MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3895 No solution

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The downgrader crouched in the black light, watching the little world of the three grids downgraded into a walled world, exuding joy on and off all over him.

Losing to a human, or a human in the three worlds, is too aggrieved!

He wants revenge!

"Hehehe ..."

"The speed of demotion will only get faster and faster!"

"I now have complete polar state energy, not only will these three grid worlds soon be disintegrated, but the other three grid worlds, four grid worlds, and five grid worlds will collapse into wall worlds!"

"You waste can't escape! Tiny ants, worms, derivatives ..."

While the downgraders were chattering, the evil **** reached out and popped a purple vine.

"call out--"

Purple vines run through the black light and kill the demote.

"Except for babbling and swearing, you have no power to fight back, you are the real waste," the evil **** retorted.


The black light shook slightly, and the demoted one was born again.

He knew that he couldn't beat the evil god, but fortunately, the black light gave him infinite opportunities for revival.

"After degrading, you will eventually become nothing! Drowned in the past, only I will live forever ..."

"Small human ..."


The evil **** is really a little irritable.

"Dignified demons are so noisy, it's really morbid, shut me up!"


A thin strand of ice was pulled from the evil god's hand and shot into the black light.

After these ice filaments enter the black light, they curl a little bit, and merge with the black light, and finally freeze the black light stiffly.

The downgrader was also frozen.

Ice silk is taken from the "cold phase" in the ten-square world, and its energy level is very high.

The demoted person can rely on unlimited energy to destroy the cold phase, but it takes a short time, and now naturally cannot speak.

After the demote was banned, the evil god's eyes focused on the transparent sheet. He asked Luo Zheng, "Is the demote really irreversible?"

"As far as I know, there is no way," Luo Zheng shook his head.

The evil **** nodded and believed Luo Zheng's words. They were caught in the same crisis and temporarily in the same position. Luo Zheng did not need to lie to him.

"What about energy?" The evil **** asked.

"You can try," Luo Zheng said.

He once used various means to prevent the demotion, but never succeeded. Luo Zheng did not think that the evil **** could succeed.

The evil **** thought for a while and reached out and touched the transparent sheet directly.

The moment the finger touched the sheet, it was run over by an infinite force.

Nails, skin, bones, blood ...

All are reduced to thin slices, showing nothing in detail.

The evil **** pulled his hand away as if he had no pain, looked at the fracture of the finger, and looked at those flat nails, skin, bones, etc. "Is my finger downgraded?"

"Yes," Luo Zheng nodded surely.

This scene reminded Luo Zheng of immortal scrolls.

In the immortal scroll, Luo Zheng has also become a painting on the scroll, but that is not a real degradation, but at best it is a means of imitation.

The real degradation is just like the finger of the evil god, and the state of the three frames is completely dropped into the second frame.

In the process of falling, everything will be destroyed. It is impossible to look like an immortal scroll, and people can become a painting.

From this perspective, the words of the degraders are correct. Once the demotion begins, everyone will eventually become nothing.

"The power of demotion is strong, but not necessarily me!"

The sound of the evil myth fell, and terrifying energy burst into the arm.

Layers of black energy covered the back of his hands, forming a thick dragon-scale carapace.

"That is the energy in the eleven grid world. There are four kinds of energy frequencies in the eleven grid world. They are controlled by four different races. This dragon-scale carapace is the most defensive ghost-armed tribe."

Explaining in Luo Zheng's mind, it started to become active.

"Can the carapace resist degradation?" Luo Zheng asked.

"No," replied affirmatively.

In the process of speaking, the evil **** once again put his hand into the transparent sheet.

"Woohoo ..."

A harsh noise sounded.

The carapace on the arm of the evil **** coincides with the transparent sheet.

The strength of this carapace is amazing. Even in the face of unreasonable degradation, it still maintains its shape, but only maintains half the breathing time.

The carapace was twisted and broken a little, and was quickly pushed into the wall world by the power of demotion, and the arm of the evil **** was also degraded.

"Energy frequency can't stop demotion ..."

The evil god's eyes narrowed slightly, and a little prudence was added to his face.

A new hand quickly grew out of his broken arm.

This "newbie" looks the same as an ordinary hand, but it is formed by the energy of the twelve grid world.

There are only two kinds of energy left in the twelve grid world, one is "creating coke" and the other is "destroying coke".

There is no upper limit for both energies. For example, "Creating Coke" can create the most solid thing unscrupulously. This newbie of the evil **** is formed by Coke creation.

"Zizzi ..."

This hand persisted for about five breathing times in the transparent sheet, and still could not escape the fate of being demoted. With a click, the surface of the arm cracked, collapsed, and was eventually pressed into the wall world.

There was a hint of shock in the eyes of the evil god, and his cheeks were stiff.

Is it really like Luo Zheng said that demotion cannot be stopped?

In such a short time, the transparent sheet has expanded five or six times in diameter to ten feet wide.

Relative to the scale of the entire chaotic world, the width of ten feet is insignificant, but the speed of expansion according to what the downgraders say will increase by a geometric multiple, leaving little time for them.

"Everything has a solution, there is nothing in the world that Lao Tzu can't handle!" The evil **** cast a big move and then disappeared.

Luo Zheng was suspended in the void, and after staring, he moved back to Xianfu.

The son-in-law of Xianfu was not clear about the situation. Luo Nian asked after seeing her father, "Father, how is it?"

"The demoted person has been sealed," Luo Zheng replied, hearing the answer, everyone had a happy face on his face, but Luo Zheng's next sentence made them look slightly frozen, "It is not me who seals the demoted person, but an evil **** . "

"Evil God!"

"Why him?"

"The whole mother world has been beaten up, and the evil gods still have such means?"

Fu Xi and others were incomprehensible.

"His strength is far better than me, and far more than degraders," Luo Zheng revealed a helpless grin.


The crowd was even more surprised.

Luo Zheng and Degrader are already so strong that they can't understand, then the evil **** can go far beyond. What is this concept?

The important thing is that the evil **** and Luo Zheng have never dealt with it. If the evil **** is so strong, how can he let Luo Zheng go?

"Evil **** didn't do anything with you?" Nuwa picked out an important question.

"No," Luo Zheng shook his head.

"Why?" The son-in-law asked again.

It is simply unthinkable to use the character of an evil god. "Because it doesn't make sense, the world has begun to downgrade, we will all die," Luo Zheng calmly replied.