MTL - After Setting up Her Own Stall, the Bigshot in Mystic Arts Went Viral-Chapter 502 : Netizen’s brain supplement, the end of the world is theology

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Hearing Qu Jian'er's "on-site commentary", everyone could not believe it or not.

【What's the meaning? Are you planning to find someone we don't know to take the place of the dead ghost? 】

[Old routine, this method has been used by many criminal suspects, can you be innovative? 】

[Can you not treat everyone as fools? We have seen through your face and will not believe it. 】

【If you don’t understand, please keep silent. We know about the power of reincarnation. Miss Qu, please continue. 】

[Hey, who are you in front... Oh, it's the police officer, ahaha, I misunderstood. 】

Qu Jian'er intentionally exposed the reincarnation to everyone's eyes, and let Tian Qi expose herself too passively. She told everyone directly, but it may not be able to achieve the desired effect. Telling her while being forced can reveal the hidden depth of reincarnation and her helplessness.

She looked at the noisy barrage.

I feel very happy.

Let's make a noise.

The louder the better.

Even if Tianqi can't be forced out, she can make the other party feel bad. As long as the other party is unhappy, she will be happy.

In the not-too-distant future, Samsara will also wonder: They intend to set up a virus, but they haven't had time to implement it yet.

Why are there so many eyes staring at them.

very scary!

Everyone in the empire is a prophet, right?

At that time.

Qu Jian'er revealed the existence of reincarnation, and told everyone that Yu Shu was once the high priest of the holy sword.

[Wait a minute, why am I getting more and more confused the more I listen, what are Shengjian and Yushu? 】

[Holy Sword—The Hidden Blade of the Empire, can you understand this explanation, if you don’t understand, you can keep silent and continue to listen. 】

[I never believed that Qu Jian'er would be the culprit of the ruined star. Although a lazy person like her likes to make troubles, she doesn't know how to mess around. Combined with the negative comments, it can't be seen that someone is messing up the water? Behold, the truth is about to be revealed. 】

[Just listening to Qu Jian'er's words, I always feel that our lives are wasted, we don't know anything. 】

[In other words, could Qu Jian'er be a national secret agent, but after the investigation is clear, she was framed by sinister and vicious people and had to be kicked out of the organization to save her life? 】

[Agents will never expose the organization, I think those people offended first, Qu Jianer is fighting back - "If you push me into the water, don't blame me for pulling you into the water." 】

Qu Jian'er was overwhelmed by the netizen's brain supply, so why did she complete the fake story for her?

The villain in her couldn't help waving a handkerchief and weeping in gratitude.

Qu Jian'er organized her words in her mind, and said sternly, "What I'm going to say next is a bit theistic, but everyone must believe in science. There is no **** in this world."

[Laughing, of course we believe in science. 】

[If you don’t believe in science, can you still believe in theology? 】

【Uh, you don't want to copy your old business and engage in feudal superstitions openly, do you? 】

[I'm not afraid of being punished for the crime... Wait! Why did flames suddenly appear in your hand! ? Project it! 】

[Fire ability, what a fuss, don't forget that the Qu family from the Federation said that she is from the Qu family. 】

[This explanation is very good, so how do you explain the sudden puddle of water in her hand? 】

[It is well known that orcs do not have dual-line powers, and humans do not have supernatural powers. Summary: Qu Jian'er is not human. 】

Qu Jian'er popular science: "This is magic. As we all know, fire is the light and heat produced by the burning of matter, and the particles in the air vibrate to produce flames..."

[While you talk about science, you create unscientific, magic? How do you make me believe this is magic? 】

[The end of the world is theology? 】

[So, what do you want to express? 】

[I'm really lost, I'd better watch the replay analysis. 】

Qu Jian'er said: "There are a group of crazy people in this world. They call themselves apocalypse and try to descientize magic. The existence of the Spirit Bureau is to eliminate these uncertain factors, and the holy sword is the second sword of the empire. Reincarnation is the villain in the story, and Hiroki is the apocalypse."


Qu Jian'er let out a breath.

Disperse the "magic".

Tell everyone about the danger.

Hiroki is the dangerous one.

She doesn't mind being the opponent's shield, but everyone must be wary of an apocalypse like Yushu.

Don't be led by the nose.

Qu Jian'er said exactly that.

The barrage stopped for a few seconds.

In the end, Qu Jian'er's suspicion was still not resolved, but her goal of live broadcasting was achieved.

She just needs to plant the seeds of doubt.

Somebody will help her out.

The live broadcast suddenly shut down.

Qu Jian'er was surprised: "Is it time for dinner?"

She didn't know why Zuo Chen turned off the national interrogation, she still hadn't finished her performance.

Zuo Chen waved away the other people present and said: "Now show the metaphysics in front of everyone, aren't you afraid of exposing the metaphysics world?"

When Qu Jian'er got up, she had already thought of this level: "So what if it's exposed, someone has to believe it."

Zuo Chen said: "Someone will believe it."

Qu Jian'er clapped her hands and said happily: "It's just right, invite him to download the Yinyin APP, and the opportunity to make money has come."

Zuo Chen laughed, and said seriously: "This is just one of your goals, what about the other?"

Through a layer of glass, Qu Jian'er breathed towards Zuo Chen, taking advantage of the mist to draw a heart on the glass.

Zuo Chen narrowed his eyes: "Shortly after you finished contacting me, I noticed the return of luck."

Qu Jian'er half-closed her eyes and smiled: "Yu Shu is dead, and he reaps the fruits of his own life, that kind of soul flies away."

Zuo Chen frowned, then smiled and said: "The clue is broken, so you want to create a clue?"

Qu Jian'er nodded: "It's just a little bit."

She looked around for a moment.

After making sure no one was there, he told Zuo Chen the plan of "using Tuo Hai's hand to make him fall".

If aliens have always existed.

Sooner or later, the world of metaphysics will be exposed.

She took the initiative to expose nothing more than to confuse the public.

You can fish in muddy waters, and she wants to use Odin's ears to tell those alien races, so that those guys can't understand her true intentions.

It is not the work of smart people to expose the truth. The aliens dare not act rashly and at the same time they are confused.

Zuo Chen understood: "Your real intention is to..."

Qu Jian'er glared at Zuo Chen: "Shhh, I'm still a good friend if I see through you or not!"

Zuo Chen: "..."

Qu Jian'er finished speaking vividly, stopped immediately, and patted the insulating glass: "Old Chen, I'm hungry."

Zuo Chen said, "Friend, I'm not hungry."

As soon as Qu Jian'er heard it, she knew that Zuo Chen wanted to make trouble, didn't she just say it casually, she couldn't tell whether she had seen it through or not, was it a boyfriend or girlfriend? It sounds convoluted~

She looked at people from a distance.

In the end, the betrayal that couldn't bear the stomach was defeated.

Qu Jian'er turned on the crying mode: "Honey, I'm really hungry. I've been drinking nutrient solution for the past few days. Take a closer look and see if your face is starving and thin."

Zuo Chen: "..." What gave her the confidence that she could soften my heart by showing off her cuteness?


The insulated room is filled with various delicacies.

Dim lights flickered overhead.

Zuo Chen is still taking food one by one from the space button, and the one who feeds him is called a proficient.

Qu Jian'er looked at so much eating: "You have already prepared it, and you deliberately see me doing badly?"

Zuo Chen generously admitted: "Yes."

Qu Jian'er bit his elbow viciously: "By the way, when did you start preparing? These are not delicacies from the same region, and they can't be fully prepared in a day or two."

Zuo Chen sat on the ground with the others.

He bent his right leg and rested his elbow on his leg.

"Since you left the Herald."

"Since you carried me on your back to participate in the Mecha Contest."

"From the moment you carry me to the base camp of alien races."

Qu Jian'er: "..."

This man really holds a grudge.

A little thing remembered for so long.

Are you going to study forever?

(end of this chapter)

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