MTL - Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao-Chapter 4826 Principal emperor

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Now, often listening to the sword is swaying Ling Han, the mighty domineering, everyone is uplifting, but a dog can be said to be inferior, completely destroying the atmosphere. .

Who can bear it?

However, this hyena is actually a saint!

Heaven has no eyes.

Most people only dare to anger and dare not speak, that is, the seven original saints are also worried. This dog specializes in kicking people. You see, the ancestors are still squatting, he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Bear forever!

As long as the cold has been killed, the hyena can be cleaned up at will.

"Old black, if your eyes can kill, you have already died a few hundred times." Xiao Qinglong said the wind.

"Hey!" The **** dog snorted. "They are worshipping this seat, your little child's family, don't understand!"

Seeing the **** dog is so shameless, the family often wants to be desperate.

It’s too odious.

In the stars, I often listen to the sword and fight with Ling Han.

Of course, the so-called fierce battle is only his wishful thinking.

He is very cool now, and he has completely gained the upper hand in the scene, pressing the cold to fight, let him re-establish the invincible self-confidence of the great family.

After all, mortal!

After so many years, he has gone further and further on the road to the emperor. He has already cultivated a rule of nine stars, and finally has the prestige of the emperor. It is no longer the one who used the power of the emperor in the past.

Therefore, Ling Han is not his opponent.

"Ling Han, I have to admire your courage!" he said faintly. "It is a pity that you have come to the wrong place. This is a regular home!"

These words were broadcast live through the star network, and were heard by every ordinary family member. They were all excited and scalp.

Constant home, invincible!

At the top, there is an invincible emperor sitting in the town. Below is the emperor. As long as the world permits, the second emperor may appear at any time.

A double great emperor, something that has never been seen in the past!

They are all proud of rising up as a regular family, so that their faces are becoming flushed and there is an indescribable madness.

At this moment, they are willing to go through the fire for the family, and die without regret!

"Hey, look, what is that!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

They saw through the star network that there was a small black spot in the battle that quickly approached the cold and the sword.

The seven original saints quickly manipulated and adjusted the angle of the "sky eye" in the sky to the small black spot.

Just for a moment, the little black spot was instantly enlarged and turned into a huge... stone man.

Everyone is surprised, how can a person suddenly kill a stone man?

"Hey!" The stone man was already killed, and while he was wavering the level of consciousness, he launched an attack with excitement.

It is the arrival of the combat fluctuations here, and when it comes to seeing that Ling Han is fighting with people, it can't stand it!

It doesn't care about the strength of the opponent. If it is not enough, what does it do?

For this big man, fighting is no reason.


It swung out with a punch, so it was so straightforward to listen to the sword.


I often listen to the sword and the hair is straight and vertical. What kind of monster is Hemad? How is the power of such a battle?

He quickly evaded and escaped. The power of this attack has at least reached the level of eight stars. If he is hard-wired, he will definitely not die, but he may be injured or even hit hard.

"Hey!" The stone man was so excited that he couldn't stop himself, and rushed toward the sword.

This time, I often feel depressed in the sword.

Nima, have you not seen Ling Han being closer to you? Why are you not playing near, do you have to chase me far?

Where did you come from?

Quasi-Emperor, not a Chinese cabbage, you can pick it up!

He was full of confusion and full of shock.

Ling Han is also a glimpse, said with a smile: "Dashi, how do you do this, how can I force it?"

The stone man stopped immediately, then touched the huge head with a huge hand, and his face was stupid.

But its weight is terrible, even if its own limbs are rubbing, it still produces a powerful shock wave, and the nearby space is disturbed.

Me, rely on!

I often listened to the sword and suddenly opened my mouth and looked like a ghost.

What, this stone man, the quasi-emperor, actually and Ling Han is a group.

Moreover, it seems that I still listen to Ling Han.

Nima, Nima!

How does this make him believe?

A saint, actually conquered a stone-level creature of the quasi-imperialist level?

Isn’t it true?

For a moment, his brain was in turmoil.

Ling Han thought about it and smiled. "Well, since you are here, let's continue."

The stone man immediately screamed and rushed toward the sword.

This makes the regular listening sword speechless.

You are a dog, why are you so obedient?

If you want to be obedient, you will not have a little self-esteem.

However, he soon did not have the strength to think about these issues.

The stone man killed, recruited and fierce, the strength of the nine-star quasi-emperor is full, so that listening to the sword is difficult, how dare to distract?

Ling Han looked bored for a while, and he is now the hero of the Great Emperor level. The battle of the quasi-imperialist level is actually not much different from playing with children in his eyes.

However, the distant family members are like a death test.

Just now their second ancestors were still prevailing, pressing the cold, but now?

Actually, I was stunned by a stone monster and I didn’t have the power to fight back.

This is this, Ling Han actually has such a helper?

"Introduction, it is called Dashi, the servant of our family Xiao Hanzi." The **** dog is best at mental attack and forced it for Linghan.

What, what!

Among the common family, although even the saints are pitiful, it does not prevent them from deciding that the stone man is a quasi-emperor.

Didn't you see even the second ancestors being crushed?

Can the church often meet the emperor, with an "emperor" word, actually become a servant of others, listening to the words, saddle before the horse, how can they accept?

However, the facts are in front of them, they do not believe and have to believe.

God, can someone actually accept the emperor, even if the emperor can do it?

Can be biased, Ling Han is still a saint.

Is this the return of destiny?

For a time, the regular family was demoralized.

No way, the second ancestor is being shackled, and the enchanting of Ling Han even surpassed the Great.

"Damn!" I often heard the sword screaming, and finally sacrificed the card.

Emperor, Henglong hammer.

Hey, he revived the emperor, and the Henglong hammer bloomed with endless light, and the emperor was filled with it. This is the real emperor.

Oh, just a moment, the stone man was hammered out.

However, its body is too strong, even if it is hammered up by the emperor, it is harmless, but it has fallen off some debris.

This time, watching the sword is always shocked.

What is your body, you?

Too abnormal.