MTL - Allure of the World-Chapter 43 ignore the general interest

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Lan Ling returned to Chenxiang Garden, the girls were overjoyed, but Lixia and Qiaochun were full of worries.

"What's wrong, what happened?" Lan Ling asked.

"Miss, a spy was caught around the palace a few days ago, saying it was from the Marshal's Palace!" Li Xia whispered.

"The people from the Marshal's Mansion?"

"Yes, I heard that we are locked in a water prison. We are also very repelled by everyone, as if we are also spies..."

"Don't think too much, I'll ask the prince tomorrow." Lan Ling comforted her.

Lan Ling was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, who would be the spies of the Marshal's Mansion? I tried my best to escape and came back obediently, thinking it was ridiculous.

The next day, the snow stopped, and the palace was still as quiet as before.

Lan Ling simply had breakfast and went to Ling Chen's study to find him.

He was there. Ling Chen had let the wind out to the outside world, saying that he was stabbed by an assassin and could not go up to court.

The fifth prince happened to be there when Lan Ling passed by.

Ling Chen leaned on the mat with a lazy expression.

“Why are you here so early?” Ling Chen looked at her lightly.

I don't know why, Lan Ling always felt that Ling Chen in Prince An's mansion treated her like a different person.

Those tender feelings, those beautiful things, all seem fake or a dream.

A truly beautiful thing must be short-lived. Lan Ling sighed.

"I heard the girl say that a person from the Marshal's Mansion was arrested, can I meet him?"

"No. Madam Ling, this king is discussing matters. Come over at noon." Ling Chen was expressionless.

Lan Ling came back angrily.

When it was noon, Lan Ling went to Ling Chen's study again.

This time, she pushed the door and went in, and found that there were many people in the room, Ling Chen was sitting in the middle, the fifth prince and the Northwest Marquis Guan Shichang on the left, Liu Jun, the minister of households, and two blue Ling didn't know him, and behind him stood Han Zhitao, Fan Xing, Tian Ming, Gu Fan, Yang Shuo, Fang Qiang, and Wen Heng.

These people, in Lan Ling's memory, except Fan Xing, are all from Ling Chen.

In this situation, Ling Chen still let Fan Xing attend their meeting, don't you believe what I said?

On the ground in front, lies a man covered in blood, with chains.

"Aren't you going to see it, it's him!" Ling Chen pointed to the ground.

Lan Ling resisted the discomfort in her heart and lifted the man's face to look.

"Liu Chong! Why are you?" Lan Ling was shocked.

Liu Chong opened his eyes, "Miss San, it's really you, you'll be fine."

"Why are you here? What are you doing?" Lan Ling asked.

"I accidentally heard the eldest young master say that the third lady was missing. I wanted to come and see, but I felt it was inappropriate. I wandered in front of the palace gate, but was caught as a spy..."

"Why didn't you tell the guard at the door that you were looking for me?"

"I told you, they said you were not here and would not let you in. Also, I came, the marshal didn't know."

Lan Ling understood, Liu Chong heard someone say she was gone, so he came to see her privately. But why did he come to see her privately?

"Master, he is here to find me, he will not be a traitor. He usually takes good care of me in the Marshal's Mansion." Lan Ling interceded.

"I see." Ling Chen narrowed his eyes.

A servant dares to covet Lanling!

Fang Qiang looked at Lan Ling with hatred in his eyes. Among the people killed in the Xiaoqi Camp were his buddies.

"Linger, the situation is special now." There was no warmth in Ling Chen's voice.

"But he is seriously injured, can I heal him?" Lan Ling looked at Liu Chong as if he was about to die.

"Mrs Ling, you know that many brothers in Xiaoqi Camp were killed by Lan Jingtian, and many captured brothers were tortured. , it is normal for me to interrogate him, not to mention, he can't be said to be innocent now."

Fang Qiang glared at Lan Ling.

"Fang Qiang, let's talk about things." Tian Ming glared at Fang Qiang.

"Although he is from the Marshal's Mansion, he came to see me because he cared about me. I guarantee that he is not a spy!" Feel inferior.

"Mrs. Ling, you can't make a mistake at this time, it's not easy for him to get to where he is today, so many of us have followed him tremblingly until now, you can't make a little mistake because of an unrelated person, you It's his concubine, you should know the whole thing!" It was Wen Heng who spoke.

"I only talk about this person, I can vouch for this person..." Lan Ling smiled bitterly, she didn't know the whole thing. What if this person is Wen Heng?

"Have you thought about it for the lord? The lord has been thinking about this for a long time, how can you allow a little mistake!" Wen Heng was very angry.

"Miss San, I'm fine. You don't have to worry." Liu Chong raised his head, his voice hoarse.

Northwest Hou glanced at her, Liu Shangshu glared at her.

"Your Highness, Lan Jingtian just went to the altar tomorrow, is the plan to kill Lan Jingtian still going?" The Northwest Hou asked Ling Chen.

"Of course, the plan remains unchanged." Ling Chen replied.

Lan Ling froze, "What? You want to kill my father?"

"Someone, send Mrs. Ling back to Chenxiang Garden. This spy, Tian Ming, will put him in the dungeon."

Lan Ling raised her head to look at Ling Chen, but Ling Chen's eyes were on Wen Heng.

The bitter taste slowly filled Lan Ling's heart.

Wen Heng did not speak.

Ling Chen frowned slightly.

"Heng'er?" Ling Chen called her.

Lan Ling swallowed what he wanted to say, yes, in front of so many people. In front of the prince's important affairs, she said these things, she was really ignorant.

But she didn't say that Liu Chong must be released, she believed that Liu Chong came to her. It's normal to be caught as a spy, who made him a member of the Marshal's Palace.

She just saw that Liu Chong was tortured to the point of death, and she wanted to heal him.

"I'll think about it." Wen Heng said in a low voice.

"Mrs. Ling has the heart to intercede for this man, why don't she go home and persuade Zun to be merciful, think about it for our prince!" Wen Heng did not let Lan Ling go.

Because of anger, Wen Heng coughed and caressed his chest.

Ling Chen stood up and patted her back, and said distressedly, "This king has his own arrangements, what are you worried about?"

Yang Shuo has come over and looked at Lan Ling: "Mrs Ling, please come back!"

Lan Ling looked at Liu Chong, who seemed to be dead on the ground, took out the Heart Protection Pill from his jacket, knelt on the ground, and put two Heart Protection Pills in Liu Chong's mouth.

"He's dying. Linger doesn't have a broad mind, nor is she a well-known lady, but Lan Ling is not stupid. I know who is really good to Linger, and I will not harm the prince. , I also want to protect those who are good to me as much as possible, that's all! I came here today to see who that person is, and now, I just want to treat him, I didn't ask to let him go!"

Wen Heng raised his head to look at Lan Ling, and then stared at Ling Chen, Ling Chen's eyes were deeply fixed on Lan Ling.