MTL - Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely-Chapter 156 within 3 months

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[Hint: You have obtained 168 units of life crystals from Kadilov! 】

Lu Yan was a little surprised by the notification sound from the system.

A life crystal about the size of a dragon fruit appeared in Lu Yan's palm, and the cold and smooth touch made him react instantly.

[Kadylov: I saw you collecting this kind of thing last night, so I hunted down a few monsters... But because the time was too tight and it was midnight, I only got more than a hundred units! If it's not enough, I'll take people out to see if I can meet some monsters! 】

In the private chat interface, Kadylov sent a message.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yan's mouth. Although the authenticity of this sentence remains to be considered, at least Kadylov really gave him more than 100 units of life crystals.

This behavior proved that Kadilov obviously wanted to make the relationship between the Revenant Hunter team and Lu Yan closer!

The relationship between friends is gradually deepened in the process of continuous communication.

Lu Yan was not polite to Kadilov either, he directly pocketed these life crystals, chatted with the other party for a while, and quickly changed the topic to the plan to attack the pig-headed man.

[Lu Yan: My plan is very simple. Use these life crystals to create chaos in the pig-headed mountain forest, and then after the war between the pig-headed people and these monsters is over, we will reap the benefits! 】

[Kadylov: Is it that simple? 】

Kadylov was a little uneasy. After all, this time he was dealing with an intelligent race in the wilderness. The opponent's firepower and numbers far exceeded his own. In his imagination, Lu Yan should have drawn up an extremely detailed and complicated plan , Make it seamless!

Lu Yan smiled when he heard the words, and he replied very seriously: "The more detailed and complicated the plan, the higher the chance of mistakes in the steps, because our understanding of the pig-headed tribe is not enough to support a very Detailed attack plan!"

"In this situation, making too many strategies will actually affect our performance!"

Kadilov pondered for a long time, and finally agreed with Lu Yan's method.

After all, the danger of this strategy is relatively low. They don't need to fight the pig-headed people head-on, they just need to hide behind and control everything, and watch the [dead creatures] play. Just one knife.

"When will we act?" Kadilov asked the most critical question.

Lu Yan glanced at the vast white land outside the safe house. The morning sun rose and coated the snow-covered land with a layer of gold.

A few seconds later, he suddenly felt some pain in his eyes.

"Now is not the best time to start." Lu Yan replied, and he shifted his gaze to other places: "At least wait until the snow melts!"

The reflectivity of snow to sunlight is very high, almost reaching 95%. When the sun rises, there is no difference between looking at the snow and looking directly at the sun. Within a few minutes, people can be temporarily blinded.

This is called snow blindness.

And most importantly, the snow surface does not directly reflect sunlight into the eyes like a mirror, but stimulates the eyes through the scattering of the snow surface!

After being stimulated by this kind of scattered light for a long time, people will also enter a state of temporary blindness and pain, so sometimes even on cloudy days, when the sun does not seem to be very strong, people who have been walking in the snow for a long time , will also suffer from snow blindness.

The trouble caused by snow accumulation does not stop there. There are many swamps and potholes covered by snow. People who are not familiar with the road conditions cannot perceive the danger at all. They may step on it and the whole person will sink directly!

Leaving the safe house rashly under such circumstances is definitely a very risky thing.

"The temperature of the sun is very high. I feel that all the snow will melt by noon at most..." Lu Yan tested the sun with his hands and found that even in the morning sun, the temperature is at least 20 degrees. According to this trend, By noon, the temperature in the wilderness will return to 40 or 50 degrees, and all the snow will melt and evaporate!

After the rising sun and the disappearance of the blue moon, no players in the world channel mentioned the appearance of new [dead objects]. It seems that this sudden disaster is over.

Lu Yan took out his survival notebook, and solemnly wrote a sentence on a certain page.

【Always pay attention to observe the color of the moon! 】

After entering the wilderness for nine days, Lu Yan has figured out some rules. Most of the mutant beasts, herds of beasts, and intelligent creatures in this land have always existed and the threat level is not too high!

And it is those horrible natural disasters that can really make players suffer disaster!

For example, the acid rain that happened before, such as the blue moon tide that happened last night.

In the first acid rain event, at least 4,000 players died; and last night's blue moon tide...

Lu Yan opened the world channel and took a look, and found that the number of all players in the Eastern Continent had dropped to 700!

Overnight, another three or four hundred players died.

"Once the color of the moon changes, it means that a terrible natural disaster is coming." Lu Yan carefully wrote words such as [Purple Moon. Acid Rain], [Blue Moon. Resurrection of Dead Things] in the notebook~www.novelbuddy. com~ This notebook records all the dangers he has seen since he entered the wilderness and the things that need attention. Every word on it has been verified by countless lives.

After making an appointment with Kadylov, Lu Yan closed the door of the safe house, feeling an irresistible drowsiness welling up.

Last night, he stayed up all night to collect life crystals. Now that he was free, his tense mind instantly relaxed. Lu Yan soon fell headlong on the bed and fell into a drowsy sleep.

At the same time, in the pig head tribe.

The tall city wall of the city wall has collapsed in many places at this time, it looks like it was caused by violent impact, and inside the city wall, it also looks like it was hit by a tornado. A large number of houses and warehouses collapsed, and those strong and mighty pig heads The human soldiers were also covered in wounds and looked embarrassed.

The wreckage of several [Tadant] with broken limbs was lifted by the pig-headed people and transported to the city wall. There are still blood and pieces of meat hanging on its roots and branches, and there are even some soft objects that look like vines. If you look closely Only then can you find out that it is a few intestines that have turned blue...

"Woooooo..." Among the tribe, a pig-headed man was crying softly, grieving for the lost clansmen and thankful for being able to survive.

In the tide of the blue moon last night, not only did the players suffer heavy losses, but these native intelligent creatures were also attacked by [dead creatures] frantically!

"Soldiers!" The pig-head leader looked at everything in his camp, took a deep breath, and shouted: "I declare that the tide of the blue moon is over! At least within three months, we don't have to worry about being attacked again." To the attack of the dead!"


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