MTL - Ascend Another Day-Chapter 17 hell invasion

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Xu Ying snorted, helpless to these two crazy monsters. The two demons actually tricked him into rebelling against human beings, overthrowing human rule, and establishing a demon kingdom on land!

"You are the king, we two brothers are convinced!" They shouted.

The cave was full of evil spirits and smoky atmosphere, so Xu Ying had no choice but to get up and go outside the cave. It was pitch black outside, the heavy rain had stopped, but there was still drizzle floating in the sky, and it was unknown when it would clear up.

Xu Ying was taken aback.

The human Nuo master seeks the location of the dragon, finds the six secrets of the human body, opens the secret treasure, and then uses the power of the secret treasure to practice the hidden scene.

A qi refiner collects qi and refines qi to attack the entrance of the human body.

Obviously, these are two completely different cultivation systems, and they have nothing in common!

"If collecting qi and refining qi is a human skill, why is there no similarity with Nuo master's Nuo method?" He was quite puzzled.

Two monsters whispered in the cave again: "Before humans, we monsters must have had a leading civilization, established a glorious empire, and even divided the underworld and the underworld! Later, we were defeated by the human tribe's conspiracy, and civilization lost. "

"Hunks are too despicable!"

"But the great demon king Xu will lead us to restore the glory of the demon clan!"

"Long live the Demon King Xu!"

Xu Ying rolled his eyes, the imagination of these two monsters was even richer than his own.

He moved his left shoulder, but it still hurt, but the sword wound on his left shoulder has healed a lot.

He was pierced through his left hand and chest by the flying sword of the giant **** spirit, and the shoulder blade of his left shoulder was also pierced. Originally, his entire left arm was unable to move, but since Wuqi Chaoyuan, after refining the five qi into vitality, his recovery ability seems to have also improved. Much stronger than before.

If it was the past, the left shoulder injury would have allowed him to recuperate for half a year.

"In any case, the recovery power of the Zhou family's Niwan Secret Store is even more amazing! No, it's against the sky!"

When Xu Ying thought of Zhou Hang's terrifying physical body, he couldn't help being envious for a while, and opened the secret cache of Niwan, which is simply a mythical resilience, immortality!

Even if he can't make Zhou Hang's physical body, like Ding Quan's, it's still a big deal!

Xu Ying sighed faintly, but it's a pity that he still doesn't know how to locate the dragon and find his secret cache of Niwan. And even if you find the secret treasure of Niwan, it is useless without the help of the great Nuo to open the secret treasure.

More importantly...

"Am I a human or a monster?"

Xu Ying looked at the gradually brightening sky, and whispered to himself, "I must be human, I must be! My family lives in Xujiaping, I have a father and a mother, and my parents are both human. My father's name is Xu Shaoping, and my mother's name is Miao. Yuemei is from Miaotianpu. I still remember the way to Xujiaping and Miaotianpu..."

Behind him, the snake demon Piqi suddenly stopped its hilarity and looked at his back suspiciously.

Xiong Yao Xiong Qianli said: "Seventh brother, what's wrong?"

The snake demon Piqi said in a low voice: "It's a bit weird. I heard Ah Ying say that his father's name is Xu An, his mother's name is Tian Ruijun, and they live in Tianjiaping. Why now his father's name is Xu Shaoping? Mother's name is Miao Yuemei? Besides, the place where I live has also changed..."

Xiong Qianli said with a smile: "He must have passed out just now and broke his brain! His brain is not good, so we two brothers, can we be a pair of treacherous ministers who exercise power?"

The two monsters looked at each other, and cheered heartlessly.

Finally, the rain stopped, the sky cleared up, and gradually became brighter. Xu Ying suddenly became alert and looked up into the distance. It was raining before, the sky was dark, and he couldn't see too far. He never noticed that the Nai River was not far ahead.

This long river of the underworld is surging, rushing from the direction of Shishan, passing between Xiaoshan and Wuwangshan!

The appearance of the Nai River indicated that it was still night.

However, after Naihe changed its course, didn't it go back to the old way?

Xu Ying was puzzled and looked into the distance.

I saw the Nai River invading, and there were will-o'-the-wisps floating everywhere in the mountains and forests. And a cemetery farther away was also affected. The cemetery was brightly lit, and some skeletons crawled out of the tomb, decorated with lights, and held a big feast, which was very festive.

There are also some skeletons dressed in silk and satin, but their clothes are not tied, and they dance on the grave with their arms open.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound, the earth shook, and Xu Ying's cave also shook.

The snake demon Piqi and Xiong Qianli hurried out of the cave, Xu Ying muttered to himself, "Could it be that Nai River has returned to its old ways?"

One person and two monsters followed the prestige, their faces changed drastically, and they saw that the embankment of the Nai River was originally invisible, but at this moment, the entity of the embankment was faintly revealed!

The embankment of the Nai River is becoming clearer and more real, and it is invading Yangjian from another incredible world!

On the banks of the Nai River, mountains and rivers of all sizes appeared out of thin air, squeezing the original peaks of Lingling, causing the earth to vibrate and tremble continuously, making rumbling noises!

This scene was really appalling, one mountain after another emerged from both sides of the Nai River, pushing the original mountains back and forth, even the Xiaoshan under their feet was trembling!

Xiaoshan was originally very close to Wuwang Mountain, where Qinyan Cave was located, only a few miles away, but now, it may be pushed back more than 30 miles!

And in this more than 30 miles, there are a few more mountains and river embankments in the underworld!

"Is there no one to control the invasion of the underworld?" Gonchi cried out in grief and indignation, "There are so many capable people in the human race, so many Nuo masters, why don't you take care of it? Is there still a king's law?"

With helplessness in his voice, he shouted: "My Qinyan Cave has been pushed away! When will I be able to go home?"

Qinyan Cave in Wuwang Mountain was originally only four or five miles away, but now it takes more than 30 miles to walk, and it also needs to cross the Nai River and the mountains of the underworld!

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel apprehensive, there are monsters and mountain gods in the mountains of the underworld, who knows what is in the mountains of the underworld?

If he takes the risk and forcibly breaks through, even if he cultivates into a demon king, he will be in danger!

At this time, another light came from the bottom of the mountain. It was the eyes of the gods, shining faintly in the darkness, and the light could shine more than ten feet away.

Xu Ying's heart sank. As soon as the rain stopped and the sky was still dark, these gods began to search the mountains!

"Yu Qi, we should go!" Xu Ying called out.

The east is gradually turning white, the sun is about to rise, and the air is still filled with mist. The underworld is still invading the underworld. There is a huge roar at the collision place, and the space is unstable.

However, as the sun rose, the Nai River gradually faded, and everything seemed to return to normal, except that the mountains and rivers on both sides of the Nai River remained, and did not return to the underworld.

The Nai River is still receding slowly, and the mountain is still a little dim. A **** with his hands and five fingers spread apart, shines around with his hands.

In the palm of his hand, there are eyes the size of an ordinary person's fist, which shine divine light and illuminate the surroundings.

There was also the sound of wind in the air. It was the **** of Yong'an Town, with a human body and bird wings, flapping its wings and flying. His gaze was like a torch, shining down two beams of light.

Suddenly, a figure flashed by without a sound, and came in front of the hand-eye spirit.

It was a young man, holding a big clock as tall as a person in one hand, lifting the weight as if it were light.

There are no eyes on the head with hands and eyes, and the eyes are only in the palm of the hand, but He is also alert, and when he senses something is wrong, he immediately shines his hands to this side.

But it's too late!

The boy punched out with the other hand, the peak of the fist suppressed the dull thunder, and punched out, hitting His heart.

This punch was extremely heavy, and the moment it shook the figure with hands and eyes flying upside down, the power penetrated his body, pierced his body, and where the power reached, everything was crushed!

And the thunder that burst out from the fist actually penetrated into the body of the **** with hands and eyes, and the god's soul was lost immediately, and before it landed, the spirit of the soul had already disintegrated!

It was Xu Ying who could see the gods with one punch. His strength was much stronger than when he fought the giant gods yesterday, but his left arm still felt a little uncomfortable.

In order to prevent the bronze bell from dragging the floor and being heard by others, he had to hold the bronze bell on his left hand.

Fortunately, he practiced Xiangli Niu Moquan, which is so powerful that he can lift the bell without any problem.

Xu Ying didn't stop walking, jumped up, kicked the tree heavily, turned in mid-air, and rushed towards the spirit of Yong'an Town in the air.

The God of Yong'an Town is the **** of the town, and has wings, occupying the superiority in the air, if he can't be shot down immediately, even if he escapes from the siege, he will be hunted down!

However, when Xu Ying's killer's eyes were open to the gods, the gods of Yong'an Town had already sensed the movement, and immediately swept over here, and their eyes fell on Xu Ying!

Xu Yingren was in mid-air, still a few feet away from him, but he was exhausted and unable to threaten him, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Little devil, he still has a big horn..."

At this moment, a slender figure flashed in the air, but it was a big snake that bounced from below and landed at Xu Ying's feet.

Xu Ying took a step on the big snake's back, flew into the air again, and punched it.

The gods of Yong'an Town have received the incense for two hundred years. Although this ability is not as good as that of the giant gods, it is still no small matter. While the incense gas turns into a flying sword, it **** its wings and retreats!

He has wings and is fast and nimble, but Xu Ying has nowhere to rely on in the air. As long as he dodges this blow, he can calmly kill Xu Ying!

However, when Xu Ying punched out, the vision of the elephant king's divine body suddenly appeared behind him, and the divine light was overflowing, and he punched together with him. The surrounding air was pulled into a vacuum in an instant, making it impossible for the gods of Yongan Town to fly away even if they flapped their wings!


There was a thunderous explosion in the sky, and Xu Ying's punch directly shattered the flying sword transformed by the incense gas, and the magic power cultivated by the gods of Yong'an town with the two hundred years of incense gas was pierced through with one punch, completely shattering it. usefulness!

His head exploded, turning into countless sawdust and flying around aggressively. The headless body vibrated its wings vigorously, flapped a few times, and then fell obliquely from the air.

Xu Ying stepped on the headless body of the **** of Yong'an Town and slid down, only to hear a **** shouting in the distance: "There Xu Ying is!"

Xu Ying jumped into the mountain forest, rolled on the ground for a few weeks, shed the momentum of falling in the air, bounced up, and went straight down the mountain.

Not far away from him, the snake demon Anqi was swimming at high speed as his support.

One person, one snake on the way, whenever you encounter a **** who is blocking you, you will rush forward and kill your opponent in the shortest time!

Even Juan Qi has cultivated the Xiangli Niu Moquan to the peak of the fifth level, and is best at using the white elephant's trunk swing. When using the tail, the speed of the tip of the tail even surpasses the sound, and can often win with one blow !

Of course, if he can't win with one blow, Pi Qi will be in danger. After all, he is a snake demon and has no limbs, so he can't perform all the moves of Xiangli Niu Moquan like Xu Ying. UU Reading

But fortunately, Xu Ying and him supported each other. If he missed a hit, Xu Ying's attacks would follow one after another, helping him to eliminate his opponent.

As the sun rose, the Nai River receded completely. The black bear stood at the entrance of the cave and looked into the distance. He saw the figures of the gods in the mountains and forests one after another, chasing and killing them in the same direction.

And there is a place in that direction where the sun's essence is abnormal. When the sunlight reaches there, it will become extremely intense. From a distance, the light particles in the sky form two vortices, one large and one small!

There, it was Xu Ying and Yan Qi who were running fast, fighting against the enemy, and breathing out at the same time, refining their own impurities, improving their qi and blood, and making their bodies recover faster!

Xiong Qianli murmured: "Xu Yaowang, Seventh Brother, I wish you a safe journey!"

Xu Ying and He Qi ran for more than ten miles, went deep into the left bank of the Nai River, and entered the mountains of the underworld.

These ten miles have been fought all the way for ten miles, and they finally throw off the pursuers!

Xu Ying and Yan Qi had a few more wounds on their bodies, but they didn't continue to practice Daoyin Gong, because when they came here, even the sun became cold and it was difficult to feel warm.

At this time, when Daoyin Gong is activated, I feel that what I have absorbed is the cold air, and even the blood seems to be frozen. This kind of messy power, not only will not improve the cultivation base, but will cause great harm to the body!

The mountains in the underworld are eerie and terrifying, the mountains are pitch-black, and on some cliffs, there is a black viscous slurry flowing down. I don't know what kind of liquid it is.

Holding the big clock in his right hand, Xu Ying walked forward, only to see bones piled up under the cliff, paved into a road, looking along the road of bones, there was a family at the end of the road.

The house built walls with white bones, made bricks and tiles, hung human skins as banners, and decorated them with carved skulls.

The dark wind blew the human leather banner, with the words "Wine House" written on it.