MTL - After the Eldest Sister-in-law Died Young, Dai Wen Remarried.-Chapter 57 Save your face as the eldest sister-in-law

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Chapter 57 Saving one’s face as the eldest sister-in-law

 The man looked at him without saying a word, silently turned the wheelchair and left.

Yun Qinghuan glanced back and didn't care. He thought he felt the sun was shining here and wanted to stay in the shade nearby.

Continued to cut the acacia flowers, even the little guy was so anxious that his face was sweating. He was holding a few scattered bunches of acacia flowers in his small hands.

Just when Yun Qinghuan was discouraged and wanted to give up, the man turned the wheelchair and came back. He found a particularly long stick in his hand and said to her, "Sister-in-law, give me the sickle. "

Yun Qinghuan almost gave him the stick with a grimace.

Feeling a little embarrassed, he couldn't even cut the acacia flowers, but he had already prepared all the tools.

Then he teased Qiao Yue with a smile, "Hurry up, someone is coming to rush you."

 Just a few strands were cut sporadically each time, which was not enough to fill the gap between the teeth of an educated youth.

 Qiao Yue was a little embarrassed, "I also think he is considerate and takes care of others."

 Next, Yun Qinghuan was almost shocked.

 The smile in the man's eyes was even greater.

 Speaking, he bent over and started picking up again.

Yun Qing laughed happily, "It's the top of the back hill where we cut the pigweed. Walking further in, it's quite remote. Fortunately, it's quite remote. Otherwise, it might not be our turn to cut the pigweed. But now there's not much left on the trees that we cut. There’s more, if you like to eat it, I’ll bring some for you next time I make it.”

Qiao Yue also likes to eat acacia flowers, so when she saw them making a big basket full, she was really curious.

"No, sister-in-law, I'll cut it, and you can pick it up." The man's faint voice sounded.

 I feel that I cannot let my mother feel that I am not working hard.

In just about half an hour, they had already cut more than a basket of acacia flowers.

Recently, Zhi/Qingdian also wanted to improve their food. They saw someone in the village steaming acacia flowers to eat. They were greedy after seeing them, so someone suggested that they cut off some acacia flowers if they came across them while working.

 Qiao Yue is a nice person and is considered a friend of the original owner. Moreover, during these days of working in the pig pen, she has given herself a lot of advice, so even though the food is very precious, Yun Qinghuan is still willing to give it to her.

He walked to Qiao Yue and had already taken the tools from her hand and went to clean the pigsty.

"That's it." Yun Qinghuan thought of the scarcity of supplies in this era, especially acacia flowers, which are purely natural and much more delicious than wild vegetables. If others knew about it, they would definitely eat them up. After all, acacia flowers can be steamed, cold, or stir-fried. They are all delicious, but you can only eat them a few days a year.

Shen Jingyang pursed his lips, a little embarrassed.

 When the man saw her like this, his eyes moved.

Seeing him like this, Yun Qinghuan smiled even more and whispered, "Comrade Shen feels very good to you."

Looking at him looking for another long stick, I thought he would take off the slightly shorter stick and replace it with this longer stick.

 Qiao Yue was a little moved, after all, the acacia flowers were really delicious, but she still shook her head, "Forget it."

 If I go back late, I can only get some leftovers.

I just don’t plan to give her the semi-finished product. Zhi/Qingdian are all cooking together. These acacia flowers look like a lot, but if there are so many people eating, one person can’t get much.

 “Shen Zhi/Qing.” Yun Qinghuan also nodded towards him.


Yunqing smiled happily, "It's just a little acacia flower, it doesn't matter."

 “This, this is probably enough, right?”

He gave her a thumbs up, thinking that Qiao Yue would find a man.

Thinking that she was almost tired of eating those kinds of dishes every day these days, Yun Qinghuan worked even harder to pick them up. These were all her dishes for the next few days! An'an saw her mother pick it up so quickly. She was a little distracted at first and wanted to play while picking it up. Now she picked it up more seriously.

The man probably saw that she was very tired, and said directly, "Sister-in-law, you rest for a while, and I will cut the acacia flowers. You can pick them up later. There are many people in the village who like to eat acacia flowers, and acacia flowers are very popular." There aren’t many trees with flowers. If we don’t get more flowers today, others will discover this acacia tree, and there will be no acacia flowers on the tree tomorrow.”

She looked up in confusion and met the man's deep and tender eyes. She avoided him uncomfortably and said, "That's fine. I'll leave the task of cutting the acacia flowers to you."

She was almost happy and ran to the acacia tree to compete with An An for the job of picking acacia flowers.

I don’t know how he tied it, but the stick is very stable.

Furthermore, sometimes a large bunch can be cut off at once.

She watched blankly as the acacia flowers on the acacia tree became fewer and fewer. It was obviously the same sickle, but the sickle seemed to have a soul in his hand, and he could cut almost accurately.

Qiao Yue was a little disappointed when she heard that there were not many left in the tree. When she heard Yun Qinghuan said that she would prepare some for her, she quickly waved her hand, "How can this be done? You don't have to bring it for me."

Thinking about how he would save his face as the eldest sister-in-law if he really made the sickle long enough and she still couldn't cut it off.

Yun Qinghuan saw that he had done it, and wanted to reach out and take it, with a nervous but pretending to be calm attitude, thinking that he would have to be more competitive later, cut more acacia flowers, and not be embarrassed in front of him.

While Yun Qinghuan was thinking about paying homage, Bo Naihan had already tied the long stick to the end of another stick, and the entire sickle suddenly became extremely long.

Just at this time, someone suddenly called Qiao Yue, "Have you cleaned up the pigsty? It's almost noon, let's go back quickly, otherwise we won't be able to share the food later."

The three men first chopped up the pigweed and put it in the pig trough, then put the acacia flowers into the basket and carried them back.

Yun Qinghuan felt tired even after bending down to pick it up, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

 Actually, even if I try to cheer myself up, I still feel very weak.

The visitor saw Yun Qinghuan when he came over. He nodded and said hello to her, "Yun Zhi/Qing."

In the pig pen, Qiao Yue was still cleaning up the pig manure. She came late this morning and had not finished cleaning up yet. She was a little envious when she saw how many acacia flowers Yun Qinghuan and the others had made, "Where did you get the acacia flowers?" Huh? This stuff is delicious. The only acacia flowers blooming nearby are all harvested very quickly. It’s really not easy to cut acacia flowers."

In this era, it is a very bad thing to just eat from other people's homes. After all, no one is rich.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Then you keep cutting, I'm not tired."

I was very impressed when I saw the man holding the sickle with his head raised and working motionless for half an hour without seeming to feel tired.

Seeing that the acacia flowers on a tree had been picked up by the three of them, and it was almost time for dinner, Bai Naihan stopped.

Shen Jingyang, like them, is an educated youth who went to the countryside, but he came a few years earlier than them. He is now in his twenties, about the same age as Bai Nahanhan.

He is taciturn by temperament, but thoughtful and attentive. He is Zhi/Qingdian’s big brother, and he is almost in charge of many things in Zhi/Qingdian.

 (End of this chapter)