MTL - Allure of the World-Chapter 33 i'll save you

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"He changed. He was seriously ill? I didn't see it."

"Of course he's not sick, he doesn't pretend to be sick, this time the task of defending the enemy will be his. But he came out in such a hurry, it shows that he has very important things today."

"Ning Wang said that these people arrested me."

Huo Jingyun frowned.

"The cloud city is not very peaceful now. I will stay in the Ziyi Pavilion in the future. Don't go out alone, come back."

Lan Ling returned to the Ziyi Pavilion, Liang Hongxiu looked at Lan Ling coldly, "Are you really Chen Yan's daughter?"

"You know my mother?"

"I heard that you are her daughter, but you have no self-defense skills?"

Huo Jingyun looked at the message in his hand, his face changed slightly.

"What's the matter, Hall Master?" Liang Hongxiu asked.

"Daxing's team is trapped in the floating city." Huo Jingyun looked at Lan Ling and said lightly.

"The emperor will send troops to support." Liang Hongxiu said.

"Our people saw the bodies of the soldiers sent by King An on the road. Some people didn't want the emperor to know. This is interesting!" Huo Jingyun stood up and stood with his hands behind his back.

Lan Ling turned pale. The floating city, the last life, was the battle of the floating city. She solved the siege of the floating city by Ling Feng and brought Qingyitang into the battle for the succession.

"Is he in danger?" She asked Huo Jingyun softly.

"It looks so."

Huo Jingyun looked back at Lan Ling, Lan Ling's face was pale, her lips were tight, and she frowned.

"If the emperor has been unaware of the news, can we send a letter to the emperor?"

"No. Now I don't know who is blocking it, and our news is not official, you can only read it yourself. If the emperor made a judgment because of our news, it would be good if it was correct. It's wrong. Tsing Yi Tang will be destroyed. No matter how powerful Tsing Yi Tang is, it is the emperor's world."

"What then?"

"You want to help him?" Huo Jingyun asked in a deep voice.


He smiled slightly. "Then help him."

"How can I help?" Lan Ling felt hopeful.

"Don't you have an ink order? You can use it now."

In the vast northern wasteland continent, at the junction of Daxing and Beiyi, there is a small city, a floating city.

The temperature difference between day and night in the floating city is extremely large. At this time at night, the temperature suddenly dropped to more than 30 degrees below zero.

The fire was burning outside the city. Qingzhou, Luancheng's rebels and Beiyi soldiers and horses surrounded the floating city.

Qingzhou and Luancheng had already defected, which Ling Chen did not expect. Daxing's frontier is already in jeopardy.

Ling Chen resolved them one by one. But the enemy was aggressive, and every time they attacked the city, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

The soldiers who sent the letter by Ling Chen never replied. He felt uneasy in his heart.

He stared at the strategy map in front of him, and the flag of the other party was planted in a large area around the floating city. He regained some lost ground, but not nearly enough.

The frontier has reached such a point, why does the emperor in Yuncheng not know it at all?

If this goes on, the country will be destroyed!

“What day is it?” Ling Chen asked.

"The fifth day. It's been five days since we surrounded us." Tian Ming replied.

"Is my judgment wrong? King Ning is targeting me this time? Isn't it the father?"

Ling Chen frowned.

Ling Chen's eyes darkened. After a long time, he asked, "How long can the food and grass in the city last?"

"The floating city was originally stationed here temporarily, and there is not much reserve in advance. Counting the donations from the rich families in the city, there is no problem for half a month."

"Anything unusual at home?"

"No. Except that we know that someone attacked the Anwang's mansion at night a few days ago, there is nothing else."

“How is she?”

"The guard said it should be fine."

Ling Chen stared at Tian Ming, "What does it mean to be fine?"

"It was someone who attacked Mrs. Ling a few days ago and was rescued. Now I'm back in the Ziyi Pavilion, so it should be fine."

"Where did you go?"

"Ning Wang's Courtyard."

The man frowned and his eyes were sharp, "It's King Ning again! Then Huo Jingyun can't protect her?"

"The details are unknown, but Huo Jingyun brought Mrs. Ling back from the Ningwang Courtyard on the day that Mrs. Ling disappeared."

Ling Chen looked at the boundless enemy army outside.

"There is no news of the flying pigeons and those sent to deliver the letters, which means that some people don't want to let the emperor know the situation here. We can't sit still."

"Do we use our own strength?" Tian Ming asked.

"No, I believe Lingfeng is staring at us now, and he also wants to know the size of our Xiaoqi battalion. He is forcing us. Just wait."

Lan Ling and the others stayed around the floating city for ten days, and Huo Jingyun was already familiar with the surrounding terrain.

Lan Ling made all the materials into poison bombs, more than 200 pieces.

"These are far from enough, but there is no material." Lan Ling said to Huo Jingyun.

"There are people from our Tsing Yi Hall around here, and they will deliver what Ling'er needs tomorrow." Huo Jingyun was also looking at the pile of black balls. He didn't believe in their power.

"Don't worry, I really want to show you the power, just for fear of attracting enemy troops!"

In the past few days, I heard the screams of killing in front of me, and Lan Ling became more and more uneasy.

"Senior brother, don't wait any longer, these are not enough, but we can't wait any longer. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold it anymore!"

Lan Ling repeatedly requested that Huo Jingyun would take them to the enemy camp to the floating city today.

The courtyard shook, and this time Ziyitang sent 3,000 people.

When leaving, Huo Jingyun handed her a packet of pine nuts wrapped in oiled paper.

"Try it." He looked at her quietly with warm eyebrows.

Lan Ling took it and squeezed one into his mouth.

"In such a cool place, there is such delicious candy!" Lan Ling's eyes became brighter, and he couldn't help smiling.


"Yeah. You eat too!" She handed a piece to Shanzi and stuffed it into Huo Jingyun's mouth.

Seeing that the corner of her mouth was stained with bits and pieces, Huo Jingyun reached out and wiped it off for her.

Lan Ling froze.

Seeing that Huo Jingyun seemed to be doing random movements, he felt at ease again.

"Linger, do you really want to go together?" He looked up at her and said a word slowly.

Lan Ling's pupils froze for a moment, and then she said, "Yes, senior brother, I will definitely be careful."

She never wanted to see Ling Chen like this.

Those resentments, those grievances, those unwillingness, all of them are not as strong as seeing him now.

"Okay, I won't let you have any trouble!" Huo Jingyun whispered.

Ling Chen was standing on the city wall, the enemy had already attacked the city three times today, and now they have just stopped the third attack.

The end of the year is approaching, and everyone's mood is even more irritable.

He stood up straight in black armor, he was much thinner, and his well-defined features made him more handsome.

Han Zhitao, who was standing with him, had long eyebrows and slender eyes, staring down at him.

"My lord, we must break through today, and we can't wait for the day when we run out of food."

"I know." Ling Chen frowned. The food and grass in the city were only enough for five days. Of course, I couldn’t wait until the food was exhausted and then rushed out. At that time, people’s hearts would be scattered.

"It seems that the enemy will have another siege today. When they relax, we will rush out directly from the west gate! Let everyone get ready!"

Tian Ming sent the order down.

When the enemy's fourth siege ended, the gate of the floating city slowly opened.

Ling Chen led everyone out!

Ling Chen saw what Tian Ming was going to say to him, his red eyes, his mouth opened and closed, and his body was covered in blood, Ling Chen wanted to listen carefully to Tian Ming's words, but he couldn't. Can't hear.

The mighty Beiyi's army came like a tidal wave.

Ling Chen suddenly thought of Lan Ling. What is she doing at this time?

The kind of life she told him, why can't he give her? For the people around him? Or for himself?

He wants the world.

She left and he didn't look for her, subconsciously, did he really hope she left? At that time, he thought that if he could go back alive, he would continue to entangle with her. If he died, it would be good for her to leave. She should not have been detained in the deep palace compound.

flow down, drop by drop.

"Protect the prince!" Someone shouted loudly.

The front was bright red, the wind was blowing, and snow was blowing all over the sky.

Tian Ming and Gu Fan tried their best to get here, but Feng Yu Jianlin couldn't get through.

Ling Chen felt a chill on his back, knowing that he had been hit by an arrow. I can't feel the pain anymore!

Suddenly I heard loud noises, and billowing smoke filled the sky above the enemy.

There seems to be confusion ahead.

"Look at your lord!" Tian Ming had already jumped to Ling Chen's side, and a group of goats rushed in ahead, with black smoky **** hanging from them.

There was a sound of explosion, and the sound of ghosts and wolf howls came from the enemy. Broken limbs and broken arms spilled all over the ground!

A group of cyan shadows rode on horses and wore masks. They held long knives, fell from the sky, and rushed in!

In a trance, I heard Lan Ling's voice, "Ling Chen, I'm here to save you!"

Everyone wears dark cyan leather armor, and their posture is vigorous and fast. Come.

"Your Highness, it's a friendly army!" Han Zhitao was overjoyed, and his expression became brighter!

I don't know whose team, but it is indeed killing Beiyi's army. The enemy of the enemy is the friend!

Followed by the infantry, murderous, swiftly approaching!