MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 144 Ogami Mamoru No.

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The intimacy immediately made the melon eaters in the live broadcast room boil.

"Oooooooh, kid~"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, this tone, this voice, Su Su Su Su!

"My family's (accent) backup! So protective!"

"It's starting, it's starting, God A daily molesting teammates (1/1)..."

"God A hasn't played double row for a long time! Chong Chong Chong!"

"Chu Yunsheng? Is that Cloud? He's live streaming too?"

"It's him, he was in that cup a few days ago..."

Shen Xuan glanced at the rapidly scrolling bullet screen, and hung up Chu Yunsheng's live broadcast room number on his screen so that everyone could see it, while ignoring the topic of the cup, he said casually: " It's Cloud. He has a live broadcast room for a long time, but autistic children don't like to broadcast, nor do they have a signed time limit, so they can't get used to it in the future."

Chu Yunsheng has accepted Shen Xuan's invitation to form a team and entered the team channel, and naturally heard Shen Xuan's words.

He understands what Shen Xuan wants to bring him, and he doesn't have any rejection of the live broadcast. Anyway, broadcasting or not broadcasting is all gun training, it makes no difference, so he took out the dust seal from the folder. The long-standing live broadcast room is also live.

As soon as the live broadcast was opened, countless entry prompts popped up, obviously all from Shen Xuan.

Chu Yunsheng closed the barrage and focused on the game interface.

Shen Xuan had already ordered the queue when he started the live broadcast, and the two were standing side by side in the preparation square at the moment, wearing the same prefix WZ.

The noisy movements of the surrounding people could be heard from the earphones, and the low and undulating breathing of Shen Xuan could be vaguely discernible.

"This will make me jump with you."

Shen Xuan said: "Protect me well, and the captain will give you a promotion and a raise, you know, little substitute?"

This tone of voice made Chu Yunsheng think of Shen Xuan's coercion, coercion, and charming whisper the night he first arrived, which was completely different from his usual indifferent and sharp temperament.

Maybe it's the other side of her personality, or maybe it's for the effect of the live broadcast, but no matter which one is undeniable, this way of cutting off a little bit of defense and arrogance, revealing a little bit of a playful look of Shen Xuan, not only Not annoying, but very charming.

"Is this the A God of the double row? The scumbag aura that the screen can't stop... Really old scumbag!"

"No! No! Don't talk nonsense! A **** double row at most teases teammates, kills teammates to sacrifice to the sky, grabs teammates' equipment, drives into teammates...will never be scumbag teammates!"


"Why is this little substitute shouting like a baby... God, you're wrong!"

Shen Xuan ignored the bullet screen.

Yesterday's training match made him see something different. In terms of competition, perhaps he should really observe Chu Yunsheng more.

Chu Yunsheng generally understood what Shen Xuan meant, and did not refuse. After getting on the plane, he clicked on the map and glanced at the route, marked a point neatly, and said, "Follow me."

With a low and short cry, Shen Xuan's gentle and playful energy was shattered.

Shen Xuan pursed her lower lip involuntarily, inexplicably felt that these headphones are expensive and expensive, too clear, at first glance, it seemed that someone was pressing against his ear, whispering against his earlobe The words were the same, I didn't feel it before, but when Chu Yunsheng opened his mouth, it didn't seem so right.

He raised his hand to hold the earphone, and clicked on Chu Yunsheng to follow the skydive.

When approaching the punctuation point, the game character automatically jumped off the plane with Chu Yunsheng and fell into the clouds.

“Wine estate?”

Shen Xuan stepped on the roof and fell down, quickly searching things and saying, "Why did you think of coming here? This is not enough to support me."

This route, the double-row jumping red wine estate, can only be said to be a very moderate start. Not too many people, not too many supplies.

"There is a river behind the manor, which is connected to the port." Chu Yun said, "After 30 seconds to search the main house, we sailed to the port, where three teams fell."

Shen Xuan has no objection: "Okay."

Two people searched the huge wine estate in 30 seconds, which sounds unrealistic. And listening to Chu Yunsheng's meaning, it is obvious that he wants to go around, go to the port from the waterway to take advantage of the robbery, wrap up the three teams, and catch them by surprise. This plan sounds good, but there are no rookies in this kind of game, and there is no extra teammates in the duo row.

Such an unrealistic command, but Shen Xuan answered without a word.

The barrage couldn't hold back, and they started keyboard guidance one after another, but the guidance stopped embarrassingly after a while.

Because after responding to Chu Yunsheng's plan, Shen Xuan's search speed for supplies was visibly doubled, and the viewing angle changed so quickly that those who stared at the screen were almost dizzy.

In the professional arena for so many years, several maps of "War" are engraved in Shen Xuan's mind, even if the materials randomly refreshed each time are different, but the general location is the same , following the memory of the choice, it only took about 20 seconds for Shen Xuan to jump out of the two houses on the left side of the wine manor, and quickly ran to the river in front.

And just when he manipulated the character to jump onto a small yacht on the shore, there was the sound of hurried footsteps running behind him.

The girl with her ponytail came running, fully equipped, and jumped into the co-pilot, just in the thirty seconds mark.

This search speed…

Shen Xuan squinted, smiled, and started the yacht: "Exactly thirty seconds, a bit fast."

"It's more than a little fast! God A is so fast because he is God A, God A who can touch a gun with his eyes closed in "War"! How could this little substitute be like this? quick!"

"It must be a random search..."

"This equipment can't be found by just searching!"

"Tell Nimeng in the double-opening live room, both sides are the same as live maps, rushing to the important supplies, the angle of view makes me dizzy 3D..."

"This little bench seems to have something..."

The barrage rolled past, Shen Xuan drove the boat and glanced at the map, but didn't hear Chu Yun's voice, thought he was on the live broadcast, and was embarrassed. After teasing him, a faint male voice suddenly came from the earphone: "The captain's words are ambiguous."

Shen Xuan: "Huh?"

Chu Yunsheng glanced at Shen Xuan who was not far away, and said, "The quick thing is to search for things, not me."

Shen Xuan trembled and almost drove the yacht to shore.

What a small substitute, this is an old driver!

He exhaled slowly, parked the yacht under the bridge in the port, and said: "What do you say... We are sailing, not driving, cherish the live broadcast room, fined 998 ."

After speaking, before I could move on to another topic, I heard gunshots coming from a distance.

"East 160."

Chu Yunsheng quickly climbed ashore and opened the magnifying glass to observe: "You have a gun."

Shen Xuan immediately changed his direction when he heard the words, and quickly climbed up to the extremely high container by the port, occupying a high point of vision, and set up his sniper rifle.

Chu Yunsheng took out his AKM and quickly approached the exchange of fire.

There were only three people fighting, one in the hut, one on the roof, and one behind the low wall. They didn't seem to expect that someone would come up from the river from the port so early, and they didn't take extra precautions along the river. They were shot and sent away by Chu Yunsheng.

As soon as the four of them started, they also seduced the other three. Two of them were not in Chu Yunsheng's field of vision before they were taken away by Shen Xuan with two headshots. One shot against Chu Yunsheng and passed away smoothly.

This wave of two-and-six is ​​almost a complete abuse without pressure, and it is completely different from the dangers, thrills, and failures that the melon eaters think.

"Among the three dead teams, there is one team that seems to be the anchor of Pumpkin Live, the passerby king..."

"This wave is too cloudy, let alone the king of passersby, even the king of heaven can't stand it!"

"Even if there is a little bit of non-martialism after this detour, but the two fights are so smooth and not even chaotic at all, isn't it because these two are too strong?"

"A God is strong, of course, even if the hand is injured, it is still the combat power ceiling of "War", but how can this substitute be so powerful? That position is too unbelievable, right? Do you go like that? The marksmanship is also very accurate, and it is almost impossible to miss a shot! The cooperation with God A, one far and one near, one high and one low, and bright and dark, is so tacit, it's like playing with the left and right hands!"

"Emmm, did this substitute improve so much? I remember that the cup match a few days ago was very average, and it was only mid-level. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

“The detection of external cheating in “War” is the highest level of online games, you might as well say that his mentality is not good, iron actor, he will play every game…”

"I don't know if I hang up, but Cloud is an old actor. If you don't believe me, go to the hot search!"

"Hot search? What hot search?"

Under the deliberate guidance, the wind direction of Shen Xuan's live broadcast room quietly changed, and many people clicked on Weibo hot search while watching the live broadcast.

But Shen Xuan didn't notice what happened in the live room.

Shen Xuan listened to the sound of breathing in the earphones that seemed to be close at hand, and even wondered why he didn't even open his mouth in some cases, Chu Yunsheng already knew what he was going to do, if he said no Teammates who have slept are not good teammates, so how many years of sleep did they have to sleep to get out of such a tacit understanding?

Chu Yunsheng had no idea of ​​Shen Xuan's thoughts. After the two entered the finals, they were much more cautious. In the end, there was a good team, and they played two against two. The memory of the terrain directly blocked Yan Yan for a wave, and cooperated with Shen Xuan to successfully destroy them.

The ranking interface has not popped up yet, Chu Yunsheng looked at Shen Xuan's game character, walked around him, raised his gun and shot at the opposite white wall.

The wall blew up and the smoke flew.

Shen Xuan snorted: "Young talents like to shoot indiscriminately after winning..."

Before the word shot was finished, a lot of dust had fallen, and the vision became clear, revealing a big heart spelled out by a bullet hole on the white wall.


The prompt sound popped up on the black-gold settlement interface concealed Shen Xuan's subconsciously blurted scolding, and also reflected the faintly crimson side of his neck.

Bullet hole tracing, what kind of ancient earthy operation!

Chu Yun's voice is very good, and the audience in the live broadcast room can't hear it, but he can clearly hear the weak foul language, and kindly reminded calmly: "Captain, cherish the live broadcast room, fined Ninety-nine-eight."

Did not hear Shen Xuan's answer, Chu Yunsheng exited the settlement interface and clicked preparations, but after waiting for a few seconds, Shen Xuan still hadn't queued up.

He turned his head to look at the seat where Shen Xuan was sitting, but saw that Shen Xuan was still on the settlement interface, but his eyes were fixed on the barrage bar next to him, his eyebrows tightened. Lock.

Chu Yunsheng turned off the microphone, took off his earphones, walked to Shen Xuan in two or three steps, and shouted again, "Captain?"

Shen Xuan suddenly returned to his senses, raised his eyes and glanced at Chu Yunsheng, the mouse in his hand was about to close the barrage, but the right hand just moved a bit before being lightly touched by another warm palm Lightly buckled.

Because he was in the training room, Chu Yunsheng left at the touch of a button. After stopping Shen Xuan's movements, he took the mouse. linked.

Click the link to open a hot search video. The content of the video is exactly the operation of Chu Yunsheng's body stroke during the training game yesterday afternoon, plus the ob records of several games during the original cup competition. screen clip.

The title is also quite straightforward and simple - "WZ peak has fallen, who is the inner ghost?"

There is no combination of popular elements, but within half an hour of posting, the number of likes and comments has exceeded 100,000, and many e-sports media have forwarded it one after another.

While watching Chu Yunsheng's actions, Shen Xuan said to the live broadcast room: "Remember the number, this is the thirty-sixth time WZ has been 'fallen'."

The voice fell, and the smoky barrage was instantly replaced by a large hahahaha.

Chu Yunsheng closed the video and returned the mouse to Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan said to go to the toilet, turned off the wheat, stood up and was about to speak when he saw Chu Yunsheng leaning over slightly, lowered his voice and said, "Do you like snowflakes?"

Shen Xuan was taken aback: "What?"

Shen Xuan reacted for a while before he understood what Chu Yunsheng was talking about. He was quiet for a few seconds before opening his mouth and said, "You... What do you think of this video that hacks you?"

"The editing technique is rough, and the special effects of the title are flawed." Chu Yunsheng made a brief evaluation, looked at Shen Xuan's right hand again, and said as gently as possible, "Captain, you don't need to worry about it. These remarks from the outside world. Your game is played for yourself, and other people's eyes are like it or hate it, whether it is encouraging or hurting, it can affect your mood, but it should not affect your mind. "

"And, it'll be fine, don't be burdened."

Chu Yunsheng turned sideways to cut off the sight of the gaming chair and the computer screen, and then held Shen Xuan's hand.

In the face of the little substitute who was hacked for the first time, Shen Xuan prepared a belly of comforting words: "..."

…Is he dazzled? Aren't these sunspots scolding Chu Yunsheng?

Why don't they seem to be on the same set again?