MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 107 【IF World 01】

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On the mountain of the huge cemetery, relatives and friends who came to express their condolences came and left.

Zong Boyan just stood in front of the tombstone, staring at the black and white face with numb and empty eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Brother, it's getting dark, let's go."

Zong Keyan came up and put the coat he brought on his own brother, his eyes were still red from crying, "Brother, don't do this, if you continue like this, Brother Rong will be worried. "

A week ago, Zong Boyan's lover Xu Rong, who had been in love for ten years, committed suicide with a knife in his studio at home.

When the doctor arrived, the other party's blood was left all over the place, and the chest and heart were severely pierced five or six times by a not-so-sharp art knife, which was enough to show his will to die before he was alive.

In just one week, Zong Boyan tossed himself so much that he didn't eat or drink, and his weight dropped rapidly. His whole body was like an empty shell with his soul out of his body, as if he could be suspended with a breath of immortal energy.

"...would he be worried?"

Zong Boyan murmured the words vaguely, but he couldn't cry a single tear, "He doesn't even want me to die, so he still worries about me?"

"Brother, don't do this."

Zong Keyan stepped forward to support him, but he gently pulled him away, "You go first, I want to talk to him again, I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay here."

Zong Keyan was worried, "No, you're like this..."

"Give me some time." Zong Boyan finally shifted his gaze from the tombstone to his sister, "OK?"


Facing his brother's almost desperate plea, Zong Keyan had no choice but to make the next best thing, "Then I'll let Xiao Chen wait for you at the bottom, and I'll give you another hour at most, and let the secretary drive when I go home later."

Zong Boyan lowered his eyes and remembered something again, "Did you find Xiaoyi?"

The "little idea" he was talking about was the child he and Xu Rong adopted from the orphanage.

A week ago, because he witnessed and failed to stop the other party's suicide behavior in time, he was so frightened that he ran out of the house while their adults were not paying attention, and has not come back so far.

"Brother Rong was the most precious Xiaoyi during his lifetime." Zong Boyan was worried and also laughed at himself, "Now he won't worry about me, but he will definitely worry about Xiaoyi."

Zong Keyan promised, "Brother, the police have already gone looking for it, and I will definitely let people watch the news."

Zong Boyan's reply was still so soft that he had no strength.

It wasn't until Zong Keyan left the cemetery step by step and turned his head three times, and there was no one else around, that Zong Boyan's legs suddenly became weak, and the tall man who was about 1.8 meters fell as soon as he said it.

His knees and wrists rubbed against the concrete floor, but he seemed to feel no pain at all. He climbed to the cold tombstone and stood up without saying a word.

One second, two seconds, three seconds—

Zong Boyan suddenly shed a tear, crying silently, but tearing hysterically.

A year ago, Xu Rong, a professor of fine arts, pointed out the plagiarism of the students' works, and was framed by the extreme opponent with death.

Even though Zong Boyan had already used his relationship to clarify everything immediately, the malice brought by the cyberbullying still destroyed his gentle lover.

Xu Rong suffers from severe depression. It is because of the companionship and getting along day after day that the other party's emotions and doubts gradually expand uncontrollably.

Zong Boyan knew that his lover was ill, so after every unwarranted dispute, he always tried his best to counsel, accompany, and apologize.

But people's emotions are not rubber bands that can be stretched infinitely, and sooner or later they will break—

Zong Boyan still remembered the last time the two met.

That day, in order to catch up with the work progress, he completed a merger and acquisition plan with his employees all night. Because of excessive fatigue, he had to ask a friend to help drive him back.

Unexpectedly, this scene fell into Xu Rong's eyes, and it became the evidence that he didn't come home all night, and even cheated.

The original Zong Boyan believed that no one could shake the love between the two, but that day he heard Xu Rong's groundless questioning.

He, who had been suffering from headaches all night, finally ignited the fuse that was deeply pressed in his heart.

The two started the strongest quarrel ever, and in a fit of anger, Zong Boyan impulsively replied——

"Yes! That's what you think! If you think you can't live with me, then I'll just leave!"

Then, he left Xu Rong and slammed the door out.

In fact, Zong Boyan regretted it less than five minutes after he went out, but his body and spirit were exhausted to the limit, and he still didn't look back even though he was cruel.

He wanted to find a place to rest for a while, and wait until he calmed down a little before going home to solve the problem.

But Zong Boyan didn't expect that when he was cruel, Xu Rong was more "hardhearted" than him.

During this week, as long as Zong Boyan closed his eyes, he would see Xu Rong covered in blood.

The other party stood a few steps away from him, not letting him approach, but every word of blood, every sentence of tears—

"Why do you say you don't love if you don't love it!"

"Why did you lie to me!"

"Why don't you want me?"

As long as Zong Boyan thinks that Xu Rong is full of disappointment in their love, and even desperate to end his life, Zong Boyan can't wait to risk his life for his life.


Zong Boyan took out a utility knife from his pocket, which was still stained with blood that was difficult to wash off, it was the one that Xu Rong used before his death.

It was already dark, and the lights around the cemetery scattered, covering Zong Boyan alone.

He kissed the black-and-white photo on the tombstone, and hugged it tightly, "Brother Rong, wait for me. When I find Xiaoyi and settle him down, I'll go find you."

When the time comes, he won't make any mistakes in saying anything.

Zong Boyan hugged the tombstone and closed his eyes, imagining the warmth of his lover still in his arms, after all he couldn't resist the exhaustion of the past few days, so he just fell asleep.

Everything in the dream is clear and chaotic.

Zong Boyan's first meeting with Xu Rong when he was twenty years old, there was also his stalking pursuit of Xu Rong, the excitement when Xu Rong agreed to date, and the small disputes between the two during the running-in period.

From being young and ignorant to growing up for love.

From falling in love to falling in love, from getting married to adopting a child, their happiness has never been interrupted, but it was broken unexpectedly.

At the end of the dream, the blood-stained lover is still moving away from him bit by bit and disappearing.

Zong Boyan felt that he was so oppressed by the grief all over his body that he was almost dead. He finally broke through the invisible constraints under his feet and rushed to grab those warm hands.

"I've got you! Please, don't go!"

"Brother Rong!"

"—don't go!"

Zong Boyan woke up suddenly, sat up from the bed, his brain was still dizzy, but his eyes had already started to receive everything around him.

The "warmth" held tightly in the hand comes from the quilt cover, which is dark blue, and the printing and dyeing pattern printed on it was designed by Xu Rong himself.

This used to be the other party's favorite set of bed sheets, but it was completely thrown away by them a year ago because of the holes they accidentally tore out.

Why are you still here?

Zong Boyan looked around at the layout of the master bedroom, everything was familiar, yet everything was different.

What is familiar is that this is a decoration they once arranged, but the difference is that it is not recent.

The smell of breakfast filled the air.

Zong Boyan ran out of bed in disbelief, opened the door, and turned his gaze towards the kitchen—

The sunlight outside pours into the window.

Xu Rong was wearing simple white pajamas, and was concentrating on stirring the soup pot that had just been turned off. Even if it was just a side face, there was a gentle smile that no one else could touch.


Zong Boyan didn't realize the trembling in his breathing, and when he realized it again, he almost rushed into the kitchen at the fastest speed in his life.

Because he ran too fast, he also hit the vertical push-pull trolley, and the food bags on it were scattered all over the ground.

As soon as Xu Rong heard the movement, he was hugged tightly by Zong Boyan as soon as he turned around. The strength of the other party was so strong that he seemed to melt into his flesh and blood before he would let go.

"Brother Rong."

Warm and fresh, it was the lover he thought he could never have again.

The emotions that had not been fully vented in the past few days broke out completely at this moment. Zong Boyan hugged the lost and recovered lover, crying heartbroken and without any rules.

Xu Rong was quite frightened by his sudden collapse, so he pulled out one imprisoned hand with great difficulty, and patted the back of his lover's head to comfort him, "What's the matter? Why, why are you crying like this?"

Having known each other for nearly ten years, Zong Boyan shed tears very rarely, and Xu Rong was most impressed by only two times—

Once they had a quarrel when they first dated, and the other party deliberately pretended to be a bullied puppy, coaxing him to reconcile; the other time was after he successfully proposed marriage, the lover hugged him and choked up a few words.

But never once has a lover cried like this.

Xu Rong saw that his coaxing didn't work, so he had to change his method with red ears, "Husband, what's the matter? You hug me too tightly, I can't breathe, it's uncomfortable."

When Zong Boyan heard this, he immediately regained a trace of clarity from the bitter cry, he let go of the strength of his embrace, and with trembling fingertips stroked from Xu Rong's eyebrows and eyes to the tip of his nose and then to his lips.

Xu Rong used his peripheral vision to confirm that his child hadn't come out of the room, and then gently and restrainedly kissed Zong Boyan's fingertips.

"What's the matter? I cried like a child early in the morning, and I'm not afraid that Xiaoyi will come out later to watch a joke?"

Zong Boyan embraced the person in front of him again, with the grievance and fear of having lost and regained, "D-I had a nightmare, dreaming that you don't want me anymore."


Xu Rong patted his head dumbfounded, "A nightmare scares you like this?"

Zong Boyan took two deep breaths, "Brother Rong."

Xu Rong continued to comfort, "I'm here, dreams and reality are opposite, don't be afraid, I'm not going anywhere."


"I'll accompany you back to the bedroom to wash up first, and let Xiaoyi see this later, the image of you as a father will disappear."


Xu Rongcong hugged and withdrew, took the initiative to hold Zong Boyan's hand, always felt that he saw his lover in his early twenties again, a little childish, which made him worry occasionally.

Zong Boyan tidied himself up as quickly as possible, then pulled Xu Rong to sit back on the master bed, and hugged him tightly again facing each other.

This stickiness is even worse than before.

Xu Rong was helpless but indulged, and asked, "Is it better now?"

Zong Boyan accepted everything in front of him silently, out of fear and joy.

The fear is just another dream, and he is even more fortunate that if it is true, he still has a chance to redeem everything that hasn't happened yet.

"Brother Rong."


"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"How long have you been awake? Are you still dreaming?" Xu Rong laughed at him.

Zong Boyan approached, continuing the good living habits of the past, "Then you haven't kissed me good morning today."

Xu Rong kissed his lips, "Good morning, is this all right?"

Zong Boyan shook his head, with a coquettish expression that only the other party could understand, "I'm still a little scared."

Xu Rongming knew that his lover was doing it on purpose, but he still kissed him again, "How about this? Is it better?"

Zong Boyan was addicted, "I still want it."

Xu Rong refused, "There are only three things."

Hearing Xu Rong's relaxed tone, Zong Boyan's heart hanging in his throat finally fell back to its original place little by little.

He took his lover's hand and told him word by word, "Brother Rong, you have to remember that I love you very much, and I only love you alone, really."

"I know, I know you love me very much."

Xu Rong didn't deliberately pursue the "dream" that made his lover terrified, but just responded again and again.

"Don't get sick." Zong Boyan pressed up to ask for a kiss, and the sourness came back, "No, leave me."

"I won't leave you... um!"

Xu Rong's response was blocked in his mouth, and he passively welcomed Zong Boyan's cherished and soft kiss.

The tip of the tongue gently penetrated into the lips and teeth, stirring the warmth and moisture, from shallow to deep, and then became extremely warm.

Xu Rong was kissed so unconsciously that he half pushed and half fell on the bed, refusing with the last sliver of reason, "No, no, um..."

"why not?"

"Xiaoyi." Xu Rong raised his body and reminded with a hot face, "Do you still want to send Xiaoyi to study class? Stop making trouble."


Zong Boyan was taken aback, but reacted belatedly.

Xu Rong pushed away his clingy partner, and rechecked the alarm clock time on the bedside table. It was already 8:30 in the morning, only half an hour before class.

"Hurry up, the kitten must have fallen asleep again."

Xu Rong hurriedly motioned for his lover to get up, and the two walked out of the master bedroom, only to see Pei Yi who hadn't escaped in time, making her look catty.

The two sides looked at each other.

Pei Yi's face instantly turned red from blush to the back of her ears, and she didn't tell herself, "Dad Yan, Dad Rong, I, I didn't see anything!"

He woke up early and found that there was no one in the kitchen and dining room, so he thought of knocking on the door of the master bedroom. He didn't expect to see the scene of blushing and beating heart through the gap in the door!


He won't be caught and spanked!