MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 501 Not enough sleep

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 Chai can be large or small, with the smallest being three fingers thick. This type only needs to be cut into sections.

There are many big ones, including those with thick legs and those as big as the mouth of a bowl, but they must be chopped into three-finger-thick pieces.

Yin Le picked up the ax. It was heavy, but she was used to chopping firewood in the canteen, so holding the ax was not a problem.

 That is, the pile of firewood waiting to be chopped is taller than hers!

Yin Le swallowed secretly and screamed in her heart: Ahwang, why did you go home with so much firewood?

Putting down the axe, she looked at the two wooden buckets with holes. There was water in the water tank. She scooped a bucket. The water flowed down. The water column was small, but the flow rate was unexpectedly fast. The incense burned 20%, and the bucket The water inside drained away.

 So, to fill the water jar, she could not spend more than one-fifth of a stick of incense on each trip.

By the way, there is still a shallow layer of water at the bottom of the bucket that has not flowed out.

 So, you can also run dozens of times more and fill up the water tank little by little.

 But these two solutions are not good solutions.

 One will run to death and the other will die from exhaustion.

Only half of the incense was left, and Yin Le did not dare to waste any more. He immediately sorted out the problems he needed to solve, ran to the recliner, and asked about the secret to chopping firewood without getting sore hands, and how to leave a little more water when carrying water. skills.

 These are good questions, they are key and what she needs to master most at the moment.

 Qin Yao set out to give a demonstration while observing Yin Le's performance, and suddenly found that her apprentice was quite savvy.

 What Awang said that day came to mind again.

“Yin Le is very smart, can learn calligraphy quickly, has a good memory, and can endure hardships. Although she is a bit older, she has the qualifications to practice martial arts. Madam, maybe you can give it a try.”

So, on the premise of carrying water and chopping firewood, Qin Yao added a basic training task for Yin Le to run a five-kilometer run in the evening.

There are also random martial arts classes after dinner, depending on her mood.

 At this age, the apprentice really cannot master the basic skills of a child, and Qin Yao does not have three to five years to go through specialized training.

 So, quick success became a tacit understanding between the master and the disciple.

Qin Yao decided to train Yin Le based on short-term explosive power.

 Basic skills need to be accumulated. It takes three to five years to develop solid physical strength and endurance.

 So this can be integrated into daily life, such as fetching water and chopping firewood and other household chores.

 The five-kilometer run in the evening was mainly to practice Yin Le’s lung capacity and increase his energy so that he could last longer during the explosion.

And anything that breaks out in an instant requires speed.

 Fast, accurate and ruthless are the first lessons that Yin Le needs to master.

But before that, she had to choose a weapon that suited her.

Just then, the blacksmith of Xiahe Village asked someone to send a message, saying that the 80 kilograms of iron bars that Qin Yao wanted had been released, leaving her free to drive to pick them up. Qin Yao set off with Yin Le, who had finished work in the canteen.

 It has been sunny for a long time. Today is a rare cloudy day, and it feels much cooler all of a sudden.

 Qin Yao did not drive, but quickly walked to Xiahe Village with Yin Le, who looked tired.

 The first reason is to have time to break in with the heavy iron rod on the return trip.

 Secondly, you can talk more with the apprentice to understand the child's current status.

Just taking a look at the big bags and dark circles under Yin Le's eyes, Qin Yao clicked her tongue, slowed down slightly, and then asked:

 “Are you still getting used to it these days?”

 “Not used to it.” Yin Le shook his head and answered honestly. Even if he knew that Master would be unhappy with this answer, he would not dare to lie, otherwise it would be even worse.

 Because she had deeply experienced the consequences of being polite and not telling the truth the day before.

That day, the master asked her how she was doing in carrying water, and she replied against her will that it was okay. Immediately, the hole in the bucket went from the size of a child's little finger to the size of an adult's thumb!

Qin Yao hummed and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

 Yin Le: "Not enough sleep."

Yes, she can carry water and chop firewood. She can endure the five kilometers in the evening even if she grits her teeth. She can also endure the "beating and training" after dinner.

 But the only thing is, there is a serious lack of sleep!

In order to fill the water tank at home before Mrs. Li made breakfast, she had to get up when she was ugly, otherwise she would not be able to fill the water tank with the two broken buckets.

  After finally completing the task of carrying water, it was already dawn. I quickly packed up and was sweating all over. Then I went to work in the cafeteria of the stationery factory. I was busy until noon.

After work, I have to chop firewood, and I have to correct the size of the chop. Before I know it, it’s time to run the five-kilometer run.

 She was already exhausted after running. Fortunately, her master allowed her to eat at home, saving her the effort of cooking. Otherwise, Yin Le wouldn't want to eat dinner, and just wanted to rest for a while before the extra training time at night.

 After dinner, the weather has been very good these days, so it is natural to arrange additional training.

It’s not too tiring to practice more, the main thing is to dodge the stones or fists shot by the master from all directions. Just stand where you are and use the techniques taught by your master to dodge.

However, I have exhausted my physical strength and energy during the day, and my mind is often not online. The bruises on my body caused by fists and stones in the past few days have spread everywhere that my clothes can cover.

Master Pian set a rule that you must be able to dodge her attacks three times every day before you can go back to rest.

 So, naturally, the time to return home changed from the end of Youshi (7 p.m.) to the end of Haishi (12 p.m.).

After sleeping for less than two hours, he had to get up and start a new day of fetching water, chopping firewood, and working in the canteen. Yin Le admired himself for being able to wake up on time.

 Just because the fatigue on her face was becoming more and more obvious, Sister-in-law He and Sister-in-law Qiu asked her this morning: "Yue Niang, did you go to fight ghosts in the middle of the night?"

Not only female ghosts love scholars, but male ghosts also love beauties. When Yin love comes, it is also very fatal. So He and Qiu looked at Yin Le's increasingly tired body and felt deeply worried.

After all, Qin Yao only asked Yin Le to fetch some water, chop some firewood, and run around the village in the evening. She was not in the game, so she couldn't understand the pitfalls.

Yin Le wanted to explain, but was afraid of describing his master as some kind of peerless devil, so he never elaborated on the hardships involved.

Let them misunderstand me, and I will shock them with my gorgeous transformation!

Seeing her apprentice's face turn from bitter to secretly proud, Qin Yao touched her head pitifully, "She's in good spirits."

Yin Le was instantly excited, "Master, don't worry, I will never embarrass our sect!"

Qin Yao smiled, walked more slowly, and took out a bag of candy from her arms, "San Lang and Si Niang saved what I saved for my senior sister to sweeten."

Yin Le took it in surprise. It was a bag of light yellow pumpkin candies. He twisted one and put it in his mouth. The rich pumpkin aroma filled his mouth, and the light sweetness penetrated his heart. The sleepiness all over his body disappeared a lot.

 “Is it delicious?” Qin Yao asked.

Yin Le nodded wildly.

Qin Yao said: "The two of them said they wanted to wear a new bun to go to school tomorrow."

Yin Le was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud and ate three pumpkin candies in one go, "It's a trivial matter!"

 She will make Sanlang and Siniang the most beautiful girls in the school tomorrow! (End of chapter)