MTL - After Refusing To Attack the Film King, Salted Fish Became Popular-Chapter 37 Thirty-seven salted fish

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The winter in the south of the Yangtze River is a little bit cold, but the sun is out today, the sun is just right, and the wind is not too strong. Rafting on the river in the water town of the south of the Yangtze River is quite unique and poetic.

The slightly chilly winter sun shone on Ning Xiaoyu's body. She sat cross-legged on the prow of the boat with her arms behind her back, listening to the hustle and bustle of people by the river, while resting with her eyes closed. There is no lack of excitement in the scenic area, and these voices are the best hypnotic sound.

In order to record the program, she got up early this morning. When she was about to take a nap, she noticed that the awning boat seemed to be moving slowly.

Curious in her heart, she opened her eyes and looked around, only to realize that Lu Jingdu had picked up the oar at some point, and was standing not far from her, paddling slowly.

From her angle, she could only see Lu Jingdu's broad back and the back of his head with pretty hair.

Ning Xiaoyu:? ? ?

The love system once again turned into a screaming chicken: [Ah, ah, girl, the actor actually paddles for you! What a treat! What kind of treatment is this! Let the mortals envy and hate it! 】

Ning Xiaoyu rubbed her slightly itchy ears. She sincerely suggested, "Actually, you can watch some sweet shows, or romance novels, or idol dramas. The official cp in them is really sweet!"

The love system vetoed it without even thinking about it, [I don't want it, I just want to see the daily relationship between you and the actor, and I don't care about other people's. 】

Ning Xiaoyu simply gave up persuasion and began to enjoy the feeling of the boat moving.

Not only was the love system shocked, even the audience in the live broadcast room were too stunned to react to this scene. The most calm ones were probably only the two parties concerned, Ning Xiaoyu and Lu Jingdu.

[Actor...boatman? 】

【Ah this...】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

【Those arms...are also full of strength. If they are used for lifting, they should be very powerful. 】

[And his legs are also very strong, he has been standing on the bow of the boat without moving. 】

[Upstairs, you guys... well done! 】

[Is the focus on the waist and arms? The point is, the film emperor actually took the initiative to be a boatman! Your ability to grasp the key points is not good! 】

It should be the first time for Lu Jingdu to do this kind of work. The paddling movements are not very proficient, and the movements are very slow, but even so, the boat slowly started to move.

The awning boat moved forward slowly, and Ning Xiaoyu was able to see more shore scenery.

When she went ashore, the most eye-catching thing by the river was the teahouse, but in fact, the scenic spot was very large, leaving the teahouse, one would enter a wider area.

There are various shops selling special foods and special items on the street.

The crowd was surging, and it was very lively.

Looking at the world from a boat is completely different from looking at the world from the street. Sitting on a boat and looking at the world, the speed of the boat is slow, and you have to look up. The speed of time seems to be deliberately slowed down.

And looking up at the people on the shore is also a new experience.

There are several places to stop by the river, and Lu Jingdu stopped once on the way and asked a passerby to take a photo for them.

Passers-by happily accepted it.

Lu Jingdu was paddling, Ning Xiaoyu was sitting on the bow of the boat, and passers-by were running slowly against the flow of people, taking a photo with an excellent angle.

At this moment, there was a din of people on the shore, but the awning boat was as quiet as ever.

The wind is calm, the water is clear, and the sun is mild.

After taking photos and completing today's tasks, Lu Jingdu continued to paddle slowly.

The oars cut through the water, and the ripples rippled away. Half an hour later, the two of them visited most of the scenic spots.

The fact that Lu Jingdu was Ning Xiaoyu's boatman soon spread to the ears of other guests.

Shen Yueyue had a rejoicing expression on her face. Fortunately, she slipped away quickly and didn't stay behind, otherwise wouldn't it spoil the atmosphere?

The other guests had different expressions.

Rescue Lu Jingdu once and get this kind of treatment?

If I knew it...they went to save it too!

It's a pity that the world didn't know earlier.

Mu Jiajia pursed her lips and asked Ning Yuwei who was beside her, "This... Ning Xiaoyu and Lu Jingdu, they..."

Ning Yuwei said blankly, "It's impossible for them. The elders won't agree."

Mu Jiajia was a little confused, "But Lu Jingdu's father is gone."

Ning Yuwei sneered, "Uncle is gone, but Auntie is still here. Auntie is the one who likes the right family. She won't even take a look at those with bad family background. It just so happens that Ning Xiaoyu belongs to her The kind of people who don’t even look much.”

After finishing speaking, Ning Yuwei took a deep breath and continued, "Unless Lu Jingdu and his mother are completely deadlocked. However, no matter how bad my aunt is, she will at least raise him until he is more than ten years old. It is impossible for him to really not Give my aunt some face."

Mu Jiajia nodded, "Understood."

Ning Yuwei and her group took many photos on the road.

Two of the four of them are female celebrities. Most female celebrities have very high requirements for photos. The angle of the photo must be good-looking, and anyone who does not manage their expressions well is not allowed. After the shoot, I have to P the pictures. If I don’t P, it is impossible for them to send them out.

A group of people took hundreds of photos, but among so many photos, none of them satisfied Ning Yuwei 100%.

Ling Zige and Xu Cheng smiled until the corners of their mouths stiffened.

Ning Yuwei reluctantly picked out a photo and said, "Let's go to the park and try the green tea cakes by the way."

Others hurriedly said, "Okay, let's go."

When the others went to the park, Ning Xiaoyu and Lu Jingdu also went ashore.

It can only be said that the one hundred yuan package is not wronged.

After landing, they rested for a while.

Just from the boat to the shore, the two of them were really uncomfortable for a while. After resting for more than ten minutes, Ning Xiaoyu was just about to call Shang Lu Jingdu to set off again. At this time, a girl came out from nowhere, holding a horse in one hand, and said with a bluffing face, "Xiaoyu , I am your fan, are you tired from walking? I brought you a pony horse. You can ride around the scenic spot, it will be much easier."

[? ? ? 】

[! ! 】

[True fan is undoubtedly! 】

[So, we, Xiaoyu, are so salty that some fans specially send pony horses here to replace walking tools? 】

Ning Xiaoyu himself was a little surprised, "Well, can I ride a horse in the scenic spot?"

The fan smiled and said, "Yes, this horse is licensed and can be ridden." After finishing speaking, the fan said enthusiastically, "Come on, Xiaoyu, he is very docile."

Ning Xiaoyu nodded, "Then thank you."

The fan had a very festive round face. Hearing this, she waved her hands and smiled brightly, "It's okay, Xiao Yu, I'll take you away."

Before Ning Xiaoyu could speak, Lu Jingdu asked, "Will it be too much trouble for you?"

The fans shook their heads, and just about to say that it would be no trouble at all, Lu Jingdu took the rope from her and said flatly, "I'll do it."

Love system: 【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

Love system: [How can this man be so good! Ahhhhh! 】

Ning Xiaoyu sat on a short-legged horse and walked through the crowd. As fans said, this short-legged horse was indeed very docile, walking slowly, not high from the ground, and felt very safe.

During this period, the fans on the side kept blowing rainbow farts to Ning Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, I have liked you for a long time, I hope you will get better and better in the future."

Ning Xiaoyu bent her lips and smiled, "Thank you for liking."

The fans were very chatty, and she said, "Did you take a picture at the moat just now? I'll take a few more for you, so it's easy to choose."

Ning Xiaoyu doesn't care about this, since the fans are so enthusiastic, let her help take a few photos.

So, the fans took their cameras and clicked and clicked to help them take a lot of pictures.

In order to thank this fan, Ning Xiaoyu bought a lot of food for him.

[Xiao Yu is really a fan! 】

[Fans love Xiaoyu too! 】

[I love it! 】

When we got to the busiest part of the scenic spot, the pony couldn't move around anymore. The fans looked apologetic, "I'm sorry Xiaoyu, my horse can only move in that area just now, you..."

Ning Xiaoyu waved his hand, "It's okay, thank you."

The fans wanted to say something more. At this time, four people came over carrying the sedan chair, and one of them yelled while carrying it, "Xiao Yu, take the sedan chair!"

[? ? ? 】

[! ! 】

[Another group of fans? 】

[I'm so happy, our Xiaoyu is really popular, there are so many fans of Xiaoyu in the scenic area. 】

[First the pony, then the sedan chair, so do fans have any better means of transportation? 】

[Hahaha, I laughed so hard, look at the way they dress up. 】

The four porters, male and female, were all festively dressed, with red ribbons tied in their hair, and dressed like quacks in a costume drama.

Generally speaking, there will be some charging items in some scenic spots, such as carrying sedan chairs and the like. This kind of project is used to give tourists the experience of using the sedan chair in ancient times.

Ning Xiaoyu visited most of the scenic spots, and she didn't come across these charged items, but the fans thought about her, and directly carried the sedan chair in front of her.

The love system looked relieved, [Girl, you are really popular, there are so many fans who love and spoil you. 】

Ning Xiaoyu himself was very surprised to have so many lovely and amiable fans at once.

Although it is true that she is very salty, it is not that she does not even want to take the road.

But the fans are so enthusiastic, she can't bear to reject them. Because, they looked like they really wanted to lift her.

The fan who was the first to greet her smiled generously, "Xiao Yu, get on the sedan chair quickly, we will carry you there if you want to go."

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo share 】

[Xiao Yu, fans will always be your strong backing! 】

[The film king on the side seems to be ignored by everyone? 】

[Laughing to death, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the actor? 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, the fans are too strong, there is no actor to perform well. 】

At this time, a female fan took the initiative to greet Lu Jingdu and said, "The sedan chair is quite big, why don't you go on it too?"

Lu Jingdu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is it convenient to add me?"

The others smiled and said, "It's convenient, don't worry, this sedan chair is originally for two people."

Lu Jingdu nodded and said, "Then thank you all."

After finishing speaking, Lu Jingdu also got on the sedan chair.

[? ? ? 】

【Ah this...】

【Shock! So, once again, the film king has won our Xiaoyu's favor? 】

[Since meeting us Xiaoyu, the film king seems to have gone forever on the road of eating soft food? 】