MTL - Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely-Chapter 161 Players who can see where the Life Crystal is located

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After the two stone beasts joined the battle, the chaos in the pig-headed tribe escalated again. Since Lu Yan divided all 50 units of life crystals, the [dead objects] driven were all at the level of giants. The two stone beasts were like heavy-duty monsters. Truck heads rampage through the tribe, and nothing can withstand their impact.

A dozen or so pig-headed warriors lined up and surrounded them with 20 to 30 cm thick hardwood shields, but as the stone beast charged, those wooden shields were broken on the spot, and the dozen or so pig-headed warriors were also forcibly bumped into Flying seven or eight meters away, he vomited blood on the spot and was seriously injured!

This tribe was seriously injured by the attack of dead things last night. At this time, it is obviously difficult to fight against the six giant dead things that appeared at the same time. Danger of death When a monster is knocked down, it will take less than twenty seconds for the monster to stand up again and appear in front of them unscathed!

don't die!

This is what is most depressing.

"You said... you have a way to kill these monsters?" The pig-headed leader held the young player by the collar, his voice was full of anger and madness: "Do you know the consequences of lying to me? I will pry open your head , eat you up one bite at a time..."

"What's the benefit of me lying to you? If I can't kill these monsters, I will die too!" The young player screamed tremblingly: "It's very easy to kill them, there is a blue spar in their bodies! Just break the body , take out that piece of blue spar, and you can kill them completely!"

The pig head leader's pupils constricted. Before it was born, this tribe had been fighting against [dead things] for countless years.

The experience left by the ancestors is [Dead objects cannot be killed at once! Only by crushing and reorganizing their bodies many times will the death process be accelerated】!

For countless years, the leader of the pig-headed man has been following the legacy left by his ancestors, and has never had any doubts about it. He has been using the lives of his people to consume the vitality of [dead things], so as to achieve the purpose of killing the opponent .

But at this time, someone told it that the way to kill this monster is actually very simple...

"You'd better pray that this method works, otherwise..." The leader's face was grim, and he turned his head and roared to give orders to his subordinates: "Siege that watchtower and smash its body!"

More than a dozen pig-headed warriors carrying heavy hammers, axes, iron chains and other weapons quickly surrounded the watchtower. Four of them ran around the watchtower twice with long iron chains, and wrapped the chains around the watchtower. The "legs" of the tower cast by wooden piles and inserted into the ground as the foundation before, and then the pig-headed people dragged the iron chain in two different directions and tightened it instantly!



Immediately, several pig-headed men surrounded the watchtower's "legs" frantically, like a group of ants besieging a praying mantis.

A rope hanging from the watchtower instantly entangled the two pig-headed men, threw them into the sky, and hit the distant mountain wall like a cannonball.

Only two shrill screams were heard, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

On the mountain wall in the distance, two scarlet and conspicuous flowers of blood bloomed!

The tragic death of their companions aroused the anger of the pig-headed people. They smashed their weapons on the "legs" of the watchtower desperately. Soon, with the sound of broken wood, the twelve-meter-tall [death] Things] finally fell under the siege.


"Die, die, die!"

The pig-headed people screamed frantically. They vented all the fear, anxiety and anger in their hearts into attacks. Under their siege, the watchtower finally became fragmented and became scattered wooden wreckage.

"Look for the blue crystal immediately!" Seeing this, the leader shouted to the soldiers: "In the dead body!"

The pig-headed warriors immediately searched after hearing the words, but soon, they looked at each other in dismay, because the so-called blue crystals were not found in the watchtower at all!


The watchtower's body trembled again, as if it wanted to reorganize again.

Seeing this, the young player standing next to the leader immediately ran out in great strides, shoveled past a stone beast's crotch regardless of everyone's obstruction, came to the remnant of the watchtower, stretched out his hand from a rotten wooden stake Pick out the life crystal that has shrunk by a circle!

Following his movements, the remnant body of the watchtower that was about to move stopped, and with a crash, it completely lost its movement.

Seeing this, the leader and the pig-headed warrior standing beside him widened their eyes.

"This is the crystal of life, and it is the driving force behind their constant resurrection!" The young player raised the blue crystal in his hand, gasped, and said to the pig-headed people around him as if to show off: "As long as you take it, you can kill them." Such a monster!"

The leader stares at the young player's "empty" in the opponent's hand, it can't see any trace of the existence of any object, and it can't even touch it!

But the watchtower was really killed, and this strange appearance made him have to believe that everything the other party said was true.

Even if it can't see anything, the death of the monster is the best proof!

"Boss, I feel that the invasion of these monsters may not be due to the influence of the blue moon tide..." The young player looked at the leader and said in a deep voice: "I found out that Lu Yan was buying this kind of crystal before. At first, I didn't I know his intentions, but now I understand, he just took the opportunity to attack us in order to create chaos!"

"In other words, he is probably watching all this nearby!"

After listening to the young player's words, the leader's brain was spinning rapidly at this moment. It made a judgment within three seconds, and with a wave of its hand, it summoned five soldiers to stand beside the young player as bodyguards.

For the entire pig-headed tribe, the young player is their only hope at this time, only if he can see where the life crystals are, and if he is alive, the pig-headed tribe can solve the disaster at the lowest price!

Soon, with the participation of young players, the giant catapult was also killed, completely losing its life.

A burst of cheers erupted from the tribe.

In the distance, Lu Yan watched this scene, frowning tightly.

He saw the young player surrounded by pig-headed men. The appearance of this guy caused a serious accident to his plan. If he is not killed, those [dead things] will be difficult to exert their full strength and will be killed.

But the opponent is under the strict protection of the pig-headed man, how can he be killed?

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yan slowly took out the puppet clown from the inventory...


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