MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 87

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Early the next morning.

As soon as Pei Yi entered the studio, Li Yu'an, who was waiting in the office lobby, greeted him, "Pei Yi, you really guessed it right!"

Li Yuan handed the tablet in his hand to his friend, and signaled, "Look, Xunya Technology's official Weibo has a new announcement at 8:00 in the morning, saying that Nanchan Games is not a subsidiary of the headquarters, but two and a half years ago—"

"That is, before the large-scale plagiarism game happened, it has been changed to a cooperative relationship."

At present, Xunya Technology has unilaterally announced the termination of cooperation with Nanchan Games, and is sorry for the netizens who have been emotionally hurt in this online public opinion.

From now on, the company headquarters will conduct more strict inspections on the partners to avoid similar incidents from happening again. We welcome your supervision, criticism and corrections.

Pei Yi read the statement in black and white with the official seal, and a gleam of understanding flashed in his eyes, "A big company is indeed a big company, and it is willing to be clean and tidy. This superficial work is in place."

Last night, from Mufeng Games’ harsh questioning, to Chanming Studio’s Weibo statement, to Nanchan Games’ series of plagiarism incidents.

Not only has it become big news in the game circle, but it has also made the two companies the targets of attention and abuse by ordinary netizens.

Although the official of the original game design competition has been avoiding pretending to be dead, it can’t consume the ability of the majority of netizens to pick up and break the news. More and more evidence points to their shady behavior through the back door.

From Ke Ming and Chanming Studio, to Youchang and Nanchan Games, they became like street rats almost overnight.

There have been waves of hot searches related to Weibo entertainment, and the two topics of Cicada Studio going through the back door and Xunya Technology have also been directly searched on the Weibo general list.

"This heat is much higher than I imagined." Li Yu'an sighed with emotion in a low voice, and then asked speculatively, "There must be someone behind this, right? Wei Yi?"

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows lightly, which was enough to explain the answer.

The statement issued this morning is the result of a secret game between the two sides of the capital.

Whether it is the award-winning result of the capital manipulation of Cicada Studio, or the shameless plagiarism of Nanchan's game, it is undoubtedly stepping on the moral bottom line of the public's conscience.

Fueled by online public opinion, the anger of the crowd is getting hotter and hotter.

For **Ya Technology, Cicada Studio's "Destroy the Alien Beast" is just a small mobile game attached to it. The initial investment cannot be counted as theirs, and the later profit has not yet been seen—

Although it was a bit of a loss in the back door of the investment competition, as a major game company, it can still afford it.

This time, Xunya Technology was forced to be at a disadvantage. If the relationship was not cut off early, the prairie rage of netizens would burn on them.

"Don't worry, it's not been a day or two since Xunya Technology and Weiyi have fought openly and secretly. Although I was the one who organized this counterattack, from the perspective of Xunya Technology, we should think that our studio belongs to Weiyi. One move."

Big companies have the practices of large companies, and small studios have the ways of living in small studios.

& All along, they behaved righteously and sat upright, not afraid of Xunya Technology's retaliation, and if they said something selfish, they also had the double protection of Bo and gm secretly.

Of course, in the long run, their studio will sooner or later rely on their own ability to occupy a place in the Huaguo game circle!

Li Yu'an closed the office door, "By the way, Brother Xiang still has old employee friends in the studio of Chanming. He secretly found out that Ke Ming made a big fuss in the company last night."

"It seems that Nanchan Games suddenly announced the end of the cooperation, and the backer said no."

Pei Yi naturally understood who was responsible for this, and didn't reveal much about it.

He imagined Ke Ming's expression, "It's normal to be angry, but with his nostrils upturned to look at people's temper, it's strange that he can deal with this series of things calmly."

Li Yu'an never had a good impression of Ke Ming, and continued, "After the krypton gold channel of "Killing Alien Beasts" was opened, it is said that the total income has not exceeded 300,000."

No matter how bad the game is, there will be game fans who are willing to krypton gold.

However, tens of millions of production investment and millions of operating expenses will only be exchanged for an income of less than 300,000 in the end.

If Ke Ming was old and in poor health, he would probably be so angry that he would have a cerebral thrombosis.

Pei Yi's thoughts returned to the real place, "Is the hot search still up now?"

"Hanging, the total hot search is at the eighteenth place."

Li Yu'an nodded, and made another guess, "However, I guess that as soon as Xunya Technology's statement is released, related hot topics will follow."

A dark light flickered in Pei Yi's eyes, and he said, "Liyuan, please inform me that everything that should be prepared is ready, and it's time for our studio to come out to find a sense of presence."

This free hot search and exposure, if you don't take it, don't take it for free!

Ke Ming must still be thinking about waiting for a while to make a comeback, but Pei Yi just wants him to fall and fall again and again, without a chance to get up again!

Li Yu'an fully understood what his friend was thinking, and nodded firmly, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

The studio's online publicity team has already prepared, and it's time to send back all the misunderstandings and malice they received on Monday!

At noon on Saturday, it was the time when Weibo traffic slowly woke up.

A new post landed on the communication homepage of Youtu Forum: Take a quick look! The latest Weibo of ywy studio, after reading the full article, I can only shout out one sentence!

You know, although the public opinion in the past two days has revolved around Cicada Studio and "Destroy the Alien Beast", the other side of the public opinion is related to YWY Studio and their similar work "The Last Mist".

This almost straightforward posting immediately attracted the attention of many game fans.

Everyone smelled the smell of big melons, and immediately clicked on the link, rushing to the latest graphic statement released by ywy studio——

[Recently, an internet user with the user name "Chasing the Wind" posted false information about the chief planner of my studio, Will (Mr. Make the following statement:

We have taken screenshots to store evidence and reported to the police as soon as possible. The user (Qin Moumou) has admitted to the police that he collected money to follow up on candid shots, maliciously spread rumors, etc., and is currently in the process of legal prosecution!

A number of other users (see attached picture 2 for the specific list) have been confirmed to be trolls from the same marketing company, collecting money to spread rumors in malicious public opinion. The behavior of this group has also seriously infringed on our Mr. Pei Yi and the game team of "The Last Mist" For the reputation and interests of all, we will pursue the responsibility to the end in accordance with the relevant laws!

Finally, since the establishment of the "Fog of the End" game team, we have respected fairness, originality, strength, and even more respect for peers and opponents that should be respected!

The entire production team felt deeply powerless and angry about the doubts they had received after winning the "Eighth Original Game Design Competition"—

From now on, all ywy studios and the game team of "The Last Mist" voluntarily give up the award-winning title of the "8th Original Game Design Competition", and also condemn the organizer's inaction!

If the awards cannot prove our excellence, then please let the game itself speak for us! 】

If it is said that the first half is a normal clarification, then the speech in the second half is the key point that is surprising.

Although there was a lot of controversy in the "Original Game Design Competition" this year, the gold content before it should not be underestimated. It is also one of the few awards that is recognized by the Huaguo game circle.

Give up the award?

Doesn't that mean that ywy studio voluntarily gave up a series of follow-up exposure channels?

Is it just to protest and denounce the organizers of the competition from the perspective of the general public? The entire ywy studio is too bloody!

For a while, the comment area was occupied by netizens who followed suit and came to eat melons.

"To sum up Big Face Cat's statement: a garbage studio went through the back door by itself, and even recruited the navy to hack it. Benmiao asked the police uncle to deal with this pile of garbage! Also, Benmiao's game is based on its strength. Who would like the awards? Whoever wants it, I don’t want it! Meow~ It’s over!”

"Hahahaha hot one cat-like summary is in place!"

"I'll go, this small studio has a backbone."

"The real tap water is here, let's go and try "Der Fog 10". It is definitely the most interesting card game I have played in recent years!"

"Really, the painting style is super beautiful! And the game experience is also very smooth, there are no such messy ads at all!"

"Ywy, my Maomao Treasure Studio, "The Last Mist" is really a domestic original conscience, and now the whole one is looking forward to the 20th mobile game version!"

"Come on quickly! There is a big melon and drinker king Will on Zong Ce's Weibo!"

This comment quickly attracted the attention of netizens who eat melons, and they shifted their positions one after another.

Just now, Pei Yi uploaded a ten-minute-long video on Weibo, and the accompanying Weibo copywriting was unparalleled—

Obliterate the beast, plagiarize plagiarism

Simple eight words, do not kill but see blood.

The beginning of the video is a surveillance video, and the time shows that it was at the end of August last year.

The fairly spacious conference room was packed with people, but soon, the focus of the video was enlarged and shifted to the conference table, accompanied by clear subtitles and pictures.

That was the meeting screen when they first bid for capital. The video was sped up, but it did not affect the normal viewing and understanding of netizens at all.

From Lou Yang's appearance on the stage and pointing out Ke Ming's plagiarism, to Ke Ming's denial, and then to Lou Yang's evidence to slap him in the face, and finally Li Yu'an's warning to Ke Ming—

Everything is truthfully announced in front of the public.

Probably even Ke Ming himself forgot that GM's conference room is monitored!

Born to be human.

Everything said and done will definitely leave a mark on this world!

In addition, the content of the last five minutes involves the contact and communication between the two sides in the recent competition—

"It wasn't enough for you to copy the game modeling at the beginning, but now you want to copy the settings of the game characters?"

"What did I copy? Do you have any evidence? Now I'm going to finish the game setting first. You can talk about it in the afternoon. Who copied who?"

"I heard that you plan to customize the game's attack settings? This idea is really good."

"How can you say copying? Let's go together, learn from each other and improve each other."

As early as Haishi confirmed that he had met Ke Ming, Pei Yi kept an extra eye on her, and would use her mobile phone to record in real time every time she met.

Therefore, at present, every item listed by ywy has enough evidence to prove that it is the original work of its own studio. On the contrary, it is Ke Ming's shameless behavior and remarks that have aroused strong resentment from the public.

"I'm going to throw up! I've never seen anyone more disgusting than Ke Ming."

"Call plagiarism as learning, and plagiarism as progress? No wonder Huaguo Games has been so difficult to get ahead these years! It's because of bugs like Ke Ming!"

"Teacher Will is amazing!"

"If you want me to say, don't question will if you question anyone. What does the number of years in the circle mean! Last year's "Le Ling" has a super Chinese horror story atmosphere! In recent years, "Trace" and "The Last Mist" are double The ranking of the yolk eggs! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Okay, I will completely blacklist Cicada Studio and Kill the Alien Beast. The question is when "The Last Mist" will be released. I'm still looking forward to a doomsday escape game with Huaguo as the main line. !"

"Cicada Studio has been reported to the relevant department! Looking forward to another episode of "The Last Mist"."

Pei Yi looked at the continuously increasing number of comments on the computer, looked at Li Yu'an opposite, and continued to start the next step.

"Liyuan, get ready. Tonight at five o'clock, we will officially announce the news that "The Last Mist" will be closed beta."

Li Yu'an had just received the real-time data from the online publicity team, and had to admire his friend's marketing method, "You have eaten this wave of exposure to death."

As the saying goes, contrast creates beauty.

The more problems there are between Cicada Studio and "Destroy the Alien Beast", the more it will promote the popularity of "The Last Mist".

This may sound a little unreasonable to the former, but business competition is destined to be cruel. After all, Ke Ming was deliberately playing tricks behind his back.

Pei Yi chuckled, "Mr. Li, I'm going to trouble you next time. From the start of the internal test to the launch of the public test, all kinds of publicity and marketing methods cannot be stopped."

"Now the mobile game version is on the way, and there will be web-side games in the future. "The Last Mist" will be the core project for us to fully establish ourselves in this game circle."

Pei Yi has already completed the preliminary inspection of the work, and it's time for Li Yuan to give full play to his abilities.

"I know, I won't take it lightly."

Li Yu'an thought about the next path of the studio, and never felt that the future was so bright and smooth.

He looked at his friend who was still browsing the web in front of him, and said involuntarily, "Well, Pei Yi, thank you."

Pei Yi was taken aback for a moment, then turned her gaze back, "Thank you for what?"

Li Yu'an also felt that his heartfelt thanks came a bit abruptly, and coughed embarrassingly, "I just feel that my life seems to have changed after I met you."

Whether it's a career, or a love that just started—

He got rid of the struggle in the mud and walked on the right path step by step.

Pei Yi deliberately put on airs as the boss, and joked, "Don't be hypocritical here, go to work quickly."

Li Yu'an's emotion was completely suppressed at the moment, and he retorted, "Don't teach others here, and don't be lazy, the copywriting team still has to be watched by yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he paused his gaze and smiled at his friend.

In a private box with exquisite decoration.

Bo Yueming and Pei Yi sat next to each other, and the opposite of them were Yan Cen and Li Yu'an.

Yan Cen pushed his glasses lightly, and was the first to speak out, "Come on, this glass of wine is to celebrate the successful warm-up of YWY's first mobile game. It's a successful start. Both of you have worked hard."

Pei Yi joked back, "It's not hard work, anyway, the money invested at this stage is still owned by Mr. Bo and Mr. Yan."

Bo Yueming laughed helplessly, and raised his glass, "Come on."


The wine glasses collided with a pleasant sound, and even the wine swayed with a moving shimmer.

Bo Yueming asked casually, "The matter has been settled? Does Ke Ming need me to send someone to keep an eye on it?"

The "staring" he mentioned is not only about his career, but also his private life.

For someone like Ke Ming who is too conceited and conceited, if his years of hard work in his career are ruined, if he gets emotional, he might do something as extreme as Bo Guancheng did back then.

Pei Yi took a sip of the wine, "Liyuan and I have already asked my brother to send someone, but I don't think there will be any trouble."

Li Yu'an nodded in agreement, "Ke Ming can't protect himself now, so he probably doesn't have the energy to 'harm' us."

Yan Cen didn't speak, but silently wiped his hands with a wet towel and began to peel the shrimp.

When Bo Yueming saw this scene, he remained calm on the surface, and quickly accelerated the movement of peeling the same style of shrimp.

Pei Yi felt that the champagne tasted good today, and took a few more sips while his lover was not paying attention, "The two of you probably don't know about it yet? "The Obliteration of Alien Beasts" will most likely be taken off the shelves."

Yan Cen was taken aback, "Removed?"

Not long ago, Bo Yueming learned about the general situation from Lin Zhong, "Because of the game publishing rights?"

Pei Yi nodded, "Yes."

It just came out this afternoon—

"Destroy the Alien Beast" has been blocked by the relevant game department before because some scenes are too bloody, and it cannot get the publishing rights.

Later, through the Nanchan game, Xunya Technology was contacted, and the latter obtained the game distribution rights through special means and channels.

In the past two days, there has been a lot of turmoil because of "Killing the Alien Beast", which has caused many netizens to directly complain on the official website, and the truth has been exposed.

"With the current reputation of Cicada Studio, it will be very difficult to obtain distribution rights once "Slaying the Alien Beast" is taken off the shelves."

Li Yu'an settled down for a while, feeling a little complicated, "I heard that Ke Ming invested a lot this time, and this time I'm afraid the studio will go bankrupt directly."

Competition is destined to be cruel, but I am afraid that many employees will suffer from unemployment.

Hearing this, Pei Yi's eyes brightened slightly, "Then quickly ask Brother Xiang to inquire, is there any skilled employee willing to come to our studio?"

Anyway, their studio will expand sooner or later, and the more outstanding talents they need, the more they need them.

Bo Yueming got used to his lover's way of doing things early in the morning, and put a pile of peeled shrimp meat into his bowl, "You can take this opportunity to ask, water flows to low places, and people go to high places."

Li Yu'an nodded, his eyes unconsciously focused on the pile of shrimp.

Some greedy.

In the next second, Yan Cen put the same type of shrimp meat into his bowl and coaxed him in a low voice, "Eat more too."

Li Yu'an's ears turned red, "Yes."

Pei Yi peeked at the small interaction on the opposite side with great interest, and then glanced at the dining table—

The other dishes didn't change at all, but the prawns on the side were eaten up by Bo Yueming and Yan Cen!

Good guy, is it better than here?

The dinner ended happily, and the two parties went back to their respective homes.

The car is parked outside the villa.

Pei Yi drank a little too hard tonight, and after a long time, she felt drunk and soft.

Drunk and dazed, he didn't think about getting out of the car, but instead sat on Bo Yueming's lap face to face, "Second brother."

Bo Yueming signaled the driver, Old Fu, to get out of the car first, unbuckled his seat belt and hugged him tightly, "I didn't keep an eye on you tonight, and now you're a little drunk again?"

Pei Yi rested her head on his shoulder, moaning, "I'm a little thirsty."

There is a thermos cup on the car shelf in the back row. Bo Yueming embraced his lover with one hand, and poured him some warm water with the other, "Drink some slowly?"

Pei Yi gulped down her drink, then leaned back on her lover's shoulder.

Bo Yueming coaxed him, "If we're sleepy, shall we go upstairs and sleep?"

Pei Yi shook her head, just feeling that Bo Yueming's arms were comfortable.

He raised his head, glanced at his lover's overly superior jawline, and smiled obsessively, "Second brother."


"I can't seem to get tired of you no matter what."

Bo Yueming pinched his earlobe, "If you get tired of being watched, that would be bad."

Pei Yi straightened up slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Have I neglected you a little recently?"

Since receiving Ke Ming's malicious design of public criticism on Monday, in the next five or six days, Pei Yi got into work and prepared for the two-day counterattack.

Bo Yueming kissed his lips and replied, "No, I know you are busy."

Unlike the already stable Bo Group, Pei Yi's career is still in its infancy, so naturally he needs to pay more attention.

Pei Yi got Bo Yueming's understanding, and joy radiated from her heart.

He took the initiative to kiss his lover's lips, somewhere between innocence and provocativeness, "Second brother, I won't go to work tomorrow and Sunday."

Bo Yueming was easily aroused by the person in his arms, and his hands around his waist tightened a bit, knowingly asking, "So?"

"I'll give you everything." Pei Yi was vague and clingy, "I'll give you whatever you want tonight."