MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 44 it's dark

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The moment the two refining furnaces landed, the eyes of countless refining technicians focused on it, and it became extremely hot for a while.

"The smelter furnace of the legendary treasure mine!"

"Two legendary furnaces!"

"Master Hefeng Island and Prince Majesty are indeed wealthy."

The sudden appearance of two treasure furnaces caused a stir.

The smelter furnace of the legendary treasure ore can withstand the scorching fire of the top gods. It is the coveted treasure of the high-star smelter, and its preciousness is no less than those of the previous gambling treasures.

"Isn't this master furnace of Master Mu Yi the same as the white rock furnace of the owner of Fengdao Island?" Foya couldn't help but exclaim when she saw Mu Yi's stove.

This treasure furnace is snow-white, crystal clear, smooth as a mirror, and is supported by powerful three-legged feet under the circular furnace body. The two curved furnace arms are very elegant, and the entire furnace is beautifully carved. Every inch The place is very beautiful. From the outside, it is a rare treasure.

"That's right, this is the treasure of Fengdao Zhendao and the furnace of Baiyan." Mu Huan face proudly.

"Is it really Baiyan Treasure Furnace?" Kai Longsi heard the words, and frowned: "It is said that this Treasure Furnace is the only legendary Treasure Furnace on Hefeng Island. The Lord would give it to Master Mu Yan. "

"No, no, the island owner is very fond of this furnace. Where would I be willing to give it to me? It was the old man who went out and thought that someone might ask me to make a magic weapon before borrowing it from the island owner. I do n’t want to Today came in handy. "Mu Yan smiled, narrowed his eyes and looked at Ao Feng:" I don't know what Her Majesty Qin Feng thinks about this furnace? "

Mu Yifang was frustrated in Aofeng's hands continuously, and he always wanted to get back to this place. He finally had something to show off, how could he hold it back?

He wants her to have a good look, they and the wind island also have a baby!

"It is indeed a good furnace." Aofeng praised it, absolutely sincerely.

Aofeng was just watching the Baiyan Treasure Furnace. From the perspective of the Twelve-Star Refinery Master, this stove was also considered a treasure. The furnace body contained a strange special structure that she had never seen before. However, she couldn't understand the function of this structure for a moment and a half.

Hefeng Island's refining technique is indeed a bit of a doorway. No wonder they can disdain the same level of refining masters. The ordinary ten-star refining masters are definitely not opponents in front of them.

Mu Yan's beard was tilted, he was very proud, and the boy finally bowed his head in his hand!

But before he was so proud, he listened to Aofeng and continued to say, "But looking at it, the treasure ore of this furnace is still second. Although the Baiyan ore is a legendary ore, it can't stand the fire of the soul. The crux of roasting is the skill of forging. The forging method of this treasure furnace is extraordinary. The person who made this treasure is called the master of refining, but I do n’t know if it is Mu Mu ’s handwriting? "

"This ..." Seeing Aofeng look up with a smile on his face, Mu Yifang just leaked that pride, and scolded Aofeng this little fox in her heart. She must have seen that it was not made by him, so That's the question.

The meaning of Aofeng's words is obvious: none of this stove is made by you. What kind of energy do you show out?

"The old man naturally does not have the ability to refine these treasures. This is the proud work of my island owner." Leaving a lip, Mu Yan hummed indignantly, and was a little surprised when he was angry. The unusual refining technique of the Baiyan Treasure Furnace really has some skills. This is a secret technique that they and the wind island never passed on.

However, Mu Yi was still a little unconvinced, and couldn't help but ask again, "I don't know what treasure is the smelter furnace under Qin Feng? Is it specially forged?"

After all, he also glanced at the arrogant furnace.

Compared to the Baiyan treasure furnace, the appearance of the furnace in front of Aofeng is a bit unsightly. The simplest square tripod is supported by four large pillars. It has no patterns and no carvings on it. It's clumsy and heavy, it doesn't look like it has been forged.

Mu Yiming knew that he still asked like this, and he made fun of it.

"The special forging technique is your Guidao patent, and of course it won't." Facing Mu's deliberate difficulties, Aofeng didn't get angry, shook his head, and smiled slightly: "But my dark cloud black furnace is not After forging, it is no problem to bear the general soul fire, so just use it. "

"Black Cloud Black Furnace?" Mu Yan's eyes straightened instantly when he heard these words.

The old man immediately turned his eyes and stared closely at the furnace in front of Aofeng. There was a little careless look before! His eyes brightened, and he looked around, as if to see a flower from the stove, and for a long time, finally uttered a terrifying exclaim: "His ... it is really a black cloud black mine casting Furnaces ... "

Not only Mu Yan, but the many spectators around him also felt a loss of consciousness, and the sounds of suction continued to rise.

As the hardest legendary treasure in the world, Wuyun Black Mine's name is widely known, but due to its scarcity and preciousness, even few top refiners have seen it. Previously, Aofeng took out a small black cloud black mine as a bet. Mu Yan was ecstatic, and now she just moved out of a water tank-sized refining furnace!

How many black clouds and black ore do I have to use for such a large and complete refining furnace? Everyone felt the wealth of proud wind again!

"This Qin Feng's luck is also very good! Where did she get so many treasures!" Mu Yan stared, a feeling of asking the sky silently in his heart.

The old man was really depressed and comfortable. He wanted to take out the Baiyan Treasure Furnace to scare Aofeng. Who knew that Aofeng was not shaken, instead he threw a black cloud and black furnace out of his own body and shocked him to death!

Wuyun Black Mine is the world ’s first hardest strange ore. The white rock furnace is still inferior to the material. Even after forging, it can only be equal to it. No wonder Aofeng dares to challenge himself. Bringing out the stove, I'm afraid that there will be a big loss on the loop of the refining appliance.

It must be known that the refiner's duel, each factor of the equipment material has a great impact on the final result, no matter how high the refiner's skills are, if these external conditions can not keep up, they can not exert their full strength. It's not just craftsmanship, but also their families.

"I don't believe it, can this boy really reverse the sky!" Mu took a sigh of breath, and completely swept up with pride, his beard blew, his palms turned, and he began to pour materials from the space ring outside, proud Feng smiled at him, and slowly touched the space ring to take it out.

Soon, a variety of colorful and dazzling treasures filled the mouth of the refining furnace in front of the two refiners, and the huge handwriting excited many refiners who watched the battle. Breath trembling, the eye-opener has not been started yet!

What makes Mu Yan crazy is that no matter what kind of material he poured out, Aofeng would immediately find something of the same level or higher.

He took out a piece of earth's treasure, and the proud wind found a piece of wind's treasure.

He took out a King of Warcraft's Nedan, and Pride found a peak King of Warcraft's Nedan.

He carefully took out two precious auxiliary minerals, and Aofeng turned his hands. Tianchi copper ore, blue ochre, and bouldering stone poured a large piece of brain.

He turned over the box and found a few pieces of fragmented energy crystals. Aofeng grabbed them directly. He took one of the energy crystals that he had just made as a bet, which was the size of a fist.

"I depend!" The old man finally could not help but jumped and yelled, "Would your kid be so arrogant! Even if you are sincere, the old man cannot use such an energy crystallizer!"

Aofeng frowned in doubt, "Why?"

"You ... you don't know that the power of the Eight Great Kings is going crazy to find fast energy crystals? This is the source of the power of the Devil's Great Array. You can exchange them with countless treasures and money for any one piece. You How can you splurge like this! "Mu Yan glared with beard and eyes, and indignantly accused Ao Feng's" evil actions ".

"Yes, Ma'am Qin Feng, the refiner does not need such a large energy crystal?"

"Can't you change some small ones?"

"If you don't, Buchan and I can lend you a little bit, and using such a large block of energy crystallizer is indeed a terrible thing."

The Speaker of the House of Representatives also had a pain in their faces, and together they condemned, even Ji Yong and Buzha joined the ranks.

For a moment, Aofeng couldn't help crying and laughing, they really thought that she needed to waste precious materials and Mu Yan's anger? What she wants to refine is the king's weapon, without the support of large-scale energy crystals. At the last moment of shaping, it is easy to lose energy and cause the spirit to be destroyed. Once the spirit loses its spirituality, it is impossible for the spirit to become a king.

But she certainly can't say that at the moment. Even if she says it, no one will believe it. She just smiled casually and said, "No, I like to use this type of energy crystals. I still have a lot of stocks, It's okay to waste two. "

Such an understatement, only to hear the crowd rolling their eyes, all kinds of envy and jealous heart roar.

"Prodigal son!"

"Waste, waste ..."

"Damn, I really want to rob this kid!"


Mu Yan twitched at the corner of his mouth, sighed for a long time, and finally gave up the competition with Aofeng in this regard. With this boy Doubao, he could vomit to death alive, he didn't want to die like this.

"His Majesty Qin Feng has so many treasures, and presumably the skill of the refiner will not be bad. The old man will go all out and not insult the showdown!" Mu Yan converged, Zhengrong said, although the refiner The material is slightly inferior to Aofeng, but he will not be discouraged because of this. The quality of refining the magical device mainly depends on the skill. No matter how good the material is, there is no perfect technology, and the trained magical device is also a garbage magical device.

Seeing the old man's face looked so arrogant, Aofeng could not help but nodded secretly. Although this man had a common problem with the arrogant pride of the refiner, once he started to refine, he would become extremely serious.

He is a qualified refiner and it is no accident that he can achieve great achievements.

"Then let's start the refiner." Aofeng looked down, his forefinger in his right hand stretched out, "Oh!" With a whisper, Mars jumped out of his fingertips.

A burning sensation spread out around the pride!

People trembled, only feeling a hot and unspeakable, as if they were roasted under the sun at noon, all four were shocked.

"Soul fire! This Qin Feng actually has soul fire!"

"No, wasn't Qin Feng just playing with wind elements when he was fighting with people?"

"Did she still have a fire beast?"

Foya and Karonsi looked at each other with horror in their eyes, and at this point they realized that they still underestimated Pride. The flame of the destiny is the fire of the top soul, but it is different from the elements of the comprehension rule, which can only explain her The flame is not self-understanding, but comes from the destiny contract.

This kid is still a magician!

Although they do n’t know what the fantasy beast is, the fire of this top soul alone can tell a lot.

"Which stone crevice did Qin Feng come from? Is there another king in the Seven Kings City?" For a time, the two speakers were worried.

"Look at it, Master Mu Yan is also starting to show fire." I wonder who called it, attracting everyone's attention in the past.

Looking back, Sure enough, he saw Mu Yan holding out his right hand and extending his finger, intending to release the flame.

However, his flame did not come out slowly, and his bare fingers stood there for a long time, looking very funny.

Mu Yan could not help but change his face. An old face turned red slightly, angrily increasing the injection of soul power. He struck for a long time, and it was easy to shed a sporadic spark. How to inject the power of the soul, the fire at the fingertips is still shrinking and shrinking, as if afraid of something.

"Mu Mu's flame was suppressed!" Such a scene illustrates what many high-end refiners still understand, and they are stunned again.

"Isn't Qin Feng's flame not only the soul's fire, but also the top one? She is so strong in the fire element!"

It is extremely rare to produce a suppressing condition between flames of the same order. Such a condition can only occur if the temperature and energy between the two are too large. Mu Yan's flame temperature is not low. His flame is in many soul fires. It belongs to the midstream level, so it is still suppressed, which can only indicate that the flame temperature of Aofeng is too high!

"The flame of Qin Feng is even more powerful than the flame of the island owner! Is this still the soul's fire?" Mu Yan himself was shocked.

At this moment, he just felt that the innate flame in his body seemed to have been frozen, and it took a lot of effort to procure a trace. He had also discussed with the island's top soul fire, but he did not have such great power It feels like facing the fire of the supreme elemental flaming sky in the lava mountains.

A glance at Aofeng gave a glimpse of Mu's condition, smiled slightly, and put the flame into the refining furnace.

A faint wave of energy flickered away in the furnace, and Chi Yan's coercion swept away, and then Mu Yue's fingertips suddenly spit out a lot of Mars. The fire time of the two refining divisions was very short, but it took only a moment to restore the normal flames. Although everyone was surprised, they did not delve into the flames of proud wind.

No one noticed that in the center of the Wuyun Black Mine smelter furnace, a small magic array with a weak glow had been set up.

Although this magic array is very small, it is extremely precise. The magical energy in the array like the stars in the sky forms a formation and operates. It is just one of the most powerful array methods that Aofeng has mastered-large space isolation. Array.

There is also a magic array that condenses the aura of heaven and earth in the magic array of space isolation, which is the auxiliary array method used for making treasures.

The reason why Aofeng took out the Wuyun black mine smelter furnace was not to actually use the furnace to refine the smelter, but the idea of ​​covering up the magic array. In the space-isolated magic array, the energy fluctuations caused by the gather-spiral array method will not leak out. As for the faint light produced by the formation, it was also covered by the flames of Chiyan. As long as it is not standing directly above the stove, it will not be found.

When Chi Yan put into space to isolate the array, the coercion was also isolated, and Mu Yan's flame naturally recovered its brilliance.

Aofeng didn't bother to win by suppressing the flames of the opponent, she wanted to defeat the master of the refiner!

The flames in Mu Yan's furnace finally rose. He looked at Aofeng from afar, and looked very dignified. At this point, he finally dared not to despise Aofeng any more.

Countless precious refining materials and this terrifying soul fire have made him feel that the advantage seems to be gradually away from himself. If At this time, he also regards Aofeng as a young refining junior, then he is second to Fengdao The chair was sitting in vain.

There is just a little old man who is still quite confused. Although the black cloud mine is the hardest treasure, it can only withstand some ordinary soul fires. This top soul fire is put into it, but there is nothing about the furnace. no?

Mu Yi was puzzled, but now he did not have time to think about it. Seeing that Aofeng had already begun to process the materials, he was not far behind and began to extract and temper the materials.

Pieces of precious materials are put into the refining furnace, transformed into various liquids in the hands of two top refiners, held by the power of the souls of the two, and floating in the air in groups, which is beautiful.

Mu Yan and Aofeng acted like clouds and flowing water, without a trace of stagnation. The two turned around casually in front of the furnace, as if walking in a courtroom.

In the basic refining technique, Pride has worked hard, and refining top-level magical instruments is no less than Mu Yi. Naturally, this aspect will not fall behind. This is different from pharmacists. The configuration of medicaments requires flexible methods, and The skill of the craftsman is still the experience of the craftsman.

It is difficult to distinguish between the two methods. The top two refining divisions at the speed of the refining machine are also indistinguishable, and they have completed the melting of their materials at the same time.

This point surprised Aofeng very much. Mu Yan's flame was obviously a grade lower than her. The speed of extracting materials should be below her. Who knows that she did not take any advantage over the competition.

After a closer inspection, she found that the strangeness was actually in the Baiyan treasure furnace. When Mu Yan threw in a piece of material, the abnormal structure in the Baiyan treasure furnace appeared a wave of fluctuations to assist him. Smelting, the strange wave, is actually similar to your own spiritual gathering!

"Magic array?" After a while guessing, Aofeng finally said in surprise.

There was a stunned Mu, over there, also surprised, and his face sank: "How does His Majesty Qin Feng know?"

This is the secret between them and Wind Island! How could she find out?

"Really?" Ao Feng blinked in amazement and laughed, "Master Mu Yan doesn't need to be nervous, I just saw something similar in some ancient books, and did not steal the secrets of you and Wind Island, even if I knew you Adding magic arrays to the refining furnace, there is no corresponding method of imperial array, and there is no way to urge them. "

Mu Yan listened to Aofeng's words. Although he relaxed a little, his heart was more frightened. Why does Aofeng seem to understand the matrix refiner better than him? Is she also a heir to the ancient refiner?

Aofeng is not an inheritor of the ancient refiner, but an inheritor of the ancient fantasy division. In the inheritance of the ancient fantasy division, she also mentioned some ancient refiners who used magic circles. She only knew a little about this. The magic array refiner and the magic array refiner have the same effect. They both use the array method to draw the aura from the heavens and the earth. This is a bit interesting.

Elder Magic vs Evil Fantasy, which one is more powerful?

It is a pity that Mu Yan in front of him did not really master the matrix method refiner, but only knew some superficial applications. Even the array method itself was not engraved into the furnace of the refiner himself, and Aofeng could not see much of it. Mu Yan knows what to do with the Falun Gong, but the final result must be completely different. The so-called difference is thousands of miles away, and the distance between him and the proud wind has been set at this moment.

Time passed minute by minute. Gradually, the various light clusters in the hands of the two refiners were merged and extracted one by one. In the end, only the sparkle of the fire was left.

The whole day passed in this way, the sun had fallen to the west, and the light of the setting sun spread on the ground, red as blood.

Aofeng and Mu Yan each sat in front of their furnaces, with solemn and solemn looks, and controlled the fusion of materials in the furnace with the power of the soul.

Now we have reached the final moment, and only after the last step of shaping is completed, we can be done.

Suddenly, a dazzling light burst from the blazing furnace!

The lord is out, the treasure is here!

A Lord's Treasure has been formed!

Mu Yan, who was sitting next to the Baiyan Treasure Furnace, held out a long breath and opened his eyes warily. The old eyes radiated with shining light.

He laughed a long time, and an emerald-green bracelet exuding brilliance rose from the furnace, the bracelet brilliance flowed, gorgeous.

"This is the old man's refined weapon, soul-locking ring!" Take the turquoise green soul-locking ring into his hands and hide the light. The ten hidden gears are all revealed, and Mu Yan is holding the soul-locking ring. The people below saw each one clearly and said loudly proudly.

"Sure enough, it is a treasure lord!" A burst of cheering burst out.

It is so exciting to witness the release of a treasure lord's treasure in person, as if the whole day's waiting has paid off, and all the fatigue is washed away.

The crowd cried out expectingly: "Master Mu Yan, please tell me the role of this magical instrument."

"The old man is here to introduce." Mu Yan also looked refreshed, nodded and smiled with a goatee: "This soul-lock ring is the most precious master treasure ever refined by the old man over the past ten thousand years. Good one! There is no discarded attribute, and there is a special skill, soul lock. This skill is equivalent to a special magic trick, which can exert mental attack, impact the opponent's mental power, and cause the opponent to lose sight temporarily. This skill is powerful I do n’t think I need to say more. More importantly, the soul-locking skill can not only lock the masters of the same level, but also the masters of the same level and above. It can also work, but if the opponent ’s mental strength is too high, the results will be effective. Very little, but even a brief pause is enough to allow a monarch or higher to do a lot of things. "

Hearing the attributes of the soul-locking ring, everyone couldn't help but have a moment of stagnation, and then a louder cheer broke out!

Soul attack turned out to be soul attack! This skill that directly attacks the human spirit is the most awesome. This skill is well used, and it is not a problem to kill in advance. Even if you can't kill your opponent, you can run away. The biggest advantage of soul lock is not to attack the opponent, but to chase the other's mental power. When two kings face each other, the spirit will lock each other and cannot be teleported. At this time, if a soul attack will chase the opponent's spirit and lose the lock target, he will Then you can cast a teleport and get a huge advantage in battle.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yi had luck to bless the magical equipment to such a good skill. Even Pride was a little surprised. Foya and Kailongsi were all happy, and stood up with laughter.

Foya laughed: "Haha, it seems that the goddess of fortune is on our side. Master Mu Yan is not only skilled, but also luck, so fetish, what kind of lord treasure can you surpass?"

Kai Longsi said, "I said, Your Majesty Qin Feng, hasn't your magic weapon been refined yet? But I don't seem to need to practice it anymore, right? Master Mu Yi took the lead in making the instrument, so good. Attribute, even if you refine it until dark, I am afraid there is no chance of winning! "

Both of them had been suffocated before, but now that they have seized the opportunity, can they not take advantage of the opportunity to dig at it?

In their view, Mu Yan ’s victory is already a matter of nailing it. He took the lead in becoming a master and already has the first opportunity. In addition, the refined magical instrument is still the best. It ’s impossible if the attribute is far better than this magical instrument. Verdict of victory. In the competition of the refiner, if the artifacts produced by the two sides are at the same level and the attributes are difficult to distinguish, then the person who is made faster will be the winner. This is an unwritten rule.

Who knew that Aofeng listened to Kailongsi's words, instead of being angry and smiling, he stood up with his eyebrows stretched out: "The elder Kailong really knows my heart, just waiting for it to be dark!"

Kailongsi heard the words in shock, and then passed a trace of shame in his eyes, only Tao Aofeng deliberately contradicted him, and could not help but yell at him. You must pretend that you are a bitch. After you are done, you have to see what else Pretend it! He secretly scolded himself, but suddenly found that there was a big cloud in the sky, and he completely covered the sun that had not completely set.

For a time, strong winds, dark clouds, and thunder and lightning continued to linger, and the sudden vision was a bit unexpected, and the wind and clouds in the sky reflected the faces of everyone below them.

The faces of many refiners were shocked.

The unknown crowds whispered in surprise.

The color of joy on Mu Yan's face had disappeared, his face pale and his eyes straightened, and the soul-locking ring of the Needy Lord's treasure weapon almost fell to the ground.

Kailongsi looked over his head, showing a confused look.

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