MTL - Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell-Chapter 1151 : Chaos Object

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Everything has an end, and so is the practice of the monk. It is not endless. Therefore, even after reaching the state of cultivation, it is not possible to achieve immortality.

After the peak of the state, the monk's life extension will be infinitely extended, but it is far from reaching the point of longevity.

And on this vast immortal world, in the long history of the world of cultivation, it seems that the state of affairs has been the end of the path for all monks to cultivate.

However, in the legend, there is another saying that after the peak of the state, you will encounter a catastrophe. Once this catastrophe is broken, you can step into the gate of eternal life and step into the pole of chaos.

The full name of Chaos Pole is actually a rumor that has been legendary in the stars for a long time, and this catastrophe is collectively referred to by future generations-the longevity catastrophe.

After breaking the robbery of longevity, you can enter the realm of eternal life.

However, in the legend, this chaotic polar realm is not a realm of cultivation, but a secret realm that can live forever.

It is said that in this secret realm, there are many scattered points in the starry sky, and these points are called chaos poles. As long as you have some connection with these points, you will have a great chance to step into the legendary chaos poles. .

Longyuan, as a powerful man in the state, has not reached its peak, but since the establishment of the Star Alliance Great World, there has been no war in the fairy world for a long time.

In these long years of peace, Long Yuan has felt the indescribable loneliness, combined with the inability to break through the cultivation, it seems that life has entered the kind of life without purpose and meaning.

However ... At this moment, his whole body suddenly started to shake, and his eyes showed an unprecedented madness.

"The Chaos Pole, Hahaha Chaos Pole ... The original legendary Chaos Pole really exists !!!" Long Yuan looked up and laughed wildly, at this moment he actually forgot the pain of losing his grandson.

A moment later, his consciousness spread wildly into the starry sky, but he could not find any trace of chaos.

But this didn't seem to frustrate him, because now he can at least prove that the Chaos Pole actually existed.

And he already has hope and goal!


"eternal life!"

"Ha ha ha ha, one day I will be able to live with heaven and earth and become the only ... eternal in this long river!"

Long Yuan laughed wildly, and that laughter spread far away in the stars ... far away ...

As for Lei Yang, who was accidentally inhaled into the chaos pole, Long Yuan was not worried at all, because with the physical body of Banxian, he could not bear the chaos.

And he has only one kind of result, and he can only have one kind of result.


Time flies, months pass!

However, the whole immortal world is still calm and calm, not because of the sudden appearance of Leiyang, an uninvited guest, but the uproar together.

Of course, there is a reason for this. The reason is that Long Yuan completely blocked all the news in order to cover up the secret of the chaotic polar realm.

Lei Yang's departure, the sea of ​​purgatory fire, has returned to its former state. The young talents of the Star Alliance Great Realm are still constantly coming to explore this dangerous place full of endless danger, but no one knows What happened here.

At this moment, in the depths of the starry sky far away from the vast immortal realm of the Star Alliance Great World, there was a little faint light flashing.

The light is not too obvious. In this dark starry sky, it is like a stream of fire that may be extinguished at any time on a summer night.

But when I looked closer, it was not a streamer, but a dead body that could not be distinguished all the way.

The corpse's hair was as dry as the straw of the same canopy, and the whole body was skinny, like dead wood, giving the impression that it had died for hundreds of years before.

According to common sense, this corpse floats in the starry sky, and it is impossible to save it so completely, because there are too many dangerous things in the starry sky, but this corpse has been kept intact.

And this should be due to the existence of a trace of unusual gas in his body, and this is why his body is constantly flashing.

At this moment, if you observe carefully, the traces of luminous gas emitted from the corpse from time to time are actually traces of chaos.

And it is this kind of chaotic atmosphere that makes this body even, even in this dangerous endless starry sky, it has finally been preserved in the whole 10,000.

In fact, this is a corpse, but it is a bit far-fetched, because it looks like a floating corpse, but in fact, it contains huge vitality in its body.

Just don't go. At this moment, these vitality seem to have no owner, and they are constantly walking in the body, seemingly messy, but in fact they are maintaining a wonderful balance.

And at this moment, the distant starry sky suddenly heard a huge whistling sound. The whistling sound grew louder and louder, and it was a huge meteor.

The meteorite was flying at a fast speed, and because of the sharp friction in the starry sky, the entire body burned directly.

And because the speed is too fast, the high-temperature burning flame on the surface of the meteorite was dragged backwards, as if the meteorite had a huge tail.

And this firelight was even more conspicuous in the dark starry sky. It dragged out a long line of fire and looked spectacular, just like the starry sky was to be split by this sudden line of fire .

And as the burning meteorite approached constantly, its line just happened to overlap with the line of this glowing corpse.

If these two collide together, there is no doubt about the result!

This corpse, which does not know how long it has been, will inevitably be directly impacted by the meteorite into powder, leaving nothing.

Ashes fly out!


However, just then, something strange happened!

The high-speed meteorite was a few feet away from the floating body all the way, as if it had hit a layer of invisible diaphragm fiercely.

Then a loud noise came, and the huge meteorite directly turned into countless burning fragments, turned into countless fine lines of fire, and scattered like flowers.

Until then, you can see that within a few dozen feet of this corpse, there is actually an invisible protective film.

In fact, to be more accurate, this is not a protective film, but a powerful aura of the chaos in the body.

At this moment, any monk above the immortal realm can recognize at a glance that this corpse is actually the extreme chaotic celestial body in the legendary heaven and earth.

It's just that none of this is destined to be known at this moment!

And this scene is also destined to be annihilated in the silent long time!

Time flows by one second!

One year

Two years

Five years

ten years


In a blink of an eye, in the lonely floating of the corpse, he had blinked in the blink of an eye, having spent the entire century in this starry sky!

The vitality in the body became more and more vigorous, and the atmosphere of chaos became more and more intense. At this moment, he was no longer a firefly that seemed to be excited at any time, but a star that seemed to be eternal.

That quiet, lonely wandering in the stars, I don't know how far it has gone!

And in this aimless floatation, the chaos surrounding the corpse is also increasing, and finally, on this day, it covers the entire corpse's surface.

But at this moment, in the body that was originally silent and had only life and no business, suddenly there was a faint ... heartbeat!

(To be continued)

The author Xilang said: Seeking flowers, seeking rewards ...