MTL - Almighty Student-v9 Chapter 12332 who eats who

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Xian Xuanwu's voice appeared.

"Almost, if it wasn't for the Realm King Judgment, I would really die!!!" Xia Xia just felt like he was about to die.

However, Jie Wang Jue really saved his life again.

The Realm King must not only devour everything.

Can also digest everything.

Although the tainted blood is terrifying, under the powerful digestion ability of the King of the Realm, Xia Xia's body has been re-condensed, and because Xia Xian has eaten a lot of Xian Qinglong's flesh and blood essence, the speed of his body's condensing is accelerated.

That's how it feels.

Especially at the end.

The Realm King Jue actually ate all the blood in the tainted blood pool.

"Just live!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"How are you?" Summer asked.

"I was eaten, and I was still completely digesting that power at the time. He was successfully resurrected before me, and because of bloodthirsty, his power was stronger. He swallowed me directly when I was unable to defend. In this case, even if he suffers the backlash of bloodthirsty, he will not die." Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"Can you still mobilize your own power?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, as long as I have not been digested, I can mobilize my power for you to use, but there is not much power that can be mobilized now!!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

"Enough is enough, I will rescue you first, and then we will deal with him together!!!" Xia Xia naturally understands that although he is resurrected now and his body has undergone some changes, there is still a big difference between Xian Qinglong and Xian Qinglong. difference.

At this time, Xian Qinglong has also been eyeing Thirteen and others.

"Just die first!!!" Xian Qinglong's attack hit Thirteen and others.

But right now.

Xia Xia suddenly appeared, and he directly stood in front of Xian Qinglong.


Xian Qinglong's attack penetrated Xia Xia's body.

"Summer!!!" When they saw that it was summer, everyone had a look of joy on their faces. For some reason, as long as summer was here, they would be very confident.

But now is not the time to be happy.

Because they all saw it.

Xia Xia's body was penetrated by Xian Qinglong's attack.

"You're not dead yet!!" Xian Qinglong was also very surprised.

He thought he had smashed Xia Xia to pieces, but Xia Xia was still alive.

"Just because of your reptile, you want to kill me?" Xia Xia looked at Xian Qinglong in front of him with disdain.

His face was full of mockery.


When I hear these two words.

Xian Qinglong's anger skyrocketed instantly, no one dared to describe him like that, he was actually called a reptile.

How can he accept it.

"You are courting death!!!" Xian Qinglong rushed over and opened his **** mouth. He just wanted to eat Xia Xia directly, so that he could digest Xia Xia.

"Be careful!!" Greedy Wolf and the others hurriedly shouted.

At this time, the greedy wolf has also recovered.

He saw with his own eyes that Xian Qinglong was eaten by Xian Qinglong.

The hope that had just appeared was gone. The mood of these people at the scene was simply collapsed. They didn't know how to describe their mood.

Ha ha ha ha! ! !

"Is this your hope? Now your hope has been eaten by Lord Xian Qinglong." The emperor said with a big smile.

he feels.

These people are like a joke.

so-called hope.

In front of Xian Qinglong, it's just garbage.

"I'm going to avenge Xia Xia!!" Thirteen rushed up, but he didn't even hold it for a round, and was directly knocked into the air by Xian Qinglong.


It's not so easy to die in the summer now.

After being swallowed by Xian Qinglong, Xia Xia flew directly along Xian Qinglong's body. It didn't take long before he found the body of Xian Xuanwu, who was bound to death. At this time, Xian Xuanwu's body was being digested quickly.

The King of the Realm!


Xia Tian devoured all the threads that bound Immortal Xuanwu.

Afterwards, Xianxuanwu was included in all kinds of things.

"It's done!!" Summer said excitedly.

"You kid is really against the sky, you specialize in doing things that others can't do, and you don't even dare to think about it!!" Xian Xuanwu said with emotion.

He really didn't expect it.

Xia Tian dared to run into Xian Qinglong's body to save him.

at this time.

Countless silk threads around are also tied to summer.

There is no resistance in summer.

His body was digested in this way.

In the end it turned into a puddle of blood.

But the tainted blood quickly re-condensed.

It looks like summer again.

at the same time.

The golden knife appeared in his hand, and he directly began to cut the flesh and blood of Xian Qinglong from the inside, and then began to eat it.

Although his body is constantly being digested, it can be re-condensed every time. In the summer after re-condensation, he will continue to eat the flesh and blood of Xian Qinglong.

Xian Qinglong, who was fighting, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body.

"Not good!!" Xian Qinglong understood what happened.

Because he had eaten his flesh and blood once in the previous summer, and now this summer has come again.

He didn't understand.

Why can't my strong digestive ability digest summer.

But now is not the time to say these, he wants to spit out Summer.

But summer refused to come out.

In this way, he continued to eat flesh and blood in his body, struggling to resist Xian Qinglong's spit on him.

"What's wrong with him?" The people in the alliance were also very strange when they saw Xian Qinglong's appearance.

"It's summer!!!" Greedy Wolf hurriedly shouted.

I heard it was summer time.

Everyone seemed to see hope again.

They all started to attack Xian Qinglong.

"You people, you all deserve to die, I will kill all of you!!" Xian Qinglong saw these bugs in his eyes, and he dared to attack him at this time, which made him even more angry.


He doesn't care about these people.

Instead, it gave the people in the league a chance.

He is big.

When you don't resist or fight back, you are a living target.

The ones that were beaten kept flying.

"Protect Xian Qinglong adults!!!" Jun Huang and the others also saw that the situation was wrong, and hurriedly shouted.


The two sides continued to fight together.

Xian Qinglong was in so much pain from Xia Xian, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't spit out Xia Xia.

Summer has been hidden in his flesh and blood.

This made him extremely depressed.

"Damn, do you think I can't deal with you like this?" After Xian Qinglong finished speaking, he slapped himself with a paw.

He ripped open his mighty scales.

Then just look at yourself.


Flesh and blood flew.

But in the same way, he also pulled Summer out of that gap abruptly.

"You are really cruel!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion when he saw Xian Qinglong's appearance.

"I'm going to kill you!!" Xian Qinglong shouted.

"Unfortunately, you have no chance." Xia Xia's body moved, and a behemoth appeared under him.