MTL - After Giving Way To My Husband’s Sweetheart-Chapter 92 chance encounter

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 Being so disturbed by Sima Chao, Love couldn't sleep well that night. When she woke up the next day, it was already bright, and Amu and Aye had already gone to the market to sell breakfast.

Lantian saw Love getting up and quickly brought water to help her wash up.

Love put on her clothes and asked, "Didn't you get up this morning? Why didn't you follow Amu and the others?"

Lan Tian replied: "Amu said that it is enough for Yu Nuan to follow you, so let me stay with you."

"That's fine." Love glanced at the embroidery in front of the embroidery stand: "I can finish this embroidery this morning, and we can sell it in a while."

“Did Aunt Li tell you about the shop where she used to sell embroidery for us?”

Lan Tian agreed: "Mom told me, I will remember it."

Although there are many embroidery sellers, as the saying goes, rare things are more valuable, but not everyone can embroider such perfect Su embroidery as Love.

The two masters and servants entered the shop. Lan Tian told the shopkeeper the name of Nanny Li, and then took out Love's newly embroidered embroidery to show the shopkeeper.

 When Amuaye and Yunuan came back from selling breakfast, Love had already finished the embroidery.

 Love was very happy. When she left the embroidery workshop, she had a satisfied smile on her face.

Such high-end products are sold to high-ranking officials. If they meet a knowledgeable buyer, they will be worth at least ten taels of silver if they change hands.

That shop is on East Street. It is a shop that specializes in embroidery for rich people.

That was an extremely handsome man. When he heard the sound, he looked at Love and his expression was startled.

After finishing everything, Love continued to sit in front of the embroidery frame to finish the embroidery. Lantian went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. After a while, she brought in the cooked hot porridge and two mixed side dishes. Love used After a few mouthfuls, I got busy again.

Before Love could speak, Lantian replied: "This embroidery is worth at least two taels of silver. Boss, look at it. This is the best Su embroidery. You can't find such authentic embroidery in Beijing for how much money you have now."

Seeing the embarrassment on the shopkeeper's face, Love said: "Shopkeeper, I used to sell my embroidery to you. If your price is reasonable, we can do long-term business."

The young master said sorry again and then left.

Love herself was very satisfied, so she and Lan Tian packed up and rushed to the embroidery shop with Lan Tian.

These two taels of silver were a large amount of money to them.

Lan Tian readily agreed, then happily put away the shopkeeper's wrapped silver, and left the shop with Love.

 The charm and temperament of our ladies is engraved in our bones and cannot be covered up by ordinary people's clothes and jade hairpins.

Love looked at the coachman and replied with a smile: "It turns out that the two of us were just talking and didn't notice. It's not your fault."

The two were just conversing happily and did not pay attention to the carriage and horses coming from behind. The carriage drove up to them. Seeing that the two could not dodge, the coachman quickly ordered the horse to stop. Although they did not collide with Love and the two of them, due to the two days before, It had just rained, and the wheels rolled over the ground and splashed water, which fell on the skirts of Love and Lan Tian.

"What's going on?" With a clear voice, the person in the car opened the curtain.

 Fortunately, she was born with good skin. Even if she didn’t apply makeup, her face would still be as smooth as jade.

 Seventy-nine. One-sixty-nine. Sixty-nine. One-hundred and fifty

Everyone was full of praise when they saw it.

Love nodded. She washed her face carefully and sat in front of the bronze mirror to do her makeup. It was just combing her hair. As for makeup, she no longer needed it, mainly because of the Because they don't have spare money to sell good rouge and gouache, and Love doesn't want to use the inferior ones.

Having been a shopkeeper for most of his life, this old man has already developed a pair of sharp eyes for recognizing people. One look at Love's demeanor and he knew that she was no ordinary girl.

The young man looked at Love and asked with concern: "Is the girl in the way?"

At this moment, Love and Lan Tian had already arranged their clothes. Love said politely to the young man in the car that it was okay.

Amu and Aye worked from dawn to dusk selling breakfast food, and it took them half a year to earn this amount.

But in this world, there are many noble girls like Love who have fallen into decline. They fell from heaven to earth. The eldest lady who used to be well-dressed and well-fed now relies on buying embroidery to make a living. Shopkeeper Li is not surprised by this. Weird.

The shopkeeper replied: "Although your embroidery is good, look at it, there are more people selling it here than there are buyers."

 He smiled at Love and nodded, and said, "Girl, how about I give you one tael of silver and fifty Wen for this picture of hundreds of flowers?"

It took a lot of effort to walk from the West Street where they lived, and the master and servant were reluctant to spend money to hire carriages and horses. Fortunately, it was a cloudy day today, and the sun was not too harsh, because they were hoping to exchange money. I didn’t feel tired at all, and my steps became lighter.

"Haha, it's hard to do business. Although this is good, I can only pay this price."

Lantian quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped it for Love. The driver stopped the carriage and apologized to the two of them: "Girl, the horse didn't obey the order and stained your clothes. I'm really sorry."

The shopkeeper was a thin and shrewd old man in his early fifties. He put on his reading glasses, looked at the embroidery carefully, and said: "Yes, this is the same as the one that Mrs. Li sent before, and it is part of the embroidery." Excellent."

“Sir, it was the old slave who accidentally splashed muddy water on these two girls when he stopped the car.” The driver said respectfully to the people in the car.

It was just a small setback on the way. The master and servant continued on their way. Lantian arrived at the East Street according to the address given by Grandma Li in detail, and found the shop without much effort. This embroidery shop is called "Zhen Embroidery Shop". It is the largest embroidery shop on this street, and the shop floor is very grand.

The "long-term business" that Love said finally had to make the shopkeeper feel itchy. He put away the embroidery and said with a smile: "Then I'll give you two taels, but we have agreed that in the future you will have something like this Embroidery cannot be sold to others."

 It is a picture of one blessing and a hundred flowers, with flowers clustered in clusters and vivid likenesses.

Lan Tian smiled and said: "Thanks to Shopkeeper Wang's good eyesight, these fine embroidery items are all embroidered by our young ladies. They are pure Su embroidery. Not many embroiderers in Beijing know this craft."

And this smile happened to fall in the eyes of a person sitting in the elegant seat on the second floor of the embroidery workshop.

This man happened to be the young man on the carriage that Luo Fu and Lan Tian met when they came.

He was sitting in the elegant room sipping tea. Looking at the woman with a charming smile, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.