MTL - Am I God-Chapter 12 move place

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So on Friday, Zhao Yao went to the transaction center to go through the formalities for the real estate, and then went to the bank to actually transfer the money to the other party.

This feeling of spending money is like cutting his flesh, but after the sales manager left, Xiao Shiyu stayed on the side.

"Why, you bought a big mansion, why do you look unhappy?" Xiao Shiyu didn't wear a uniform today, instead, she was wearing a T-shirt and a short skirt, and her white thighs were directly exposed to the sun. Next, with her fair and pink face, it gives people a feeling of incomparable youth.

Zhao Yao smiled and said, "It's nothing, can you help me contact the moving team? I plan to move as soon as possible."

"Well, how about tomorrow? Send me your address." Xiao Shiyu said, "And how much stuff do you have to bring? Usually it depends on how much stuff you carry and how big the car they drive."

"Not much, and no furniture. Just some luggage."

"Ah, you haven't bought furniture yet?" Xiao Shiyu said: "There is formaldehyde in a lot of furniture now, you have to buy it early and blow it up, otherwise people will smell it for a long time and it will be bad for your health."

"Uh? Is that so?" Zhao Yao scratched his head, he really didn't know anything about these things.

"Of course." After speaking, Xiao Shiyu pushed him towards the bank door: "There is a furniture store nearby, I'll show you around, it's better to order their stock directly, and after a long time, the formaldehyde is scattered. Almost there."

"No need." Zhao Yao said a little embarrassedly: "That's a lot of trouble for you."

"It's okay, I'm on vacation these days." Xiao Shiyu smiled at Zhao Yao and said, "You bought this house on my side, I haven't thanked you yet, you're not short of money, I'll help You move, do some work."

So Xiao Shiyu accompanied Zhao Yao to the furniture mall to shop for various furniture, as well as some televisions and other electrical appliances.

In the next few days, Xiao Shiyu helped Zhao Yao buy furniture, move house, set up the house, open the Internet, and invite her aunt to clean together. During the whole process, Xiao Shiyu was very excited, which made Zhao Yao a little embarrassed.

After being busy during this period of time, Zhao Yao's biggest sigh is that he wants to have a car. It's really tiring to walk in a car like this, not to mention that the house he bought also gave an underground parking space.

Finally, on the day of check-in, Zhao Yao walked into the room with a large bag and a small bag, and smiled when he saw the bright, clean and tidy house.

Putting down the luggage and opening the cat bag, Zhao Yao said to the matcha in the cat bag, "Matcha, we have arrived at our new home."

The matcha in the cat bag looked a little uneasy. He opened his eyes wide to observe the new home. Zhao Yao hadn't seen this kind of uneasiness since the matcha awakened his intelligence.

Touching Matcha's head, the latter took the initiative to rub his palm, and let out a meow.

Zhao Yao smiled, turned on the computer, and swiped the mouse to select the automatic cat toilet on the Internet.

The task stipulated that after arriving at the new home, matcha should be equipped with an automatic cat toilet, automatic cat water dispenser and automatic feeder. Now that the house is finished, Zhao Yao naturally wants to choose these things.

The three items cost Zhao Yao more than 5,000 in total, plus the furniture, home appliances, moving house, cleaning, internet and other expenses bought during this time, it cost Zhao Yaokuai more than 100,000 in total.

But after spending 10 million yuan to buy a house, Zhao Yao didn't feel much distressed when he spent the more than 100,000 yuan in one breath.

In the past few days, matcha eats the desired cat food every day, and can get a little experience every day. Now the experience value has become LV2 (6/100).

"If you don't count mission experience, you can level up after three months of cravings."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yao looked at the matcha in his arms, but found that the other party twisted his body, his white belly was facing the sky, his body vibrated slightly, and he made a snoring sound, and he fell into a deep sleep.

"According to what I found on the Internet, ordinary cats can get used to it in a few days if they move." Zhao Yao touched the other's belly covered with white hair, and the latter twisted and went to sleep: "I hope matcha will come soon too. Get used to it."

The next morning, Zhao Yao was woken up by a doorbell. He rubbed his eyes, turned his head to look at the bed, and saw Matcha turned over on the bed, with Bai Huahua's belly exposed unreservedly. .

At this moment, the earth trembled, and there was an earthquake-like tremor. This is the fifth short-term tremor in this period of time. It came and went quickly, and it still did not cause any disaster.

Zhao Yao scratched his head: "What are you doing, why is Jianghai shaking all the time, is there a big earthquake coming?"

He then walked to the door and found that the courier had brought the cat toilet over.

The cat's water dispenser and feeder have all arrived at home in the past two days. Because Matcha slept with him, he put the water dispenser and feeder in the bedroom.

Finally, I can add water and cat once a week, without changing the water every day, feeding the food, or being woken up by the matcha hunger at four in the morning, or being woken up by the sound of matcha unpacking the cat food bag at night.

And coming to this cat toilet today can completely free Zhao Yao's hands, so that he no longer has to shovel **** every day.

Opening the package, looking at the cat toilet and various parts in the layers, Zhao Yao's eyes seemed to start to shine.

"Finally, I don't have to shovel **** anymore."

I remembered that I had to shovel excrement and urine from the cat toilet every day for the past year. I smelled that unpleasant smell, and also had all kinds of diarrhea. When the urine came out, when half of the excrement fell outside, I went downstairs to throw it out every day. When pooping, Zhao Yao felt like he was looking at an angel when he looked at the automatic cat toilet in front of him.

So then Zhao Yao started unpacking without saying a word and fighting the toilet.

This automatic cat toilet needs to be connected to the water outlet and the water outlet, so Zhao Yao put him in the toilet. Anyway, the toilet in this house is big enough. The large toilet has 15 square meters, and the small toilet in the bedroom There are also seven or eight levels.

The water outlet and the water outlet are connected, the power supply is connected, then the cleaning agent is installed, and the cat litter is poured. The entire automatic cat toilet can be assembled. into the sewer.

Cat litter is a non-clumping cat litter that can be washed repeatedly. After each time the feces are decomposed, they will be washed and dried with water and a special cleaning agent.

Halfway through the installation, Matcha woke up, looked left and right curiously, and stared at the automatic cat toilet in front of her.

"This is the automatic cat toilet."

"Looks like a space capsule."

When the automatic cat toilet was assembled, Matcha ran in excitedly, her tail was raised high, her body trembled a few times, and she pulled down the first **** from the automatic cat toilet.

One person and one cat stood quietly in front of the cat toilet, watching the operation of the cat toilet with curiosity.

After watching the cat toilet shovel a large **** into the crushed passage, Matcha exclaimed: "It's amazing."

Then there are various cleaning, flushing, drying steps.

When everything is done, the interior of the cat toilet has been completely renewed, returning to the way it was before the matcha was served.

Matcha tentatively walked in, pressing the meat paws on the cat litter that was still warm because it was dried, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Don't be afraid to step on **** anymore."

"No more shoveling."

Zhao Yao also showed a satisfied smile, of course he was happy because he no longer had to shovel shit.

At the same time, the BOOK in my mind made a light sound, but the task was completed.

But at the moment when the moving task was completed, a ding sounded again, and a new task came.