MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 54 sleep service

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Jiang Dao's illness came and went quickly. He spent only one night in the hospital, and the fever subsided the next morning.

Because the infected bacteria came from sewage and were not contagious, the doctor prescribed Jiang Dao's medicine for a week, and he was soon discharged from the hospital.

The assistant Xiao Yang and a nurse from the medical team accompanied her at the hospital last night.

It's not that Chu Yinlong didn't want to stay with Jiang Dao, but that Xiao Yang, the assistant director and the main beauty, cooperated internally and externally, and Jiang Dao's persuasion finally forced Chu Yinlong to go back to the villa to rest.

Chu Yinlong didn't come to pick up Jiang Dao from the hospital this morning, but went to the set as planned. As the director and leading actor of "Operation Red Owl", he can't be too willful, and he can't shut down the entire crew for an actor who has finished filming.

Fortunately, Jiang Dao didn't really care.

He has long been used to enduring illness alone, and he doesn't feel wronged. Instead, he thinks it's a bit unnecessary to stay with him at night. There is no shortage of medicines in this world, and the medical methods are more advanced. There are also professional doctors who are always on guard. The monitoring equipment is sensitive, even if something happens, the nurse will receive the alarm immediately without Jiang Dao ringing the bell.

So he even wanted to persuade the assistants and medical staff to go back.

However, leaving the assistant and nurse behind would allow Chu Yinlong to leave with peace of mind, so he finally agreed.

Back at the villa, Jiang Dao immediately took a hot shower to wash off the mud residue in his hair that had not been treated last night, and then took the medicine according to the label on the medicine bottle put on by the crew nurse. After sitting in the house for a while with nothing to do, he went downstairs and wandered to the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

The assistant Xiao Yang was discussing with the doctors and nurses what to cook for Jiang Dao's patients. Seeing someone wandering around with wet hair, Xiao Yang immediately put down the kitchen utensils and ran over.

"Hey, you're still sick, why don't you just dry your hair and run around! The boss will scold me when I get seriously ill!" The assistant pushed Jiang Dao into the sofa in the living room, and hurriedly fetched the hair dryer to blow Jiang Dao's hair.

When he was with Jiang Dao, he was much more relaxed than when he was with Chu Yinlong, and he talked more: "Even if you don't think it's serious, take care of our boss's mood, he is so distressed..."

Although, looking at Jiang Dao's mental state, he felt as if he had a fake illness. He was very calm and calm from the beginning to the end, and could not arouse people's compassion and desire for protection...but Chu Yinlong was obviously still worried. From last night to today, I don't know how many messages have been sent to ask about Jiang Dao's situation.

After drying his hair, Jiang Dao was ordered by his assistant to go back to his room to rest and not to wander around anymore.

He was lying on the bed, watching a few cooking videos bored, seeing the doctor and nurse coming in with a bowl of vegetable and chicken porridge, he immediately got up to take it in his hand, sat in the armchair and obediently ate it.

The doctors and nurses like this kind of obedient and quiet patients the most. They took Jiang Dao's temperature again and asked him to sleep and have a good rest.

Lying back on the bed, Jiang Dao was indeed a little sleepy.

Sickness is a drain on energy, and despite his best looks, his body actually craves rest. But he doesn't like people to see him weak, the more unwell he is, the more he likes to pretend nothing happened. Will be taken advantage of.

Fortunately, the world is safe.

He also no longer fears being abandoned.

Jiang Dao took out the earphones, listened to the magnetic voice of the e-book, and soon fell into a dark sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Dao was awakened by a chaotic but silent nightmare. The moment he opened his eyes, the scene in the dream suddenly receded and broke into sporadic fragments that could not be captured.

In the field of vision, there was the dim light of the sky and Chu Yinlong's concerned face.

"Get up and take the medicine first." Chu Yinlong put the earphones aside and touched Jiang Dao's forehead. "Sleep after dinner, huh?"

Jiang Dao blinked, picked up his phone, and found that it was almost six o'clock. He slept for a full five hours.

"Don't sleep anymore." Jiang Dao put down his phone, sat up and was about to get out of bed, when Chu Yinlong handed him the pills and water.

After taking the medicine obediently, he smiled at Chu Yinlong and said, "No need, I'm just sick, not disabled, I can get up to get the medicine by myself."

After finishing speaking, as if he wanted to prove something, he got up and got out of bed, stretched himself, and walked steadily into the bathroom.

Chu Yinlong withdrew his gaze from the bathroom door, and exhaled slowly.

Perhaps because he slept too much in the afternoon, Jiang Dao suffered from insomnia that night.

He still didn't feel sleepy while listening to the e-books on cosmic science with obscure sentences. He closed his eyes and began to think wildly. Some memories of the past and some imaginations about the future were messy and jumpy.

Suddenly, on another bed not far away, the bedside lamp strip suddenly turned on, Chu Yinlong half-propped up and looked over: "Can't sleep?"

Jiang Dao glanced at his phone, and at 1:30 in the morning, he said helplessly, "I slept too much in the afternoon...Sorry to bother you."

Chu Yinlong smiled: "It's okay, I'm not sleepy. If you really can't sleep, how about a chat?"

Jiang Dao took off his earphones, turned over, lay on his side and looked at Chu Yinlong: "What are you talking about?"

what to talk about.

This is a problem.

Late at night, insomnia, lonely men and widows in the same room, what is suitable for chatting?

After thinking for a moment, Chu Yinlong said: "Tell me about the book you just listened to?"

Jiang Dao was silent, recalled for a while, and said uncertainly: "The spectral lines of most galaxies have redshifts, which means that the universe is constantly expanding?"

Chu Yinlong: ...

Unable to bear a muffled laugh, Chu Yinlong shook his head: "Forget it, let's talk about some normal topics."

Jiang Dao was amused: "Normal...a topic between men? Then what else is there besides sex? Are you sure you can still fall asleep talking about that? It won't be the opposite...Oh, no, you reboot."

Chu Yinlong said with a smile: "Skin."

Jiang Dao smirked at him.

After a pause, Chu Yinlong said: "I don't reboot."

So Jiang Dao got excited: "Oh? Then you handled it yourself?"

Chu Yinlong laughed: "Obviously! I am a normal man."

Jiang Dao asked again: "How often?"

Chu Yinlong: "Actually, not often..."

Jiang Dao: "When was the last time?"

Chu Yinlong let out a heavy breath: "...Do you have to talk about such a dangerous topic?"

Jiang Dao blinked his eyes: "What's there to be shy about? Like me, I dare to tell you directly, once every three or four days, the last time was the day before yesterday..."

"Jiang Dao." Chu Yinlong interrupted mercilessly with a solemn face, "I quit sex."

"Hahaha..." Jiang Dao laughed out loud, and took a moment to restrain himself, and changed the subject appropriately, "Why did you become a monk?"

This topic is much more normal.

Chu Yinlong cleared his throat and replied: "I was born prematurely. I was in poor health when I was a child. I was always sick, and when I got sick, I was seriously ill. I reported several critical illnesses. My mother took me to the hospitals in Yan City. I searched over and over, and even found a private hospital run by foreign experts, but I couldn't find out the cause and couldn't recuperate.

"Later, she took me up the mountain to pray for blessings, and happened to meet the master who was out wandering. The master said that my fate was bad, and it would take a few years to suppress my health before my health improved... My mother was also anxious at the time, so she sent me to the Master has shaved ordained to become a monk.”

Jiang Dao was surprised: "Is it so unscientific?"

Although his time travel is quite unscientific.

Chu Yinlong smiled: "It's unscientific, but I didn't expect it to be useful. I have never been sick since I became a monk at the age of three and went to school at the age of six."

Jiang Dao was curious: "Then why did you come out to act again?"

Chu Yinlong: "My aunt invested in a movie, which needed a little monk to catch monsters, and I happened to be a monk, so she borrowed me. I was eight years old that year, and after I acted in the movie, the master asked me He advocated that I was disobedient...but then I took my hair and practiced for a few years, practicing Buddhism while going to school and making movies until I officially left the monastery."

Jiang Dao thought for a while and asked, "Then do you still recite scriptures now?"

Chu Yinlong smiled: "Yes. I read it for many years when I was a child, and it is engraved in my mind."

Jiang Dao changed into a lying position, and joked: "Then read it to me? Let me also be influenced by Buddhism."

Although this request is a bit strange, but the Buddhist scriptures do help to calm the mind.

So Chu Yinlong got up, found sandalwood from the luggage, lit it, sat cross-legged at the end of the bed, and actually started to chant sutras for Jiang Dao.

At first, Jiang Dao thought this scene was very interesting, and smiled as he looked at Chu Yinlong, whose eyes were slightly closed. But before he knew it, his eyelids began to fight, and finally he fell asleep in a daze.

Sandalwood burnt out.

The scriptures are over.

Chu Yinlong slowly opened his eyes, and saw that Jiang Dao was sleeping very soundly, and the mobile phone and earphones that could not be separated from him every night were still placed far away on the bedside table.

However, now that his voice has stopped, Enoshima may wake up soon.

Chu Yinlong got up and walked to Jiang Dao's bed, raised his hand and gently covered the sweaty forehead of the big boy. The fever did not recur on the night of discharge, so it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

Standing in front of Jiang Dao's bed and waiting for a while, Chu Yinlong was surprised to find that Jiang Dao, who was not wearing headphones to listen to the sound, did not wake up.

Jiang Dao's brows were stretched, his breath was long, his eyelashes did not tremble at all, his whole body was calm and relaxed, and he probably wasn't pretending to be asleep.

Unexpectedly, the Buddhist scriptures have this effect.

Chu Yinlong chuckled, returned to his bed, turned off the light and fell asleep.

A night without dreams.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Dao opened his eyes and stretched on the bed like a cat, only to realize that he didn't hear any sound when he slept last night.

Touching his ear sockets suspiciously, Jiang Dao remembered that this was the second time.

"Come on, take the medicine first." Chu Yinlong held the pill and the glass of warm water, and handed it to Jiang Dao.

After taking the medicine and eating it obediently, Jiang Dao poured down the whole glass of water, raised his hand and wiped his mouth, raised his face and smiled at Chu Yinlong: "Master Chu's Dharma is so profound that he can make me sleep so soundly... In the future, if I Still can't fall asleep, can I apply for your sleep service?"

Chu Yinlong has no principles: "Okay, as long as you need, I can read scriptures for you at any time."

Jiang Dao blinked his eyes: "Hey, forget it. Why do I sound weird when you say it so bluntly, as if you want to suppress me..."

Chu Yinlong smiled and rubbed his head.