MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 590 suicide note

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Being a county magistrate is a delusion, but there is still some hope if the chief clerk is enough.


Qin Yao coughed twice, successfully attracting the attention of everyone in Awang, staring at Liu Ji and reminding:

"Don't forget, your most important task now is to study the notes left by your husband and prepare for the coming spring, instead of always thinking about the addiction of being an official."

The unhurried tone made Liu Ji's back hair startle, as if he had returned from the warm March to the cold twelfth lunar month in an instant. He was so excited that he hurriedly lowered his head, picked up his rice bowl and kept picking up vegetables.

It wasn't until Dao Senhan's gaze above his head shifted that he secretly exhaled a breath and narrowly escaped death.

However, although but!

Liu Jimeng raised his head and suggested seriously: "Madam, I think we still need to inquire about the new county magistrate's itinerary."

“Even if I don’t serve as the chief registrar, I can just show up to the new county magistrate to look good. I won’t be at a loss, and it will be easier for me to do things in the future.”

Qin Yao thought for a moment and saw Liu Ji's itchy look. She might not be able to stop him, so instead of letting him go behind her back, she might as well agree to him.

 You won’t lose anything anyway.

“Then go and find out for yourself. If you have any news, come back and report it at any time.” Qin Yao nodded and agreed to him.

 “As commanded!”

Liu Ji immediately stood up happily and ran around the table, rubbing the heads of the four children at home. He was in a high mood - he could finally go out openly!

 After reading books at home all winter, others would look like fools when reading them. Now that the beautiful spring has arrived, how could he let them down?

Qin Yao glanced suspiciously, and the smile on Liu Ji's face was too bright.

Sensing her gaze, Liu Ji quickly suppressed his smile and stood up to prepare dishes for his wife, "Madam, these spring bamboo shoots are delicious. Eat more of them and you will grow taller."

Qin Yao clenched her fists, "I'm already twenty-two years old?"

Liu Ji lied without blinking: "Madam, you are only eighteen, you can still live for two years. Come on, come on, eat more bamboo shoots, they are sweet and crispy. If you miss this, you have to wait." One year.”

 The bamboo shoots were piled into her bowl, forming a small mountain. She looked back and gave her an encouraging smile.

Qin Yao's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Liu Ji's smile gradually froze on his face. He quickly put all the stacked bamboo shoots back into his bowl, sat down and ate them in silence.

  After a long time, I heard the sound of someone next to me picking up the bowls and chopsticks again.

The cloud of death dissipated, Liu Ji raised his eyebrows, and he was a lively hero again!

With his wife's permission, Liu Ji took the initiative to take the children to school early the next morning. After sending the children to school, he drove his horse to the county town.

He was going to have a drink with a few acquaintances in the city and inquire about the whereabouts of the new county magistrate. Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by a person who was running wildly after walking around for a while. He narrowly escaped falling. fall.

Liu Ji was immediately furious. He raised his head and shouted: "Who is so blind? The street is so wide and you still bump into me?!"

It was a young man dressed in rough clothes, about thirty years old, sweating profusely, and looking anxious. Seeing that he had hit someone, he hurriedly reached out to help Liu Ji, saying sorry in his mouth. live.

“No, no, no, no!” Liu Ji hurriedly avoided his outstretched hand. There was black mud between his fingers. He was afraid that his New Year’s shirt would be stained.

Seeing that the man was pitifully anxious, Liu Ji grunted and waved his hand without thinking about it. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." The young man hugged his fists in an awkward manner, and then continued to run forward.

 “What are you doing?” some passers-by asked in confusion.

The others shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know, but looking at the direction, they seemed to be heading towards the Yamen. Could they be rushing to sue the officials to catch the thief?

“Hey, sir, you have lost your things.” The passerby pointed to the ground and patted Liu Ji who was arranging his clothes.

Liu Ji looked down inexplicably and saw a folded piece of rice paper lying at his feet. Fortunately, it was a sunny day and the road was dry, otherwise it would have melted into the water and rotted.

"It's not mine," Liu Ji said, but he honestly touched his inner and sleeve pockets with both hands to make sure it was not the paper he had left behind, and then he bent down and picked up the paper out of curiosity.

Bystanders came over to look out of curiosity, but they were illiterate.

Liu Ji spread out the paper. The ink on it was still dry and the handwriting was very beautiful. It was still very new. He probably wrote a poem about the temple.

“Why are you trapped in Lianfeng Mountain? My legs are so weak that I can’t go up or down. I leave this message in the hope that future generations will need to be careful when climbing high.”

 Liu Ji was shocked, "Last words?"

Just when he thought the person who wrote this suicide note was funny, the young farmer who ran wildly ran back again and took the suicide note from his hand.

This successfully aroused Liu Ji's interest. He caught up and asked with a smile: "Hey, brother, where did you get this suicide note? It is a poem with good words and lyrics!"

It’s just that the content is a little tiring, but I just climbed up and reached halfway up the slope, my legs became weak, and I couldn’t go up or down, so I collapsed and went crazy and wrote this suicide note.

The young man glanced at Liu Ji in surprise, but had no time to answer him. He ran all the way to the yamen gate, where an official was waiting at the door.

 I think this person just came to report to the official, but lost important evidence. The official is here waiting for him to find the evidence.

Liu Ji's face is still very recognizable in Kaiyang County. Coupled with Qin Yao's prestigious reputation, the official recognized him at a glance and politely clasped his fists: "Liu Juren."

Liu Ji returned the gift and asked curiously again: "Brother, are you in such a hurry but you have encountered a problem? Do you need my help?"

When the man heard that the official summoned Liu Ji, he looked at him politely, handed over the suicide note, and explained:

"This morning I went into the mountains to collect firewood and saw an empty carriage on the side of the road. I guessed that some people were going up the mountain to collect firewood. I walked fifty steps forward and picked up this piece of paper. I couldn't read and took it back with me. I checked it with my son at home and found out that it was a suicide note and that someone was trapped on Liao Feng Mountain!"

“My lord, Liaofeng Mountain is steep and steep, straight up and down, with cliffs on both sides. If someone is really trapped in it, it will be very bad!”

As he spoke, the official had already read the suicide note on the paper. When he caught a glimpse of the word "Changli" signed on it, his heart beat wildly. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

“You two, please go into the hall first, and I will report to the county magistrate later!”

He summoned his companions to bring the person into the lobby. The official took the paper and hurried towards the back of the Yamen.

After a while, the county magistrate hurried out again with the paper. At first he was surprised that Liu Ji was here. After thinking about it, he was pleasantly surprised again.

"Liu Juren came just in time! This matter is important, and Liu Juren must be troubled to return home quickly to invite Village Chief Qin. I am afraid that the Yamen officials and I will not have the ability to rescue the new county magistrate from Liaofeng Mountain. "

"What?" Liu Ji did not miss the key word "new county magistrate" mentioned by the county magistrate. He looked at the suicide note, then at the farmer who reported the letter, and finally his eyes fell on the county magistrate, and he asked in shock:

“The new county magistrate was trapped on Liao Feng Mountain, helpless and frantic, wrote a suicide note and threw it at the foot of the mountain?” (End of this chapter)