MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 59 Battle of the Vatican Palace

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"This holy flame ..."

"Should 'he' be ..."

"Huh!" I heard Qin Shuo's cold hum, with some anger, and seemed to be relieved, and said indignantly: "This little thing is getting worse and worse! Just lie to the enemy, even us Lie together, don't know if we will worry! When this thing is over, I must educate her! "

"This is not something you used to come out of, Brother Qin Shuo." Qing Ye smiled at Qin Shuo and said, "And didn't the little guy turn around and let us come and notify us? In the present situation, if she appears, I am afraid It will really cause disputes. Even if we can win each other, the speaker of this alliance needs to open the psychic spirit of the blessing of the deities of God. I ’m afraid I ca n’t get it. This is the most secure way. She is really clever and smart, Qin Shuo's brother teaches his children well. "

"What clever and intelligent, Brother Qing Ye said directly that I wouldn't have to spoil a little fox." Qin Shuo touched his nose with a whisper, and indeed, Ao Feng's boldness and his father have always been behind him. Relationship, but he likes to spoil his daughter, can anyone manage it! No matter what she did wrong, he still fully supported her!

The lover's crazy Madam Qin Shuo fell to the baby girl again without a stand ...

The fact is just like Qing Ye said, the glorious "Sheng Yan Your Majesty" on the stage is exactly posing by Ao Feng with a cheating necklace and viper disguise.

Of course, Aofeng will not be stupid enough to return as Qin Feng directly, and the Savannah 主持 who is in charge of the blessing formation is hostile to himself, and Sheng Yan is unknowingly in which corner of the Xinghai. Did not go back, those guys in the hall of light illusion did not immediately turn over and rushed to fight with her! Even if they are not afraid of them in strength, I am afraid they will not get psychic.

Anyway, by chance, I got the number plate of Sheng Yan, so I want to make the most of it? The kid knew that he had promoted him to the title of the champion, glorified the gods, and presumably stared at the rioting sky ...

Now that the situation of pride is known, the high-ranking powerhouses in Shuangcheng are no longer in a hurry. Instead, they looked at the two halls of the Hall of Cheering and Celebration with another interesting look, and secretly wept a sympathetic tear for them.

Just laugh and laugh. The happier you are now, the more you want to vomit blood after a while. It depends on how long you can laugh.

Seeing the sudden dumbness of the Shuangcheng side, Kailongsi said nothing, thinking that they had given up hope, and the anger that had accumulated in their hearts poured out at this moment, only feeling as if they had taken a panacea, all over their bodies. It was extremely easy and refreshing, staring at Shuangcheng and sparing no effort: "Seeing that, Shengyan is the first genius of the gods! His Majesty Qin Feng really had bad luck and had a long way to go, so he fell into the Xinghai, so it is Sadly, Your Majesty Qin Shuo, please change your grief! Haha ... "

Qin Shuo gave him a glance at the clown, and said lightly: "It seems that the winner is not the contestant of the Dark Fantasy Hall. What is the reason why Elder Kailong is so excited? Even if my son Qin Feng really falls in the Xinghai Among them, it is better than your Lady Levran who took a few hundred points and returned miserably. Your dark fantasy hall ca n’t even enter the top ten in this contest. I ’m so sorry to call the two strongest gods. Great forces? "

"You!" When the excited Kalonsi heard this, it was as if his head was poured into a basin of cold water, his skin suddenly turned into a pig's liver color.

Le Fulan's results are really bad this time. If she didn't cooperate with Aofeng, she could get some more Nedan, but the two of them worked together for a week, but she didn't even get a fart. It wasted so long. This time, the quality of the contestants was very high, and they caught up. At this point on the list, she seemed to be ranked only 13th or 4th place. With such a low score, the history of the Dark Fantasy Hall in Shanghai has never appeared before, and it is a shame and shame.

Kailongsi easily suppressed the blood on his face, and hummed, "The old man doesn't fight with you for the benefits of these words. How important the grade is, it is the most important thing to survive. Qin Feng is indeed a genius, but what about genius? Also It ’s not an end! Our maiden is still alive, and her future achievements will be much higher than her so-called genius! "

Qin Shuo laughed: "How do you know that Xiaofenger in my family must have fallen? I believe my son's Fuze is so deep that he will be able to turn his dangers into danger. Maybe she will appear in front of you and startle you!"

Kai Longsi thought he was entertaining himself and smiled angrily: "Qin Shuo, you really dare to die before you die! Let's go and see!"

Right now, Sheng Yan has returned, and he can start to play in the Shuangcheng City only after the end of the contest. Kailonsi has long regarded the other party as dead, and there is no previous fear in words, and the surrounding atmosphere has begun to kill again.

The argument gradually diminished, time continued to flow slowly, and finally, at noon.

The light on the devil's altar was completely dark and completely cut off the connection with the outside world!

Qin Feng did not return!

There was no objection to the results of the classics. Speaker Salvador stood in front of the devil ’s altar and announced with relief: "Thank you for your support and support. Congratulations! Congratulations to the top 100 league leaders for the rematch. Congratulations to His Majesty Yan from the Hall of Illusions for winning the League General Assembly Championship! "

Hong Liang's applause resounded inside and outside the Vatican Palace, and the atmosphere was pushed again **.

The applause was paused, and I only listened to Salvador again: "Below, in accordance with the rules of previous competitions, please invite His Majesty Saint Yan to stand at the center of the demon altar, accept the blessing of the devil, and receive the elite champion rewarding psychic heart!"

With his announcement, Foial slightly looked at the people in the Twin Cities on the opposite side and saw that they did not seem to riot immediately, so he was slightly relieved. If the people in the Twin Cities started to move at this time, It is also a hassle to prevent Sheng Yan from receiving blessings. Their plan is to let Salvador launch a demon battle through the time of blessings. This process takes time. At this time, the four major speakers are staring at Qin Shuo. If you let Savado directly start the formation, maybe Qin Shuo's attention will be brought to his death.

Seeing victory in sight, it is not the most cost-effective to fight for both losses at this time. Even after the return of Shengyan, Foya did not want to start now, although Qin Shuo and others' reactions seemed too cold and somewhat weird, he had no time to think about it.

There is no opinion on the other side of the city. Kailonsi can only swipe his head and no longer talk, and he knows clearly that he can't stop the fifteenth from the first one. Even if Shengyan didn't get the psychic heart at this moment, the war ended. Still got.

With tens of thousands of eyes, Sheng Yan, the champion of this year's classic competition, slowly stepped into the center of the devil's altar, and the straight-haired silver-haired man stood proudly in the field and nodded to Salvador: " Speaker, El Salvador, we can begin. "

On the ground in the center of the demon altar, there is a circular ancient pattern with a radius of about three meters. After the "Sheng Yan" stood in it, the speaker of Savado closed his eyes slightly and started to start the formation.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed colors, and a small circle in the center of the altar suddenly emitted a burst of light, enveloping the entire "Sheng Yan" inside, and a white light shone, and the people and objects inside could no longer be seen. The Vatican Palace's wall also lit up a huge circle, enveloping the entire Vatican Palace in an enchantment. At this time, a large array of demons and gods outside the Vatican City started at the same time.

"Brave warrior, may the power of the devil be with you forever." A murmur of ethereal spirits from the sky descended on the ground, and everyone heard a buzz in their heads. It took a long time to return to God, but they heard it clearly. Sound, but at this moment, I couldn't remember how the sound was, even the great kings such as Qing Ye and Qin Shuo were no exception.

"This is the real miracle!"

As if shocked by this miracle, there is a quiet inside and outside the square.

But soon, the silence was broken by a laugh.

"Hahaha, the Devil's Array has begun, you **** in the twin cities have no way to escape! Qin Shuo, today is your death!" The black light flashed, and the dark elder Kailongsi flew to the sky and pointed at the bottom. I yelled frantically.

"Light and Dark Magic Hall really needs to start!"

There was another exclamation around the square, and the crowd quickly dissipated. The idle practitioners quit on the spot and went dozens of feet away. This battle must be shocking. They did not want to be affected, but they came to the Vatican Palace. The doorway was blocked by a red enchantment. This enchantment was released by the Devil's Array. It was very solid and hard, and couldn't even move instantly.

"It's the enchantment of the devil!"

"The enchantment in this palace seems to be stronger than the enchantment in the outer city. I'm afraid that even the King can't get out."

"Damn light and dark hall, even our irrelevant people are stopped inside!"

"These red lights are weird. Why does the energy in my body seem to be confined and can't excite all the power?"

The noisy sounds became loud, and the people who were afraid of running away were chaotic, and it took a while to calm down again. At this time, there were no other practitioners around the Devil's Square, and there were only two sides of the confrontation.

The people in Shuangcheng showed vigilance from all sides and pulled out their blades. Before they came, they were ready for World War I, but to their surprise, the purpose of the other party was not pride, but it was their two cities. itself!

Shrouded by the halo of the Devil's Great Formation, the overall strength of the two hundred kings in the Twin Cities fell a bit, and the opponent's original advantage was infinitely magnified. They were completely at a disadvantage and suddenly anxious in their hearts.

Qin Shuo's expression narrowed and his eyes narrowed dangerously: "Karon, do you really want to do it?"

Kai Long Si smiled: "Well, don't you think we are convening so many people, just for the sake of a classic champion? To tell you the truth, today our two halls of imagination join forces with the Dragon and Phoenix Shuanggu to clean up your twin cities. Party!"

Qin Aotian and Buchan looked at each other, his face was cold, and they both yelled, "Karonsi, Foya, have you forgotten the Continental Peace Pact and want to start a war?"

Kelonsi sneered and said fearlessly: "It is not that we want to do it, but that we are asked to do it to you. You have been convicted of collaborating with the heretics of theologians. Even if this matter is brought to the Supreme Council, no one can For you! The gods of the mainland are the strongest, and the so-called Continental Convention is not too much in the eyes of our two halls of magic! Qin Shuo, your father and son of the Qin family are arrogant and arrogant. The high level of the palace can no longer tolerate your actions. Not only are we ordered to come, our two fantasy halls and the Dragon and Phoenix Shuanggu also made a unanimous decision at the headquarters of the Alliance of Gods. The Seven Kings City has been united and the war has begun, but the gods. You do n’t have to worry about it over there! ”

Another shocking news! It was not just the Southern Alliance, but the Seven Kings City was also about to be attacked by the Quartet in the headquarters of the Alliance of Gods. It seems that they are determined to destroy the Seven Kings City!

"What!" People in the Twin Cities changed their colors together.

They know very well what it means once the war begins. After all, the Seven Kings City is just a force that has just risen for two hundred years and faces the two halls of miracles with deep foundations. They will not have any chance at all, let alone the Dragon and Phoenix Shuanggu !! The Dragon and Phoenix Shuanggu of the Gods' Headquarters is not the same as here. The two great kings of Shuanggu joined forces and their strength is no less than that of Gao Xing.

Regardless of the force or the top-level force, the two halls of magic halls are far better than the two cities at this moment. If the soldiers really approach the city, their situation will be at stake.

Just as the two cities were shocked by this news, Foya also flew into the air, and Kalons declared such an impatient war that he expressed some dissatisfaction.

"Elder Kailong, you are too anxious. At this moment, our Lord Saint Yan is still receiving blessings. Can't you wait until his blessings are completed?" Fuya came to him and said angrily.

Kailong Si raised his eyebrows: "The Devil's Array is already open, so why wait any longer? The blessing enchantment of the Demon Altar is stronger from the outer layer to the inner layer, even the outer layer of the Demon Temple can be trapped. King, let alone the inner layer, Elder Foya can rest assured. I have endured this Qin Shuo for too long and do not want to endure it anymore, and now I will crush him to pieces!

"Old thing, it is clearly the high-end magical device that covets Qin's father and son, and sooner or later dies in greed!" Fuya secretly murmured, how could he not know the other person's mind, if Sheng Yan came out against Qin Shuo, the magic on his body The device must have been confiscated as a trophy, but at this time he still hopes to grab one or two.

That was the father of the Twelve-Star Refiner. No one would believe it if there was nothing good about him.

However, at this time, the overall situation is set, and the devil's battle is open. Even if Sheng Yan does not show up, they can even out their opponents. Once Kailonsi has made his words clear, he will not pretend to look any more, but just stare at Ji Yonghe. Mu Yi said: "You both heard the two speakers. The people in the twin cities colluded with the exterminators. You did n’t know about it before. We do n’t want to do anything with you. Would you please retreat temporarily? Presumably your two forces also Do n’t want to be involved in this continental war? ”

With the influence of Hefeng Island and Beastmaster Ridge, Foya didn't want to offend them, and he could dissolve half of the opponent's combat power, so he asked this question.

"Foya, you don't talk nonsense, we in Beast King Ridge never have the habit of betraying friends!" Ji Yong rolled her eyes and hummed with a sigh of sigh: "I can't see your hypocritical pretentious white face, it's obviously intentional The crime of planting a stolen family, but I ’m so embarrassed to say it grandly, if you have the ability, you can directly kick us out, otherwise today I ’m Ji Yong ’s control over this matter! This is my Ji Yong ’s personal help to friends, nothing to do with my Beast King Ridge , You have to confuse. "

The old Mu Yan also looked up and said, "I and Feng Island have never participated in the Continental War. However, this time it is related to His Majesty Qin Feng. I have to manage the old man. Yesterday I received a message from the island owner. His Majesty Qin Feng, a Twelve-Star Refiner, please go to Hefeng Island. If you kill her, how can I make a difference? Nothing, I have to intervene in today's affairs! "

After hearing what the two said, Qin Aotian and others looked at them gratefully. The icing on the cake is easy, and it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow. At present, the pride is not in the altar. At this time, when their combat effectiveness is the weakest, facing the powerful enemy, do n’t It's not a bad thing to be in trouble, and standing on the same front shows that they are indeed worthy ally.

Of course, this is also because they understand that the person in the middle of the altar at the moment is proud, and if the returning person is really Saint Yan, they are afraid that they will not help each other in the case of absolute gap in strength.

"Since you don't know what to do, don't blame our ruthlessness!" Foya touched two hard nails one after the other, and his face became unsightly. He snorted and waved hands with Kailongsi, screaming: "Kill These **** rebels! "

Order it, and a sudden shock of energy erupts in the entire Demon Altar Square!

Hundreds of elemental halos erupted from hundreds of monarch-level powerfuls have dazzled human eyes, and many have screamed "Armored!", Revealing the unique armor of the magic division!

The strength of both sides was fully revealed at this moment. The power of the Eight Great Kings is indeed the top power of the gods. Most of them are illusionists known as the most powerful combatants in the same rank. Scary swordsman.

The horn of battle has sounded!

The high-level strong men of both sides jumped into the sky and played against each other, but the number of people in the two cities was significantly less than the other side, and their strength was weakened in the demon battle. Ji Yong and Mu Yue had to join the ordinary battle. The regiment took care of their own kings, otherwise they would not become commanders of the bare pole if they could not support the pride.

Qin Aotian, Buzha, and Qin Shuo were the four major speakers facing each other.

"Elder Foya, let's take this Qin Shuo together!" Kai Longsi hated Qin Shuo the most, and stared at the beginning of the slaughter: "The other two were first delivered to Speaker Salvador and Mrs. Sedoni. . "

Salvador glanced at Qin Aotian, and his hatred was also revealed. He screamed and flew up. Sedonie turned into an ice gun to intercept the steps. If they were outside, they would definitely not be Qin Aotian's opponents. But at this moment, with the power of a large array, they can still make one or two.

Foya naturally knew that at this moment was the best opportunity to kill Qin Shuo. He and Qin Longsi came to Qin Shuo one after the other, and each released his own strongest blow!

Qin Shuo frowned slightly. It was really troublesome for the two to join forces. Last time, he was able to fight one enemy, two because Kalon was injured, and the other was not hindered by the formation. This monster is really weird and powerful. Even the great king will be imprisoned. He clearly feels that the energy in Dantian is limited, and the power that can be exerted is slightly higher than Kalonsi and Foya alone.

Just then, a calm laugh came from below: "Brother Qin Shuo, I'll help you!"

The power of a gray-black soul swept up from below, the blue shadow flashed, and Qing Ye's figure appeared behind Qin Shuo. He waved his hands to block the energy released by Foya. Foya was startled, and suddenly felt the pressure in front of him multiplied. An even greater force slammed his head and slammed his face, frightening him into a stunned spirit, quickly leaping back and exiting a few feet away before he stopped in shock.

"Then trouble Brother Qing Ye!" Qin Shuo came here to help, and smiled haha, in his hands, he made an unequivocal violent shot, dissipating the energy of Kailongsi and blasting him out far.

The first speakers of the two light and dark halls were defeated in a face-to-face meeting, and they were defeated without suspense!

The huge power confrontation has long attracted the attention of countless people. No matter what the battlefield below, people are always concerned about the battle between the top powerhouses, because the power of high-level powerhouses is far better than those below, whether it is Qin Shuo or any of the two major parliamentarians freed up their hands and directly wiped out the following kings. It can be said that they are the ones who can really decide the outcome.

So when the two Speakers were blown out together, it was an exclamation.

"What's going on? How come a strong man?"

"The power of the gray-black soul, that man is also a great king!"

"It's our first ally, Lord Aya, who is also a king? Oh my god!"

"It is said that Master Qing Ye is the master of His Majesty Qin Feng! No wonder, no wonder he and Master Qin Shuo have been walking together, and they have engaged in discussions between their peers. They thought they were the same elders under His Majesty Qin Feng. That ’s why we are discussing together. "

As soon as Qing Ye's strength was exposed, countless people were stunned. The two princes of the Southern League that had been unknown all at once suddenly made people wonder whether the gods' heavens were about to change.

Foya and Kailongsi were even more horrified. Qing Ye, the sudden emergence of the great king, directly affected the whole battle. They thought that they would surely win Qin Shuo, so they could free up their hands to help the people below. However, they swept the battlefield, but they did not expect to kill Cheng Cheng and bite gold. Instead, they fell into a passive situation.

Fighting alone against a single place, how can they not fight against the great king, even if there is the power of the devil, this is also a class gap, not so easy to bridge, at this time they turned into cocoons to restrain themselves, once defeated, then Waiting for the alliance of the two temples was a nightmare.

"Karonsi, I told you not to despise the enemy, you look at your good deeds! If you wait until Lord Sheng Yan comes out, this kind of thing will not happen at all!" Foya glared at Kalonsi with a blue face.

"What's the use of talking about these now? We dragged the two kings one by one. As long as you drag them to the gate of Saint Yan's exit, you don't need to be afraid of them!" Kailongsi also knew that he was suffering a loss, and a little regret flashed in his eyes. He twitched and said, "Leave it to me this blue night, and you stare at that Qin Shuo. He just made a bet with you that you can't shoot at the man in the hall of light illusion. You don't have to be afraid of him, we still have a chance."

Foya raised a brow, but remembered that just before she and Qin Shuo had made a vow, they would not commit such low-level mistakes as Levran. Qin Shuo had a blood oath. If he Dare to break the vow to attack himself, even the great king will be punished by the rules. Now that Sheng Yan returns, he won the gambling, and it should not be a problem to entangle him by himself.

Thinking of this, Foya didn't hesitate to exchange the position with Kailongsi. A lunge jumped out and blocked in front of Qin Shuo and sneered: "Qin Shuo, I'll meet you!"

Qin Shuo did not stop the two, but just glanced at him, and showed a strange smile: "Foya, do you really want to do it with me?"

"Yes, if Lord Qin Shuo has any powerful moves, just let it out!" Fu Ya smiled fearlessly with a raised head.

What Foya thought about, how could everyone in the Seven Kings City not know, looking at his elated look, he felt a little sympathy for this guy, just that blow was blocked by Qing Ye, and he did not attack Qin Shuo, so The bet vow was not fulfilled. I didn't expect that he now found Qin Shuo again, but he found his own way ...

"Since Her Majesty Foya wanted to die so much, I had to fulfill you!" Qin Shuo shook his head with mercy, but he was not polite. His long sword came out of the sheath and fluttered in the wind, a dragon with a hundred feet of fire. Soaring into the sky, the hot flames burned within a few miles of the temperature suddenly increased by more than ten degrees, a scorching smell came from far, the smell of people in the two halls of discoloration changed.

"Ba Dao-Canglong stirs the sea!"

The wild blade pointed at Foya, who widened his eyes and screamed in panic: "Qin Shuo! Your head was kicked by a donkey! Do you really want to go to hell?"

Foya couldn't believe it, Qin Shuo actually did something to him!

As long as the king has no problem in his mind, it is impossible to give up his great future in order to kill a king, but Qin Shuo's head seems to be really wrong, not only hesitated without hesitation, but also killed with one shot. Moves.

Seeing that the fire dragon was persecuted, Foya's heart almost jumped out of her throat. In the panic, she unconsciously released the power of the soul to resist it, while taking out a scroll from the space to detonate, and the white light came from in front of him. Exploded, transformed into a sturdy white shield, wrapped Foya's entire body in the middle, "Boom!" The fiery dragon hit the light shield and was ejected away!

"Huh?" Qin Shuo glanced at the aperture in surprise, but soon returned to the normal color. He knew in the mind that Foya, as the first speaker of the light, could not have some cards in his body, which should be one of them. One more.

"Shield of the twelve-level sacred guard!" Qin Aotian, who fought with Savagedo, saw this scene and reminded aloud: "Master Father, this is a twelve-star alchemy item of light produced by the hall of light illusion, light guard Scroll of Shield. This scroll can last for ten minutes. The shield cannot be broken even by the attack of the king. It is known as the invincible shield. "

"Oh?" Qin Shuo accidentally glanced at the shield again and nodded. This shield is very similar to his Flame Ssangyong Ring Invincible Shield. It is indeed not possible to use his own attack, but alchemy items can only be used once. In the end, it is not as practical as a magic device.

"Cough cough ..." The flames dissipated, Foya's face was smoky, his hair curled funny, and several openings were made in his clothes. Even though he responded quickly, the king's attack How fast is vegetarian? Still did not wait to completely avoid the attack of the flames, burned by the flames very embarrassed.

Foya looked up, looked at Qin Shuo with a venomous face, and laughed wildly: "Qin Shuo, you can't think of it, you still can't kill me with your full blow! Now you lose your wife and lose your soldiers! I don't believe it You can go against the sky to break the shield of the twelve stars, you wait to go to hell! "

As if in the testimony of his words, the colors in the heavens and the earth suddenly dim, and a dim halo rose up at the feet of everyone, and numerous dark and deep columns of black light sprayed out!

Qin Shuo was too lazy to hide it, and laughed ironically: "I'm waiting to go to hell? Haha, Her Majesty Foya, you better look carefully, who is the black light coming from?"

"Qin Shuo, you're hard-pressed there, I see who else can save you this time, you ..." Foya thought the other party was holding up, but he subconsciously glanced at his feet, just look at it In the past, the smile on my face suddenly froze.

Those black halos really didn't go in the direction of Qin Shuo, but rushed at him! These black rays contain the power of rules, and even the sacred guardian shield of level 12 cannot stop them!

Foya almost frightened the three souls and seven souls, and screamed in horror: "This, this ... how is this possible!"

The ground cracked and the rules came down, attracting the attention of countless people in the field, watching Foya entangled by those black tentacle-like lights, Kalonsi and others were stunned.

Is there anything wrong! It was Qin Shuo who violated the rules. How did he go to **** and become Foya? What the **** is going on here!

Before the crowd was surprised, the small enchantment in the middle of the demon altar burst into a strong light, and the enchanting membrane spread out with a loud sound, and a figure inside it rose in the milky halo.

This is a handsome young man.

Flaming red shirt, slender figure, Liu Meixing eyes, smiling, at this time she seemed to have just experienced a new life, is breathing deeply with her eyes closed halfway, exuding a strong vitality throughout her body.

Kailongsi and others saw her and couldn't help but be collectively dumbfounded again!

They stared blankly in that direction, only to feel that the world was in chaos and could collapse at any time.

"How could it be you!" Foya, who was surrounded by black light, was still struggling to spur the soul. When she saw her, she even frightened her resistance and stopped, screaming in horror.

Hearing Foya's cry, the young man in red slowly opened his dark eyes, turned his eyes to see his appearance, and suddenly touched his chin in surprise: "Oh, isn't this His Majesty? It ’s been a while since I saw you? Even if you find it difficult to find Sheng Yan as me, do n’t you have to be afraid to hide in hell? ”

Qingyue's voice and a slightly smiley tone explained the doubts in the hearts of everyone in a few words, and then everyone came to understand in shock, the former "Sheng Yan" was actually posing by a proud wind!

And since the returning person is pride, then Qin Shuo and Fu Ya's bet should have been defeated by Fu Ya. When he just resisted Qin Shuo's attack, he had energy contact with it, and the rules naturally determined that he shot Qin Shuo , Violated the vow of not being able to operate in the Seven Kings.

"It's Qin Feng!"

"It turned out to be Qin Feng!"

"The person who just returned is not Sheng Yan, but His Majesty Qin Feng!"

"So, His Majesty Qin Feng is the champion of this classic!"

With the unveiling of the truth, the Vatican Palace was exclaimed both inside and outside, and the return of the proud wind directly changed the mentality of the people in the two camps. The two cities were excited and excited, but the two halls of vision were A face full of horror.

Foya, trapped in a black light, heard the words of Aofeng, and was so angry that he sprayed blood on the sacred light shield. He desperately stared at his eyes and screamed, "No! This is impossible! May be lost to you! Even if you have a pinnacle king, even if you have Viper, it is not an opponent of Lord Shengyan. You must have used some mean behavior to steal the adult's number plate! Qin Feng, you shameless bastard! You except What else can we do with conspiracy? "

Aofeng rolled his eyes. There are such people in the world. There are always 10,000 excuses for failure. The success of others is all accidents. Although the number plate is indeed stolen by a little black dog, it can be positive to Sheng Yan. How many times have she fought, how could she not have any real information?

Looking up at the venue, the entire Vatican Palace has now fallen into chaos. Although she was receiving the integration of psychic spirits before, she was also very clear about what was happening outside. Now that the psychic heart for the purpose of this trip has been obtained, and the contradictions of several major forces have completely erupted, she no longer needs to hide her identity. Now the situation of the Seven Kings City is grim and it is the time when her support is most needed. Revealing, can also boost the morale of friends who are far away.

The spirit rose with pride and laughed loudly with pride: "Also, since Elder Foya wants to know so much, then I will tell you what else I can do besides a conspiracy! Today, I will let you understand!"

Hongliang's laughter filled the Vatican Palace's interior and exterior, and the proud wind suddenly flew upward, and soon reached a very high place.

Around her, a bright light suddenly flashed, and the power of the soul surged out, and when the slender arm was lifted, a large dazzling light completely covered the sky.

The dazzling radiance dissipated, and people stared again, but found in horror that there were a lot of powerful masters around Aofeng.

These hundreds of people, including humans and Warcraft, are all real masters!

Those who are strong in humans are covered with the heterogeneous battle armor known by the Kings of the Seven Kings, and they are all above the king level. The combat power alone will not be inferior to the peak brought by the light and dark hall. king. And that large number of Warcrafts are all powerful, in addition to the Viper King who has been known, there are five-claw golden dragons, ancient beasts, golden roars, and other treasures of the ancient blood of Warcraft, most of which are also To the level of the peak king.

Such a huge lineup can sweep a top power family of the gods at any time, and these people and beasts are actually summoned by Aofeng alone.

In a state of shock, these humans and Warcraft turned around at the same time, respectfully saluting the pride wind that surrounded them in the center, and shouted in unison: "Meet the Lord Illusion!"


This word, which seems to only exist in memory, was mentioned, and finally awakened Voya and Kalonsi. Their faces became instantly bloodless. As the high-rise of the light and dark hall, they had The things of Phantom God are very clear, so I suddenly thought of a person, a person who always topped the list of "that one"!

"You ... you are not Qin Feng! You are Qin Aofeng, the fantasy **** who was met by my brother Ferté in the shining continent a thousand years ago, Qin Aofeng! It is you, it is you! You have already captured the illusion in that place. God has inherited it! No wonder ... it is no wonder that Master Shengyan is not your opponent ... "Foya murmured staringly at Ao Feng.

If the opponent is really the legendary and powerful fantasy god, then it is not surprising that Shengyan was defeated. The ancient fantasy master has many means. Simply saying that this ability to summon thousands of horses is beyond the reach of anyone else. Kefuya still can't imagine that Aofeng came to the gods so soon, and he was only 28 years old!

In less than ten years, the little **** king of the shining mainland had become the existence of a great king!

Aofeng gave him a small smile and looked down at him: "It's not too late to understand, at least you can stare at hell."

After understanding the true identity of Aofeng, Foya was really desperate, he was no longer struggling, and allowed Black Light to drag himself down, and finally hysterically laughed hysterically: "Qin Aofeng, don't be proud! In the past, you profane God, destroy our base of faith in the mainland of light, Lord Anlos will not let you go! Even if you can win us today, can you win the battle of the Quartet of the Seven Kings? Even if you really inherit With the inheritance of fantasy gods, being able to contend with our two halls of magic, it will also shock the Lord God. Once the Lord God comes, you will not be on the old path of the ancient illusionist? You are just a group of ants who are struggling in vain. Someday I will wait for your destruction in hell! Hahaha ... "

Voya's figure was finally dragged down by the black light, and the crack in the sky was closed, and he could no longer see it.

With respect to Foya's curse, Pride sniffled and walked along the way, so she had heard too much, but hasn't she reached where she is today? No matter how difficult it is, she believes she can step forward!

Having said that, this guy's words still made Aofeng a little upset, and said secretly in his heart: "You want to wait for us to be destroyed in hell, and I don't want to make you live too moisturized! Seeing Qinghong the other day, There is a **** named Fu Ya bullied me! Fight me in hell? Huh! "2k novel reading network