MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 31

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On the 16th floor of the Jinmao Building in the top CBD of the Imperial Capital, the G.M Huaguo branch is located here.

Li Yu'an came out from the main entrance of the building, looking down carefully at the intent contract in his hand that had been initially screened, his nervous heart was finally relieved completely.

He took out a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine and quickly filled half of it before sitting in the open-air resting area outside.

Li Yuan's little grip on the back of his head shook, he couldn't wait to share the news with his collaborator Will, so he opened the APP interface of Youtu——

"Is Will there? I just came out of G.M. Our game project has passed the first round of screening!"

The status displayed on the chat page was "Login". Sure enough, within half a minute, the other party sent a reply: "The first round of preliminary screening? Is there another competitor shortlisted?"

Li Yu'an guessed that Will had asked this question, and simply typed the answer by voice, "Well, they plan to invest in and track five groups of projects in the second half of the year. We delivered a little late, and now there is only the last place left."

He paused for a moment, and a faint gleam flickered in his eyes, "Their executive director is not here today, so I just took the project material book and explained briefly..."

G.M wanted to get involved in Huaguo's game industry, so at the end of the screening, Li Yu'an and another group of game studios were left, and the two sides will have a second round of competition next Friday.

At that time, not only the executive director, I heard that even the company's chief operating officer and senior shareholders behind the scenes will participate in the scene to express their opinions.

In other words, next Friday is the key node that will determine whether their "The Last Mist" can get investment.

Li Yu'an is both looking forward to and nervous. If he can really get the support of a large venture capital like G.M, it will be much better than the small investment he got in the past!

Will over there learned of the situation and asked the key, "What's the name of the other game studio? How much do you know about them?"

There is an old saying that goes well—know yourself and the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles.

When it comes to competitors, Li Yu'an's brows and eyes are full of joy, and before he can truthfully explain the situation to Will on the other side of the screen, there is a light greeting in front of him.

"Hey, Mr. Li, you haven't left yet?"

Li Yu'an raised his head, and his expression returned to the indifference and arrogance that he only had when facing the outside world, "Well, just sit down, Mr. Ke and Director Xiang have just come down?"

The two young men standing in front of them are Ke Ming and Xiang Nansheng from Youming Studio. The former is responsible for the game project structure and external operation of the studio, and the latter is responsible for the development of the game program.

The two founded "You Ming Studio" during their college years. Over the years, they have developed six or seven small game programs, and they have released popular models. They can be regarded as emerging game studios with relatively good momentum in the circle, and they have also successively recruited many new game studios. Very few skilled employees.

Li Yu'an searched for good original small game IPs, and had a short exchange with Ke Ming. Of course, the process was not very pleasant—

The other party had twice cut off the small game project that Li Yu'an was interested in at a higher purchase price.

"As Mr. Li, how can you only drink this kind of mineral water?"

Ke Ming sat across from Li Yu'an without waiting for the invitation, and told the people around him, "Nan Sheng, go buy two cups of coffee. It's rare to meet Mr. Li, let's chat."


Xiang Nansheng pushed his black-rimmed glasses, but walked away helplessly.

In the fairly spacious open-air rest area, only Li Yu'an and Ke Ming were left.

Ke Ming crossed his legs and leaned on the lounge chair very leisurely, his contemptuous gaze swayed from Li Yu'an's face to the intention contract on the table, "I haven't seen you in three or four months, Mr. Li's skills have improved greatly."

He actually made another original game, and got a contract of intent from a large venture capital like G.M.

Li Yu'an took out his cigarettes and a lighter with a pear-shaped metal casing from his pocket, and pressed heavily on the intent contract, and didn't have time to circle around with him, "If Mr. Ke has something to say, you might as well just say it."

"Mr. Li, since you are direct, I won't talk nonsense." Ke Ming sat up slightly and suggested, "Give up this competition and sell me the copyright of this game, how about it?"

Li Yu'an let out a cold smile, "Mr. Ke, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ke Ming's eyes changed slightly, and he became less polite, "Mr. Li, I'm making this proposal for your own good. Your 'Liming' has no chance of winning against my 'You Ming'. No matter how good the project is, it's yours." hand-"

Pausing for two seconds, the words he spoke were tinged with dark thorns.

"Either the water splash is very small, or it rots directly."

"Otherwise, why do you think those game makers in the past gave up working with you and came to me instead?"

Li Yu'an lowered his eyes and silently took out a cigarette.

He played with the lighter and circled it around his fingertips, and then clicked, and lit the cigarette butt.

Ke Ming watched his movements, the businessman's calculations and shrewdness flashed across his eyes, and he continued to lobby, "You are alone to attract investment and maintain the small broken company of 'Liming', I am tired of watching for you, why not Change your career and spend your energy on other things?"

"Why don't you just bring this game to 'You Ming'? I will give you the best treatment."

Li Yu'an let out a snort from his throat.

Seeing the sparks of the cigarette burning bit by bit, "Mr. Ke, what is the ending of the game in my hand, what is the fate of my company, and whether I am alone in raising investment? Don't bother you. Do you know why? "


Li Yu'an took a mouthful of a cigarette and got up, picked up the contract of intent, walked around the table in front of Ke Ming, bent down slightly, and slowly spit the smoke on the other's face.

Then, he threw out three words with great pride, "You are not worthy."

Ke Ming was choked by the smoke, his expression changed, "You!"

Li Yu'an turned around and left without giving the opponent a chance to fight back.

He bumped into Xiang Nansheng who was coming back from buying coffee, and he didn't forget to stab his tongue a few times, "Director Xiang, let your boss drink these two cups of coffee at once, so as to refresh yourself, lest you still dream about talking nonsense during the day .”


Ke Ming's face turned green when he heard this, but he could only watch Li Yu'an walk away.



The detective, who was sleeping late in the cat's nest, turned over and let out a soft whine.

Pei Yi completed the docking of the last game copy of "Le Ling", and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the settlement payment that Party A's Baba made to the backstage of Youtu—

The two games "Le Ling" and "Mirror of Clouds" sold one after another finally added a sum of money to his account, but he still has to make persistent efforts to continue to develop and write new small game projects.

Pei Yi turned back from her short work and re-opened the chat interface in the background.

The chat between him and Li Yu'an was suddenly interrupted fifteen minutes ago, and he didn't know if the other party was delayed by something?

As the developer of "The Last Mist", Pei Yi naturally valued this project, so he asked another message, "Why didn't you reply? Is something temporary?"

Three minutes later, Li Yuan continued the conversation that had just been interrupted—

"Next Friday's competitor is Youming Studio. This studio has always been in the small game circle, but it is relatively well-known. This time, it should be the same as us and plans to develop a large-scale series of games."

Although it was a preliminary screening, the people in charge including Li Yu'an and Ke Ming needed to briefly explain the core of their project.

When the screening was conducted in the afternoon, Ke Ming ranked first.

Perhaps because of his extra confidence in his own game project, he spoke in detail in front of everyone.

Pei Yi clicked on Li Yu'an's 59-second long recording, and listened to the relevant news that the other party got. Ke Ming and You Ming Studio's game project as the core of the recruitment is called "Alien Beast", and the concept setting is also considered brilliant. —

Because of the improper operation of the anti-gene experiment in country X, a large number of samples of mutated organisms were scattered around, which affected human beings in a short period of time and spread to the whole world.

The "protagonist" set in the game is the only normal person known so far who is harmed without causing mutation.

Not only that, but his blood can even attract many strange beasts to surrender. Based on this setting, every time the protagonist of the game breaks through a level, he needs to domesticate or destroy the strange beasts inside.

To put it simply, it is to fight monsters to upgrade the dungeon, and then approach the original research base step by step to find the ultimate secret of mutation.

The voice explanation came to an end soon, and Pei Yi's eyes flickered as he listened to the game settings.

In the next second, Li Yu'an's question came from the other side of the screen, "Will, do you think that the background type of this game is similar to our "The Last Mist"?"

Pei Yi has long heard the similarity of the background settings, but there will definitely be differences in the gameplay of the two games in the later stages.

However, it should be for this reason that G.M's project department thought about choosing one of the two.

However, the background setting is not what Pei Yi cares most about. At this moment, he always feels that the game "Alien Beast" is indescribably subtle, but he can't figure out where this feeling comes from.

Pei Yi continued to ask, "Where are the highlights of their game? Has it been revealed?"

Li Yu'an on the other side of the screen replied, "It should be various animal-shaped game models. I have seen the two-dimensional photos they provided on the spot. Although I have no way of knowing the three-dimensional imaging effect, the two-dimensional design is very special. "

Pei Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked, "Be more specific."

"For example, in the design of creatures such as butterflies, the thickness of the special-shaped wings is much larger than that of the conventional ones, the edges are sharp blades, and other parts of the wings have chewing mouths of different sizes, and there are fangs when they open."

Li Yu'an truthfully told what he knew, "The design drafts of other beasts are in the hands of the person in charge of the screening, and I can't see clearly."


Pei Yi stared at the string of texts sent by Li Yu'an, and suddenly found the reason for the subtle feeling in her mind.

With the help of his memory, he found an ID nickname in his watch list—losing water.

After finding the corresponding user avatar, he immediately clicked in, his fingertips slid down the keyboard quickly, took a screenshot, and sent it to Li Yu'an.

"The butterfly modeling you mentioned, is it similar to this one?"

Li Yu'an on the other side of the computer screen slowed down for several seconds, "Yes! Almost the same, how do you know, Will?"

Pei Yi snorted and made up his mind.

"We don't have enough funds now, and we can't compete in modeling and programming technology in the short term. The focus of next Friday will still be on the plot structure and the market audience that can be developed by future series upgrades."

Li Yu'an: "Well, I understand."

"Don't worry about other things, I will keep an eye on everything."

Pei Yi didn't want to put too much psychological pressure on Li Yu'an, who was rushing ahead, and added, "As for next week's two-choice competition, we just do our best and don't need to force a good result."

After all, they can't get investment from G.M. They can also seek other partners.

A concise and powerful sentence is enough to establish a sense of security among cooperative allies.

Li Yuping on the other side of the screen did not mention his experience of being belittled and made things difficult by Ke Ming, but also firmly replied, "Okay."

The short but productive chat is over.

Pei Yi clicked into the "lost water" personal interface again, and after carefully examining it from top to bottom for a long time, he opened the chat box with the other party, and sent a message on his own initiative:

"God, are you there? There is something I want to check with you."

There was a rustling movement in the cat's nest.

The inspector, who finally woke up, walked to Pei Yi's feet, rubbing back and forth coquettishly, and kept making a comfortable purr.

Pei Yi held it in her arms, sucked and rubbed her pet's little head twice, "Come on, shall we go downstairs to play for a while?"


Pei Yi deliberately messed up her hair, and then led the detective downstairs.

The stairs had just turned a corner, and he unexpectedly found that Bo Yueming and Uncle Kai were staying in the living room at the moment.

Hearing the sound of familiar footsteps, Bo Yueming immediately aimed at Pei Yi on the stairs, but quickly realized something, he staggered the other's eyes in mid-air.

As usual, he asked uncertainly, "Pei Yi?"

The detective slid down from Pei Yi's arms, then quickly ran to Bo Yueming's side, and continued to act coquettishly~

Bo Yueming's hand first touched the sofa next to it, and after trial and error, it touched the inspector's soft hair, and asked Uncle Kai, "Did Pei Yi come down?"

Uncle Kai looked at Pei Yi, who was walking slowly on the stairs, and pretended not to understand, "Sir, why are you standing on the stairs again? Have you had a nap? Get down quickly."

Pei Yi nodded with her messy little hair, not forgetting to make up for a small yawn that had just woken up, and walked down with a sleepy face.

It wasn't until he got close to the living room that he realized that there was a brand new pair of guide glasses on the coffee table. The frame was as stylishly designed as ever, but the color of the lenses had changed to dark brown.

It looks like a pair of high-end sunglasses.

Pei Yi stared at the new glasses for a while, properly showing confusion on her face.

"Xiao Mister, the doctor said that Er Shao's eyes cannot be stimulated by strong light, so he ordered another pair."

Uncle Kai gave an explanation immediately, and asked with a smile, "Is it good-looking?"

Pei Yi pretended to look at Bo Yueming's face seriously, and replied, "It's pretty."

With this mixed-race face, what doesn't look good in it, what doesn't it look attractive?

Bo Yueming lowered his eyes and rubbed the inspector's head to hide the clarity and smile in his eyes.

After nearly a week of adaptation and examination, his eyes are basically healed, except for occasional double images and dizziness, and soreness and fatigue after using the eyes for too long.

Of course, these are not big problems. You just need to combine work and rest, and slowly recuperate to return to the best condition.

Bo Yueming no longer needs the so-called guide glasses. As for his eyes being afraid of light and easily delaying his illness, this is just an excuse for him.

Bo Yueming planned to take advantage of his "eye disease" to make the others, including Bo Guancheng, completely relax their vigilance towards him, and then wait for the opportunity to pay back the pain they suffered a while ago.

The reason why he needs another pair of eyes is that he is afraid that his "eye skills" will sometimes be immature and out of control, and he will accidentally show his secrets in front of Bo Guancheng and others, and the black lenses are more likely to cover his real situation.

"Uncle Kai, put it away first."

Except for Uncle Kai, no one mentioned anything about Bo Yueming's recovery of eyesight.

The more people who know the news, the more likely it will cause unnecessary trouble.

As for Pei Yi, Bo Yueming purely wanted to accompany him in acting, to see what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's "pretending to be stupid" gourd?

Uncle Kai suppressed the joy in his heart and put it away properly.

In the next second, assistant Lin Zhong walked in with a tablet.

He stood on the edge of the sofa, and seriously reported the next work arrangement, "Boss, just received a call from G.M."

"They said that there will be a final selection of game projects next Friday. As a high-level shareholder, are you going to participate in the voting?"


Game item? final screening?

When Pei Yi heard this, she couldn't help casting her gaze.

Bo Yueming caught his "abnormal" movement from the corner of his eye, but did not expose it, "Well, Yan Cen told me, let's arrange it."

Now that he has temporarily lost his position in the Bo Group, he naturally wants to pay more attention to G.M's investment.

Lin Zhong nodded, "Okay, I'll record it in the itinerary."

As soon as the words fell, everyone heard Pei Yi suddenly shout, "Second brother."

Bo Yueming tilted his head, still keeping his eyes on each other, "Huh?"

Pei Yi moved her position, and moved closer to Bo Yueming, cautiously but with anticipation, "I, I will go too, to play games."

"play games?"

Bo Yueming reacted for two seconds, following Pei Yi's way of speaking, "I went to the company to have a serious job, not to play."

Facing the explanation of the second half of the sentence, Pei Yi kept pretending to be confused, "I'm going! Play!"

The game project "The Last Mist" is equally important to Pei Yi, not to mention that their competitor, You Ming Studio, still has some strength and standard.

Pei Yi's thoughts at the moment are very simple and clear—

If Bo Yueming will personally go to the G.M branch to vote next Friday, then he'd better take this opportunity to follow him to find out what's going on, so as to know the final result as soon as possible.

Bo Yueming confirmed again and again, "Do you want to follow me to the company?"

Pei Yi nodded hastily, and kept using the word "playing games" as an excuse for being silly.


Bo Yueming frowned slightly.

Since his eyesight recovered, he became more and more sure that Pei Yi was suspected of "playing stupid", but the other party's performance in the past was measured, and he would never mess around in such serious matters.

Besides, I have never mentioned G.M company in front of Pei Yi, why did the other party suddenly want to go? For whom?

Bo Yueming suddenly remembered his answer to Lin Zhong, and his heart felt sour again, "Do you want to play a game, or do you want to see Yan Cen?"

Pei Yi, who was pretending to be stupid, was stunned, and said slowly, "Huh?"

Why did it involve Yan Cen?

Uncle Kai and Lin Zhong looked at each other tacitly, and chose to leave the living room in unison, leaving a separate communication space for the two of them.

Pei Yi shook her head incomprehensibly, then continued to hum, "I, I want to play."

Bo Yueming refused, "No."

G.M is a company, not a place to mess around.


Hearing Bo Yueming's resolute refusal, Pei Yi sighed deeply in his heart.

It’s not okay to play dumb, and it’s not okay to be good!

The villain is indeed the most difficult to attack!

It seems that I still have to find another way to follow up this investment competition, which is difficult.

The atmosphere gradually became silent.

Pei Yi was discouraged and resigned to her fate in this atmosphere, but finally struggled a bit, "I want, I want to accompany my second brother."


Bo Yueming's firm thoughts suddenly cracked a little, and then disintegrated silently in an instant. He glanced at Pei Yi, and then quickly looked away, feeling a little itchy in his heart—

Aggrieved and coquettish in the mouth, still don't forget to lick the cat in the hand?

Co-authoring is bullying "he can't see", so he dares to put all his thoughts on his face when there is no third person! I don't even know how to act like a fool!

What do you want to accompany him?

Who would believe such lies?

Bo Yueming thought about it silently, then looked at the frustrated kitten whose eyes were gradually lowering its head, and changed the tone of his words, "Yes."

"But since you said you want to accompany me, you have to obediently follow me the whole time, and you are not allowed to run around without my permission. Can you do it?"


Why did you suddenly agree?

Another small question mark appeared on Pei Yi's head.

But what he has been waiting for is this opportunity to "accompany", he can go as long as he can, no matter what rules he rules!

Thinking of this, Pei Yi nodded quickly, the frustration in his eyes disappeared, and there was even a faint glimmer of success.

Bo Yueming had a panoramic view of this scene, he held back his helpless smile, and sat on the side to pretend he didn't see it.

The two had their own thoughts and tried their best to hide them.

Until Uncle Kai, who finished putting on his glasses, came back, "Sir, there is still some time before dinner, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

Pei Yi remembered that her purpose of going downstairs was to look for something to eat when she was hungry after working long hours.

Uncle Kai met Pei Yi's expectant eyes, and fed them regularly, "There are newly made pudding and honey cake in the kitchen, what do you want to eat?"

Pei Yiguang felt sweet on the tip of his tongue when he heard it, and with the firm idea of ​​"adults don't make choices", he pretended to be obedient and raised his head to answer—


The expected answer appeared.

It is only when eating sweets that the kitten does not wear the slightest disguise.

Bo Yueming let out a short laugh from his throat, and quickly restrained himself before Pei Yi realized the flaw.

He coughed and motioned to Uncle Kai calmly, "Well, get him some."