MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 58

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The heart was beating too fast in the palm of the hand, and there was a moist touch between the lips, Shen Luyang moved forward unconsciously, wanting to get closer.

During the ups and downs of the action, the legs also moved, and the computer on the knee lost support and fell instantly.

Shen Luyang woke up for a second from the chaotic breathing, turned his head, and subconsciously wanted to get it back.

A second before he touched the computer, a hand with slender knuckles held it first and put it aside.

The side of his neck was bitten neither lightly nor heavy, Shen Luyang groaned, the hand on his shoulder was a little harder, he suddenly lost his focus and fell on the sofa.

At 1:40, Xie Weihan went out on time.

In the suite filled with boozy chocolate, Shen Luyang was lying on the sofa alone, his eyes staring at the roof, like a piece of clothing that had been stirred in the washing machine for a long time. Although it was wrung out gently and carefully, it was still wet and soft. Lazily.

After an unknown amount of time, he raised his hand and rubbed his lips with the back of his hand, and hissed as soon as he touched it.

Shen Luyang picked up the phone in shock, opened the front, and looked carefully... It was rosy and shiny, numb and swollen.

Beauty is misleading.

The spring night is short and the day is high, and it is true that the king will not go to court early...

In order to make himself not look so dazed, Shen Luyang decided to go out and do some activities.

After taking a shower, I pulled out a retro turtleneck sweater, put on a thin cotton jacket, and put on a pair of sweatpants to go out.

Come here, bring something for grandma and the others back.

The plan was perfect. Shen Luyang first asked the hotel waiter where there were local specialties, and then asked where the business center was.

The answer was that in one place, he went out and took a taxi.

The driver was a talkative middle-aged eldest brother, Shen Luyang asked, "Brother, do you know where to buy gifts?", the eldest brother's words could not stop the car.

"Buy a gift? We must go to Shangnan! Are you buying it for your girlfriend or boyfriend?"

"Ah... man, friends. No, there are family members!"

Shen Luyang was almost taken away by his eldest brother. On second thought, he has never given Xie Weihan any serious gifts.

The one who chases after people does whatever they want and takes advantage of it... Thanks to him, he has succeeded 50% of the time.

He wants to pick a gift for Xie Weihan.

The very formal kind.

"Looking at what you're wearing, the family conditions should be pretty good," the elder brother has reason and reason, "there is a shop in Shangnan, and the thieves are expensive! They are stealing money! But I have been attracting customers for so many years, and those with money and taste will go there. Buy! People from other places often come here just to buy things from his house!"

"So good, brother, take me there to see it."


Shen Luyang scanned the QR code to pay and got off the car. The shops on the street were already in stark contrast to the ones he saw on the road. He didn't know what was inside, but from the outside, it was already indescribably "forced".

Shen Luyang deeply felt the strong atmosphere of Shangnan, and then went to the legendary store.

He was thinking about what to buy along the way. Grandma often wears jewelry and likes bracelets, Ning Wanshu likes Hetian jade pendants, and Shen Tangping likes bracelets... It's easy to know from the things they often wear.

But what about Xie Weihan?

Shen Luyang entered the store and thought while picking out things from the elders.

Xie Weihan often wears a watch, sprays perfume, and wears a very tasteful suit. He also often uses a pen and likes to read...

So these things... which would he prefer?

The elders had already bought everything, and Shen Luyang stood in front of the store, not thinking about what gift to buy for Xie Weihan.

He wandered around with his things, and before the idea of ​​"why don't ask him directly" took shape, he accidentally entered a suit shop, and was immediately attracted by the dazzling array of ties.

When Xie Weihan was wearing a was really sexy.

Shen Luyang warned himself not to think crooked, and the more he thought about it, the more crooked he became, and followed the clerk in a dazzling manner.

"Are you going to choose for yourself?"

"No, yes... um..."

"Your lover?"


"I take the liberty to ask, what style of suit does he usually like?"



"He looks good in anything."

"You're so look at this one, it's the newest model of the season in our family."

"Let me see."

Shen Luyang struggled hard in the store for more than an hour, and finally screened out the five most satisfying ones, but he couldn't decide which one to choose.

"Please wait for me for a while, and I'll ask him." Shen Luyang took pictures as he spoke.

The clerk hesitated.

How can anyone prepare a surprise gift and ask each other... Maybe, old man, old man?

Shen Zhinan thought. Lu Yang simply sent it to Xie Weihan and asked him which one he liked and wanted to send him.

He also specifically marked two of his favorites.

Xie Weihan responded quickly and did not refuse, but chose a dark blue striped tie among the two.

"OK," Shen Luyang pointed to the one, "Wrap this up."

The clerk responded and was about to put away the remaining four. Shen Luyang looked at it: "Hey, wait a minute!"

He pointed to another one he liked: "Wrap this one too."

Only children make choices, and old-fashioned critics need them.

Returning with a full load, it was dark when Shen Luyang came out, and Xie Weihan also came back when he had just arrived at the hotel.

"Thank you, teacher!" Shen Luyang pointed to the thing that he put on the sofa, his eyes were bright, like a big dog who had done something great and was begging for a reward, "Do you like it?"

Xie Weihan took off his suit and put it on his arm. Hearing this, he laughed, walked over and sat beside him.

"Why two."

Shen Luyang smelled the cold wind on his body, and it cooled down again.

Subconsciously leaning over there, he simply unpacked it neatly: "I think the other one is also very suitable for you, so I bought them all."

Shen Luyang took the tie and compared it to him, the man raised his head slightly, and the Adam's apple exposed was **** and tempting.

Shen Luyang made a "gu-dong" in his throat and said before his head, "You look very good when you wear a tie. I mean... When you wear a tie, ah no, it looks like you wear a tie..."

Shen Luyang wanted to give himself a mouth.

You are blatant sexual harassment! Face it, comrade!

Xie Weihan raised his brows slightly, his eyes fell calmly on those clear and flustered eyes, and summed up lightly: "Do you like me in a suit?"

Shen Luyang opened his mouth.

To say yes is to admit that he is an old man.

To say no, his conscience hurts.

Fortunately, Xie Weihan did not continue to ask, and did not say a word about the reason why he suddenly bought the gift, but thanked him happily: "I like it very much, thank you."

Shen Luyang breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the other one and compared it, his heart was itching, and he couldn't help but say, "Would you like to try it?"

He admitted that he just wanted to see Xie Weihan wear a tie, and he was very **** when he wore a tie...

Shen Luyang found sadly that he was becoming more and more shameless.

Xie Weihan took the tie in his hand and tugged the tie around his neck casually with the other hand.

The pale and slender fingers with clear joints have a different kind of cool beauty against the dark tie.

Shen Luyang's eyes fell on it unconsciously, and when he was about to take a closer look, he was interrupted by "Yang Yang".

He raised his head blankly.

Xie Weihan let go of his hand, leaned back slightly, in a posture of letting Jun Caijie, his voice was cold and magnetic: "Help me untie it."

Shen Luyang took a breath and pointed to himself: "Me?"

Xie Weihan's fingertips casually swept across his palm: "Well."

Shen Luyang coughed nervously: "I'm not very skilled, I might get wrinkled."

As he spoke, his hand had already touched it, and it was shaking a little too calmly.

"It's ok."

Because he was about to untie his tie, Shen Luyang leaned forward, the two got closer, and he could even feel the shallow breathing on his skin.

The aroma of red wine on the other party's body became unusually obvious, making his mouth dry.

The deep gaze was like substance, and it fell hot on his face, which Shen Luyang could feel without raising his head.

He hadn't tied a tie a few times. The last time he wore a suit to see Shen Tangping, he searched for a tutorial and took a long time to tie it.

Now my mind is cranky, my hands are unstable, and untying the tie has become a more complicated thing than tying it.

Licking his lips nervously, Shen Luyang pulled hard with his fingertips.

His breathing was short and rapid.

Looking down from above, I can clearly see the frequency of the eyelashes fluttering, the red lips that have not faded are pursed again and again, the straight bridge of the nose is overflowing with thin layers of sweat, which glows attractively under the light.

Xie Weihan didn't speak from the beginning to the end. This kind of trust and almost condoning silence put a lot of pressure on Shen Luyang.

You can't even untie a tie, how can you be so stupid.

Shen Luyang unconsciously sat closer and closer, the tip of his nose was about to touch his tie, he bowed his head and struggled for a long time before finally undoing it.

He sighed heavily, feeling more tired than running five kilometers.

He relaxed his shoulders, raised his head, and brushed a soft spot on his lips.

His eyes widened, his body didn't respond, he kept leaning back, like a scumbag who ran away after kissing, hiding far away...

Xie Weihan didn't seem to mind this unexpected little touch, picked up the tie Shen Luyang chose later, put it under the collar, and started to tie it silently.

Shen Luyang's eyes were firmly tied by those hands, and he could hardly move away.

Pale fingertips shuttled between the dark fabrics, each movement was elegant and just right, the slightly raised jaw, the slightly sliding Adam's apple, and the gradually formed tie made the word abstinence carved into the man's bones.

But Shen Luyang has seen his most real appearance. Looking at his abstinence at the moment, he only feels that the tip of his nose is hot, and the more abstinence, the more lust...

When it was time to fasten his tie, Shen Luyang's heart beat faster and faster. He felt embarrassedly hot in his lower abdomen, and at the same time he was sensitive to the smell of red wine in the air.

For a time, the responsibility was all pushed to the behavior of the S-class Alpha's inadvertent release of pheromones under extreme relaxation.

"Teacher Xie," he touched his nose with the back of his hand, his eyes moved away from the neckline with difficulty, his heart pounding, "do you like this or that?"

Xie Weihan looked at the tie he had chosen in his hand, looked up, and landed on the wrist with exposed cyan blood vessels, his eyes were unclear: "I like it very much."

Shen Luyang was ignorant, got the answer he liked, and was relieved, but the strangeness of his body forced him to quickly repack it, stood up and turned his back to Xie Weihan: "Where shall I put your luggage?"

Xie Weihan retracted his gaze, his voice was warm, but his eyes were full of dark colors: "Yes."