MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 447 win or lose

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Everyone thinks that Zhang Lin will be recruited, even the Cloak Gang is no exception. In this case, even if it is them, the result will be the same.

However, the situation on the field was beyond their expectations.

On the field, Zhang Lin was leaning, and his body suddenly made a very awkward posture. This posture looked very uncoordinated, like a snake. However, it was this posture that caused Zhang Lin Lin's entire posture was consistent with the trajectory of the sword-drawn slash.

The slashing of the slash, plus the arc of the return knife, the trajectory is a sloping "U" shape, but if you break it down, you only need to pay attention to three points, and you can avoid them one by one.

The most important of these three points is the second point, which is the feet. However, it is not easy to move the central axis when the body is overturned. However, Zhang Lin's strange posture at this time has caused the balance point to shift. That is to say, the center of gravity of the body changes, so it can create a condition for changing the pivot foot.

It is a very high knowledge to switch the center of gravity of the body in the case of loss of balance, but it is not impossible. This technique has been presented in many sports.

No matter what action you do in the game, it is actually much more exaggerated than reality. You can beat the Olympic champion with just a single jump. Although the sense of balance cannot be measured by this standard, even if the Shengguang player is not an athlete, as long as With hard work, there's no reason you can't do it.

Zhang Lin did it.

As soon as the central axis foot was changed, the foot that could not have escaped the sword was suddenly dragged back, making the attack of Jian Zhan Yuntian fail in an instant.

"Hidden Talisman Dance."

The two commentators exclaimed, since they saw Mao Duoduo use this kind of dance step in the competition, they have already analyzed the unique stunt of Qianyue Qin Chuan, and they will naturally understand. Seeing it again at this time, But it didn't come from Mao Duoduo, but Zhang Lin. The impact was very strong.

After all, Zhang Lin had never heard of such a trick before.

Zhang Lin used the Hidden Talisman dance steps. After his first match with Mao Duoduo in the new area, he had been obsessed with this dance step. Even if Mao Duoduo was reluctant to teach him, he was still groping. Of course, light It is impossible to grasp by groping. Fortunately, after Mao Duoduo came to the region, he had been in contact with Zhang Lin for a long time, and he also knew something about him. Besides, Zhang Lin’s ability to soften and harden bubbles was very good. He changed his attitude and passed this trick to Zhang Lin.

After systematic practice, Zhang Lin was finally able to master this set of footwork, and he could even use it in the Eight Immortals Steps. This was the first time he showed it in front of everyone.

Mao Duoduo in the backstage nodded with relief, Zhang Lin is indeed a talent, this set of footwork is not simple, but Zhang Lin's sensitivity to the game does have a high level of harmony, and he also has a strong enough foundation. , he was able to do this in less than half a year, and he had to be amazed by it.

There was a burst of enthusiastic shouts from the audience. Although this action is not particularly handsome if it is simply viewed, but as long as it receives a miraculous effect on the field, then it must be handsome. The reason is that Zhang Lin's star aura renders it, and In the biography of Yueqin, the hair was the same.

"He's perverted again."

Zhai Yao sighed and made such a conclusion.

Liu Bo, Li Yuanhong and others on the side also nodded again and again. Indeed, Zhang Lin used to be a pervert in their hearts, but now it seems that not only did he not decline because of the blank period of this year, but he upgraded again.

In the field, Zhang Lin evaded Jian Zhan Yuntian's attack with a hidden talisman dance.


Zhang Lin hit the whip while dodging. The timing was just right. He almost rushed to Jian Zhan Yuntian's arm before he recovered it. He was completely stuck in the skill judgment time. This is very awesome, because If it's too early, a judgment will be generated, rather than letting the opponent get hit.

And this is a small stroke of the whip, so as long as the sword slashes the sky, even if he doesn't die, he will definitely come to Zhang Lin in a stiff state.


The two of them don't have a lot of HP. Whoever gets hit first will die. There is no doubt about it. Even if there is no chance for a combo, there is definitely a chance to suppress them. kill you.

"It's not just you who are absorbing new knowledge, I am also doing the same, so I'm not out of date yet."

Looking at Jian Zhan Yuntian lying on the ground, Zhang Lin showed a very friendly smile.

Jian Zhan Yuntian closed his eyes, he has nothing to say, but there is a strong unwillingness on his face, it seems that he is not convinced.

"Hehe, it's a pity that I didn't catch the silver light falling blade." Zhang Lin looked at him and said, "You are thinking that if my whip is delayed for a while, it will be me and not you lying on the ground, right, but it's a pity , you don't have that chance."

Jian Zhan Yuntian suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Lin in disbelief.

"When the body is tilted in the air, the silver light falling blade is released. It is no longer a jump attack, but a shock wave in situ, and the sword is drawn and the silver light falling blade is drawn. In the case of the air, the skill does not need to be fully retracted. I knew it a long time ago."

"The timing of my whip is not a coincidence, but I am very clear about what you want to do. I have studied this move as early as the second year of Shengguang, but because this move has limitations. , as long as you use it once, the opponent will be ready for the second time, and it is impossible to draw a knife in the middle.

Jian Zhan Yuntian opened his mouth, but still didn't say a word. Of course he knew this, so he reserved this trick until today, just to kill Zhang Lin unexpectedly and fulfill his reputation, but he He didn't expect Zhang Lin to know this trick long ago, which surprised him very much.

The guy in front of him is indeed the originator of the swordsman.

"However, it's a good idea for you to use hero medals to superimpose. Too fast speed will shorten the preparation time of the opponent, and make up for some shortcomings. It can be used as a stunt. I look forward to your more complete changes."

After Zhang Lin finished speaking, the two withdrew from the arena.

The victory and defeat had already been decided, Zhang Lin's single-headed winning streak continued, and Jian Zhan Yuntian's winning streak was terminated.

"The King of Duel."

"Zhang Lin, I love you."

"Welcome back, God of Summoning."

At this moment, everyone in the away auditorium shouted Zhang Lin's name like crazy, and even gave a new nickname. After all, this game is, in a sense, a battle for the title of the king of heads-up. It is the real one-on-one king, and now there is an answer.

On the other hand, the main stadium was silent, and some people even lowered their heads and sobbed. For the fans of Jian Zhan Yuntian and Chi Yang, this battle will be an indelible scar, and it is destined to be in the Holy Light. A strong record in history.

Now, all the light belongs to Zhang Lin, who disappeared for a year and then returned to the stage to play the first game. This kind of comeback attitude is undoubtedly quite shocking and eye-catching. It is conceivable that this After the game, no matter which team wins the final result, Zhang Lin will definitely make headlines tomorrow, and Jian Zhan Yuntian can only be a foil.

Mochizuki's team members were also very excited, and the friends from the new district were very emotional. How could they have thought that this guy was the former Mu Linsen? Even now, all this seems like a dream.

"Our captain is always the strongest."

Team Mochizuki's morale is high, and the reason why the ace player heads-up is important is precisely because of this, and it will also play a crucial role in the next game.


Listening to the thunderous voices of the audience, Li Xinran couldn't help shedding tears. She knows what Zhang Lin has experienced this year. She didn't know Zhang Lin's mentality before, but she knew Zhang Lin's identity. Later, looking back on the past, I could also understand Zhang Lin's unwillingness, but he concealed this mentality through a forced smile.

A year ago, Zhang Lin liked to joke very much, but a year later, Zhang Lin seems to have changed a bit, becoming more serious, no longer smiling all day long. A lot of people are the complete opposite of their appearance and their hearts.

This is not a deliberate attempt to show something, but a subconscious reaction to soothe oneself.

Looking at Zhang Lin on the field, Li Xinran was really happy for him. This stage was prepared for him. He belonged here and deserved to enjoy such treatment. Only here would Zhang Lin feel satisfied and happy. If Zhang Lin is happy, she will be happy too.

Because she loves him.

After leaving the arena, Zhang Lin shook hands with Jian Zhan Yuntian.

"Thank you, I played very satisfied in this game. Don't think I'm mocking you, but it's not. No matter whether I win or lose, I will feel that way." Zhang Lindao.

Jian Zhan Yuntian pouted and exhaled: "I have to say, I am indeed a lot worse than you, especially the swordsman's creation, but I will not stop here, one day I will defeat you , the days to come are still long."

"Yeah." Zhang Lin glanced at the starry sky stage and said with a smile: "It is indeed a long time. I am glad that I am not old, and you are still young."

When Jian Zhan Yuntian heard this, he vomited and turned to go backstage.

At this time, President Fan, who had been appreciating the game nervously, finally showed a smile. Zhang Lin was still the same Zhang Lin, and the summoner couldn't limit his performance. In fact, President Fan said before that if Zhang Lin couldn't do it, he could find another way. Another one, this is just an exciting word.

Where can a talent like Zhang Lin be found?

"Go home and sleep comfortably."

Mr. Fan yawned, went offline and left the game. The rest of the game was of little significance. For him, the heads-up in the first round was enough.