MTL - After Setting up Her Own Stall, the Bigshot in Mystic Arts Went Viral-Chapter 463 : Return of the Zerg

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For such a matter of life and death.

Chief Lu subconsciously wanted to report this matter to the head of the legion, and then prevent this disaster from happening.

He just got up from the ground.

It was found that Company Commander Cao and the others did not move.

Chief Lu was surprised: "Old Cao?"

In his eyes, although Company Commander Cao has some complaints about the Legion, he is not someone who can't understand the overall situation.

Why are you motionless now?

Company Commander Cao closed his eyes and said in a muffled voice, "There are no cowards in the Second Army, and we are not afraid of death, but this does not mean that we want to embrace death."

When Qu Jian'er took out the emblem card, Company Commander Cao vaguely guessed the reason for the opponent's appearance.

Qu Jian'er put the contraband in front of everyone, neither buying nor selling, just wanted to see their choice.

No one will be good for anyone without a reason.

Qu Jian'er's appearance must have been purposeful, and she made it clear that she wanted to see whether they wanted to live or die.

It's just that he doesn't know why Qu Jian'er did this, and he doesn't care to know now.

Company Commander Cao said word by word: "Mr. Lu, we are just vulgar people. We know that death is with us, so we have to prepare early to avoid unnecessary sacrifices."

Without Qu Jian'er's emblem card, their company would have lost countless lives in the first stage of the war.

If those guys handed out badge cards based on their merits, would they still behave like this?

The legion is blatantly unfair, so why can't they retain the right to live! ?

Chief Lu's expression was heavy.

He heard Fa Xiao's implication.

And Company Commander Cao chose to tell him the truth because he wanted to see how he expressed his stance and whether he was committed.

Chief Lu is in a dilemma: "We can think of a way to get the best of both worlds..."

As he spoke, he fell silent.

Leaving aside the fact that Moge would fall into a deep sleep, would it be a big deal to kill the stunned superior? Why did Company Commander Cao and the others know so clearly about Moge?

When the question in the superior's mind reappeared.

Company Commander Cao absolutely has no other way to avoid censorship, so the matter of the emblem card will definitely be exposed.

Officer Lu looked at his friend, and he chose to stand by Company Commander Cao: "What are your plans?"

However, Company Commander Cao looked at Qu Jian'er: "What does our emblem card seller mean?"

Qu Jian'er raised her eyebrows: "It's my turn to speak again?"

Others: "..." Hurry up and put away your supernatural powers, Chief Lu's desire to kill you is almost overwhelming.

Qu Jian'er originally wanted to give these people the right to choose, but she saw that everyone looked very confused.

Take the initiative to take things over.

She lays out two paths.

One is to report the matter now, and the result will be questioned and detained.

One is to pretend not to know and seek another job.

Company Commander Cao hasn't spoken yet.

Chief Lu narrowed his eyes and grasped the point: "Excuse me, what do you mean by seeking another job?"

Qu Jian'er smiled shyly: "Ah, I won't hide it from you, I just appeared this time to poach people. This is my general rank in the Third Army."

After learning that these people lack a backbone to stand up, Qu Jian'er decided to change the strategy of "abducting people".

She took out the military rank she got from Admiral Qi, and watched quietly the gasps of the people present.

After finishing speaking, Qu Jian'er didn't speak anymore.

She knew that those present needed time to calm down.

After all, no matter how unkind and unfair the Second Legion is, that is also the Second Legion's business.

Qu Jian'er got involved at this time, just to disturb the rhythm of the water.

Company Commander Cao imagined Qu Jian'er's identity.

But he never thought that the other party was the general.

There are not many generals, especially women.

He instantly thought of Qu Jian'er's "Curry" status, and his first thought was "Is it a trap?"

But he quickly dismissed the thought.

no need.

Too much trouble.

If Qu Jian'er wanted to "enforce fishing", there was no need to take such a risk at this time.

Furthermore, Qu Jian'er and the Wu family didn't say they had any enmity, nor did they have a good relationship, so it was impossible to test them for the sake of the Wu family.

So here comes the problem.

Is Qu Jian'er really here to poach people?

Why not rush at this juncture?

And that's it.

It is impossible for outsiders to know about the dispatch of all members of the legion. Why is Qu Jian'er waiting for them here?

This feeling is like Qu Jian'er has been waiting for a long time, and they are just fish in a net bag.

Qu Jian'er only said: "The Zerg will come back again, you have to be prepared to fight, and you will know the doubts when you are alive."

She gave a space button to Company Commander Cao. As for how these people would choose, she didn't want to get involved.

Company Commander Cao couldn't hold back his shock as he watched Qu Jian'er's figure suddenly disappear.

Chief Lu frowned: "What's in the space button?"

Company Commander Cao handed the space button to someone, closed his eyes and said, "Let us stay alive."

Chief Lu glanced hesitantly.

There was a wave of turmoil in my heart.

There are tens of millions of heraldic cards here.

With these cards, they have the right to survive on the battlefield, and they can also change the established ending of many fighters.

These cards are enough for the whole regiment.

But he knew that Qu Jian'er didn't want them to take out the card unconditionally, everyone who used it stood behind Qu Jian'er in disguise, no matter if they were sincere or not.


The Zerg suffered heavy losses.

They fled and made the insect emperor furious.


Countless Zergs with a large army appeared on M79 star, and they decided to avenge their shame and let human beings taste the taste of failure.

The horrifyingly sharp forearms of the Zerg were like a sweeping battle axe, harvesting life after life.

Severed limbs were scattered all over the pioneers, but there were not only human bones on the battlefield.

There are also Mog and Zerg. The corpses of the three races outline a purgatory-like scene.

Over time.

The number of soldiers who gradually mastered their skills became fewer and fewer, but after dawn, the nightmare also began.

The invincible Mog suddenly returned to the pioneers en masse, leaving toys and delicacies behind.

Legionnaires: "!"

The Zerg were also confused at first, but they quickly reacted, and excitement burst out of their scarlet eyes.

They roared and rushed out.

The situation turned around in an instant.

Humanity is doomed!

Patriarch Wu got up from his seat suddenly: "What's going on!? Don't back up!"

Why did Moge leave! ?

For the first time, he showed a flustered look.

At first, he saw that there were not many Zerg races, and with the help of Moge, he decided to take down the pioneers in one fell swoop.

Who ever thought.

Zerg will be dispatched collectively Mogger will end halfway.

A thought of "it's over" came to his mind.

The strong aura and power from the Zerg made it difficult for him to even breathe.

With more and more deaths.

Patriarch Wu no longer hesitated, he made up his mind, and left the main ship under the protection of his subordinates. Before leaving, he gave the last order - "until death".

Countless soldiers charged.

What they got in exchange was tragic death.

But they refused to back down.

Because this is the order of the legion commander.

They must obey orders!

However, the Zerg are like invincible monsters in movies, they are not afraid of any means of attack by humans.

Even "playing" with these fighters.

Filled the battlefield with taunts.
