MTL - Applaud for Happiness-Chapter 17 Applauded for the film emperor

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Going back that night, Shen Qi and Jiang Changzhen went to the home base.

Along the way, Jiang Changyu's car drove fast, dragged Shen Qi's hand into the door, and pressed him against the door. Both were very excited.

Shen Qi was stabbed for so many days, and the anger was so strong that he couldn't. Jiang Changzhen finally let go of his knot. At this moment, I couldn't take Shen Qi into his stomach.

This battle was fought, from the entrance to the living room to the bathroom to the bedroom, along the road, clothes scattered all over the road. Fortunately, Shen Qi bought the items early, and there was no shortage of light vehicle armor.

The real gun and the real sword moved, and they tossed into the middle of the night. Shen Qi took a break the next day, and his throat was dumb.

Jiang Changyu hugged him after washing, and came back to sleep with him. After all, it wasn't the one who worked hard, and he was tired. They both slept until more than two in the afternoon before waking up.

This enlightenment has been out of control since, like the hungry wolf saw the fresh meat, the bee bumped into honey, and Pan Jinlian met Xi Menqing, alas, anyway, the two of them have a deep affection, you have me, I There you are, let go completely.

In the eyes of the two agents, if you can't bear to look straight before, now it's a blind eye.

And this flash is exactly five years.

After five years, the two secretly talked about Chen Cang's pleasure under the eyes of the public. Except for his close friends and relatives, He did not find anyone.

After five years of getting along, the relationship between the two is getting better and better. Even if they haven't seen each other for a month or two, they haven't diminished their feelings. They also let the people around them who were not optimistic about them slowly snorted. Really love.

But at most it was not seen for a month or two. The purpose of Shen Qijin's entertainment circle was impure. He originally came to Jiang Changyu. Now he has got people. In addition, he is in a passionate period. He will lean on his career first. Anyway, he is not like anything else. Idol fresh meat, taking advantage of the young scenery, Jiang Changyu helped teach tempering acting, he plans to slowly develop towards the power, just one or two years to make a movie.

As for the resource issue, there is Brother Shen, which is difficult.

Of course, there is now Jiang Yingdi again.

So it was clear that they made their debut together. Five years later, Ning Yuntian was far more popular than Shen Qi.

Shen Qi is not short of money and doesn't care about his name. He doesn't slap drama or run meaningless announcements. At most one TV series or movie a year avoids the traffic route. In the eyes of outsiders, it gradually disappears.

Ning Yuntian has three traffic dramas a year. The endorsement of the announcement has been softened, and the movie has also been involved. Five years later, it quickly reached the peak of front-line traffic, which is unstoppable.

Shen Qi has no opinion on Ning Yuntian. As long as he doesn't come to provoke Jiang Changzheng, he won't find him in the slightest trouble, even if he knows Ning Yuntian's betrayal of his friend's superiority, he won't move him in the least, otherwise he will use Identity, can completely suppress him from the beginning.

Yes, Shen Qi ignored Ning Yuntian's attitude.

If it wasn't for the program to remind him of the outline, he would almost forget that there was a person like Ning Yuntian, an irrelevant person, and what he cared about.

Moreover, from the beginning, he did not intend to directly confront Ning Yuntian. The outline is an outline, and with his intervention, the future will definitely change. Ning Yuntian can no longer have any relationship with Jiang Changyu. He has no need to What happened to target each other.

Furthermore, after he deliberately demonstrated the relationship with Jiang Changyu at the beginning, Ning Yuntian avoided it, and he would no longer take the initiative to provoke him. He only focused on Jiang Changyu, and the others were not in his area of ​​care.

After a reminder of the procedure, Shen Qi only knew that the node had been reached. According to the original world line, it was time for Ning Yuntian to kick Jiang Changyu and announce the marriage with the female star.

However, this time, Ning Yuntian did not announce her marriage, and even did not even have a love affair.

Shen Qi gave a sigh of curiosity, and Song Chang, Jiang Chang's agent, immediately said like a bamboo tube.

It turned out that Ning Yuntian didn't catch Jiang Changyu this time, but he got on a wealthy woman in the circle. Of course, the rich woman is just a surname. They are very young, and now they are only thirty-five. They are called Miss Jiang and look like No worse than a star.

The Miss Jiang came from a family of little rich, and later married a wealthy rich man. Unfortunately, the newly married Yaner was only three years old, and the rich man had an accident. She inherited all the property. Since then, she has downplayed the world, and no longer loves marriage. Find some good-looking stars to raise one.

Before Ning Yuntian, she changed quickly, but Ning Yuntian didn't change any more, and she stayed for five years.

Ning Yuntian climbed to her current position. The Miss Jiang made a great effort behind her back.

No one outside the circle knows this, but a lot of people inside the circle know it.

No wonder there are no rumors of marriage.

Shen Qi took a moment's surprise, and then he opened it. Whether Ning Yuntian volunteered or forbeared, would he betray Miss Jiang like Jiang Changyu, or settle down on true love, as long as he was not involved with Jiang Changyu. How about him.

What should make him headache is Jiang Changzheng's happiness.

Before accepting this project, Shen Qi always thought that like his previous tasks, he would leave when the plot point was reached. The past worlds are like TV series. He entered from the first episode and left from the last episode. After the counterattack eliminated those so-called protagonists, the world returned to normal and restarted from the first episode.

However, now, five years later, at the end, the world has not stopped and he has not withdrawn. Most importantly, Jiang Changzheng's happiness is not full.

At the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jiang Changzheng's happiness value reached 89. Five years later, it only rose by three points, ninety-two. This was the first three years, and it has not moved in the past two years.

Shen Qiyin has speculation. I am afraid that this so-called happiness value requires time to accumulate to complete, not as easy as 100%.

It can only be left to time to make a decision. If you can't resist, spread it out and enjoy. With Shen Qi's current style of drinking and today's drunkenness, you will quickly set aside your troubles. Anyway, it's not bad to stay and enjoy life.

Then this stay is thirty years.

In the first decade, Shen Qi finally won the title of film emperor with a literary film. When he released the award, he boldly came out in public and proposed to Jiang Changyu.

Two generations of movie emperors threw such a bomb, which really shocked many people. In the early years, due to the "Great Wei Dynasty", Jiang Changzhen and Shen Qi's monarch and cp were extremely hot in the circle of fans, and a lot of cp fans were circulated. From time to time, there is a positive owner who puts sugar in the aftermarket. CP generations have not been scattered from generation to generation.

As soon as the bomb came out, the CP fans cheered and ran to tell each other.

Over the past ten years, the domestic has been very tolerant of the same sex, especially the newly grown generation, very enlightened. Shen Qi is not the first artist to come out in the circle, but he has the highest status. It was Jiang Changyu again, but it attracted more fans.

Shen Qi leaned on Jiang Changyu's chest, brushed Weibo, looked at a blessing, and smiled, raising his head and slamming Jiang Changyu's chin. Today Shen Qi is the age of Jiang Changyu when he first met, and he is less mature and more mature. , More beautiful, with his own unique temperament.

Jiang Changzheng is also very well maintained, and has always been exercising. Especially in recent years, in order to match Shen Qi, he paid great attention to keeping up. The two stood together, at best, they were brothers. With the accumulation of time, more mature and more flavor, Shen Qi still obsessed.

"I've already discussed it with my mother, and I'll try a dress the day after tomorrow."

He squeezed an apple and handed it to Shen Qi's mouth. This mother is Shen's mother, not Jiang's mother. Over the years, Jiang Changzheng has become more and more close to Shen's family, especially Shen's mother.

"Okay." Shen Qi murmured, his eyes turned, "Don't forget to owe me a bet, a wedding dress must come."

After the marriage proposal, naturally it is the wedding. Sister Shen is a steadfast non-maritalist. After so many years, Shen ’s mother finally has a place to use it. The wedding of the two directly rounded her up.

As for the wedding dress, this is a bet between them. Whoever loses will have to wear a wedding dress to show each other. Shen Qi won. Although he cheated a little, it must be interesting to think of Jiang Changyi wearing a wedding dress.

Jiang Changzhen raised his eyebrows. Now he seems more restrained and elegant, and smiles calmly: "Relax, I remember."

Then, Shen Qi was dumb.

Said that the wedding dress that was worn on Jiang Changyu did not know how to run to him, and then, there was no more, and the wedding dress that was so dirty that he could no longer see was pressed decisively by the bottom of the box.

In the second decade, Shen Qi and Jiang Changyu traveled the world together. Although it has already died, Weibo is still updated. Interact with fans and netizens from time to time. Two middle-aged men, dog abusers. of.

At the same time, they sent away Shen's father and Shen's mother together, and Mrs. Shen left in the third year of their relationship.

And Jiang mother.

Jiang's mother was mad at her beloved son Jiang Nianjin.

Jiang Nianjin's marriage at the age of thirty-three, under the title of the little piano king marketed by Jiang Changzhen for him, attracted a real Bai Fumei, and Jiang Muxi couldn't agree.

However, after only three years of marriage, Jiang Nianjin was derailed. It is said that he encountered true love. Regardless of Bai Fumei's pregnancy, he insisted on divorce, which was almost the same as that of Jiang's mother.

Jiang mother went to persuade him, and in turn he accused Jiang mother of not being considerate of him. "Mom, you have experienced true love, how can you not understand me?" "You divorced for my father, why can't you fulfill me?" Yunyun, angrily Jiangmu fainted at the time, took him to the hospital for a checkup, and suffered a stroke and semi-paralysis.

Jiang Nianjin and Jiang Mu are both celebrities. This is a big deal. How much Bai Baimei loved at the beginning, and how much she hates now, let Jiang Nianjin go out of the house directly, and do not shy about publicizing the matter, and then fight. Dropped the child and started again abroad.

Jiang Nianjin was taught by Jiang ’s true love from an early age. Do n’t use bread for true love. As a result, he raised his true love and went to the hospital to find Jiang ’s mother.

At first Jiang mother was still distressed with her son. When the matter had come to an end, he could only help him and take out his savings to support the two. However, Jiang Nianjin had a bad reputation and had no source of income. He was ashamed of a job like a piano teacher. Doing it, has completely become a puppet old man.

But with his and true love consumption ideas, Jiangmu's savings were quickly squandered.

In fact, His Majesty ’s savings were not much. At that time, Jiang Changzhen ’s father left her almost all of them to Jiang Yan ’s father, Jiang Shujin. After Jiang Shujin ’s death, he was divided up by his relatives. She was actually out of guilt. Nothing is coming back.

After that, all her sources of income came from Jiang Changyu. Because of her maintenance obligation, Jiang Changyu gave her a maintenance fee that was sufficient for her expenses every year. She got used to it, and really didn't save much.

Jiang's mother was angered again by her beloved son, so she could only find Jiang Changyu. Unfortunately, Jiang Changyu had long been reluctant to ignore her anymore, no matter how much she threatened, she was only responsible for her care and living expenses. Jiang Changzheng has long since retired from the entertainment industry. He doesn't care about his reputation. Jiang's mother had no choice but to stop. Now she still has to live by Jiang Changzheng.

Jiang Nian stopped, Jiang Nianjin didn't, he lost his name and money, what life, what love life, one or two, the two mothers and sons were out of control, the last time, Jiang mother was fainted and never woke up.

It's quite ironic.

Shen Qi and Jiang Changyu received the news and hurried back to do the funeral.

As for Jiang Nianjin, true love couldn't bear it anymore. He was seriously ill. He woke up and borrowed a money from Jiang Changyu, opened a small musical instrument shop, and never married.

In the last ten years, Shen Qi and Jiang Changyu entered the retirement life. They did not want children. Because of their childhood experience, Jiang Changyu did not have the confidence to take on the life of a child.

Shen Qi has a brother and a sister. Although Sister Shen was unmarried, she had two children and a family member of the same family. She had no plans to have a child, so she passed away.

The two raised flowers and teased the dogs, and helped bring the grandchildren of Brother Shen and Sister Shen to the surrounding area.

Some netizens couldn't help but spit out: "When I was in elementary school, they were showing Xi'an Ai, when I was in high school, they were showing Xi'an Ai. I have graduated from tm, and they are still showing grace, so that people will not live!

See Shen Qizhile.

Then, as if overnight, Jiang Changzheng was old. When he was sixty years old, he could hold Shen Qi from the first floor to the second floor. After seventy-one, he suddenly became old, and then caught off guard in the early morning.

I woke up once in the middle, holding Shen Qi's hand, and the original cloudy eyes were amazingly bright. He could not speak, but Shen Qi understood what he wanted to express.

I love you.

"I love you." Shen Qi burst into tears, and he knew that Jiang Changzheng would never wake up again.

For more than 30 years of company, how could he have no emotion, let alone he liked him from the beginning.

Jiang Changzhen closed his eyes with a smile.

"Happiness +1."

"Happiness is fulfilled."

Seven days after Jiang Chang's funeral, Shen Qi died suddenly.

Follow the two to the old fans to edit a documentary short film for the two, which describes the two from acquaintance to love and companionship, and added the "Wei Dynasty" they collaborated on , Cut out past and present.

In the past life, I am the king, you are the minister, and the sweethearts are in love with each other. You died to save me. I regret that I will regret it all my life. In this life, I will protect you and love you, and accompany you to the old age.

As soon as the short film came out, a basket of tears was exchanged.