MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 86

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Xie Weihan's brows and eyes narrowed slightly. From Shen Luyang's point of view, the man's complexion was cold and white, his facial features were thick, handsome and handsome. The kiss just now and his black hair were a little messy when he touched him. At this time, he quietly raised his eyes and looked lazily. Looking at him, he seemed to be looking forward to this answer.

Shen Luyang's soul was all hooked away, and he nodded deliriously: "OK."

Xie Weihan did not agree immediately, and thoughtfully gave Shen Luyang enough time to think about what his words meant.

It's a pity that Shen Luyang is so lonely now, excited about what happened next.

Xie Weihan unhurriedly took off his watch and put it on the table beside him, the corners of his lips curved.

The dog probably feels that he can finally let his boyfriend open his heart and no longer hold back, and he has done another important thing that deserves credit.

Covering the smile in his eyes, Xie Weihan asked softly, "Are you really sure, Yang Yang?"

Shen Luyang nodded without hesitation, kissed his lips and said, "Really, I'm ready, let me take a look, Mr. Xie."

Xie Weihan accepted the lingering kiss, moved the hand holding his neck to the back of his neck, and pressed and kneaded with his fingers, the pain and numbness caused the glands to be a little red.

The hot cocoa in the air is transpiring, and the flowers are trembling slightly, as if thirsty for the warm and sweet fragrance.

Beneath the beautiful and attractive buds, lies the greedy desire to bare its fangs.

Shen Luyang closed his eyes indulgently, opened his mouth and let the other party **** the little remaining oxygen.

The lips are soft, fragrant, with the taste of red wine, every time you **** like an alcoholic licking the mouth of the bottle, not a drop of wine is left.

Xie Weihan's pale fingers hooked the tie, pulled it, and untied it with one hand. Before Shen Luyang could react, he wrapped his arms behind his back and held the protruding wrist with his right hand.

Shen Luyang said "uh" and subconsciously wanted to turn back, but was lured by the kiss in front of him, so he didn't want to separate, so he could only open his mouth obsessively...

When Xie Weihan's lips left, his hands were tied behind him by a tie, and he couldn't move.

The knot on the tie is beautiful.

If Shen Luyang could see it, he would find it was exactly the same as the knot on Xie Weihan's apron that made his mouth dry.

Shen Luyang was stunned for a few seconds, then tried to break free, but his tie didn't move.

Realizing what, Shen Luyang panted and asked, "Want to... do this? It's not convenient, I can't move..."

The time when the memory was flipped back to the rabbit ears, Shen Luyang swallowed his saliva. In fact, he could move, but it was not easy to operate.

Leg pain.

The arm was forced to reverse, and the two wrists were pressed against each other. Shen Luyang had to straighten his body and try to adapt to the discomfort in his shoulders. What was even more unbearable was the state of being basically unable to resist.

Xie Weihan held his waist, supported him to stand up, turned his direction, and sat back on his lap with his back to him.

Shen Luyang's face instantly changed from Xie Weihan's face to blooming roses.

The colors are different, enchantingly growing in the thorns, enjoying the beauty given by suffering, or it has spawned the appearance of suffering.

Xie Weihan's long left leg suddenly flattened, leaving only one leg bent, supporting Shen Luyang's body from sliding to the ground.

Shen Luyang suddenly crumbled like a man who was bound and thrown on the edge of a cliff.

Looking at the unusually sharp rose thorns growing around, Shen Luyang's Adam's apple rolled slightly, like the fear of seeing flames, and he subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

When the incident happened suddenly, Shen Luyang didn't realize how he got into this dangerous posture. He subconsciously touched the ground with his toes and leaned back, trying to stay away from the danger.

At the precarious moment, a hand with well-defined joints suddenly touched his back and gently moved along the curvature of his spine.

Shen Luyang felt uneasy about being licked by cold-blooded animals.

At this distance, if he didn't sit firmly and fell on the thorn, he might poke his eyes out, and if he couldn't poke his eyes, it would be shattered on his face.

It was too dangerous, he stared straight at the thorn closest to him, and his whole body was tense.

At a critical juncture, he subconsciously shouted: "Mr. Xie..."

The one who was responsive to his requests, did not respond in time.

The slowly moving fingertips slid down to the back waist, covering the entire palm, and through the thin sweater fabric, I could even feel the change in the strength of the knuckles and gently stroked it.

Like caressing a fragile petal, pity and tenderness.

The danger in Shen Luyang's mind suddenly softened, and the fingers behind his waist ignited the fire on his body in clusters.

Even after being together for so long, he would still be easily swayed by Xie Weihan to the point that his legs were weak.

The thumbs were buckled on the side of the waist, following the depth of the shark muscle, and stroking and kneading on the thin waistline, Shen Luyang's pupils tightened, his whole body flicked, and his breathing was suddenly rapid.

With his eyes scattered, he felt that he worked so hard to exercise just to make it easier for Xie Weihan to grab these places and press him to hurt him at any time.

The hand behind him unconsciously grabbed Xie Weihan's shirt, and indulged in the pain and pleasure given by the other party with his head down... at the moment when he completely enjoyed it.

Suddenly, the waist was pushed lightly.

Like the most cruel executioner, knowing how to implement criminal law at the extreme of pleasure will make people fall into the peak of fear.

Shen Luyang lost his balance instantly and sat on Xie Weihan's right leg, moving his upper body forward with inertia.

The distance between the eyeball and the thorn that he was looking at just now was shortened to centimeters.

Just take a breath and hit it.

Punctured eyeballs, shed bright red.

He opened his mouth, his voice stuck in his throat in horror, and he couldn't even call out for help.

The moment he continued to slide, Shen Luyang closed his eyes suddenly, and then felt the tie between his wrists being hooked by his fingers.

After a long while, he dared to open his eyes, only one glance, his breathing almost stopped.

He was suspended a few centimeters from the thorn.

Shen Luyang opened his mouth, his breathing became unsteady, his chest heaved violently, and cold sweat dripped from the corner of his forehead.

The mood changed from the charming scene just now to the horror and horror. The heartbeat was messy and violent under the stimulation of fear, but the body was strangely sensitive and could not stand the slightest disturbance.

His voice was dry and his voice trembled: "Mr. Xie, it's too dangerous, you grab me... grab me, hurry up..."

Xie Weihan hooked the tie between his wrists with one hand, and held his chin with the other hand, hugging him from behind.

His chin rested lightly on his shoulder, rubbed his head, raised his head, his red lips held his earlobes that were flushed with fear, like eating a piece of sweet candy.

Shen Luyang's chin was raised strongly by his fingers, and the hot and humid touch on his ears gave him a different kind of intimacy. He stared at the thorn in front of him, but he couldn't contain the feeling of strong stimulation in his body... The air felt like a whole cup of heat was spilled. Cocoa, sweet and greasy, is completely replaced by bitterness.

The hot air sprayed from the breath and the smooth sucking appeared at the same time, Shen Luyang frowned impatiently and swallowed dryly.

His toes curled up, the toes of the shoes on the ground slipped without standing, his whole body trembled, and his eyes were closer to the rose thorns—

"Teacher Xie!" The sharp tip is the most powerful oppression, Shen Luyang's voice trembled indistinctly, "It's too's dangerous, move back a little bit, teacher Xie, can you move a little bit?"

The fingers that hooked the tie entangled his tight fingers, touching it softly, the cool fingertips got into the gap, separated the fingers that were clenched due to tension, and intertwined them, so hard that the knuckles turned white...

Pain hides the most primitive madness, and despicably uses love as a sweet cover, which makes people unable to resist.

Each finger was well kneaded and wrapped, the fingernails scraped against the soft and fragile joints between the fingers, the strange feeling climbed from the arm to the spine, making Shen Luyang's chin want to rub his jaw tightly, it hurts to hold finger.

The kiss on the earlobe moved to the back of the ear, sucked the strawberry out of the small piece of skin, and licked it carefully, the heat of his exhalation scalded him.

In front of him was the danger of blood splashing on the spot at any time, but his body was gently caressed to the extreme. Shen Luyang's heartbeat became heavier and heavier, and his mind was roasted on the fire, but he collapsed and found that he could only feel the warmth.

The body covering his back was warm, exuding an intoxicating aroma of wine.

The thorn in front of him suddenly blurred, and the focus moved to the pink rose next to the thorn at some point.

Indulge people, but also give people a moment of sobriety

Shen Luyang stood on tiptoe, his body finally moved up a little as he wished, and the distance from the thorn in front of him became a little safer.

The wet ears that were kissed were finally released, Xie Weihan pressed against his ear, his voice was lazy and sexy, with a casual panting: "Don't like it? Rose is my favorite flower, don't you want to touch it?"

"No... I want to touch it with my hands, but the thorns are going to poke my eyes... Teacher Xie, can I touch it with my hands?" Shen Luyang was so nervous that his heart skipped a beat.

The toes hit the ground hard, and the back was close to Xie Weihan's chest, hoping to stay away from the rose thorns.

Adrenaline rush, heart pounding, blood flow overloading every cell of the body.

Even if he did it before, it was quite exciting. Xie Weihan never put him in real danger, and it would hurt "a little" at most.

Only now did Shen Luyang understand what Xie Weihan said and why he had to ask "Are you sure" so many times.

Those so-called "biting injuries" are literally.

Xie Weihan wanted to hurt him, wanted to tie him up, wanted to stop him from leaving, wanted to... tame him.

The thin sweat on the forehead glowed faintly under the gloomy sky, and the rapid breathing began to lighten because of the numbness of the cognition, for fear of disturbing the quietness of the devil.

Xie Weihan slowly felt the unsteady heartbeat on the side of his neck, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said softly, "Would you run away if you untied it?"

Shen Luyang was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold it back, so he poured himself into the rose bushes and said, "I won't run, don't use the thorns, if you want, you can use your teeth with your hands."

Xie Weihan's nose gently rubbed against his ear, and his eyes fell on the beautifully blooming rose in front of him, "Does Yangyang not like what I like?"

Shen Luyang was itchy, and turned his head to hide. This was a proposition, but he couldn't care about it so much: "It's too dangerous, I'll move back a little bit, Mr. Xie, hold me back."

Xie Weihan's voice was so gentle that it was like an ethereal wind, but sharply cut his throat: "Want to run?"

"without me-"

"Yang Yang, I can't leave you."

The sudden confession made Shen Luyang's ears warm and said stupidly, "Me too, I love—"

Xie Weihan put a kiss on the side of his neck, then moved away from his back and leaned on the back of the chair.

At the moment when Shen Luyang's body began to slide down, he hooked the tie with his index and middle fingers again, holding him in a virtual way.

Looking down at the struggling and terrified person in front of him, his expression faded, but the bottom of his eyes became more and more beautiful.

Lick the tip of your tongue lightly.

Shen Luyang turned his back to him and couldn't see Xie Weihan. The weight of his whole body was hanging on those two slender and fair fingers. Xie Weihan's uncharacteristic indifference was the biggest source of his anxiety, so his panic doubled.

Shen Luyang felt that he was less than two centimeters away from the thorn, and he couldn't hold his breath any longer. Hand's legs.

Fear gradually turned into anger under the indifference of the other party. He thought he could tolerate Xie Weihan unconditionally, but he was wrong.

He has been accustomed to having a temper, and a dog who can't eat candy will be anxious.

With his last reason, he said, "Mr. Xie, let go of me, the thorn is going to hit my eye... You want to play, let's play later, eh?"

When he was about to lose his temper, Xie Weihan finally spoke up and drew a circle on his waist with his fingertips: "Yang Yang, this is a punishment for a disobedient dog."

"Where am I disobedient?" Shen Luyang can't stand his current tone, this is not the tone of his boyfriend talking to him, Xie Weihan has always been affectionate and pleasant to him, even if he is angry, he will restrain himself. make him miserable...

The strangeness now made him too uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and endured it, but he couldn't help but say, "Mr. Xie, I'm not a dog. I don't look like a Samoyed when I smile."

Don't be jealous with a dog, Shen Luyang!

Don't be a dog's stand-in, bad luck!

Shen Luyang couldn't understand.

Even if Xie Weihan didn't suppress his instincts, shouldn't he still love him?

Could it be that the instinct is to ignore him, to hurt him, to look at him so indifferently and fear?

Go to his uncle! Teacher Xie is reluctant!

Xie Weihan hooked the tie with one hand, and the other hand fell on his waist, opened his palm and circled it vacantly, and then followed the depth of the muscles, suddenly pinching hard.

The strange pain was accompanied by unspeakable acid, and Shen Luyang almost burst into tears, because the thorn in front of him did not dare to move again, and his whole body was tensed like a spring that was about to lose its elasticity.

The waist and abdomen felt hard and soft when squeezed.

Seems useless.

His lips began to tremble, his waist trembled, as if he had done hundreds of push-ups, he felt the strength on his tie getting smaller and smaller, his body leaned dangerously, and Xie Weihan began to be silent again.

The Great Wolfdog finally broke out in fear and anger.

"Stop making trouble, Teacher Xie! My back hurts, don't pinch... It really hurts!"

You fucking, you feel bad!

Seeing his body leaning forward uncontrollably, getting closer and closer to the flower stem, Shen Luyang watched in disbelief as he fell to the **** thorn, shouting in a voiceless voice: "Teacher Xie! Xie Weihan! Stop making trouble! My eyes—"

His fingers hooked his tie and moved slightly to the side, causing his body to lean.

Shen Luyang's eyelids brushed the sharp-edged leaves, barely avoiding the thorns.

The culprit's tone was casual, as if he had done nothing, and asked him lightly, "Do you still want to run?"

As he spoke, the powerful hands of the phalanx slid across the undulating texture of his back. Shen Luyang felt as comfortable as having been electrocuted. Even though his eyes and thorns had just almost collided, he still couldn't control this unsatisfactory body and indulge in the other's touch.

He twisted his arms and struggled violently, kissing the petals with his lips, the extreme contrast between beauty and danger.

"Thank you Weihan! If you dare to let go, I will leave, you know just now—"

The roses on Shen Luyang's lips were brutally torn off, and the slender fingers clamped the light pink residual petals, cruelly pressing them into the angry shouting mouth.

The petals were pressed against the pale lips, and the crushed juice dyed the lips red.

Bitterness and aroma bloomed at the same time, Shen Luyang's anger was returned to his mouth, his lips were covered, and he wanted to shake off the broken petals, but let the saliva flow out a little bit uncontrollably along the corner of his mouth.

The mouth was pressed, sour and astringent.

Shame and Xie Weihan's indifferent strength made him aggrieved and angry. He shook his head and struggled, and vaguely shouted out broken syllables: "I'm so **** far away..."

The man behind him let him start cursing indiscriminately, his fingertips ran over the wetness, and he let go of his hand calmly.

With an inexplicable low laugh, the hand holding the tie also loosened—

Shen Luyang was like a kite with a broken string, following the force of the opponent's push, and fell to the rose bushes full of thorns...

The pictures around him suddenly slowed down, and he seemed to clearly hear his heartbeat from fast to slow in an instant, as well as his eyes widened in shock.

There is still time to think when danger is imminent.

Actually pushed.


Pushed! !

After thinking about it so much, he actually only moved forward an inch, but the strong inertia made him feel that he was going to be disfigured or blind in the next second.

So when Xie Weihan stopped him by the waist and pressed him into his arms, Shen Luyang let it go and spent the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

He opened his mouth blankly, leaned on Xie Weihan's shoulder, his eyes were slack.

Cheeks are a little cold, something runs into mouth, salty…

He cried with fright.

Do not.

angry cry.

His hands and feet were trembling slightly, his breathing couldn't return to normal frequency for a long time, his body muscles contracted, and his hands behind his back grabbed Xie Weihan's shirt again and held on tightly.

He slowly turned his head and stared at Xie Weihan's bland face with red eyes. There were still teardrops on his face, and they would hang on the tip of his nose, like a bullied bully, and even bared his teeth and cried. stubborn dog.

It makes people feel distressed, but also makes people more like bullying.

Shen Luyang called him hoarsely: "Thank you Weihan."

Indifference is like an illusion, replaced by intimacy and love in an instant.

Xie Weihan's dark eyes were soft. Hearing that, he held the back of his head in his palm and kissed his lips with extreme thoughtfulness: "Afraid?"

The string that had been tense in his heart suddenly loosened, and Shen Luyang was stunned for a moment, almost frantically, eagerly taking the initiative.

Sucking his lips hard, feeling the tenderness that finally appeared, he asked anxiously, "Teacher Xie? Teacher Xie?"

Xie Weihan hugged him, made him turn around, brushed his fingertips inadvertently over his bound wrists, and moved away carelessly, deepening the longing kiss.

Holding Shen Luyang's lower lip, the well-lined eyes glowed with a familiar light red, and the aroma of red wine filled the air, delicately wrapping the nervous hot cocoa.

"Well, I'm here, don't like that?"

In a word, Shen Luyang couldn't hold back his tears, and he died of grievance.

He moved his shoulders, buried his whole face into Xie Weihan's neck, kissed his collarbone, and his hoarse voice carried a rare cry: "I don't like it, Teacher Xie, stop doing that, kiss me, kiss me, and say you like me."

Xie Weihan kissed the side of his exposed neck according to his words, his warm lips made people feel at ease, and his deep voice hovered in his ears: "I like you, I love you."

After kissing the jaw, Xie Weihan continued: "I can't live without you, I want you..."

Shen Luyang sucked his nose, rubbed his neck with the tip of his wet nose stained with tears, and soaked his body in the scent of drunken red wine. His extreme fear gave birth to a crazy desire, so he bit Xie Weihan's Adam's apple and panted, "Mr. Xie , you hold me."

Xie Weihan pressed the hand behind his waist firmly, the palm was warm.

Shen Luyang enjoyed the breath of "the real teacher Xie" and rubbed softly in his arms: "Mr Xie, I can't bear it anymore, help me... Just now, you scared me to death, you—" You have to stay with me Loss, I want to be the boss.

The curvature of Xie Weihan's lips deepened, he opened his mouth and bit his red **** ear, "Afraid?"

The stinging pain made Shen Luyang jolted and wanted to move, but found himself still tied, "What? Of course I'm afraid, I almost—"

Xie Weihan's hand around his waist slowly tightened, caressed again, and with a low smile, mercilessly broke his lie: "If you are afraid, why do you feel it?"

Shen Luyang froze suddenly and raised his head slowly.

This is not his teacher thank you! !