MTL - Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters-Chapter 19 The case repeats (plus more)

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Lian Youyou stood on the altar and grinned: "It's not too late for everyone to beat after listening."

Everyone calm down, after all, gossip is more important.

"Master! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Seeing Lian Youyou, He Shiqi immediately pushed everyone away and ran to the table, putting his hands on his hips, not allowing anyone to approach.

Lin Tingjun's cold eyes flicked back and forth between Lian Youyou and He Shiqi, crazy girl? Fool? What kind of plot is this? Since there were no monsters making trouble, he could have left to sleep, but the play in front of him aroused his interest again, especially since this village girl knew his identity, and her figure would surpass him Lian Youyou.

Lian Youyou waved to Yu Chifeng: "My lord, I think you should be sent by the government to refute the rumors, then let's clear up the matter, and then everyone should go home and cook, the baby's baby, and report Report, don't let a liar fool you around and cause a riot, right?"

Yu Chifeng looked at the village girl, nodded, and raised his hand mightily: "Everyone, stop making trouble! Otherwise, we will all be arrested and sent to prison to cool off!"

Yu Chifeng's bluff was really useful. The villagers became more honest and watched Lian Youyou together.

Yu Chifeng immediately held the big knife at his waist: "Then tell me, what's going on?!"

"Yeah, what's going on?" The villagers also looked at Lian Youyou with hoes and bricks, as if she couldn't explain the matter clearly, and they would throw bricks at him.

Just as Lin Yuniang was about to speak, she was held back by He Lao Xiucai. She shook her head and glanced at Yuchifeng who was now supporting Lian Youyou. This means that you should stop being a monster. With our bodies, if we enter the prison alive, we may not be able to come out alive.

Lin Yuniang pursed her mouth, aggrieved and shrank beside the old man.

"Ahem." Lian Youyou cleared her throat, "By the way, Liu Qiang went up the mountain yesterday, eh? Why did he go up the mountain? Does anyone know?" Lian Youyou asked the villagers back.

"Hunting!" a villager called out.

"Aqiang said he found wolves on the mountain, so he set a trap the day before yesterday, and went up the mountain yesterday to check whether the trap caught wolves." Another villager provided a new clue.

"Crack!" Lian Youyou snapped her fingers and pointed at the villager, "Finally someone who understands." Now, the wolf bite wound on Liu Qiang's leg was matched.

The villager was told that he was a white man, so he suddenly snarled, raised his face forty-five degrees, and instantly felt that he was handsome today.

Lian Youyou continued to talk: "Liu Qiang went up the mountain to check the traps, he should have caught the wolf, but suddenly, fire fell from the sky!" Lian Youyou danced and danced with emotion, "Whew—duang! Immediately, Liu Qiang and the wolf were caught Fly up, oh~~~ I understand, the wolf must have bitten Liu Qiang's leg in revenge for Liu Qiang, and then, Liu Qiang fell on a broken tree, pierced his intestines and died!"

"How is it possible?" Some villagers immediately objected, "When we went up the mountain to look for Liu Qiang, the tree was so-so tall, how did Liu Qiang get up there?"

Several strong men who went up the mountain nodded together.

"Also, look, Liu Dong seems to have lost his soul until now, and that's because of the monster!" The young man pointed at Liu Dong who was always huddled in the corner and was almost forgotten.

Liu Dong? Why is there another Liu Dong? Lian Youyou looked over and found that Liu Dong looked a bit like the deceased Liu Qiang. It's the same surname again, oh... got it, it's Brother Liu Qiang. Blame myself for being too careless.

"Donger—my poor Donger—" Liu Qiangniang cried and hugged the trembling, curled up Liu Dong.

And Liu Dong's father was staring at Lian Youyou fiercely with a hoe: "I think you are a witch! Everything was fine before! Since you came, everything has been messed up. The black dog disappeared, the rooster ran away, and Xiangu Li became a woman!" Liar! You still touched my son's body!" Liu Qiang's father pointed to Liu Qiang's body in the courtyard.

Guo De Guo just frowned in disgust.

Lian Youyou smiled awkwardly but politely: "I'm doing an autopsy, autopsy~~~" Lian Youyou looked at Yuchifeng, "My lord, you should know how to do an autopsy, you don't look at or touch this corpse, how can you know what's going on?" dead?"

After hearing Lian Youyou's words, Yu Chifeng thought it was reasonable, but he also felt that Liu Qiang's climbing the tree was a bit strange, so his face sank: "Then tell me, how did this Liu Qiang climb the tree?"

Lian Youyou pointed to the muddy ground under her body: "This will be Pingshan, okay, this one will be Liu Qiang..." Lian Youyou jumped off the table, picked up a steamed bun from the ground, broke off a small piece and put it on the ground, then looked at it. Left and right, picked up a chopstick, broke it, made a sharp head and stuck it on the ground, "This is the tree, is it about the same height?" Lian Youyou looked at the strong men who carried Liu Qiang's body down.

Everyone visually measured the ratio of steamed buns and chopsticks, and nodded: "Almost."

"Okay." Lian Youyou picked up the pure copper incense burner and stood up, looking around at the curious and suspicious villagers, "If this person is on the ground, he won't be able to climb a tree, and ordinary impacts can't knock him up ..." Lian Youyou said, throwing the incense burner casually.

With a sound of "dong", the incense burner hit the ground, only breaking some small stones, and the steamed buns on the ground only jumped slightly, and did not fly up at all.

"However, the fire from the sky is different." Lian Youyou picked up the heavy copper furnace again and threw it in her hand, "It adds the gravity and acceleration of the earth... Uh... you don't understand these things, anyway, the higher the height , The heavier the thing dropped, the more it will make people fly, Ah Qi, you hold on to that chopstick, I'm afraid that the force will be too great after a while, and the chopstick will also fly."

"Hey!" He Shiqi immediately knelt down and supported the chopstick.

Immediately, Lian Youyou got up and leaped, and she jumped up, immediately eliciting a low voice of exclamation: "Oh—"

Yu Chifeng was also a little surprised when he saw it, he didn't expect this village girl to be able to do some kung fu.

Lian Youyou jumped onto an old poplar tree in the courtyard. The old poplar tree was as high as a four-story building. Lian Youyou stood tall on the top of the tree and shouted: "Everyone look out—I'm going to throw—"

Everyone immediately stared at the steamed buns on the ground, just like gamblers staring at the sieve in a casino.

Lian Youyou raised her lips and smiled high in the air, threw the copper furnace in her hand, squinted her eyes, a trace of golden divine power had emerged from her palm, if the divine power was not injected, the copper furnace would still not be able to reach the speed and impact of flowing fire force. And she couldn't really fly high, that would be really scary. Therefore, we can only rely on some residual divine power.

Immediately, she turned around beautifully on the treetop, and swished out the copper stove in her hand.

Under the blessing of divine power, the speed of the copper furnace was extremely fast, and it even turned red when it passed through the air. It can be seen how fast it is, and it is so fast that ordinary people can't see its trajectory with naked eyes!