MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 532 Destroy the clan

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Chapter 532: Destruction of the clan

 Old man Liu swallowed secretly, gently pushed away the flattering support of his relatives, and raised his head to look at the people surrounding the door of Lao San's house.

 Some were envious, some were jealous, and some were both envious and jealous. All kinds of emotions appeared on the faces of the villagers, making people forget how they disliked Liu Ji in the first place.

 A person with a bad nature was described by the villagers as being like a son of destiny. They also said that all his previous **** behaviors were because he was not an ordinary person, but a Wenqu star who came to earth, so he was naturally different from ordinary people.

Hearing these words, Old Man Liu almost fell in love. He quickly glanced at Qin Yao.

Her expression was light and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, showing that she was happy.

 But that happiness did not erode her heart. Her black eyes were as calm as water, clearly reflecting the various gestures in front of the door.

Qin Yao took Zhou Zheng and Zhou Zheng to the main hall to drink tea, gave them two rewards, and left them to eat at home.

Qin Yao said to the two elders: "Father, mother, let's have dinner at my house tonight. Let's celebrate first. We'll wait until Liu Ji comes back whether we want to hold a banquet for the folks."

Noticing his gaze, Qin Yao looked back and nodded lightly, "Dad, please help me greet the villagers first, and I will take the two officials into the house to rest for a while."

Jinhua and Jinbao’s reactions were much more open, doubtful? nonexistent!

 Sighing with emotion, he was suddenly frightened by Liu Fei's words as he rushed back from the county academy in the middle of the night.

Qin Yao did not persuade her to stay, and only said that she would go to the county town and treat the two of them to dinner alone in the future. When Zhou Zheng saw the villagers who came to congratulate Qin Yao's family yard, he did not really want to stay, so he smiled and said see you another day, and rode away. .

 She had to quickly tidy up the vegetable patch in good condition, lest Awang come back and find that something was wrong.

Old man Liu felt that he had received a wake-up call, and the excitement in his heart finally faded away. He told Qin Yao to collect the silver reward carefully, and they would take care of the villagers.

 It’s actually true? Why are they so unbelievable?

 The news from the government has been transmitted. It is expected that Liu Ji and Awang are already on their way back, leaving Qin Yao little time to prepare.

 She commanded and the two children executed.

After Zhou Zheng and the others left, the villagers suddenly felt much more at ease and enthusiastic. Qin Yao also opened the door for everyone to come in, have something to eat and drink a cup of tea.

She gave ambiguous responses to soothe the restless hearts of the clan elders, and did not forget to give them a vaccination to prevent them from expecting too much from Liu Ji.

 After a brief greeting, it was already mid-afternoon.

Come on, she'd better go play with Da Mao and tease the little Lai Fu who doesn't get teased often. Mrs. Li and others were busy in the kitchen, while Qin Yao leisurely took her two children to weed the vegetable patch in the backyard.

Qin Yao was okay. The clan chief and the elders in the village kept telling her to tell Liu Ji that when she gets rich in the future, she must not forget her roots and remember her fellow clansmen.

There are some things that don’t need to be explained too clearly. Anyway, from Yaoniang’s behavior of treating guests to dinner today, they already felt that she would not leave the old house alone, and that was enough.

  Preparation is early and dinner is served early. When Dalang's children come home from school, the whole family waits for them to sit down before eating.

Even if Si Niang had the suspicion that her father had passed the exam on the way to school this morning, it would not affect the little girl's deep doubts about the content of the scientific examination at this moment.

 The two elders happily agreed and they had no objection.

Instead, Qin Yao stood beside a few people, not knowing what to do, because everything that could be done was already done.

In the evening, everyone in the old house returned one after another. Qin Yao didn't need to say anything. Everyone already knew her level of housework, and they all started working to make a beautiful dinner.

Children just find it interesting and are very enthusiastic about it.

He picked up the spoon and gave a large spoonful of soup and meat to one of the children. He also gave an extra portion to the elder, two, and three young men. He said in a serious tone with a smile:

“Dalang, Erlang, and Sanlang, from now on you will be the young masters of the official family. Remember to promote your brother Jinbao.”

“I’m so exhausted!” Old Man Liu wiped the sweat from his face and said with emotion: “I didn’t expect you guys to be so affectionate. It makes me a little scared.”

“When Dad comes back, I will definitely ask him how he passed the exam.” Siniang clenched her fists and murmured seriously.

Today Liu Zhong went to pick up the children. On the way, he told them about Liu Jizhongju, which attracted six pairs of disbelieving and suspicious eyes.

Qiu and Liu Zhong looked at each other, stood up, toasted their parents and Qin Yao with a glass of wine, said congratulations, said nothing else, and concentrated on taking care of their children.

Mrs. Li took out all the snacks, candies and preserved fruits at home. Old Man Liu called to the women at home who were about to faint from the compliments and congratulations, and distributed the candies and snacks to the villagers, feeling very happy.

 I only know that my third uncle is now the master of civil affairs, and he will still be an official in the future!

 The following words were said by He.

The two of them didn't rest long. Before dinner time, they got up and went to work separately.

Dalang Erlang only felt embarrassed, nodded casually, and buried his head in his meal. With his head lowered, he wished he could bury his head in his rice bowl to avoid the hot gazes of everyone in the old house.

Saburo responded happily and happily gnawed on the chicken nuggets without any psychological burden.

Mrs. Zhang went to carry Da Mao over, picked a basket of seasonal vegetables, and worked in the kitchen with Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Zhang nodded in agreement, took the sugar water handed over by Mrs. Li, and drank more than half of the bowl in one go. Only then did she feel that her smoking throat felt better.

 Just because the brothers grew up together, the sudden difference in status made Liu Bai and Liu Zhong feel very emotional for a while.

Ms. He was about to say more, Ms. Zhang coughed twice, and then she sat down again, muttering to herself with some dissatisfaction.

Yin Le has returned. When he learned that his master had won the imperial examination, he was happier than anyone else. After finishing his work in the canteen of the stationery factory, he immediately went home to help clean up the dinner.

He and Qiu had followed Song Yu back to the stationery factory a long time ago. Liu Zhong was also called away by people in the factory because of something. In the end, only Old Man Liu and Mr. Zhang were left at Qin Yao's house.

No, as soon as they entered the door, they all rushed to Qin Yao to ask. When she admitted it personally, the four brothers and sisters of Dalang were stunned.

 Old man Liu went to prepare a lot of incense and paper money for sacrifices. When Liu Ji came back, he planned to let him go to the ancestral hall to express his condolences to his ancestors.

The two of them were polite for a moment and then left.

Liu Fei said anxiously: "As far as Third Brother's virtue is concerned, it's okay to be a talented scholar. If he really becomes an official, he will definitely abuse his power and responsibilities, accept bribes, deceive superiors and subordinates, make money wantonly, and oppress common people.”

“The day will come when everything will be revealed. The higher he goes, the more miserable our death will be in the future. You still want to get involved with him? Then won’t our old Liu family want to follow him and destroy the whole family?”

 In an instant, the whole old house fell into a dead silence.