MTL - After the Rebirth, I Counterattacked and Became An All-around Boss-Chapter 420 Set up

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  Chapter 420 Set up

   "Why can't you move? Haven't you seen that Rou'er has become like this?" Zhao's mother can't control so much now, she only thinks about revenge for her daughter.

   "Mu Xi is Ling Mochen's fiancée, if you do something to Mu Xi, Ling Mochen will definitely intervene." Father Zhao also wanted to avenge Zhao Rou'er, but he didn't want to offend Ling Mochen. Ling Mochen's current achievements at such a young age are definitely not easy to provoke. He didn't want the whole Zhao family to fall into a quagmire because of his daughter. The Wei family and the Mu family are the best examples. He can't let the Zhao family follow in the footsteps.

   "Is this the case?" Zhao's mother stared at Zhao's father unwillingly. Anyway, she would never let Mu Xi go.

  Father Zhao glanced at Zhao Rouer, and sighed helplessly, "You know Rouer's temper, this matter may not be Mu Xi's fault."

   "You!" Mother Zhao was so angry that her fingers were trembling, "I don't care whose fault it is, anyway, my daughter was disfigured, and I must seek justice for her."

   "Do you want the entire Zhao family to be destroyed because of Rou'er?" Father Zhao couldn't hold back his anger.

   "Don't forget that my sister-in-law is also from the Ling family, how could she allow Ling Mochen to bully us." With his sister-in-law here, Ling Mochen would definitely not touch the Zhao family.

   "Okay! This matter is decided like this. If you dare to provoke Mu Xi, don't blame me for not thinking about the relationship between husband and wife." After Zhao's father finished speaking, he turned and left with anger.

  Mother Zhao was stunned. She and her husband have been married for more than 20 years, and his husband has never said such harsh words to her.

  Zhao Rou'er stretched out her hand to hold Zhao's mother's hand, "Mom, don't get angry with Dad, I'm fine." What a useless man, he didn't even have the courage to seek justice for her.

  Zhao's mother looked at Zhao Rou'er, saw the gauze wrapped around her face, and felt very distressed, "Rou'er, don't worry, mom will definitely get you justice." Even if she didn't rely on the Zhao family, she could rely on the strength of her mother's family.

   "Mom!" Zhao Rou'er cried and threw herself into Zhao's mother's arms, her red eyes full of viciousness and hatred. She doesn't care who Mu Xi is, she will definitely avenge this hatred.

  Mother Zhao patted Zhao Rouer on the back, and after she fell asleep, she walked out of the ward, took out her mobile phone and made a call.


  Mu Xi and Ling Mochen returned home, and seeing that there was no one at home, Mu Xi took out his mobile phone and called Ye Zhengyi.

  Ye Zhengyi was drinking with a client in the clubhouse at this time.

   "Mr. Ye, I have read your company's plan, and I think the profit distribution is not reasonable."

  Ye Zhengyi put down the wine glass in his hand, "Mr. Zhang thinks what is unreasonable?" He personally reviewed the proposals of the Beijing branch, and they were drawn up by a special person. This situation cannot happen.

   "My side is too small." Mr. Zhang frivolously touched the face of the lady beside him. It's just a company that has just established a firm foothold in the capital, so it's up to him to cooperate with him.

   "Mr. Zhang, I cooperate with your company with full sincerity." The cell phone in Ye Zhengyi's pocket rang at this moment, and he said apologetically to Mr. Zhang, got up and walked out of the box.

  Mr. Zhang curled his lips in disdain. The Ye family has some status in Jinling, but this is the capital. If you want to do business in the capital, you have to be prepared to make no money, or even lose money.

  Looking at Ye Zhengyi's wine glass, Mr. Zhang winked at the woman beside him.

  Ye Zhengyi pressed the answer button, "Xi'er, I'm meeting with the person in charge of the cooperative company at the Royal Club, and I'll be back around twelve o'clock."

  Ye Zhengyi and Mu Xi talked a few words, then hung up the phone and went back to the box. In fact, he still has several alternative companies, but Mr. Zhang's company is more in line with his company's conditions.

   "Mr. Zhang, let's continue." Ye Zhengyi went to where he was originally sitting and sat down.

   "Mr. Ye, let me toast you first." Mr. Zhang raised his glass and clinked it with Ye Zhengyi. As long as this glass of wine is drunk, the decision is in his hands, and he has already made a plan.

  Ye Zhengyi drank the wine, and soon he felt a little drowsy. He glanced at his glass, and a clear look flashed in his eyes.

   "I'm going to the bathroom." Ye Zhengyi stood up and staggered towards the bathroom in the box.

  Mr. Zhang looked at Ye Zhengyi's back, with a successful smile on the corner of his mouth, and pinched the face of the woman beside him, "Baby, I'll buy you the bag you like tomorrow."

   "Mr. Zhang is so kind to him." The woman hugged Mr. Zhang and kissed him on the face.

  Ye Zhengyi walked into the bathroom, took out a porcelain bottle, poured out a pill and put it in his mouth. It was given to him by Xi'er, who said it could cure any medicine, including poison.

  Seeing Ye Zhengyi staggering out, Mr. Zhang took out a contract and handed it to Ye Zhengyi, "Mr. Ye, please sign this contract."

  Ye Zhengyi picked up the contract, squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, "Mr. Zhang, are you trying to cheat me?" This person is not upright, even if he follows the original plan, he will not cooperate with him.

   "What is Mr. Ye saying? How could I cheat Mr. Ye?" A look of surprise flashed in Mr. Zhang's eyes. Why didn't the medicine work? You must know that he has tried that medicine several times, and it has never failed.

   "Since Mr. Zhang doesn't want to cooperate, let's stop here." Ye Zhengyi put down the contract and stood up, ready to leave.

   "Mr. Ye has to think about who owns the capital. If you don't want to hang around in the capital, then you can leave now." Since prescribing drugs is useless, then be tough.

  Ye Zhengyi sneered, got up and left.

   "Damn it!" Mr. Zhang was so angry that he dropped his wine glass, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

  Ye Zhengyi came home and saw Mu Xizheng and Ling Mochen having dinner in the restaurant.

   "Uncle! Why did you come back so soon? Have you finished your dinner yet?" Mu Xi put down his chopsticks and looked at Ye Zhengyi. He called just now and said he would come back later. Could something have happened?

   "I've eaten, you eat, I'll go back to my room first." Ye Zhengyi smiled at the two of them, turned and walked upstairs.

  Mu Xi looked at Ye Zhengyi's back, squinted his eyes, took out his phone and sent a message.

   After a while, she received a reply. Seeing the above video, Mu Xi's eyes were filled with chills, and she sent another message. Fortunately, the uncle had the medicine she gave him, otherwise the uncle would definitely fall for the opponent this time.

  Mr. Zhang has been waiting for a reply, and when he heard the phone ringing, he quickly picked up the phone, "How is the matter going?" If Ye Zhengyi doesn't give himself face, then he will close down Ye Zhengyi's company.

   "Mr. Zhang is not well, our company has been shut down."

   "What's going on?" Mr. Zhang stood up all of a sudden, his face full of disbelief.

  (end of this chapter)