MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 32 . Little Star (9)

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It was a sunny day on Monday.

"鸳鸯 钗" officially started, because the studio is in the suburbs, as far as the city is far away, the crew needs to take root in the studio for a long time, Xu Jinyi is no exception.

The venue conditions are limited, but the crew still did their best to squeeze out the two best rooms for Zhang Ru and Xu Jinyi.

One of them is the director of "鸳鸯 钗", and the other is the sole starring role of "鸳鸯 钗". They have the most work pressure, and even if someone is jealous, they have nothing to say.

Because of the actor's schedule, the first scene was a scene where Li Yin practiced swordsmanship in an ordinary farmhouse.

The martial arts instructor taught Xu Jinyi twice with a sword in his hand, and nodded to the director when he saw that his movements had been recorded, indicating that he could start.

"Act I, Act I!"

Flowing clouds, Long Fei and Feng Wu.

When Xu Jinyi stood up, the sword in his hand seemed to be ready to go. When the sword was waved out, the sword's air around the sword seemed to be able to turn into a solid form.

Sword Qi refers to the invincible!

The sword dancer is no longer Xu Jinyi, but Li Yin, the world's first swordsman! The sword in his hand is no longer a crew prop, but the world's famous sword—Long Yuanjian, which Li Yin never leaves. Li Yin and Long Yuanjian have merged into one. If any one is missing, the other is no longer complete.

This is the swordsman!

Everyone looked at the sword dancing man in the field, and their mouths grew up.

The chic and beautiful movements in the film are almost all synthesized in the later stage. When the filming is actually performed, the actors only need to do some slow motion and write a chic pose.

No one thought that Zhen Yuanshan did not swing in slow motion like others, but actually danced the swordsmanship that his martial arts instructor taught him.

Also dancing so sad.

He is dancing, but not dancing.

He is performing a sword dance in front of the camera.

Zhang Ru stared closely at the machine in front of her, and her face, which had been weathered, turned red.

Li Yin in the camera, every feature and every close-up is so just right, obviously Zhen Yuanshan has mastered the angle of the machine!

Coupled with Zhen Yuanshan's obvious martial arts skills and passionate performance skills--

Won the treasure!

Zhang Ru can only use this word to express her own inner excitement. Choosing Zhen Yuanshan as the protagonist of "鸳鸯 钗" is definitely the most correct choice he has ever made!

"Ka!" Until Xu Jinyi danced all these movements, Zhang Ru suddenly lost his head, nodding his head in a frown: "Okay, okay, this is over!"

The first scene has been passed, which is a good omen for Zhang Ru's perfect filming career!

"Xiao Zhen, have you practiced before?" Zhang Ru smiled and looked at Xu Jinyi, who was ruthless, and looked chubby like a Maitreya.

"I practiced for a few years." Xu Jinyi nodded, "Fist and sword are back."

The previous world was not a martial arts world, but that world did have martial arts, mentality, and internal strength. After being with Zheng Ronghan, seeing him practicing martial arts, Xu Jinyi was curious and yearning, and followed him for two years.

It's just that the body has grown up and the root bones have grown up. It has missed the best martial arts period. Xu Jinyi did not become a master of martial arts. The thin internal force in the body can only dry a wet hair.

It wasn't until she penetrated this world that Xu Jinyi discovered two unexpected delights.

First, the thin internal force of the last world did not disappear, but passed to Zhen Yuanshan's body.

The system gives an explanation, each world is like an upgrade, the energy obtained in the previous world can be transferred to the next world, and the physical constitution can be superimposed.

Second, before submitting points in the last world, he collected the portraits of Zheng Ronghan and the two into the only "backpack grid" in the "game equipment". Xu Jinyi, who penetrated into this world, looked for the "backpack lattice", and that portrait still exists!

Not only can the body constitution be superimposed, the items in the "backpack grid" can actually shuttle between various worlds.

Why is n’t this called Xu Jinyi?

"Okay, Xiao Zhen, take a break first. Are the actors ready for the next scene? Are you ready for the second scene?" The deputy director politely smiled at Zhen Yuanshan and turned to ask the staff.

Xu Jinyi nodded toward the surrounding crowd and walked to the rest seat next to it.

The next few actors who played other roles also smiled and were very kind, even if they were hot and popular, or well-known movie stars who were well-known among the people.

With such efforts as Zhen Yuanshan, Li Yin's role is truly worthy of the name. Such a person will make a name even if he is a martial arts star, let alone his acting skills can be regarded as invincible, and the future will never be wrong. If he does not show good results now, he will be late when he flies.

The new officer took three fires. Xu Jinyi is not a new officer and does not need three fires, but in the first scene, he did try to shock these people.

A new actor stands on top of a group of established actors. If he can't convince everyone at the beginning, he can only shrink back and let others bully.

Xu Jinyi sat on a wooden chair and took out his mobile phone from his backpack. Sure enough, there were a few unread text messages.

"Turn on today? Pay attention to safety on the road. The crew's food must be difficult to eat. I will let you bring you food."

"Wang Mei can't be by your side all the time, not to mention that sometimes she is not very convenient for a woman. I have arranged an assistant for you."

"The last commercial was finished and it was perfect! It will be launched on CCTV soon."

Xu Jinyi knocked a few times in the message box, and before sending it out, a person was already standing beside him.

"Mr. Zhen."

Xu Jinyi looked up. The man in front of him was about thirty years old, he was slightly fat, and his appearance was not outstanding. He had a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his ears, looking smart and stable.

The man lowered his head and was very respectful. "My name is Luo Qian. I am the assistant sent by Mr. Zhou. Do you have anything to tell me?"

Xu Jinyi gave a hand, put the phone on the table and stood up. "Go back and tell Zhou Rongbang that I don't need an assistant."

The man did not move a step. "Mr. Zhen, I'm sorry. President Zhou told me before I came, if I go back, I will lose my job."

Xu Jinyi frowned, picked up the phone and dialed in the past.

The call was connected in less than three seconds, and the tone was very pleasant, "Distant Mountain?"

"You ask him to go back." Xu Jinyi walked two steps away. "I don't need an assistant, and I don't need anyone to deliver meals at noon."

"Yuan Shan, Luo Qian is still capable. He can do it for both work and life." Zhou Rongbang stood up and faced the window, thinking that at this moment the little bad guy's eyebrows must be wrinkled, I didn't think it was my lips, "Aren't we friends? I can't even send you an assistant?"

"We only met a few times. What is a friend?" Xu Jinyi thought of something, adding, "Even a friend, I did n’t send it to an assistant. Besides, I do n’t need an assistant at all!"

Zhou Rongbang's frowned eyebrows were loosened again, "I'm not sorry that you live alone in the suburbs and no one takes care of it?"

"I can do it myself!"

"Otherwise you pay him Luo Qian's salary?" Zhou Rongbang sat back on the office chair, and capped the person in the photo frame on the table. An assistant. According to your current value, hiring an assistant is not a burden. His monthly salary is 10,000. Would you like this assistant? "

There are indeed many things that the assistant needs to do, but the company can't find the right person for a while. Ordinary assistants do, but most of them don't have much knowledge. There are many trivia in the entertainment industry. Wang Mei was afraid to let them get started.

Since Zhou Rongbang said that he is capable, Luo Qian must not be wrong. Xu Jinyi also knows about the celebrity assistant's market. The monthly salary of 10,000 is considered to be the middle-grade and high-end assistant.

Even if Zhou Rongbang brought water, he could raise his salary in the future.

"Okay, thank you."

Seeing the young man finally compromised, Zhou Rongbang smiled. "Do n’t see me like this in the future. I do n’t have any friends at all. I only met you from a young age to a close-knit eyebrow. You will be born with me again. Then I am really alone. Now. "

Thinking of the real world, he was also very lonely. Xu Jinyi inexplicably gave birth to some sympathy for the disease. He nodded. "Luo Qian I stayed, but you don't want people to send me lunch at noon. Zhang Dao said this meal Yes, I'm not that kind of coquettish. "

Zhou Rongbang smiled lowly, with an inexplicable tone, "Listen to you. But Luo Qian also cooks, and his cooking skills are not bad. I checked the theater crew and there is a vegetable market not far away. What do you want to eat? Do it for you. "

"……it is good."

"Watch your body, I have time to see you."

Xu Jinyi was about to refuse, and then changed his lips, "I can't care about you when you come."

"I don't need you to take care of me, I will stay by and look at you."

Low laughter came from the microphone, Xu Jinyi seemed to feel the Huaying Awards evening, Zhou Rongbang spit the heat in his ear. He narrowed his eyes, and the deputy director over there was calling him, so he took the opportunity to hang up. "The director waits for me to film, I'll hang up first."

"Okay, pay attention to safety." It wasn't until he heard the beep over there that Zhou Rongbang put down his cell phone, but reached out to pick up the photo frame on the table.

The more Zhou Rongbang looked at, the more he felt that this person looked good, and he couldn't help but put the photo frame to his mouth and kissed his lips gently.

Raising his head again, looking at the man's smiling eyes, Zhou Rongbang felt embarrassed again, and placed the photo frame on the table, but turned the front side aside.

Xu Yan, Zhou Rongbang turned the front of the frame back again and put it close to his left hand.

The person in the picture frame was Xu Jinyi's eyebrows. 2k novel reading network