MTL - After the Rebirth, I Counterattacked and Became An All-around Boss-Chapter 3 school master

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  Chapter 3 School Grass Scholar

  Mu Xi turned his head to look, and a gentle-looking boy in a white shirt came over, and the evil spirit emanated from him. Coincidentally, she also knew him.

  The other party's name is Jiang Yiyang, and she is in the same class as her. Not only is the school's school grassroots, but also a top student.

  Jiang Yiyang saw Mu Xi looking at him, and his eyes sank, "Why are you here?" This Internet cafe is relatively close to the school. He came here to find information, and he didn't expect to meet Mu Xi. Today the school is talking about Mu Xi, even if he doesn't want to know, he has heard about it.

  Mu Xi curled his lips playfully, "Why can't I be here?"

Jiang Yiyang sat down in front of the computer next to Mu Xi, turned on the computer, "You better not go to school tomorrow, someone wants to deal with you." He didn't intend to say it at first, but thinking that Mu Xi is quite pitiful now, he didn't Resisted and told 'him'.

  Mu Xi didn't care, "You better not take Huayang Road when you go back." At this time in his previous life, Jiang Yiyang had a car accident on Huayang Road and almost lost his life. He now has evil spirits on his body, which already shows that he has been plagued by bad luck recently.

   "Why?" Jiang Yiyang looked at Mu Xi puzzled.

  Mu Xi smiled, stood up, and walked outside. Anyway, she had already reminded him, it was his own business whether to listen or not.

   "Crazy!" Jiang Yiyang withdrew his gaze and started looking for information.

  Mu Xi came home and smelled the aroma of food, "Mom, what delicious food did you make? It smells so good!"

Ye Ling came out of the kitchen wiping her hands. After a night of adjustments, she was in a much better mood, "Potato curry, and tofu soup." She seldom cooks in Mu's house these years, but she still cooks simple dishes. will do.

   "Great! I'm just hungry, I'm going to wash my hands." Mu Xi walked towards the kitchen with a smile.

  Ye Ling wiped his reddish eyes, followed Mu Xi to the kitchen. Xi'er has really grown up, and if she only had these two dishes before, she would definitely lose her temper.

   "Xi'er, mom wants to find a job tomorrow." Ye Ling swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Mu Xi. She only has more than a thousand yuan left with her. If she doesn't find a job, the money won't last long.

  Mu Xi looked up at Ye Ling, "What job does Mom want to find? I'm going to an Internet cafe tomorrow, so I can send you a resume."

  Ye Ling thought for a while, "See if there is any job like a waiter." She doesn't know what job is suitable for her now. She has not worked for more than ten years and has no work experience at all.

   "Yes." Mu Xi nodded. I already have a plan in mind.

  Jiang Yiyang walked out of the Internet cafe. When he was about to reach Huayang Road, Mu Xi's words suddenly flashed in his mind, and he frowned, "Am I stupid? Believe what 'him' said?"

   He sneered, and walked forward. After taking two steps, Jiang Yiyang stopped, feeling inexplicably flustered.

   "Forget it, I'd better go another way." Jiang Yiyang turned and walked towards another road.

   Just as he turned around, there was a loud noise behind him.

  Jiang Yiyang was startled, and quickly turned his head to look, only to see a car rushing up the sidewalk, only three or four meters away from him. If he hadn't changed his mind just now, that car would definitely hit him.

  Cold sweat flowed down Jiang Yiyang's back. He was holding on to the tree pole beside him, his legs were shaking constantly. Fortunately, he changed his mind, otherwise he would either die or be injured today.

  The lights are on, the night is hazy, the drizzle is still falling, and there is a faint smell of grass and trees in the air.

  In the old house of the Mu family, in one of the small courtyards with pleasant scenery, a handsome young man was leaning against the window to enjoy the rainy scenery outside.

   "How is things going?" Mu Sheng shook the red wine glass lightly in his hand, and the top-quality red wine exuded a mellow and intoxicating aroma.

   "It has been done according to your order." The subordinate replied respectfully.

   "Very good." Mu Sheng raised his lips and took a sip of the red wine in the glass. He has been suppressed by that trash for so many years, this time he wants to make that trash have no chance of turning over.

  Mu Xi got a bank card at the bank and went to the Internet cafe.

  After completing the transaction with yesterday's seller, Mu Xi was about to leave when he met Jiang Yiyang again.

  Jiang Yiyang stopped Mu Xi with embarrassment and shyness on his face, "Mu Xi, thank you yesterday!"

Mu Xi hooked his lips lightly, took out an amulet drawn yesterday and handed it to Jiang Yiyang, "This is for you." Although Jiang Yiyang was paralyzed in his previous life, he founded his own company with a disability and achieved a lot. score. With such a talent, she naturally doesn't want to see him in an accident, and she will still use him in the future.

   "What is this?" Jiang Yiyang took the amulet in surprise and looked at it.

   "You have been plagued by bad luck recently, and wearing it is good for you." After Mu Xi finished speaking quietly, he walked out of the Internet cafe. Now the evil spirit on Jiang Yiyang's body has not dissipated, and his life will be in danger at any time.

   Mu Xi looked at the amulet in his hand. After a long time, he hung the amulet around his neck. Before changing it, he would absolutely throw the amulet into the trash can, but after yesterday, he has a little trust in Mu Xi, and he is more grateful.

  Mu Xi came to a traditional Chinese medicine shop and told the staff of the shop about the medicine he needed.

   "We have other medicines in our store, but the age of ginseng is not so long. Do you think this kind of ginseng is okay?" The staff took out a ginseng from the medicine cabinet and handed it to Mu Xi. Today's ginseng is artificially cultivated, so there is no century-old ginseng.

   "Okay." Mu Xi looked at it and nodded helplessly.

  The staff quickly packed all the medicines that Mu Xi wanted, "You check to see if there is anything missing?"

  Mu Xi checked it again, nodded, and walked out of the pharmacy with two packs of medicine.

  Ye Ling is drying clothes. When she and Mu Xi were kicked out of Mu's house, they only brought two changes of clothes. This is what she begged for a long time before the Patriarch agreed.

   "Mom, I'm back." Mu Xi walked into the courtyard.

   "What are you carrying?" Seeing that Mu Xi was carrying two big bags, Ye Ling was curious.

   "Chinese medicine." Mu Xi shook the bag in his hand.

  Ye Ling stepped forward to take it, but Mu Xi dodged it, "I can move it."

   "Where did you get the money?" She only gave Mu Xi fifty yuan yesterday, which must not be enough to buy these medicines. Could it be that she asked someone to borrow it?

   "Let's go in and talk." Mu Xi stepped into the room. They are renting a courtyard now, and there are other people in the courtyard.

Putting two bags of medicine on the table, Mu Xi picked up the cup on the table and took a few sips of water before slowly opening his mouth: "There are some equipment in the game I played before, and these medicines were bought with the money from selling equipment. "

  (end of this chapter)