MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 368 confidence? Ambition?

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Seeing this list, Zhang Lin was not as calm as he seemed.

As an old man in the alliance, he is definitely biased towards Zhai Yao emotionally. Although he and Zhai Yao don't have much friendship, they are indeed on the same front at this time, and every old man does not want to fight together. Guys who have been riding on their heads by newcomers, there is no doubt about that.

Especially the newcomers who are in the limelight.

"That guy, don't lose." Zhang Lin whispered.

This is the last game of the finals, which is a matter of life and death. Every detail will be talked about by the audience afterwards. The influence can be said to be the most holy light. If you lose on this stage, then it is a foregone conclusion. Zhai Yao is not as good as Qiu Ze, it will have a great impact on reputation.

More importantly, Zhai Yao is the soul of Canglong, and if he loses in the heads-up match, it will not only damage his reputation, but also the morale of the entire team will drop sharply, which will greatly affect the future. direction of the game.

Because this is their first fight.

If it's not Qiu Ze, but Zhang Lin, it doesn't matter if Zhai Yao loses. After all, Zhang Lin and Zhai Yao have played against each other countless times, and Zhang Lin won every time. big mental ups and downs.

Qiu Ze is different.

Canglong's guys must have been influenced by Zhai Yao and refused to accept Qiu Ze, so naturally they mustered up their hearts to support their captain, and the blow after losing would not be small.

And this situation is the same for Qiu Ze, he is even worse than Zhai Yao. After all, he is the king of the new generation of heads-up. Many people think that he is stronger than Zhang Lin. If he loses to Zhai Yao , where to put this face.

The fight between these two people will definitely show the strength of the bottom of the box, and there will never be any spare power. It is bound to be a wonderful game.

Although the audience of the first two heads-up matches watched excitedly, it was only affected by the upcoming third game. In fact, they did not pay much attention to the result. In the end, both sides of the first two games held one victory each and ushered in the third game. .

The voice of the commentary was obviously raised at this time, driving the atmosphere of the entire scene. The voices of countless audiences were deafening, and everyone's face was flushed red, which showed their excitement.

"The Canglong will win."

"Chiyang will win."

The fans of both sides also gave their all to cheer the home team, and no one would let them in, trying to overwhelm their opponents in momentum.

Li Xinran also stood up and shouted loudly: "Come on for another day, and defeat that damned Jian Zhan Yuntian."

The seats in Chiyang's away area were full of Canglong fans. Naturally, no one would step on Li Xinran. On the contrary, everyone responded, with unanimous opinions. This side was full of the voice of knocking down Jian Zhan Yuntian.

Dong Shengguang covered his ears with his hands and said, "It's such a strong momentum, I've seen it today, it's even scarier than the scene of the football league."

"Hehe, the game and reality are different after all." The name is not easy to laugh.

"It seems that you are right, Shengguang is really a big piece of cake. I used to be too short-sighted." Dong Shengguang sighed.

The name is not good and shook his head humbly and did not speak.

At this time, on the starry sky stage, Zhai Yao and Qiu Ze appeared, slowly approaching and shaking hands amid the cheers of the audience.

"Very good, a newcomer can do this, I have to admire you." Zhai Yao praised.

Qiu Ze grinned, looked at Zhai Yao's mouth slightly open, and whispered, "The times have changed, you should retire too."

"What did you say?" Zhai Yao narrowed his eyes, "Boy, don't be too arrogant, or you will die ugly."

"Humph, do you know what everyone thinks of me, the king of duels, who am I afraid of?" Qiu Ze still held Zhai Yao in his hand, looking friendly, "I don't even pay attention to Zhang Lin before. Li, you, even less so."

Qiu Ze threw a provocative look, turned and walked away.

Zhai Yao's face is very ugly, no wonder even Bai Xiaotian can't stand him, this kid is so stinky.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s too young, but this kid is really arrogant and domineering, and I don’t know how to restrain himself. Although it is said that all teams in the alliance are enemies, but they look down and see each other. Everyone will try their best to give each other face and leave room for themselves, and there are even many. Everyone has a good relationship.

But this kid is completely ignorant, he really thought he could cover the sky with one hand.

It is true that a guy with this character will be very handy on the field, because their psychological quality is hard enough, they don't know what to be afraid of, and they won't be too nervous, but off the field, this kind of person will be very unflattering and very good. May provoke public outrage.

However, as a public figure, he will also be self-conscious. He will not be so stupid in front of the camera, nor will he be hated by the audience. On the contrary, many audiences will appreciate his temperament. It is not unreasonable for the alliance to package him. This guy is a star man.

Seeing that Zhai Yao seemed to be in a daze on the stage and his face was not very good-looking, Li Xinran asked Zhang Lin in a strange way: "What did that Jian Zhan Yuntian say to Zhai Yao?"

"How do I know." Zhang Lin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Maybe he wants to provoke Zhai Yao, this is also a tactic, but Zhai Yao is a battle-hardened man, so he shouldn't be caught by this kind of pediatrician. blinded by tricks.”

Zhang Lin would not have thought that because of Zhai Yao's extensive knowledge, he could see that what Qiu Ze said was not for psychological tactics, but because that kid thought that, he was really arrogant .

So Zhai Yao is also really angry.

The two sides loaded the map and swarmed the graves.

This is an assassin's favorite map, because this map is not quiet, there are many ghosts mixed in it, and occasionally it will make a little noise, which is really unique for assassins who are good at stealth raids.

It's very simple, once the assassin hides, the other party must pay full attention. A little movement can make them nervous, and it will be a big drain on their minds, and the ghosts floating around are already annoying, plus occasionally There will also be some small noises, which is really a kind of torture.

And as soon as this map appeared, all the audience was in an uproar.

This is Chiyang's home ground. The map was chosen by Chiyang's side, but they chose such a map, and the sword Zhan Yuntian was facing the league's No. 1 assassin. This is really bad.

Canglong's supporters were naturally happy to see this scene. After the uproar, they cheered. Li Xinran danced with excitement and exclaimed happily, "Haha, even God won't help this **** guy, Zhai Yao is sure to win."

"Not necessarily." Zhang Lin shook his head.

"Well, how do you say it?" Li Xinran asked in confusion, and Maureen next to her also turned her head.

Zhang Lindao: "You really think that this last match between Zhai Yao and Qiu Ze was arranged by God, hehe, don't be too naive."

Maureen said in surprise, "Could it be a black box operation?"

"What's strange, what the audience wants to see, they try their best to do it. If the winner has been decided in the first few games, that's fine, but since the last game has been played, neither Zhai Yao nor Qiu Ze are facing each other. , how could such an opportunity to please the audience be easily passed up."

Zhang Lin's expression was very calm. He had been in the league for so many years, and he had never seen anything.

Li Xinran and Maureen looked at each other with a somewhat unnatural look.

"No, if it was a covert operation, then Qiu Ze would have received rumors and would choose such a map to court death himself." Li Xinran couldn't believe it.

"It was because he knew that he would meet Zhai Yao, so he chose such a map." Zhang Linyu was not astonished and died endlessly.

Maureen next to her breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "I understand, Qiu Ze... I'm so confident."

Qiu Ze is known as the king of the new generation of heads-up, but many people are unconvinced and feel that he is not worthy of this title, and if he can kill Zhai Yao, who has an absolute map advantage in an unfavorable map, how much will his reputation rise? kind of degree.

Not only those who are not convinced have to shut up, but he will also create a classic battle that can be handed down to the world, become his masterpiece, and be talked about by everyone.

It may be risky to step on a person and make full use of all the available factors, but once you succeed, the benefits you will get are absolutely unimaginable.

Even if he loses unfortunately, he will have an excuse because the map is not good. Of course, this is definitely not what Qiu Ze wants to see. He definitely wants to win, and he must win.

"This kid, it's not easy." Zhang Lin narrowed his eyes.

Although he considers himself to be different from Qiu Ze, he is the same in some aspects, such as self-confidence.

If it were Zhang Lin, under the same situation, he would do the same, not to make excuses for himself, but to trample the other party to death, to convince the other party, and make the other party have nothing to say.

And Zhai Yao, who was in the party, naturally knew Qiu Ze's intention for choosing this map, which only made his face even more ugly.

"Good boy, he has courage, but if I really think I'm a vegetarian, if I want to step on my head to make a name for you, then it depends on whether you have the ability."

As soon as Zhai Yao entered the map, he sneaked.

Since Qiu Ze has chosen this map, it is as he intended, and Zhai Yao is not arrogant, everything is for victory.

The atmosphere of the chaotic tomb was very depressing, making those who were in it feel a chill, but Qiu Ze, who was standing on the map, looked very calm, just squinted his eyes and let the ghost sway around him. Shaking, unmoved.

The cool wind blew lightly, blowing the corners of his clothes, and holding a long sword in his hand, he had a masterful demeanor, which caused the audience to scream again and again.

Of course, the voice players at the scene couldn't hear them, and Qiu Ze's ears only heard the strange screams of ghosts and the sound of some stones falling to the ground.

The sound is a basis for judging the assassin's position, but it is not feasible in this map. The more you care, the easier it is to be misled and give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it, so Qiu Ze turned a deaf ear to those sounds and just stood there. There was as still as a mountain, as if his way of judging was neither with his voice nor with his eyes.

"What is he doing? Isn't he feeling Zhai Yao's murderous aura?" Li Xinran outside the court asked Zhang Lindao.