MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 226

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The others were dubious about what Dr. Yamaki said.

Afterwards, Dong Ling asked curiously: "Dr. Shanmu, these are not the point, what I want to ask is how he still has his own thoughts, and he has returned to his original state now, and he can't see anything at all. Blackened traces, what is going on here?"

Dr. Yamaki also expressed helplessness. After thinking for a long time, he said in a low voice: "Well, I may not be very clear about this. But I guess he may be a god-level Pokémon. The amount of blackening enchantress injected into ordinary Pokémon may still be too much for him. Less, there is another possibility because he has antibodies against the blackening agent in his body."

"At the beginning, he had an appearance and thought that was obviously not changed by the blackening agent, but after a long time, his antibodies will defeat the blackening agent and turn it back to its original appearance. This is not impossible, after all, he is a **** level. Pokémon, we don’t have too much research on such Pokémon, and we don’t know much about what’s inside his body.”

For what Dr. Shanmu said, Dong Ling was still a little dubious. However, out of consideration for Dr. Shanmu to help them clone the genes of Dark Mewtwo, Dong Ling did not want this matter to be exposed, and was known to punish them by Captain Reksai. Therefore, Dong Ling was a little helpless about the smoke of this matter.

Because now it's blackening Super Dream. The current experiment is an experimental failure. There is simply no way to clone Dark Mewtwo. Dong Ling was also very unhappy, but they and Dr. Shanmu

came up with this idea. He was still afraid that Dr. Shanmu would tell Captain Reksai of the idea of ​​Dongling and the others. After Rek'Sai found out, the consequences were still unimaginable.

Dong Ling saw Dr. Shanmu defending in this way, because he wanted Dr. Shanmu to help clone the dark super dream, so he was a little powerless to defend himself.

So Dong Ling looked at Dr. Shanmu and asked in a low voice: "Dr. Shanmu, I have returned to my original appearance, and I still have my original thoughts. What do you think?"

Dr. Yamaki smiled and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Good dream, I don't know much about the current situation, maybe because Chao Meng's genes are too strong, and his willpower is very strong, you guys It has resistance to the blackening agent antibody, so I can only inject him with the blackening agent again."

o0 ask for flowers 0----

After hearing this, Shabby deliberately sold a pass and said to Dr. Shanmu: "Dr. Shanmu, but your Mewtwo has escaped now. This may be caused by your own reasons. Now Mewtwo can't be found, you Say what to do?"

Dr. Shanmu thought for a long time, smiled and shook his head and said, "Then everyone of you is very tired now. If I guessed correctly, you should have been fighting all night. And I heard that Luochen's group of people is very tired. You have escaped from the studio of the dark organization. If you guessed wrong, you have been fighting Luochen and the others all night."


After hearing this, Shabby not only laughed out loud, and said, "Dr. Yamaki is really smart, yes, we officially fought them all night."

Dr. Yamaki touched his chin and said casually: "From what I know about you, if you fought all night, you are still in the dark organization, and everyone doesn't seem to be very anxious, it can only mean that you The battle is won."

The 688 chapter: two hearts

Shabby said suspiciously again: "Yes, we have indeed won the battle and captured Luo Zhen and the others, but what about Chaomeng's current situation? He has escaped from your laboratory now."

Dr. Shanmu heard that Dongling and the others had won the battle, so he said firmly: "If a few people win the battle now, then Chaomeng should be in your hands now, because Chaomeng is like the "nine three zero" fruit itself. If he has a unique idea, he will definitely find Luochen again. If you guessed correctly, you had Mewtwo in the battle just now, maybe now Mewtwo is defeated and caught in the Pokeball by you.”

After hearing this, Dong Ling not only laughed out loud: "Hahaha, it seems that I really can't hide anything from Dr. Yamaki. It is indeed in our hands. Just now, Shabby was just joking with you, I hope you don't mind too much.

Seeing that Dr. Shanmu had seen through his trick, Shabby said calmly and without embarrassment: "You don't mind too much, I was just joking with you just now, Chaomeng is indeed in our hands."

When Dr. Shanmu saw the people in front of him, he seemed to have some bad intentions, but Dr. Shanmu hadn't shown it yet. He just pretended to be calm and believed that they were joking with himself.

So Dr. Shanmu stroked his chin again and said with a smile, "I don't mind, I know you are joking. You should put the bed out now and let me see what's going on?"

After Shanmu Mode finished speaking, Dong Ling took out the Poke Ball from his pocket, threw it directly into the air, and shouted loudly, "Come out, Chao Meng!"

The Poké Ball swept through the air lightly and suddenly opened in mid-air. The Mewtwo inside was in a state of deep sleep, so Mewtwo fell slowly from the Poke Ball to the ground.

Dr. Yamaki stepped forward. Taking a closer look, the current Chao Meng has indeed returned to its original state. Dr. Yamaki immediately understood that the current Chao Meng may not have much energy in his body, so he cannot support the dark state.

However, Dr. Yamaki acted in front of several people and pretended to say: "Oh, I really didn't expect this super dream to have such a powerful energy that it broke the dark state and returned to his own state. It seems that he is very tired now. Now, it is estimated that the energy value is about to be unsustainable, what do I need to do now, Dongling?"

Dong Ling immediately said anxiously: "Dr. Shanmu, the state of Chaomeng is really worrying. The commander-in-chief told me to catch Chaomen no matter what, since his life is at stake now, so you must do whatever it takes. To treat him successfully, and then inject him with a blackening potion to blacken him!"

Later, Shabby added: "Dr. Shanmu must inject some more blackening potions into Chao Meng this time. The doses of the two blackening potions last time were still too little for him."

After hearing this, Dr. Shanmu readily agreed to 0.7: "Then don't worry, I will definitely inject more into him this time, and I must not let him have the embarrassing thing happened last time. Last time I underestimated this Chao Meng, I thought that ordinary Pokémon could have the same dose of medicine as him, but not this time."

Chapter 689: Fiasco

The four of Dongling nodded after hearing what Dr. Shanmu said.

Afterwards, Dr. Shanmu picked up Chaomeng and placed it in a stronger and more complete culture tank. Dr. Zhang was doing research carefully on the experimental bench. Infuse you with a large amount of energy elements, so that it can quickly restore energy.

Dr. Shan worked for a long time, and saw that Dong Ling and the others had not left. Then he smiled and said in a low voice: "Dangling, what else do you have to do? I'm going to perform a physical examination on Chao Meng to give him treatment. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest. After a night of fighting, you may also tired."

Dong Ling smiled at Dr. Shanmu and said, "Dr. Shanmu 10 We understand that we have no other purpose. We just want to ask you to help us with the question we told you last time."

Dr. Yamaki thought for a while and replied, "Oh, you're talking about cloning the Dark Super Dream, right? Don't worry, I will definitely help you with this."

After hearing this, Dong Ling smiled and replied to Dr. Shanmu: "That's really thanks to Dr. Shanmu. Then we have to go back to rest."

Dr. Shanmu then added another sentence: "However, Dongling cloned the Dark Superdream. The results have failed, which proves that we have to clone the Dark Superdream again. As for the genes you said you want to obtain a Dark Superdream, you need to Wait for this result to see if it can be successful. So this time I will definitely try my best to blacken this Mewtwo.”

When Dong Ling heard Dr. Shanmu say this, he was also very grateful, and replied with a smile: "Thank you, Dr. Shanmu. We believe in you, and I believe that this time you will successfully blacken the super dream and will not appear on the show. failures."

After hearing this, Dr. Yamaki nodded and didn't speak, and continued his work.

Afterwards, Dong Ling said: "Dr. Shanmu, I'm going back to rest now. We were too tired to sleep all night. So you are busy with you. We will go back to rest first, so we won't disturb you."

Dr. Yamaki was still in the process, nodded at the work in his hand, and did not look at Dong Ling.

Dong Ling saw that Dr. Shan nodded, but did not give him an answer, and the others turned around and left.

Just after leaving the door of Dr. Shanmu's laboratory, Shabby said to everyone worriedly: "To be honest, I always feel that the last time Mewtwo's blackening failed, maybe Dr. Shanmu did tricks in it. I really don't believe in Mewtwo. , even if the god-level Pokémon's own willpower and genes are too strong, it is impossible to resist the energy of two bottles of blackening potion."

At this time, Chunlei, who has always been smart, also followed Xia Bi's words and said: "I feel that Xia 933's suspicion is not unreasonable. It is mainly because of this battle, seeing Chaomeng.

He has completely used Heihua Yaoji in his body, and without any change in his mind, he can still control his body by himself, which really surprised me.

After hearing the suspicions of Xia Bi and Chunlei, Dong Ling hesitated for a long time, thinking that it was not unreasonable.

In the end, Dong Ling said resolutely: "Actually, the suspicions of the two of them made me hesitate in my heart. After all, we are looking for the third doctor to help clone the dark super dream gene.

Chapter 690: Tired

In order for us to be stronger, and in order not to be discovered by Captain Rek'Sai of all our actions, we'd better listen to Dr. Yamaki obediently, and don't panic. Otherwise, it will be very unfavorable to us. "

Qiu Rong thought about it and whispered: "Yes, we should do it according to Dong Ling's thoughts. Maybe what Dr. Yamaki said is true, Chaomeng is a god-level Pokémon after all, and we haven't seen it for so long. A god-level Pokémon, he is the only one, and no one knows how much energy he has in his body."

"In case we mistakenly suspect that Dr. Yamaki is a great loss to the dark organization. Now pretend not to doubt anything. Seriously wait for the development of the matter."

When Shabby and Chunlei heard what they said, they nodded and said in unison, "Well, it seems that this is the only way to go now."

Seeing that everyone was a little tired, Dong Ling said with a smile: "Let's not think about those useless things. Let's follow the development of the matter, and the four of us are currently the primary task of falling dust, these boys and others. Those two doctors. I don't know if they will join the dark organization if they are captured this time. If they don't join, they will be placed under house arrest and kept locked up\'"

With an evil smile on Shabby's face, he said, "No matter what tricks these boys play, they are still too far in front of me, Shabby. They have never agreed to join the black.

If there are dark organizations, then I will definitely punish them severely. Let them know how powerful the dark organization is. "

When Dong Ling heard what Xia Bi said, a smile appeared on his face. Afterwards, he whispered: "You guys are a little tired from fighting all night, let's all go back to our lounge to have a rest. After taking care of our bodies, let's go to the studio to interrogate Luochen and these boys. ."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. So everyone walked towards their lounge. The time is now about ten o'clock noon.

On the side of the detained studio, everyone in the studio also fought all night, some were tired and could not stand firm, some swayed left and right on the ground, and some lay against the wall by themselves while resting.

It was a sudden sound of the door opening. Luo Chen was very alert and immediately opened his eyes to keep himself awake and look carefully at who was the person who came in?

Luo Chen looked at the two people who came in and they were the two black-clothed guards guarding the door. Luo Chen immediately said embarrassedly to the two black-clothed guards: \".\'Are you two okay? Have you been exposed to the dark organization? own identity?"

The two black guards shook their heads. Soothingly said to Luochen: "Luochen, you can rest assured that there is nothing wrong with the two of us. They believe that the two of us were knocked unconscious by you, so they didn't find anything wrong with us. It's not that you just escaped from the dark organization. , was arrested again. It's my fault (Nuo Haohao), I didn't delay any more time for you."

Luochen smiled, shook his head and said, "No, I don't blame the two of you for being Dong Ling, who is too cunning. I didn't even think that Dong Ling installed a tracker on each of our clothes. I also I really didn't expect that we were immediately discovered by them as soon as we escaped, this time I missed too many plans, and I'm sorry everyone."

Chapter 691: Deeply hit

The conversation between Luo Chen and the two black-clothed guards made everyone else feel a lot of energy.

Xiaozhi raised his spirits and said to Luochen: "No, no, we don't blame you for Luochen. I really didn't expect Dongling, he installed trackers for each of us, otherwise we wouldn't find out our walk so quickly. If you want to blame it, you can blame it. Dongling and the others are too cunning, and we still didn't think fully."

Everyone next to him was awake, and they comforted Luochen and said, "Yes, Luochen, don't blame all the responsibilities on yourself. You are not wrong, you are all for everyone's sake!"

Although everyone comforted Luo Chen, Luo Chen was still a little sad in his heart. It was originally an escape mission that everyone had planned for a long time, but 933 was caught in one day before they ran out. It's really embarrassing.

The two black-clothed guards comforted Luochen and said, "If it doesn't work, don't blame yourself too much. There will always be failures in anything you do. Although there is a first failure, we can learn from our experience and continue to escape next time. Don't worry, Dongning and the others don't dare to do anything to you, you are the ones appointed by the Lexus captain to arrest, so they don't dare to do anything bad to you."

Luochen smiled and nodded after hearing this: "Mo, it's just that I was caught this time, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Otto may still need a long plan! I don't know what you're going to do during this time. Prevaricate Dong Ling and the others."

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Luochen, you can rest assured. For things like making up nonsense, I am the best at Xiaozhi, don't worry."

When Xiaoxia saw that Xiaozhi was pretending to be farting again, she couldn't help but hit Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi covered his head and said with a look of pain: "Xiaoxia, why are you hitting me? Then am I wrong?"

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes at Xiaozhi, and said helplessly: "You can't do anything but a serious business. Do you still think it's an honorable thing?"

Seeing Xiaoxia's complaining look, Xiaozhi didn't want to talk to Xiaoxia anymore, rolled his eyes, turned around and walked to the other side of (baah).

Everyone looked at Xiao Zhi's funny look and couldn't help laughing.

Although Luo Chen looked at everyone laughing, there was still something in Luo Chen's heart that he couldn't let go. He said in a low voice: "

In fact, I am very entangled in my heart now, and I have been worrying about what happened to Chaomeng. And Chao Meng has now changed back to its original state, will they doubt the identity of Dr. Yamaki, what is Dr. Yamaki doing? "

Hearing Luo Chen's words, everyone became worried. The most worried person among the people is Dr. Damu, but Dr. Damu still stood up and said resolutely: "Don't worry, Luochen, Dr. Shanmu, I have known him for so long, and he is still a smart person. This old guy is full of mouths. Run the train, rest assured that no one can tell her, she will definitely make up a reason for Dongling and the others to believe."

"Besides, the dark organization in the Chengdu Alliance area has only one doctor, and that is Dr. Shanmu. If they do anything about the business model, the dark organization will collapse for a period of time in a short period of time. It is really scary that there is no doctor in an organization. Yes, so they dare not do anything to Dr. Shanmu."

Chapter 692: Comfort

After listening to what Dr. Damu said, everyone put their hearts to it. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that everyone's faces were much lighter.

Then Dr. Kongmu said: "Dr. Damu is right, Dr. Shanmu should have no problem. And Luochen, you don't have to worry about Chaomeng now. With Dr. Shanmu, Chaomeng will definitely recover himself. physical condition."

Luochen heard Dr. Kongmu finish, but he was still very worried, and hesitantly said: "Actually, what I'm mainly worried about now is that Chaomeng has now returned to its original state. I'm worried that the dark organization will give Chaomeng again. Injecting a blackening potion. If you inject a blackening potion into Mewtwo, it may be a serious problem!"

Dr. Damu said to Luochen with a smile: "You can rest assured on this point. Even if you inject the blackening potion into Mewtwo, it will be done by Dr. Yamaki. Dr. Yamaki will definitely not inject the blackening potion into Mewtwo again~ ."

Then Xiaozhi followed up and said: "Yes, I remember that Dr. Yamaki said a question before, Mewtwo can now freely convert the dark state and the original state. Just wait for the window to relax and the super-raise will be converted again to In the dark form, Dr. Shan can say that Chao Meng has been injected with blackening potion again, as long as Chao Meng performs a little acting, he will definitely be able to deceive Dong Ling and the others."

Afterwards, Xiaogang also said: "Yes, Luochen, I remember that Dr. Shanmu also said that, have you forgotten? Why is your memory so bad now?"

Luochen scratched his head, and said helplessly: Hey, now that we have been caught again, I'm all blaming myself now. My mind is not too flexible, I have forgotten some things, sorry. "

Seeing Luochen like this, Xiaozhi said comfortingly: "Luochen, don't worry, it's not your fault this time, and we don't have anyone to blame you, you're doing it for everyone's good, it's happened before, let's We had to make another escape plan."

After hearing that, Luochen scratched his head and said helplessly: "My mind is really hurting right now! Hey, that one can't think of any plans, so I feel a little sorry for everyone."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "I'm sorry everyone, we are a team, don't forget! Don't make yourself too tired, we can all think about the plan together. Besides, we have to wait until the next escape. Chaomeng's body is back to its original state again! During this time, let's plan together, we are a team like family!"

o0 ask for flowers 0...

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, everyone nodded and said, "Yes, yes, Luochen, we are a team! Don't make yourself too tired."

Luochen looked at everyone comforting himself, and was a little moved. He said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you everyone."

The two black-clothed guards looked tired when they saw that everyone present had been fighting all night.

The two black-clothed guards smiled and said to everyone: "Ban has been fighting all night, now you all hurry up and rest. The physical strength. I'll go get you delicious food, just wait here for the two of us. !"

As soon as Xiao Zhi heard the two black-clothed guards talk about the delicious food, he said with bright eyes, "Okay, okay!"

Chapter 693: Super Dream Awakens

When Xiaoxia saw Xiaozhi heard what she was eating, her mental state improved a lot. Helplessly said: "Xiao Zhi, as soon as you hear the delicious food, your mental state will come back. Eating is really your motivation!"

Xiao Zhi heard helplessly and said, "Xiao Xia, what's the matter with you, you are always talking about me when you have something to do!"

When Xiaoxia heard it, she immediately stared at her, and said with a fierce light in her eyes, "I can't tell you "Nine-Three-Three"!"

Seeing Xiaoxia's fierce look, Xiaozhi took a few steps back in fear and hid behind Dr. Damu, Dandan said timidly, "Okay, okay, okay!"

Everyone laughed when they saw Xiao Zhi's funny look.

The two black-clothed guards said amidst everyone's laughter, "I'm all tired, so we won't bother you, we'll go get you something to eat, rest, you'll see when you wake up. A delicious meal."

Everyone nodded happily. After speaking, the two black-clothed guards turned and left the studio, and walked towards the kitchen of the dark organization.

When everyone saw the two black-clothed guards leaving the studio, they quickly took a rest. Fighting for a night of matching, they can no longer support their bodies with their energy. Therefore, everyone collapsed on the bed. If there was not enough space on the bed, everyone else collapsed on the ground. As long as there was a place to sleep, they would cherish it even more.

In this way, everyone rested in the dark organization's studio for a whole day and a night. Similarly, the dark base today was extraordinarily quiet, because Dong Ling and the others fought all night and were even tired, so the dark base didn’t seem to be making much noise, and it didn’t disturb everyone’s rest.

But during this day and night, Dr. Yamaki never stopped. He has been sticking to his post, always trying to find a way to wake Mewtwo and inject enough energy into Mewtwo.

Dr. Yamaki has been standing in front of Mewtwo's culture jar, constantly checking Mewtwo's body. For fear that when Chao Meng woke up, no one around her would take care of it.

But Dr. Yamaki couldn't bear the ravages of this time. His tired body could no longer support him to continue guarding Chaomeng by Xiaomeng's side. I don't know when, I was already lying on the experimental bench. 0 My body was very tired.

In this way, Dr. Yamaki lay on the experimental bench for a long time. Time is passing little by little. In a blink of an eye, it was about eight o'clock in the morning the next day.

Mewtwo has been resting in the culture tank for more than twenty-four hours. This 24-hour three-mode has been accompanied by my side, until the body can no longer support it, and I sleep in a daze.


At this time, Chao Meng slowly woke up from the culture tank. Mewtwo saw everything around him, making him feel both familiar and unfamiliar. Chuangmeng carefully noticed the surrounding environment, and 0.7 found himself in the culture tank. Then he turned his head to look at the experimental bench, and after a closer look, it turned out that Dr. Yamaki was lying on the experimental bench.

When Chao Meng saw Dr. Yamaki lying on the dining hall table, he desperately tapped the glass of the culture jar. Later, Chaomeng anxiously shouted to Dr. Shanmu in the culture tank: "Dr. Shanmu, Dr. Shanmu, wake up, I am Chaomeng, I am Chaomeng!"

Chapter 694: After Waking Up

This time the culture tank seems to be more airtight than the last one. No matter how loudly Mewtwo was calling out to Dr. Sam, he never noticed. It may be that Dr. Yamaki's body is too tired. Is sleeping now.

Chao Meng thinks that he called Dr. Shanmu like this, but Dr. Shanmu didn't move, and thought that Dr. Shanmu was knocked out by someone else.

So in Super Dream, I was a little worried about Dr. Yamaki, so he desperately tapped the tempered glass outside the culture jar, trying to shake Dr. Yamaki.