrolling cloud state, and it will not have any effect on the battle between the higher-level Candle Sky Realm."

  Su Feng paused for a while, and said quietly: "It can change the battlefield, but it cannot change the war.

   It is still the monks who really decide the direction of the war. The strongest monk.

  At least the creation of Neo Confucianism at this stage cannot replace this. "

  (end of this chapter)