MTL - Age of Adepts-Chapter 1446 Gods debris

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Seeing that the figure of Sinai's body disappeared from the crack in the plane, even Grimm couldn't help but sigh.

Although the other party was drawn by his design, the opponent's horror power was clearly beyond his imagination. His thinking still stays in the biological field of the plane, and naturally cannot imagine and estimate what kind of form the higher life should be.

The brief contact with Sinai just now made him realize.

Compared with the wizard, the gods understand and control the rules more deeply and closer to the source. However, the gods divide the rules into different fields and conclude them into a priesthood.

The priesthood is their rule for the gods!

The gods also pinned all their powers on the ministry, used the priesthood to condense the godhead, and then used the godhead to transform the believer's faith into a usable power. The divine power is immersed in the divine power, and it also represents the origin of the world.

At this point, the path of the power of the rule wizard and the **** is actually somewhat similar. Only the true power of the gods is borrowed, rather than being condensed by themselves, so leaving the Kingdom of God and leaving the original plane, their true power will be much weakened.

It is no wonder that many great wizards look down on the gods and even call them parasites that are parasitic on the rule system of the origin plane. Everything about them is tied to the original plane, and once the source plane is in trouble, they can't survive.

This is the fundamental reason why the world of gods always blocks any outside forces from entering their original planes!

The wizard is more like a force that mimics the rules of the plane world. They observe, study, and understand the rules-running system of the world of the plane, and find a force that best fits the laws of their own soul.

Then trace the source and the source, and trace the power of the upper rules from the end of the rule chain, so that the power of control is getting closer and closer to the original core of the plane.

If you look at the plane world as a big tree, the wizards are only the first or two leaves at the end. With the leaves, look for the branches in the veins of the leaves; then extend from the branches to the branches, branches, trunks...

In the end, the source of all the rule wizards always points to the huge roots within the deep land.

With such a huge root system, the wizard can only master a small part of it even if he spends his life. With these sources of life in their hands, the rule wizard can draw a steady stream of power from it, thus making itself stronger step by step.

This may be a powerful way for rule wizards to choose for themselves!

At the moment of the electric light flint, relying on the regular atmosphere of his own body and the analysis of the power of the Sinai avatar, Glim immediately understood and estimated the future of his future, and also the power of the rule. There is a general understanding of the ins and outs.

At this level, external resources and knowledge needs are only a foundation, and the height and depth of thought can really determine his future development potential.


In the past, the earth may be a kind of dross. In a different world full of magical energy, spiritual consciousness is above the material supremacy and becomes a powerful and dominant force.


However, as Glim was ready to follow this line of thought slowly, the crack in the plane floating in thousands of beautiful bands suddenly squeaked and changed.

Well? The Sinai avatar has just been shot in the wizarding world. Why, does it want to get back?

Grimm fixed his eyes and began to gather strength quickly.

Sure enough, as the plane cracked and slammed a big hole, the Sinai's fierce flames were revealed.

However, this time it was not stupid enough to get into it, but a big mouth, spewing out a red hot burning flame.

The high-temperature flame flow poured into the interior of the plane, but it did not sweep in all directions as before, destroying all life, but circling around the cracks and gathering into a sea of ​​fire. When the flame energy reached a certain level, a golden crystal of the size of the finger was spit out from the mouth of Sinai and drilled into the wizarding world.

As soon as this golden crystal enters the interior of the plane, the flame energy that is scattered around the crack is as fast as the backbone.

There is no moment of effort, one is just like the seventy-eight points of Sinai, and the flame giant with a height of ten meters climbed from the ground and began to slowly scan the completely strange world.

Seeing its power and observing its shape, this new flame giant seems to be a powerful flame creature at the 4th-order peak level. It's just that the flame energy that is immersed in the body is probably only high or low compared to those of the 5th-order flame creature.

Flame Gods Debris...

The golden crystal just now is the flame **** fragments!

Only the gods such as the flame gods can become the carrier of consciousness of Sinai's avatar, and freely control the flame law in the plane.

At the same time, seeing this scene of Amway, Gloria and Kesuna, eyes stunned and chilled, and my heart could not help but scream.

The so-called godhead is naturally the foundation of the power that Gods rely on for their livelihood. Only when the gathered gods are strong enough can they leap to higher order gods.

If the crystal of the rule that Glim acquired earlier is only a certain piece of regular power, then the godhead is the essence of the rule that contains a complete power system.

Don't look at it has been split into pieces of finger size, as long as it is still a godhead, the power inside is always complete and tempered. Once such a fragment of Godhead falls into the hands of the wizard, its effect is simply a stone.

Such a small fragment of Godhead may not be possible to turn a mortal into a god, but it is not a problem to send a 4th-order peak, a wizard in a critical state, to the 5th order. Just considering the original attribute of the flame god, the only one who can use it in the field wizard is Grim.

Seeing the moment when the flame **** shatter appeared, I don’t know why, the few super strong people present at the same time moved in the heart, and it seemed that this was the original intention of Grimm’s hard work for such a long time.

He wants to capture the godhead of the **** of fire, Sinai? Does he have the strength to fight a horrible Vulcan? He won't want to borrow our strength again?

Just as everyone was thinking about electricity and the spirit was fluctuating, the Grimm, which stood taller than a kilometer, finally moved.

In a scream of earth-shattering laughter, Grim's tall body collapsed, and it was reduced to a purely tempered flame energy, which turned into a horrible flame that rushed to the flame giant who had just gathered up.

The flame projections, which are still in the chain of the law of the plane, can't be avoided. The big mouth directly swallows these flames into the belly.

Just as Sinai's flame can't hurt Glim's body, the flame of Grim's avatar obviously can't damage this flame projection. As long as you give it enough time, ten Greems can be digested and swallowed.

After all, this flame projection has a piece of flame godhead that can be tempered to transform any flame energy!

However, it is so easy to immerse the flame energy of Grim's spiritual will in order to swallow it clean and lick. You know, Grim's current level of power is not weaker than that of Sinai. It's just too much of the energy reserve and flame control skills.

In the face of Grim's weird move of ‘sending a head, this flame projection could not help but be confused. But the power that comes to the door is not to be white, it is still instinctively swallowed up by Grimm's fascinating flame energy.

Daddy, the body's internal immersion with the flame energy of Glim's spiritual will began to uneasily riot. The flame projection suddenly sneered, and mobilized his own strength to start a strong suppression.

Its power is ten times more than that of Grimm, and there is no fear that this small fire will make a big noise in its own belly. However, the incitement in the body undoubtedly distracts its power and temporarily loses control of the flame body.

Just as he was struggling to encircle the spiritual will of Grim, the flame projections perceive what it was, and used all his strength to suddenly look back.

Behind him, a pair of dark green eyes were staring at it.

Seeing the flame projection back, there was a hint of sarcasm in the dark green eyes, and then a big mouth, showing a huge mouthful of mouthfuls that is even deeper than Sinai’s body. It is swallowed into the abdomen.

Devouring the magic fish!

Glim's newly acquired star beast transformation ability.

After turning into a devouring magic fish, Glim instantly possesses an ethnic ability that devours no more than twice the power of the body.

However, it is obvious that the flame projection body that Grim swallowed today is far more than ten times more powerful than himself. Therefore, after a nausea and vomiting, Grim was a big mouth, spit out most of the flame body from the huge unseen stomach sac, and then turned around and the tearing space disappeared without a trace.

The rest of the large body lost the shards of the gods and the control of the soul of Sinai, and immediately collapsed into an endless sea of ​​fire, sweeping away in all directions.

The surrounding area of ​​the Moyuan Valley, which has just stabilized, has once again suffered a heavy blow to the flame energy!

And the one who stood silently outside the crack of the plane, Sinai, who was in control of the flame projection with the partition of the gods, made a terrifying roar.

Just... just before... the abominable human wizard turned into a strange star beast and swallowed half of his flame projection. In particular, the wrath of the flames is that the fragments of the flame gods are also swept away by them.

Lost the original connection with the fragment of the flame god, this 6th-order Sinai avatar outside the sorcerer's world plane barrier also immediately fell, and the strength dropped several small steps.

Moreover, the house leaked to the night rain, and when his thunder and thunder wanted to break into the wizarding world and the man wizard was dead, Sinai split his body and stiffened, slowly turning his body.

In the depths of the Xinghai in the distance, the three devils, Deermas, are stepping into the air. The three dogs on the top of the three heads stared at the huge eyelids on their bodies, revealing a savage and greedy evil look.

Both sides are 6th-order, although Sinai's energy in the body is more powerful. But as a lord of disaster, Dilmas seems to be better at fighting and killing.

These two people come together, who wins and who loses, who is born and who is dead is really unknown!

Sinai’s avatar could no longer hold back the anger in his chest, and the flames of the smashing sky and the ferocious lord of the disaster were killed together...