MTL - After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega-Chapter 5

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Su Liang raised her brows slightly and looked at the frail and beautiful young man in front of her.

Ning Jiayi, who has entered the pre-differentiation stage, now has a bit of Omega breath, but compared with the future, now Ning Jiayi seems to be really troubled by pheromone confusion, then Zhang's delicate and beautiful face showed a thick sick look.

Su Liang could already sense the scrutiny glances that many passersby cast on him and Ning Jiayi.

This made Su Liang feel a touch of irritability.

"Azhao told me, you think I deliberately destroyed your things that day," Ning Jiayi pursed his lips, a trembling in his voice, "I think we There must be a misunderstanding! Brother Su Liang, I...cough...I really didn't mean it, you are a beta, maybe you don't know, the physical burden of people before turning into an Omega is really heavy, these days I have always been I was so dizzy, I really didn't notice the wrapping paper and the cards inside the box, I just wanted the kid not to cry."

While speaking, Ning Jiayi's eyes began to turn slightly red.

"Brother Su Liang, I beg you to forgive me, okay? I never thought of targeting you. I actually like being with you."


Su Liang answered vaguely.

He looked at the personal terminal in his hand and checked the time.

Ning Jiayi didn't seem to notice Su Liang's movements at all, he sniffed, and then made a gesture.

The driver of the luxury hover car immediately opened the trunk of the car and took out a beautifully packaged box.

Su Liang glanced at it, and through the transparent protective cover, he could clearly see that inside it was the model he gave to Lu Zhizhao before - no, if you look carefully, the inside of this box The model is similar to the one Su Liang bought, but the details are much more exquisite, and the color levels are more than a little bit richer.

Ning Jiayi clapped his hands, and the driver handed the box to Su Liang.

"Brother Su Liang, I'll pay you the model. Don't lose your temper again, okay?"

Behind the driver, Ning Jiayi said pitifully to Su Liang.

"This model is a prototype made by Master Jia Shi, you see, there is his autograph on the base!" Ning Jiayi blinked and added earnestly, " This is the only handmade product in the world! It is very precious. I bought it from other collectors after robbing it for a long time. If you give this to Ah Zhao, he will surely die of joy! Please! You, brother Su Liang, don't be angry—"

Su Liang took the box from the driver before Ning Jiayi finished speaking.

Even Ning Jiayi couldn't help but get stuck at this moment.

There was a hint of astonishment in those watery eyes.

He did not expect that Su Liang would accept this model, nor did he expect that Su Liang would be expressionless, looked at him in an unusually flat manner, and then said:

"Okay, I forgive you."

"Well, that's great."

Ning Jiayi responded dryly.

...Actually, if it was Su Liang in her previous life, she would probably forgive the "willful and clumsy" young master of the Ning family with a truly gentle smile.

At least, he won't accept the model of the famous hand-made version so simply.

Ning Jiayi did not lie about certain things. The models made by masters have always been expensive, otherwise they would not even become limited editions.

This is indeed a very expensive apology gift. It is true that the former Su Liang would never accept it anyway. In his previous life, Su Liang had always been an outlier among the numerous young masters and young ladies in the Lu family. He had a gentle personality, but his self-esteem was **** high.

All the things that belong to the Lu family, which are too expensive and too extravagant, he will not touch with a single finger. Otherwise, as Mrs. Lu's Su Nuan's younger brother, he wouldn't have to work part-time in his spare time at university. Of course, the gift to Lu Zhizhao would not make it so difficult for him to buy it.

"Okay you can go."

After Su Liang took the model, he casually clipped the model box under his arm, and then turned around.

Ning Jiayi opened his eyes involuntarily, subconsciously, he tried to stop Su Liang.

"Brother Su Liang, you—"

Su Liang dodged abruptly, avoiding Ning Jiayi's hand that was reaching for him.

"Aren't you calm yet?"

Ning Jiayi saw Su Liang's movements as if avoiding cockroaches, and suddenly became more anxious.

Su Liang looked back at Ning Jiayi.

He couldn't help but think of the face at the wedding on the TV screen.

In fact, even he himself thought it was a bit incredible. In fact, until now, he has no strong ill will towards the other protagonist of the wedding, even if the other party directly stole Lu Zhizhao.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't know anything.

In the last life, after Lu Zhizhao left, the Lu family had already withdrawn the restriction and oppression on Su Liang in all aspects.

However, the assets and files that Su Liang briefly recovered were quickly frozen again.

And it's more tightly sealed than before, more meticulous, and without reason.

In addition, Su Liang also had a lot of incredible credit black spots and accusations for no reason.

If it weren't for those unexplainable cases, Su Liang wouldn't have been able to get even the most basic medical treatment.

If you think about the last marriage between Lu Ning and Ning, a lot of things will become very clear.

What's more... After Lu Zhizhao left, Su Liang thought over and over countless times why that person never came back.

As long as you are not a fool, you can also detect Ning Jiayi's malice and disgust that were not cleverly concealed in such a retrospect.

Live a new life, Su Liang is grateful enough for the fact that her sister is still alive and that she has a second chance. .

Ning Jiayi hates Su Liang.

Just in time, in this life, Su Liang doesn't really want to see Ning Jiayi.

"I remember that you always received tutoring at the Lu family?"

Su Liang shook off Ning Jiayi's hand, the latter's palm was wet and cold, as if a snake had just come out of its hole.

Ning Jiayi didn't seem to understand why the two suddenly turned to such an irrelevant topic.

"Ah, yes, I'm not feeling well, so..."

Ning Jiayi said timidly.

"No wonder." Su Liang raised his hand and showed the timetable on his personal terminal in front of Ning Jiayi, "Master Ning, I'm really sorry, I'm just an ordinary person. There are many students in school, and if we ordinary people are late for class, they will be called by the teacher."

Ning Jiayi's face became a little ugly.

The Xingchuan University that Su Liang attended is one of the best universities in the entire Earth Federation, and all those who can enter it are not the best of the best.

In comparison, Ning Jiayi's Lu family's private education is indeed a bit blushing.

The delicate and pitiful expression on Ning Jiayi's face disappeared for a moment, and he couldn't help staring at Su Liang fiercely.

Su Liang was also looking at him.

It was not until this moment that Ning Jiayi suddenly realized that Su Liang could have such an indifferent gaze.

"You delayed me from going to class, Master Ning."

Su Liang smiled lightly, glanced at Ning Jiayi, and then he said word by word.

Ning Jiayi naturally did not miss the dark maliciousness and ridicule in Su Liang's eyes at that moment.

"What did you say?!"

Ning Jiayi subconsciously wanted to stop Su Liang, but Su Liang's movements were much faster than Ning Jiayi's.

Even with a huge and precious model, Su Liang still ran as fast as a wild deer in the forest.

After a few steps, his back was pulled away.

"Master, do you want to catch up?"

The driver from the Ning family bowed slightly and asked respectfully in Ning Jiayi's ear.


After being silent for a while, Ning Jiayi turned gloomy and sat back in the car.


He said that his face was very ugly.

Almost as soon as he got into the car, his personal terminal vibrated.

Lu Zhizhao's communication came in.

Ning Jiayi stared at the communication with his eyes down, he closed his eyes.

"Jiayi! Where have you been?! Your treatment in the treatment room this morning has not ended, why are you not in the hospital?!"

Lu Zhizhao's anxious and tense face appeared on the channel.

He glared at Ning Jiayi sternly, and soon found that Ning Jiayi was actually in the suspension car: "Don't tell me you really ran out! Do you still need your body? It's gone!"

Lu Zhizhao's voice increased again.


Ning Jiayi sniffed, he tried his best to squeeze a smile that looked uglier than crying to Lu Zhizhao.

"I didn't mean to make you worry, I just wanted to apologize to brother Su Liang."


Lu Zhizhao was instantly dumbfounded.

After a long pause, Lu Zhizhao continued to speak, but his voice became much dry.

"You can go to Su Liang after the treatment is over. If you don't do the treatment, you can sneak out and do something."

"But you also said that brother Su Liang was really angry, and he thought I was targeting him... How could I still lie in the treatment room and receive treatment?! Zhao, you also know that you and brother Su Liang are my best friends in the Lu family, and I don't want to lose any of you."


"You apologize for me, brother Su Liang is already angry. Of course I have to find him myself, that is..."

Ning Jiayi was talking when a secondary message was suddenly inserted into the terminal.

Ning Jiayi swept away from the corner of his eyes, his eyes could not help condensing, and his expression became stiff for a moment.

Lu Zhizhao immediately noticed that Ning Jiayi was wrong, couldn't help frowning and asked, "Jiayi, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Jiayi lowered his eyelashes to hide all the emotions in his eyes, but the fear in his voice became stronger.

"I, I'm here to apologize, I specially accompany Brother Su Liang with a signed model made by a master. Brother Su Liang also accepted my apology, I, I thought he was real He has already forgiven me, but...but...I just found out that he seems to have sold it right away."

Because Ning Jiayi had deliberately searched for information about the model before, and this is not an ordinary model, once there is a sale news on the star network, the intelligent system will automatically push it to Ning Jiayi.

Ning Jiayi's eyes were already filled with tears.

"Azhao, I don't know what to do. I don't know what brother Su Liang wants me to do, I really tried my best to apologize, but he doesn't seem to want to do it anyway. Forgive me. He must still be mad at me for doing this."

"You think too much."

Lu Zhizhao's decisive voice came from the other end of the communicator.

"Xiao Liang is not that kind of person. He is very simple and has no careful thoughts. If he accepts your apology, it means that he has accepted your apology. The reason for dropping that thing should be purely because the model made by the master is too flashy. After all, I have always liked the model. You apologize to him, what are you sending the model for? He guesses that it is not good to tell you directly , that's why you did it. Don't think too much about it."

Ning Jiayi lowered his head, where the communication camera couldn't see, the boy's fists were already clenched white.

"Is it true? That way I'll be at ease."

Ning Jiayi raised his head and smiled reluctantly.

Lu Zhizhao said: "That is, people like Xiaoliang can be so considerate, and changing people will probably only be more angry..."

Ning Jiayi's figure suddenly swayed slightly, he bit his lip, and his breathing became obviously rapid.


After he finished speaking, he suddenly fell towards the seat.

"Jiayi—" Lu Zhizhao shouted in panic. But this time, Ning Jiayi did not respond to him.

Ning Jiayi fainted because of physical discomfort.