MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 114 Sick Dad (End)

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Before the age of 60, Han Ze wrote a letter to beg for the bones, and his children all started their families and careers. After resigning, he planned to return to Xiaohan Village with Wang Caiwei to retire. It is not good for the original body to be small, even if it is recuperated later, after all he is old, his children and grandchildren are worried about his body and do not want them to travel long distances to return to their hometown. Han Ze insisted that they have no choice but to agree.

Han Ze has lived in this world for more than forty years. He sent away Han Youtian and his wife, Wang Caiwei, and even Wang Erlang and Wang Sanlang. He is still alive.

When it came to him, as in previous lives, he still felt reluctant to face the tearful faces of his children and grandchildren again, but there was nothing he could do about it.

[Congratulations to the tasker for completing the task: changing the fate of the Han family, rewarding 800 points. 】

Han Ze returned to the mission space, heard the rusty voice of the system, and fell silent with downcast eyes.

[The system knows that every tasker will feel uncomfortable for a period of time when completing the task, so he asked cautiously: Do you want to rest? Or go to the next world now? 】

Han Ze looked up, without any expression on his face, and said slowly: "No need to rest, just enter the next world."

[System: ...Okay. 】

The screen flashed, and Han Ze was already in another world. At this moment, he was standing at the door of a family's house, holding a piece of pork in his hand. Wherever he looked, he was somewhat similar to Xiaohan Village in his previous life. Look at himself The clothes on his body, needless to say, this is another ancient world. Just as he was about to contact the system and ask him to send him the memory of his original body, he vaguely heard voices coming from the room.

"Mother, our family has worked hard for a year, and after paying taxes, we only got two taels of silver for the food we sold. Mr. Liu in the school said that the government will not only reward silver and grain for being a scholar, but the family land will also be exempted from taxes... I Reading is useless, but Jiwen and Jixue are young and spiritual. Mr. Liu in the village school often praises them and tells me that the two of them will definitely be able to be a scholar in the future... I wondered if one of the two children would be a scholar. Blessed by the ancestors. If the two children can be selected as scholars, who would not look up to our family in these eight villages? Even Han Ze's father would also look up to our family."

Han Ze thought, the Han Ze that this person is talking about is probably the original body, but although the original body is standing at the door of this house, he is not from this family, so it is unclear what relationship he has with this family.

"Hey, with Han Ze here, my mother will be curious about the look he gave Han Maode? His only son crawled out of my mother's stomach. What am I afraid of?" Master really said that Jiwen and Jixue will be able to be talented in the future?"

After hearing this, Han Ze thought, it seems that the woman who said this should be Yuanshen's mother, and the tone in the words, Han Maode is Yuanshen's father, the woman said just now that Han Maode's only son is Yuanshen's father. She crawled out, so who was the man in the room who called her mother? Is it the original half-brother? Since the original body's father was still alive, how could the original body's mother have given birth to other people's children in the eyes of the ancients who regarded their husbands as heaven? Remarried? Or other reasons?

He scratched his head, this relationship is really complicated, thinking of this, he continued to listen attentively.

"How can there be fakes? Mom, don't you often say that Jiwen and Jixue follow you, with a wide forehead, a straight nose, and thick ears. They are lucky faces and will be promising in the future?"

"It's not that you are lucky if you follow me."

"Mom, the important thing is that these two children are as smart as you, and they are very good at reading. Mother, if you are a man, you can be a scholar if you think about it."

"I have been smarter than your aunt and two uncles since I was a child."

"Mother, they are so smart, wouldn't it be a pity not to let them study for the imperial examination? Mr. Liu in the village said that he has taught everything that should be taught, and both children have learned it. He can't teach much anymore. If he wants to take the exam, he has to go In the town school, the masters there are scholars, and there are scholars who teach them. It should be easier to test for talents in the future. I want to send the two children to study in the town school."

Han Ze couldn't help laughing when he heard this. The brother tried his best to fool the old lady, and flattered her. But what he said is also right, if Mr. Liu in the village school is not a scholar himself, it is not easy to teach a scholar to come out, but if you want to pass the examination for a scholar, you are not smart. The original body in the previous world would not return to faint in the examination room, and failed the entrance examination several times.

Hearing this, he didn't intend to listen any further, and was going to contact the system to ask him to send the original body's memory, and then he heard the original body's mother speak again.

"Send it, of course I have to. The money at home has to be saved for Meizi's dowry. Jiwen Jixue is Han Ze's nephew, and his nephew is going to study. As an uncle, he has to do his best. You will go and get Han Ze later." Find them. Get the money, and we'll send them to the town school tomorrow."

Han Ze laughed again, her tone was too natural, why was she so sure that the original body would give money for her nephew to study? And it's not the tuition of a father's nephew? Could it be that the original body was an honest, foolish and filial son?

"Will Han Ze's father agree?"

"As long as Han Ze speaks, forgive him and Han Maode will not dare to say anything. Even Wang Lanhua has to obediently pay for the money. If you want to complain, blame her for not giving birth to a son for Han Maode, and let Han Maode raise two cheap ones for her." Son, this is also my destiny, but if Han Maode has multiple sons, what's the matter with Han Ze?"

"Mother, we must not let Han Ze know that I am not Han Maode's son, otherwise let alone let him pay for the money, even the money he spent on us, with his temper, we have to spit it out."

"Do not worry."

Han Ze opened his eyes slightly, these few words contain too much information, could it be that the original body didn't know about this all the time?

"Brother, you are here, why don't you come in?"

A clear female voice came from behind, and he turned his head slowly. Although he got some information, he didn't receive the memory of the original owner, and he didn't know what expression to put on his face at this moment, so he had no expression at all. Li's voice stopped abruptly.

Han Ze remained expressionless.

Two people ran out of the room.

There was no emotion on Han Ze's face. Looking up, the woman in her fifties might be Yuanshen's mother, and the man next to her should be Yuanshen's half-brother.

Seeing the expressionless Han Ze, Mrs. Liu and Han Chengming both thumped in their hearts at the same time. Mrs. Liu was lucky, and hurriedly asked, "When did Han Ze come over?"

Han Ze didn't speak.

Granny Liu had a bad premonition in her heart, and she asked cautiously: "What we just said..."

Han Ze looked down at the pork in his hand, raised his wrist, interrupted her and said, "I'm here to deliver pork to you."

Yuan Chen stood at the door of her house with pork in his hand, presumably he came to deliver the pork.

Granny Liu and Han Chengming felt relieved at the same time. It seems that they didn't hear what they said. Granny Liu smiled and took a step forward, wanting to take the meat in his hand, but Han Ze turned sideways and dodged it. Granny Liu froze, unknown So he looked at Han Ze.

Han Ze looked at her and said slowly, "I heard what you just said."

Grandma Liu and Han Chengming panicked.

Han Ze turned to look at Han Chengming, and pointed at him: "He is not my father's son."

He used an affirmative sentence.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly said: "Why, why is he not your father's son, he is your father's son. Didn't I tell you? Your father misunderstood at the beginning."

Han Ze didn't have the memory of the original body, and didn't know what kind of temperament the original body was, so he didn't intend to talk to her, but said: "Is it true or not, I will go back and ask my father." After speaking, he turned and strode away.

Liu Pozi and Han Chengming looked at his back in a hurry, and Han Chengming looked at Liu Pozi: "Mother, what should I do now? Who will pay for Jixue Jiwen's study?"

Granny Liu came back to her senses, then snorted: "Who will come out? Of course it will be Han Ze."

Han Chengming frowned: "But Han Ze has just heard what we said. Since he knows that I am not Han Maode's son or his own brother, will he still help me without complaint or regret?"

Mrs. Liu glared at him: "What's wrong with you not being Han Maode's son? You are my Liu Juhua's son."

Han Chengming looked at his mother blankly.

Mrs. Liu glared at him again: "Where is the usual cleverness? You crawled out of my stomach, and Han Ze also crawled out of my stomach. They were both born by the same mother. You are not real brothers. Who is a real brother?" , It has nothing to do with whether he is Han Maode's son or not. As long as he Han Ze was born to me, he has to respect me and he has to listen to me, otherwise he is not filial."

Only then did she suddenly know that Han Ze heard what they said, she didn't expect so much in a hurry. When she came back to her senses, she felt that there was nothing to worry about. Han Ze was her son, so he had to listen to her, and he could talk anywhere.

Han Chengming thought about it, yes, Han Ze was born by his own mother, so he is filial to his mother, there is nothing to say about that. Thinking of this, he said: "Then, did he get the money for Jiwen Jixue's study quickly?"

Mrs. Liu frowned: "Wait for two days, Han Ze is in a fit of anger at this time, and when his anger subsides, I can coax him, no matter you are Han Maode's son or not, you are always a mother's brother, Mr. Jiwen Jixue It's his nephew. When they are done, they will never forget his girls and silly sons. They are closer than Wang Lanhua's children. I don't believe that Wang Lanhua's children and grandchildren will be able to give Han Ze those girls, There is also a little silly son to help, these principles make sense, he wants to understand, and then ask him to give money to his nephew to study, he should be willing."

Han Chengming said with a playful smile: "Mother is the wise man in our family, so I'm sure you're right."

Mrs. Liu glanced at him, and Han Meizi who was next to her frowned slightly when she heard what her mother and elder brother said, and wanted to say something, but thinking of her mother's temper, she swallowed the words that came to her lips. But she couldn't stop worrying in her heart, she always felt that things were not as simple as what her mother and elder brother said.

Han Ze came out, looked around, and smiled. He didn't have the memory of the original owner, and he didn't know where his home was. Where did he go? It seems that it is more important to receive the memory of the original owner first. Thinking of this, he searched around, found a flat stone and sat down, then contacted the system, "Send me the memory of the original body."

[System: Alright, tasker. 】

After receiving the original body's memory, Han Ze frowned. Through the memory, he knew that the original body was not an honest and filial son. It can be said that the original body was not such an honest person. Since Yuanshen was not very honest and filial, how could he ask for anything from his remarried mother and brother?