MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 36 corpse

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  Chapter 36 Corpse Demon

  Orion Wang Liubao walked slowly along the mountain path towards home, and the picture he saw that day appeared again in his mind.

  The dead white dog was lying in the grass by the stream, and the dagger in his hand was hastily cutting the white dog's flesh.


  Pushing open the wooden door, Wang Liubao put down the longbow on his back in despair, and the sweet taste of dog meat came to his lips, teeth and tongue again.

  He shook his head violently, shaking the heavy guilt out of his mind, and lit the candle on the table.

  As soon as the weak candlelight illuminated the room, Wang Liubao saw a pair of eyes that lit up in the corner, looking straight at him.

   "You, why are you here?!"

  Wang Liubao subconsciously jumped up from the chair, and immediately lowered his voice, "Are you hungry? Thirsty? I'll get you something to eat."

  He turned around and walked into the kitchen, took a piece of bacon and two bowls of water, used one of the bowls to soften the bacon, and put it on the table.

  Slight gnawing sounds sounded in the room,

  Under the candlelight, Wang Liubao lowered his voice and said: "The people from the Zhenfu Division will take action tonight. Before they find you, go quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."


  A loud noise came from down the mountain, Wang Liubao turned pale, stood up abruptly, and pushed open the wooden door.

  At the head of the village at the foot of the mountain, the fire was shining.



  Cheng Juxiu's face was calm, and he flicked his sword.


  Niu Wenshu took the lead, kicking open the wooden door, and suddenly pulled out the simple knife from his waist. The sharp blade shone like a white horse under the moonlight, and slashed at the black shadow lying on the ground.

  The black shadow was just like what the villagers described, covered in black hair, resembling a man or a wolf, and was eating the blood with a strong smell in the wooden barrel.

  Niu Wenshu did not arrive, but the sword spirit arrived first,

  From the edge of the blade, a turbulent airflow spread out, splitting the wooden barrel in the shadow's arms into pieces at a distance of five steps.

  In an instant, sawdust flew across, blood splashed everywhere,

  The saber energy remained undiminished, and it slashed at the neck of the shadow.


  The long hair on the surface of the black shadow was cut off, and a **** arrow splashed out from the neck.

  The black shadow turned his head to look at Niu Wenshu dumbly, his huge body slowly stood up, and patted it down with his palm.


  Hands collided with the Pu Dao in the air, and Niu Wenshu held the handle tightly with one hand, supported the back of the sword with the other, bent his knees, and resisted the opponent's unreasonable strange force, his face flushed abnormally.

  The black shadow took a step forward, pressing Niu Wenshu's simple knife down with his furry right hand, while his left hand held the last piece of **** liver, and chewed it wantonly in his mouth.

   Its neck wound cut by the knife gas healed quickly, and its figure, which was already a head taller than Niu Wenshu, seemed to have swelled a bit, making it more oppressive.


   The courtyard walls of the surrounding houses, all set up torches,

  The soldiers of the Zhenfu Division who had already been lurking in position took out their crossbows, stood behind the courtyard wall, behind the windows, and on the roof, and pulled the trigger of the crossbows.

   Whoosh whoosh—

   Crossbow bolts made of fine steel shot out towards the shadow like poisonous snakes.

  The arrow shafts of these crossbow arrows were all pasted with yellow paper talismans, piercing through the thick hair on the surface of the black shadow, and nailing deep into the flesh.


  Heiying howled in pain, flicked his left hand on his body, broke the crossbow arrow and shot it down, clenched his right hand tightly, crushed Niu Wenshu's plain knife, and smashed it down with a fist.

   At the critical moment,


  The long sword without a grid suddenly shot out from the broken house and flew quickly close to the ground.

  Where it passed, patches of weeds broke apart silently, tearing out a straight cone-shaped trajectory,

  The fallen leaves were fluttering, swept by the howling wind, and dragged behind the flying sword,

  The solid rammed ground formed by constant trampling was penetrated by the sword energy and split apart without warning.

  The tip of the sword pierced into the chest of the black shadow, and half of the blade fell into it.


  The black shadow stepped back half a step, raised his burly arms and grasped the long sword on his chest, and exerted tremendous force with both hands regardless of the blood splashing out.

  The flying sword made a tooth-piercing sound of metal twisting and creaking, trembling and shaking violently, moving the edge of the sword energy towards the neck and head of the black shadow bit by bit.


  The black shadow did not retreat but advanced, kicking Niu Wenshu in the chest, kicking him flying violently, crashing into the broken house.

  Flying Sword's forward momentum suddenly stagnated, taking advantage of this fleeting gap,

  The black shadow drew out his long sword, threw it to the ground, bent his long and thick legs to accumulate power, and leaped towards the village head as if his whole burly body was loaded with springs.

   Fifty feet, ten feet, between the rabbit rising and the falcon falling, the black shadow has left the shooting range of Zhenfusi's crossbow, bounced several times, jumped into the mountain forest, and disappeared into the vast forest under the night.


  In the dilapidated house without the wooden door, Niu Wenshu blushed, stood up from the wreckage of the broken tables and chairs, and said angrily, "Let Xing Xun laugh at you."

   "Don't blame the judge, we all made a mistake."

   Cheng Juxiu frowned and said: "It's not a demon, but a corpse among demons. It's a strange species that can only be raised in places that store yin.

   No wonder the crossbow arrows with the demon-subduing talisman affixed failed to kill in one blow. "

   Li Ang asked, "Did it run away?"

   "I can't run far."

  Cheng Juxiu shook his head and said: "The corpse can only survive if it eats fresh blood every day, and the more it eats, the stronger it becomes.

   Now that it is seriously injured, it will definitely follow its instinct and look for live food on the nearby mountains.

  Judge Niu, let the fine dog follow, and take out the Haotian clock. "


  Niu Wenshu walked out of the room and issued an order.

  He asked someone to bring a wooden box, opened the lid, and took out a heavy copper bell one arm high from it.

   "This is one of the twenty-four Haotian clocks in Weizhou City. It is borrowed. It can deter evil spirits and slow down their speed."

   Cheng Juxiu explained: "There are also in Shatao Village, but not as good as this one."

  Niu Wenshu asked the soldiers to support the Haotian copper bell with a bracket, and placed it at the entrance of the village to ring it with a mallet.

   At first, the bell sounded slightly weak, but after hitting it hard a dozen times, it became extremely loud.

  Niu Wenshu left ten soldiers on guard in Shatao Village, and called the village chief, Zhou Pingchun, and asked him to call the village manpower and ring the bell in turn without stopping.

  He himself led the rest of the people, led by the fine dog, held up the torch and followed the bloodstain.

   Li Ang put on the leather armor, took the Nightmare Bell, and followed Cheng Juxiu, sweeping behind.

  At night, the shadows of the trees in the mountains and forests are whirling, the torches illuminate the shadows of people, the soles of their feet step on the fallen leaves, and the hoarse and unpleasant cries of night owls are constantly heard above their heads.

   "Hoo, hoo."

  Li Ang was wearing a slightly heavy leather armor, clutching the Nightmare Bell, and trekking in the forest.

  A fine dog barked from ahead, as if the blood had spread all the way up the mountain.

   "The corpse has gone up the mountain."

  Cheng Juxiu stood still, with his eyes slightly focused, looking at the top of the mountain through the dense tree canopy.

  The steep mountain in the southwest of Shatao Village is divided into two at a high place, and a cliff is split open. The stone walls on both sides are exposed and there is no grass growing.

   Only two people can pass through at the closest point, and ten feet away at the farthest point.

   "Judge Niu, you guys go to the East Cliff, and Risheng and I go to the West Cliff."

  Cheng Juxiu took out a yellow paper talisman from the iron box, twisted it casually, and stuck it on Li Ang's leather armor.

   Lightweight amulet.

  (end of this chapter)