MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3887 Brain matrix

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Those plates that are tens of millions of miles wide and stones as small as a fist are reduced to fine powder and scattered upwards under constant vibration.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened ..." "Our bodies are disintegrating!"

A large number of souls remain on the shards of the mother world.

Those who survive the calamity still hope to survive well, but their desire is doomed.

At this moment, they saw a little bit of debris peeling off from their bodies, turning into powder and floating upward ... Some people want to run away, some people want to resist, but all are futile.

Evil gods are very decisive people.

Relying on the "field" may still have a fight, but now he realizes that the gap cannot be filled, and he chooses to do it all alone.

After about half an hour, all the material of the mother world and thousands of souls were sacrificed, and the huge fragmentary band completely disappeared. Now only this huge platform prison and the ship floating not far away are left. Black ship.

The god, the old captain and Xiuzhu were standing on the deck, watching the broken mother world silently before their eyes.

"With the light of the evil god, my black ship could survive at the last minute," the old captain smiled bitterly.

"Too, so crazy, I like it ..." Shen Tu couldn't help but exclaim.

Xiuzhu gave a faint glance at Shen Tu, the expression on her face was as calm as ever, and she supported him unconditionally no matter what the evil **** did.


The evil **** spit it out.

The platform prison is expanding rapidly, and at the same time, a brand new evil **** avatar is "grown" in the prison.

Soon the number of evil gods has exceeded 100,000.

Immediately followed by half a million ... one million ... The God of Heaven looked at the dense scalp of evil gods and asked him, "How many avatars can be created by consuming all the material in the mother world?"

The demon deity thought for a moment and said, "There are about four million."

Each avatar is far stronger than the ordinary immortality, so the mother world can only make millions of avatars with such a large size.

"So many avatars are also a force that cannot be ignored," said the leader of Tongtian.

The evil deity sneered, "Four million ants are not opponents of elephants. If the combat effectiveness is only a horde, I only need their wisdom."

An evil **** across the fence of the prison listened to him, turned around and said, "If you only need our wisdom, then this pair of skins is meaningless, all you need is a head!"

The word of this avatar reminded the evil **** that a good expression on your face appeared, saying, "Very good advice, then just keep the head!"

With only one head, even prisons are no longer needed.

The Tongtian leader thought that the evil **** was just a joke, but he did not expect that he would do it, and then began to sacrifice again.

Some evil gods readily agree that they are more inclined to pursue the shortest source of energy, while other evil gods are very resistant to swearing, but no matter what the reactions of these avatars, their bodies quickly disintegrate into pure energy.

On the huge platform, only a row of heads are neatly arranged, and more evil **** heads are quickly created.

The Tongtian leader and Hange both have aggressive expressions.

None of them existed according to the rules, but they were shocked when they looked at the arrangement of the evil god.

What's this for?

The demon deity provides the energy for these heads to survive, ensuring that they can think flexibly.

"The number soared four hundred times at once, about 1.6 billion," the demon deity finally smiled.

He actually wants to create more heads, but he needs to retain some energy for these heads to think. The 1.6 billion is basically the limit.

The avatar who just made the suggestion again suggested with the only remaining head, "In fact, the number can be increased, we only need a brain, and it is more efficient to communicate with consciousness."

After hearing the suggestion, the Tongtian leader and Hange aside were shocked.

Isn't it?

Just a row of heads, just a row of brains?

"Yes! Eyes, ears, nose, skull, teeth can be sacrificed!"

The demon deity clapped his hands.

Then 1.6 billion heads were sacrificed again.

After the sacrifice was completed, the 1.6 billion avatars only had brains for their souls, and the number also increased to 2 billion.

These brains have souls that are more powerful than the Holy Soul Realm. They all release the consciousness sweeping around, so many consciousnesses are intertwined and intertwined into a chaotic storm of souls.

"All quiet down for me!"

After the deities of the evil gods released a terrifying soul coercion, two billion brains took the consciousness back.

Next, the deity of the demon divided these brains into several areas. Some brains were responsible for thinking, some brains were responsible for collecting, summarizing, another brain was responsible for screening useful information, and so on.

Two billion brain units are so cluttered with information that they must be organized.

He had just set them up, turned and suddenly looked into the distance, where a little silver flash appeared.

The evil god's eyebrows were raised sharply, and he stretched out his hand towards the black ship and the platform in a volley, dragging the two out of the distance of dozens of miles, and then a terrible silver energy flow flew past! This energy flow passed by at a terrible speed, and quickly disappeared into the void ... The Master of Heaven and Hange saw the energy flow and was shocked again.

"This, this is the energy flow you said ..." "Why is there such a terrifying power!"

The demon deity glanced at them faintly, "This is why I broke the boat."

... The battle between Nairoz and the demote in the burial place continues.

In a short period of time, Luo Zheng released six "mirrors together" in succession, blasting the burial ground into six large holes.

The power of this "mirror combination" is horrible, but it cannot completely remove the demoted person.

The downgrader immediately followed by a dazzling golden day. This golden ring surrounded the downgrader from the inside to the outside and almost expanded to the edge of the burial place. The tens of billions of chaotic creatures that have been swallowed up have perished.

The entire burial place, except for the Xianfu protected by Luo Zheng, was a dead place.

When the light of the golden day gradually fades, the figure of the demoted person slowly emerges from it. "The end of each grid world is a battle with me" from ", and it is also my most enjoyable time. This time But it's really boring to change you ... "In the eyes of the demoted person, Luo Zheng would only use" mirror to destroy "to make a blast, which could not cause him substantial harm.

"Billions ..." Luo Zheng raised his hand slightly, and a tens of billions of silver iris appeared all over the sky.

It's still a state, it's dying, and it's ... "嗖 ..." The energy flow gathered again hits the downgrader.

This time the downgrader did not shy away, he planned to block this energy flow stiffly.

But just as the downgrader opposed the energy flow, Luo Zheng's figure disappeared quietly, and appeared next to that dark light the next moment.