MTL - After I Became a Zombie, My Face Is Paralyzed-Chapter 7 Am I that kind of person?

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Xiao Shenwei didn't know how long they had been in the storm, the fragrance of ice mint and Rong Yun's warm embrace made him a little drowsy.

Xiao Shenwei rubbed his eyes and opened them only when the sky brightened and two sparrows landed on the roof and chatted.

The hand they were holding was never released.

Xiao Shenwei was still a little confused when he looked at the rising and falling chest in front of him.

...How long has it been since he slept so peacefully last night?

"Awake?" Rong Yun's voice came from above his head, sounding a little tired, as if he hadn't slept all night.

"...Well." Xiao Shenwei responded, feeling that the glands in the back of his neck were a little hot because he was now leaning against the grain reserve.

"Then let's go and have something to eat."

Rong Yun got up, naturally let go of Xiao Shenwei's hand, and got out of the car.

Xiao Shenwei rubbed his fingers, and there was still the residual warmth of Rong Yun's warm palms on them, feeling a little empty in his heart for no reason.

"Xiao Shenwei."

He heard Rong Yun call his name.

As soon as he looked up, the other party squatted outside the car and reached out to him against the sun: "Want to come out to eat something?"


Xiao Shenwei's eyes were bent almost imperceptibly, and the previous sense of loss disappeared without a trace.

He took the hand that was reaching out to him, as if holding a warm light.

The moment his fingers touched, Xiao Shenwei felt his heart beating suddenly, which had been silent for a long time, as if it was just his illusion.

Rong Yun pulled Xiao Shenwei out, but accidentally used too much strength, slipped his feet and fell backwards.

Xiao Shenwei was pulled around by him, staggered a step, and rushed towards Rong Yun.


The movement made Charcoal head, who was still unconscious with his mouth open and his tongue sticking out, slept on all fours and woke up, kicked his legs and turned over and started barking towards the wilderness outside the car.

On the other side, the two people who fell into a ball are facing each other, and the atmosphere is a little stagnant.

At this moment, Rong Yun was propping on the ground with his elbows, sitting on his back on the ground, with the other hand holding Xiao Shenwei's.

At this time, Xiao Shenwei was half-kneeling between Rong Yun's legs, with both hands beside Rong Yun's side, almost the whole body was thrown into Rong Yun's arms.

The distance between the tip of the nose of the two is only an inch away, and Xiao Shenwei could even feel the scent of mint spraying on his cheek.

He found that Rong Yun's eyes were beautiful.

Those were a pair of warm smiling eyes that seemed to be filled with autumn water, and the brown pupils seemed to glow under the sunlight.

"Bang bang—"

The heart was beating rapidly again.

Xiao Shenwei can be sure that this time it is not an illusion.

His gaze moved down, passing over the bridge of Rong Yun's tall nose, and finally landed on his pale lips.

Xiao Shenwei's Adam's apple rolled.

"Cough, I'm sorry." Rong Yun pulled out his hand and got up: "I'll go and put away the lock hook."

The car was still tied to the rock.

Xiao Shenwei looked at Rong Yun's hurried back and the tips of his ears that seemed to be flying red, and lowered his eyes for a moment in thought.

... what just happened?

I'm so hungry, let's go eat.

He pushed away the head that was rubbed by the charcoal head, and when he came out of the carriage, he took half a piece of wheat cake in his mouth, and dragged the half of the rabbit in his hand, intending to wait for Rong Yun to come back and bake it after finishing his work.

Tantou had already smelled the smell of rabbits at the moment when the door of the carriage opened. At this moment, his eyes were glowing, and he was ready to go with his big tail wagging.

By the time Xiao Shenwei reacted, it was too late.

The white wolf snorted twice and rushed forward.

So when Rong Yun came back, a zombie surnamed Xiao was holding the rabbit's legs and tug-of-war with the white wolf biting the rabbit's head opposite.

"You let me go!"

Xiao Shenwei, who has a language barrier, speaks very clearly.

"Woooo..." The white wolf bit the rabbit's head and tail and wagged more happily.

"this is mine!"


"If you don't relax, I will eat you!"

Charcoal hesitated for a moment.

It was too late, but it was too soon, Xiao Shenwei took advantage of this gap to suddenly exert force and won the tug-of-war (?) game.

Then Rong Yun watched helplessly as Xiao Shenwei threw the half of the rabbit meat to himself, dragged the half of the iron door out of the carriage without hesitation, held the door panel and started chasing the white wolf.




"Dare to steal my food! It's against you!"



"Today, with me without you, with you without me!"

"Wang woo-"

"Learn to bark, it's useless! Die for me—"


One man and one wolf began to circle the truck at a speed of life and death, setting off a billow of smoke.

Rong Yun choked on the dust while holding a half fan of rabbit meat, and his heart was not disturbed, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

What finally ended the farce was an unusual smell that suddenly came from the wind.

Almost at the same time, the two and the wolf stopped all movements.

Tantouzhi froze his ears, his eyes fixed on the northwest direction vigilantly, and a threatening whimper sounded in his throat.

Xiao Shenwei clenched the door panel in his hand and stood beside the white wolf, intending to bring justice to the other party once there is a situation.

Rong Yun picked up the gun and leaned against the truck to observe the direction of the wind blowing through the scope.

The breeze brought the smell of pheromone in the boiling period of omega, mixed with the smell of blood and high-level zombies.

Xiao Shenwei felt the glands on the back of his neck beating.

Not because of the omega's pheromone, but because of the high-level zombie that was approaching quickly.

A few small black dots appeared in the distance and were rapidly enlarging.

Xiao Shenwei saw them clearly.

It was a tattered SUV, the windshield was gone, and the man driving the car had a **** face, and was driving the car towards this side.

Behind them was a small group of zombies, one of which had even jumped onto the roof of the car, waving its sharp claws at the woman sitting on the co-pilot.


Rong Yun pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The zombie screeched and flipped out of the car, and there was no movement.

"Save us!!"

The woman shouted, a glimmer of hope rekindled in her desperate eyes.

Rong Yun started to shoot a gun, and every time the gun fired, a zombie would explode.

"Tantou, be optimistic about food, don't steal it!"

Xiao Shenwei shouted, ignoring Rong Yun's shout of "Don't go over, it's dangerous", dragged the door panel over the SUV and rushed into the zombie group, every time he flicked his hand, he was able to slap a piece of it.

The half door panel became a weapon of magic in his hand, sweeping it all the way, without any disadvantage.

Until he saw the guy whose figure was obviously different from other zombies.

The stench of the zombies made Xiao Shenwei very uncomfortable. At this time, he should have been able to eat the fragrant and hot roasted rabbit legs.

The hungry Xiao Shenwei's resentment value reached its peak at this time.

This resentment was even worse when he saw the high-level zombie showing a coveted look at him.

...You M, I haven't eaten yet, you have the right to say that you are hungry and want to eat me? !

The mutual engulfment between advanced zombies is much more serious than that between ordinary zombies.

With significantly higher intelligence than ordinary zombies, they will strengthen themselves by devouring the same kind.

Of course, Xiao Shenwei, who was extremely picky eater, just wanted to beat him to death in front of this stinking, green-toothed bald man.

mouth area.

It really affects the appetite too much.

So Xiao Shenwei raised the door to make that guy's head bloom.

a bit.



was dodged.

Three, four, five...

The survivor in the SUV looked at Xiao Shenwei who was playing whack-a-mole with the terrifying high-level zombie, and showed the expression of "pinch me if I haven't woken up yet".

Xiao Shenwei was a little annoyed.

The emerald color in his eyes became rich, and he bared his fangs at the zombie.

As if it was a signal, the two figures instantly entangled together.

However, Xiao Shenwei still overestimated himself.

As a resident physician, Xiao Shenwei was at a disadvantage from the beginning when faced with the advanced zombies who had to serve in the military after adulthood and were transformed from alphas with rich combat skills.


The sharp fingernails slid across the iron door, tore it in half, and fell to the ground with a bang.

For a moment, Xiao Shenwei felt a little distressed for this old friend who had been with him for several days.

It's hard to find such a handy weapon. After all, no one would agree to Xiao Shenwei's dismantling of the door panel in Daxing.

And the zombie opened its mouth and roared, pounced on the defenseless Xiao Shenwei.

"be careful!"

There was an urgent drink in his ear, and a refreshing mint breath enveloped him.


The smell of blood permeates, with a strong mint fragrance.

Rong Yun didn't take care of the wound on his shoulder, but quickly withdrew with Xiao Shenwei in his arms, the long knife in his hand kept dripping viscous liquid.

Only then did Xiao Shenwei realize that the group of ordinary zombies had been cleaned up, leaving only the high-level zombie standing there alone.

Judging from the distribution of the various types of dead zombies on the ground, it is not difficult to imagine how Rong Yun used a long knife to slash all the way to his side.

"Go over there." Rong Yun looked at Xiao Shenwei who was unscathed and breathed a sigh of relief, touched his hair and showed a smile, then his eyes became sharp, and he looked at the zombie who was temporarily entangled by the two people on the SUV .

Xiao Shenwei didn't move, but looked worriedly at the wound on Rong Yun's shoulder, which was still seeping blood, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

"Good." Rong Yun said.

Xiao Shenwei: ...What's the matter with this inexplicable sense of sight to coax children?

"Wait for you to roast rabbit legs."

Xiao Shenwei: "…"

Do you think I am this kind of zombie? !

Then he looked at the high-level zombie that was already scarred and dying, and nodded: "I want to eat honey juice."

After the battle, Rong Yun cautiously did not let the people in the SUV approach, but let them park in the open space 30 meters away from the heavy truck.

The two alphas in the car and the omega, who didn't show up, were bandaging each other's wounds, and when the repairs were done, the fire was lit here and the rabbit was lifted onto the grill.

The aroma of barbecue wafted out, Xiao Shenwei hugged his knees, trying his best to make himself ignore the unappetizing mosaics not far away, looking at the rabbit legs rolling on the flames, licking his mouth: "Okay. Is it?"

Rong Yun: "Wait a minute."

Less than two minutes later.

Xiao Shenwei: "Are you okay?"

Rong Yun: "...Not yet, it's not cooked yet."

Another two minutes passed.

Xiao Shenwei tugged at Rong Yun's sleeve: "Rong Yun, I'm hungry."

Rong Yun was silent for two seconds, and silently used a dagger to cut off the outermost layer of cooked roasted meat, and handed it over: "Be careful of scalding."

Xiao Shenwei took it and was about to lower his mouth when he saw the drooling charcoal head staring at the barbecue in his hand.

...Don't look at it, I tug-of-war with me earlier...Bah, I haven't counted you for the meat.

He silently turned around, turned his back to the charcoal head, and started to eat.

The sweet honey juice mixed with the aroma of the roasted rabbit meat made Xiao Shenwei narrow his eyes happily, but he did not notice that Rong Yun, who was flipping the roasted meat, was looking at him with a smile in his eyes.