MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 500 Each has damage

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  Chapter 500 each has damage

  The fire was already very fierce. There was a loud bang above the Tongfu Inn, and everyone retreated.

  The purple flame was so powerful that it could not be extinguished by splashing water, and it burned down half of the inn in just this moment. Fortunately, the inn was a single-family house, so the fire did not spread to other nearby buildings.

   But there was a lot of black ash floating in the air, choking the onlookers to cough.

   "Who set this fire?"

  He Lingchuan and Fan Sheng both pointed at each other: "He!"

  Tian county magistrate suddenly had a big head.

  He Lingchuan saw that his face was so painful that it was about to drip water, walked over and patted his shoulder, and whispered: "Forget it, I will help you, and it will be charged to the prince's account."

   It wasn't that he was soft-hearted, but that Magistrate Tian's appearance was particularly appropriate and timely, which effectively prevented the opponent from continuing to attack.

  The two brothers who came out of Tongxinwei, not to mention their strong cultivation, seem to have a very good background. He Lingchuan only has the tiger Jiao Yu as his helper, and it is too disadvantageous to fight against them.

  He was very clear about the opponent's plan, and the moment County Magistrate Tian called out the Prince's special envoy, Fan Sheng could no longer pretend to be dumb and pretend he didn't know the opponent's identity, then the battle had to end.

  Magistrate Tian hurriedly said: "Thank you, Mr. Special Envoy."

  As soon as He Lingchuan moved his footsteps, Fan Sheng strode over and said coldly, "Want to leave?"

"if not?"

  Fan Sheng pointed at the giant bear: "You want to leave after you hurt my brother, how can there be such a beautiful thing in the world?"

  The giant bear didn't dare to touch the ground with its front paws, so it stood on three legs.

  He Lingchuan also called Jiao Yu to his side, pointed to its chest and front paws and said, "My brother was also injured by you, how do you pay for it?"

  He didn't lie, the tiger had several lacerations on its fur. Although it wasn't hit directly by the axe, it took several blows from the axe, and its front paws were even burned by Ziyan.

  Tian county magistrate weakly said: "You two..." Are you here again?

   At this time, several people came out of the melon-eating crowd, and the leader was actually Zhong Sunmou.

  He took a look at the situation on the court and smoothed things out aloud: "The two of you are trying to save me by going to the medical hall to fix your injuries, and then how about paying the compensation?"

   "Why is it so troublesome?" He Lingchuan boasted, "I am proficient in medical science. You let this giant bear come over every day, and I will treat its injuries. It will definitely get better within a month."

  Bear demons have relatively simple temperaments. If they are photographed by a soul-sucking mirror for 30 days, there is no telling what will happen to them.

  He Lingchuan still has some expectations after thinking about it.

  Fan Sheng's chest heaved twice, and he refused with a livid face: "No need."

  The Violent Bear has strong vitality and outstanding physique. Even without any medicine, the injury can heal itself within a month.

   "Is it okay then?" He Lingchuan shrugged, "Goodbye."

   After finishing speaking, he and the tiger turned and left.

  Fan Sheng clenched his fist, his knuckles cracked.

   But he still stood where he was, and only asked Zhong Sunmou: "What kind of person are you here?"

   "Anyway, we can't do anything to him for the time being, it's better for Third Brother Fan to heal his wounds and recuperate as soon as possible." It looks a little better on the face. Zhong Sunmou secretly said in his heart, I have warned you not to be arrogant, who is to blame if you don't listen?

   But his words sounded beautiful on the surface, Fan Sheng snorted, and stopped reprimanding him in court.

  He originally thought that this He Xiao, who is only in his teens and a visitor from a small country, can be so powerful? Three or two knives will solve it.

  How could the other party be so slippery.

   Yes, slippery.

  Cultivation may not be very strong, but like a loach, he has repeatedly prevented him from catching the vital point.

   Opposite is the Che Ma Yi, he went to ask for a carriage, and transported the bear away.

  The county magistrate of Tian was all smiles, Zhong Sunmou glanced at him: "Did you help He Xiao hide Fu Songhua?"

  Magistrate Tian was stunned, and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, how can such a thing happen!"

   "Without the help of you, a local snake, where can he hide people?"

  Tian county magistrate thought that Baisha is so big, where can people hide it? But on the surface, he is still respectful: "The special envoy acts, why do you need to consult with me?"

  Zhong Sunmou snorted, ignored him, turned around and boarded Fan Sheng's carriage.

  Magistrate Tian saw the carriage rumbling away, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

  These high-ranking officials from Lingxu City always look at people with their nostrils. But what Zhong Sunmou said was, where would the special envoy hide the prisoner?

  An inn in the city, or a cave in the wild?

  Baishahou is a famous scenic city, but it is still a small place after all.

  This young special envoy acted boldly, but Magistrate Tian didn't think he dared to send the prisoners from Lingxu City away.

  Forcibly dismissed Fu Songhua, and it can be said that the special envoy asked him to assist in the investigation. This conflict is nothing more than a friction between two bureaucratic systems. As long as Chi Yan Guojun comes forward, it will easily be trivialized.

  But if Fu Songhua leaves Baishahou, the nature will be completely different. Lingxu City's backhand can detain He Xiao for assisting in absconding.

  Therefore, the special envoy must not be fooled.

  The giant bear is too big, even if Fan Sheng commandeered the largest carriage, its size would almost fill up the space inside the carriage, and the two had to sit between them.

   "I still have some good medicine, which can be used by Brother Fan." Zhong Sunmou's attitude towards the Fan brothers is similar to the attitude of Tian County Magistrate towards him.

  Fan Sheng said coldly: "No need." He still didn't like Zhong Sunmou's medicine.

  During the conversation, his hands were not idle, and he quickly applied medicine to the giant bear, which groaned in pain.

  In just this moment, the bear's blood wet the wooden boards underneath, and the originally smooth fur was bald and scorched by the purple flame, and now the scars and sores are horrible.

"With Yuanli protecting the body, the insidious energy on that kid's knife can't get in." Fan Sheng patted it on the head, "Be patient, your bones have also been cut, it will take another six or seven days to recover." good."

  The giant bear's vitality and recovery ability are amazing. Don't look at how miserable it is now, in fact, this is considered a skin trauma to it.

"The curse master said that he was trying to find Fu Songhua's whereabouts. Why did this man surnamed He come and say that he was under a death curse?" Fan Sheng looked up at him, "You sent a letter to Qingding City to ask me to come over to assist in handling the case, why not?" Do you say this person has plenty of force?" If he knew himself and the enemy, he wouldn't be fighting like this today.

   "It's not surprising that he obstructed the case." Zhong Sunmou sighed. Why didn't you say it? He reminded the brothers several times, what can they do if they don't listen? "This guy is cunning and hard-handed, not a fuel-efficient lamp."

   "Seeing that he is not very old, he has already cultivated himself well. Given time..." Fan Sheng frowned, "Haven't you found out his details yet?"

   "It seems to be from Fuguo. For some reason, Fu Shanyue has more trust in him." Zhong Sunmou shook his head, "The time is too short, and there is little information."

"Appointing a foreigner as a special envoy is not a problem in Beja, and it appears every now and then." The history of Beja is too long, and there is no new thing under the sun, "You spy everywhere all day, I thought you were capable Get to know him."

"When manpower is limited, otherwise why would I ask Brother Fan for help?" Zhong Sunmou pretended not to hear the thorn in Fan Sheng's words, "Kill this surnamed He, and then **** Fu Songhua back, and I will be able to return to Lingxu The city is on a errand."

   "This job has nothing to do with you, why do you need to intervene?" Fan Sheng applied medicine to the giant bear and began to bandage it.

   "..." Zhong Sunmou said in a low voice, "I just want to share the worries for the emperor."

  Fan Sheng snorted, saying one thing and doing another, this guy is trying to win credit, right? As a result, he kicked the iron plate.

  Grizzly Bear grunted twice and cried out in pain, Fan Sheng stroked its forehead and said, "Heal quickly, come back and kill that kid with me."

  He asked Zhong Sunmou again: "Get rid of He Xiao, and the favor that my elder brother owes to your family will be over, right?"

  Zhong Sun Mou said seriously: "After this matter is done, I will never dare to bother the Fan brothers again."

   "So where is Fu Songhua hidden? You can always find out, right?"

   "Not yet." Seeing him stare, Zhong Sunmou hurriedly said, "But soon. He Xiao is not a local resident, and he has limited acquaintances here, so it's easy to follow."


  Running more than ten feet away from the crowd, He Lingchuan still felt the pain in his abdomen from being kicked by Fan Sheng, especially when he inhaled.

  He could only adjust his breathing to reduce the pain, and at the same time stuffed himself with a pill.

  Jiao Yu was a little worried: "You hurt your abdomen, are you okay?"

   "I have something to do." He Lingchuan smiled wryly, "Fan Sheng's strength is very strong."

  When he was kicked by Fan Sheng, the guardian function of the soul-absorbing mirror was also activated immediately, reducing a lot of damage. Otherwise, that kick would be powerful enough to break mountains and crack rocks, and it would also be enough to kill He Lingchuan in an instant before San Xinyuan's epiphany.

  Now, even if he is running, the real power in his dantian can continuously heal the wound.

  The great progress in practice can only be fully reflected after this kind of war.

  Now is not the time to sit down and recuperate, he said to Jiaoyu: "Zhong Sunmou set up a series of tricks here, first ask the curse master to deal with me; if it doesn't work, there are two brothers Fan Sheng waiting for you."

   "This pair of brothers are very good, especially Fan Sheng." Jiao Yu was still terrified, "If I fight him alone, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass ten rounds."

   They couldn't beat Fan Sheng in two against one. Jiao Yu knew very well in his heart that if He Lingchuan didn't send out surprise soldiers just now, his side would lose.

"If Zhong Sunmou had this person by his side, I wouldn't have allowed me to take Fu Songhua away." He Lingchuan said affirmatively, "It must be the foreign aid he invited on a short-term basis. But they still made a fool of themselves, thinking that killing us would be easy. Otherwise, let the curse master go to the countryside to cast spells, there will definitely not be so many civilians nearby, and the county magistrate Tian will not appear."

  Thinking of this, his heart moved.

   Could it be because Zhong Sunmou and the others had special confidence in the nightmare invited by the curse master?

  A monster like the Nightmare with Hundred Faces is indeed not something a player of He Lingchuan's rank can contend with. The more Zhong Sunmou understood the Hundred Faces Nightmare, the more he believed that it could easily deal with He Lingchuan.

  Then there is no need for the curse master to leave the city to practice the spell, and the Fan brothers' ambush is only a backup method.

  Probably in his mind, even if He Lingchuan can escape the plan of the Hundred Faces Nightmare, he will be seriously injured and unable to chase the curser;

  Even if He Lingchuan came after him for revenge, his own strength would also be damaged, so he was definitely no match for the Fan brothers.

   No matter what, He Lingchuan has no hope of winning.

  (end of this chapter)